,■ -■•.___ NET PUE8S RUN Fot»«obi hr V. g.'W«al*i*r AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Wew H *re * : ' for the month of December, 1927 Fair tonight; Tuesday increiwing 5 , 0 7 9 dondlness. M em ber o t the Audit Oiircas of Conn. State Library Circnlatlona PR I(» THREE GENTS MANGHeW e R, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARYr 30,1928. (TWELVE PAGES) VOL. XLIL, NO. 102. Classified Advertising on P f ^ 10. DESIGN OF NEW POUR-DAY LINERS. II F O n MOTHER SISTER SHIP OF THE S4 TO TELL JURY ASATHREATTO STORY (ff LIFE BUND CHILDREN IS LOST OFF HATTERAS -«> Mrs. Hickman Tried Suicide Parents of Hiree Families Chaplin Has Changed Sabmarine Lost In Gale Three Times and Was Told to Get Out of City; r • f J nJT Sooth of Cape Hatteras; Once Inmate of Insane Police Closely Guarding]/nto LlttlB Olcl jMlCLtl Not Heard of Since Sat­ Families. urday- Asylum. Hollywood, Calif., Jan. 30.—NotAtaken several years ago. Uncon- so long. ago Charlie Chaplin, the sciously the audience expected to Washington, Jan. 30.—The Sub­ Somervllle, Mass., Jan. 30 — film comedian, used to be a spry see the same Chaplin step forth Los Angeles, Calif., Jan. 30 — young fellow with black curly hair when Nlblo as master of ceremonies marine S-3, sister ship of the ill- Threats to blind children of three and a ready smile, now he is a lit­ said: fated S-4, is missing somewhere in Family skeletons will be brought tle old man with drooping shoulders families in this city have thrown “And now a man who needs no the Atlantic south of Cape Hat­ out of the Hickman closet and par­ the parents of the tots into a state and more white hair' than black. introduction—a man whose comedy The discoverywas made by Holly­ and antics have brought joy and teras, the Navy Department an­ aded before the jury which sits in of fear and resulted in a strict jud.gment upon William Edward wood friends of Chaplin when he hope to a suffering world.” nounced today. ■ ¥ 1 guarding of the children by local made his first public appearance at Chaplin walked slowly from the Hickman, on trial f- the kidnaping The S-3 left Hampton Roads Fri­ police officers. Grauman’s Chinese theater. Holly- wings, rather wearily, as though day with the naval contlgent going and murder of little Marion Parker. In all cases, the threats were wood, when a new Chaplin picture^ life had placed a burden on his south for winter maneuvers at This was disclosed today when had its premiere showing. Chaplin shoulders and bent them down. He Guantanamo, and broke away from defense attorneys announced both made over the telephone and, im­ had been more or less in retirement said very little. The thought of the mediately following the message, andience was not on what he said, the control force during a heavy th'e mother and father of Hickman since his recent domestic difficulties. gale about sunset Saturday eve­ will be placed on the witness stand the connection was broken. Sid Grauman, long a personal it was his changed appearance. Betty McArdle, six, was the most friend of Chaplin, provided a hand­ Women and men looked again, at ning. to bare their past lives. Nothing has been heard from hei Hickman’s mother, Mrs. Eva M. recent to be threatened by the mys­ some souvenir program for the the Chaplin photograph and looked terious 'voice. Mrs. Harrit C. Mc­ opening night. • The cover was a again at the stage where Chaplin, since, and the Atlantic is being Hickman, and Hickman’s father, combed by her sister submarines, William Thomas Hickman, have Ardle mother of the girl, reported large photograph of Chaplin, with with obvious embarrassment was been subpoenaed as defense wit- to the police that a man’s voice the words “Good Luck” written saying he appreciated this great the S-7, S-8, S-9, S-10.,S-11, S-12, had said to her over the telephone across the bottom. The picture wasi welcome. S-13, and other vessels. nesses. The proposed design of new lour-day airplane-equipped liners of Naval officials professed to feel The parents, divorced, have been the Transoceanic Corporation is pictured at the top. Below are today: brought together, although not re­ “It you don’t get out of the city no undue anxiety for the ihidsing Lawrence R. Wilder, head of the Transoceanic CorporatiMi, and the in six days, your Betty will be submarine, declaring it was not un­ conciled ( in Hickman’s hour of usual for submerslbles to become trial. Cnnarder Mauretania, which holds the trans-Atlantic speed record. blinded.’*^ EARL HAIG DEAD; LINDBERGH IS LOST Not only will the father and An investigation by tlje telephone separated on long sea journeys. mother tell of asserted traces of In­ company revealed that at least two Nevertheless the failure of the &-3, sanity, which the defense aileges other threats of similar nature were WORLDWARCHU FOR HOURS IN FOG to communicate with the convey runs through three generations ot KING DAVID LODGE made in the same manner. has caused some uneasiness. the maternal branch of the family, Rocket Trip To The Moon Police have- refused to give out 1 Rear Admiral Brumby, who di­ but Hickman’s parents wiil be cali- the names of the other children who rected the salvage operations on ed upon to disclose dark chapters 'were threatened. the S-4, is aboard the U. S. cruiser of their own married life. Possible, Says Scientist CELEBRATES 38TH Commander-In-Chief of Brk- Crowds Wait Anxioosly For Camden directing the search for the Mrs. Hickman, according to de­ S-3. fense counsel, attempted three times Flyer b Venezuela—Dec­ The Crew to commit suicide and once 'was Washington, Jan. 30—The dream ^pedo to shift the gravatatlonal at- pallAure n h ip SpP “ BOSSY” ON Y isrr ish Army In France—Was The S-3 carried a complement of __ thaltraction from the earth to the moon. LOCol UQQ rOllOWS DmO) UOO four officers, four petty officers and confined in the Arkansas State of Jules Verne that inspired the traction from the earth to the moon, Home for the Insane. to Mars, ringed Saturn or any other 66 Years OU. orated By President 33 men. fascinating story of the scientists resort out in space that the celestial TO JIMMY WALKER The S-3 was commanded on her TODAY’S PROCEEDINGS who made a trip to the moon In a tourist might want to visit. A sim­ VaudeviUe, Listen to southern trip by Lieut. P. W. War­ Los Angeles, Calif., Jan. 30.— ple twirl of the dials would put the ren. of SpriJUffield, HI. The other huge rocket and their strange pre­ London, Jan. 30—Earl Douglas Caracas, Venezuela, Jan. SO.— Awaiting its cue to tread the dicament when the inter-planetary action of terrestial attraction back Lodge Ifistory. officers aboard are Lieut. W. F. hoards, the spectre of Insanity vehicle became a lunar stateilite into force and the party could come Haig, one of Britain’s outstanding Rested after his perilous 650-mile Weidner, Lieut. Chartes B. Garvan stood in the wings today as the may yet he realised. home—maybe. But that is the Mayor of Newbnryport military commanders, is dead. flight from Bogota, Colombia, Col. and Lieut. Jose M. CJabinnillas. scene was set for the second act of The real problem about inter- ■writer’s idea. Not Hubbard’s. Charles A. Lindbergh today was be­ The search for the missing sub­ Three hundred Odd Fellows, Haig's death occurred last night, the Marlon Parker court drama. world transportation is the puzzling “We must first explore and study ing honored by thousands of admir­ mersible is being carried ont both the upper atmosphere,” Hubbard Rebekahs and • friends ce^brated Loob Over New York and but news of it was not made public oh the surface of the sed and from Witnesses, depositions and mus­ job of getting back without becom­ ing residents ot this city. ty records to show that William ing some other planet’s little moon, said today. with a turkey dinner at Odd Fel- until early today. toe air. Col. Lindbergh arrived at Mara- Edward Hickman was crazy when according to Henry D. Hubbard, ^lows hall on Saturday night the Makes a Few Remarks. Haig collapsed while he was un­ The new airplane carrier the U.. around the moon. We leave to cay field, 50 miles from here, last S. S. Saratoga, has joined to the he stole and slew little Marion government scientist of wide repu­ 3Sth anniversary of King David I dressing last night and death fol­ Parker were assembled off stage tation for his visions of the future. writers of fiction the suggestion evening after being delayed for search and is sending her planes lodge. The high light of the even­ \ lowed shortly from heart failure. more than, tour ho.urs when he was as the curtain was ready to lift for For export movements from the that the rocket might contain a Now York, Jan. .—Andrew-J. off on scouting tripe for a radius of motion picture camera set to oper­ ing vras the history of Yodge, 30 His death has caused a sensation caught in fog and storms over the 150 miles from the carrier. a second time on the kidnaping and earth the sky literally is the limit. hjord-boiled. mayor of New- Colombia-Venesuela bord^. murder trial. The force of a series of rear-ward ate as it passed around the daylight throughout Britain due to ita ,s}|d- -------------- — written^and 'read'^ byi’ Charles, de'nness.
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