The News October 19, 2007 Gilman School www.GilmanNews.com Volume CVI, No. 2 Gilman Students Travel Abroad Over Summer Avesh Thuluvath Reflects on Journey to India for HIV/AIDS Work When I first arrived at St. BY AVESH TULUVATH John’s Hospital, I had a vague and incomplete understanding Throughout the 2006-2007 of how the spread of HIV/AIDS school year, the Gilman Indian was being prevented in India. Awareness Club worked to After spending two and a half raise awareness and funding weeks at St. John’s, attending for the fight against HIV/AIDS ward rounds, observing the in India. After giving a power- outpatient clinic, and visiting point presentation in assem- HIV/AIDS care homes such as bly on the many issues facing Snehadaan and Infant Jesus infected patients, the club sold Home, I have an improved brownies every Friday during grasp of what people are lunch in order to raise money doing to better the lives of for HIV/AIDS support. At the those infected and affected end of the year, the club had by the virus. Although I was raised $850. After the school unable to directly interact year ended, I personally raised with infected patients (due to an additional $1825 from my age and inexperience), my friends and family, bringing outlook on the nation’s HIV/ the total sum up to $2675. I AIDS programs has greatly delivered the $2400 that I col- changed. Moreover, attending lected prior to my trip to St. ward rounds and outpatient Avesh Thuluvath ‘08 (far left) poses with HIV positive children at the Infant John’s Hospital in Bangalore, Continued on page 4 Jesus Home Orphanage in India (Photo Courtesy of Avesh Thuluvath). India in July. After More Than 10 Years of Service, Mr. Matt Bedine Departs Gilman assistant duties, and fixed phone prob- BY TREVOR HOFFBERGER lems. Mr. Bedine explains that Gilman “felt that I could learn technology well,” For the past ten years, Mr. Matthew thus he became involved in the school Bedine, who found himself with the computer programs. He worked his way job of Network Administrator after up to become the Network Adminis- coming to the school with a job at the trator at Gilman and seemed to know Help Desk, has manned the Gilman everything there was to know about the computer network. He is now moving computer system. Whenever something on to the Owings Mills T. Rowe Price has gone wrong with classroom comput- to become the Desktop Support Super- ers over the past few years, Mr. Bedine visor there. Willy Pagliaro, who has was the man to fix it. worked with Mr. Bedine for the past Mr. Bedine will take with him fond two summers in tech services, describes memories of JV baseball coaching and him as a, “great person to work for who the enjoyment of working with the would make jokes and have a lively atti- Gilman community. Sharing his sun- tude in the office. He will be missed as flower seeds with his young mentees we move forward in the school year.” on the baseball field will be a lasting After receiving his Bachelor’s Degree memory for Mr. Bedine. He states that in Art History from Colorado Univer- it has been a great experience “work- sity, Mr. Bedine worked a few odd jobs ing in a great environment to learn for including mortgage brokering. He was students, faculty, and staff.” He will not hired to work at Gilman’s Help Desk on only miss the people, but also his job in Mr. Bedine enjoys his last day at Gilman before moving on to a new March 1, 1997. In addition, he worked position at T. Rowe Price (Photo by Ed Wiese). on desktop support, had administrative Continued on page 2 Features: Gilman Students Travel Around the World (Pages 4-5); Performing Arts Preview (Page 3); Fall Concert Preview (Page 3); Gilman Alumni on Political Campaigns (Page 6); Horoscopes (Page 6); Sudoku (Page 2) Exclusives: Letter to the Editor (Page 2); Gilman Outdoor Learning Day (Page 2); Kimberly Hammer (Page 3); Response to the New Senior Room (Page 6) Sports: Hessinger’s Take (Page 7); Fantasy Football (Page 7); Gilman Football Update (Page 8); Soccer goalie Christian Hall (Page 8) Page 2 The Gilman News • October 19, 2007 Letter to the Editor: Dr. Meg Tipper Dear Ed, empathy, the response would have been a big yawn, and a I read your editorial on Thurs- stadium full of boys and men day night and, as I told you on thinking, “Of course, she wants Friday morning, was pleased us to be more empathetic, she’s a to see that you had not closed woman. She doesn’t know what the door on the possibility of it’s like to be a man.” Gilman choosing a woman as its new head. Indeed, Mrs. Turner As a feminist, I believe every has shown us how a woman can professional opportunity should bring both brains and heart to be open to me that is available to a significant leadership position a man. However, in the case of Beautiful weather favored Gilman at Gilman. Gilman’s new Head, I must put on September 28th, when students However, Mr. Schmick’s con- ideology aside and confess that took a break from books to learn vocation address later that day in order to have the necessary outdoors. made me reconsider my posi- stature and to be an inspiring tion. As I nodded my head in role model, Gilman should have, Junior Ramsey Sotir (above) plays agreement at Mr. Schmick’s as it has always had, a Headmas- touch football with students fron St. challenge to us to become a ter, a man who can show boys Elizabeth’s School. more empathetic community, it and men the full range of what occurred to me that the power it means to be a man. in his words lay in the fact that Sophomore Derek Won (left) climbs they were being said by a man. Sincerely, the Alpine Tower. If a woman were the Head and Dr. Tipper she were exhorting us to greater Below, Mr. Salcedo guides ninth graders (from left) Gi Lee, Cooper Joy, Blake Miller, Charlie Kerr, and Mr. Bedine Departs for Daniel Hoffman. T. Rowe Price (All photos courtesy of Cynosure.) Continued from page 1 of technology, and he will be doing this while supervising a help desk staff to general. “Over the past ten years,” Mr. support two buildings at T. Rowe Price. Bedine states, “I have come to really Now in charge of the technology of these love my job. I can’t express it enough. two buildings, Mr. Bedine will work to I’ve put my heart into make sure the make more advancements in this field. network works well for everyone.” It appears that Mr. Bedine exempli- As for the future, Mr. Bedine will fies the old phrase that sometimes in build off of his current job. He hopes order to move up, you have to move on. to get involved in the management side q Sudoku #1 Gilman School CREATED BY ASHER KAPLAN (410)323-3800 ext. 265 www.GilmanNews.com 9 6 The Gilman News welcomes letters to the editor, columns, and artwork from Gilman students, teachers, faculty, alumni, and from the commu- 3 7 2 nity-at-large. The News reserves the right to edit all articles for length and grammar. Send correspondence to [email protected], or to: The Gilman News 4 9 6 1 Gilman School 5407 Roland Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 5 2 8 Editor-in-Chief...................................................................................Ed Wiese Managing Editors...........................................Alex Hormozi, Kevin Niparko 2 1 7 4 Sports Editor...................................................................................David Jiang Layout Editor.........................................................................................Jun Lee Business Editor...................................................................Trevor Hoffberger Political Editor............................................................................John Sanders 1 9 5 Online Editor.................................................................................Albert Wang Arts Editor...........................................................................Connor Lounsbury Sports Columnist....................................................................Neill Hessinger 3 2 4 5 Faculty Advisors.....................Will Perkins, Cesare Ciccanti, Michael Kelly Contributors: Avesh Thuluvath, Gabe Donnay, Ali Hong, Will Allenbach, 9 6 7 Peter Sacci, Rohan Ramesh, Tyler Alfriend, Patrick Shikani 8 3 The Gilman News • October 19, 2007 Page 3 2007-2008 Performing Arts: A Year in Preview has directed over forty productions, in yet, we do know that Laura Hackman “The production will unleash the creativ- BY CONNOR LOUNSBURY holds a MFA in directing, and currently will be directing. “The Skin of Our Teeth” ity of the students.” The production will is Resident Director at the Baltimore is sure to be a great drama and we are be shown in the Alumni Auditorium on The ‘07-‘08 school year is guaran- Shakespeare Festival. looking forward to finding out more when February 28th, March 1st, and March teed to be a success in terms of theatri- When asked about the most challeng- Spring begins approaching. 2nd. This will definitely be a creative show cal productions within the tri-school ing aspect of directing the musical, Ms. and one well worth our time to see. community! From complex musicals to Hackman stated, “The most challenging BMS Fall Play- “Our Town” excellent dramas, each of the schools is part will be keeping the musical light and Gilman Spring Musical- putting up great, yet challenging shows. fun, but still getting across the deeper “Our Town”, by Thornton Wilder, is “Anything Goes” With the first musical and drama just message.” She also stated that what she a great American stage classic that cen- around the corner, there is no better time was looking forward to most was working ters around the citizens of a small New This fall, Cole Porter’s “Anything Goes” than now to preview each of the produc- with the students.
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