www.facebook.com/thekabultimes twitter.com/thekabultimes E-mail:[email protected] Asad 29, 1398 HS Tuesday, August 20, 2019 Int’l community USD GBP 01 INR 1000 PKR 1000 EUR 01 IRR 1000 AED 01 01 should not remain AFN 78.43 AFN 93.87 AFN 1133 AFN 509 AFN 87.15 AFN 5.50 AFN 21.84 silent to any act of terrorism President Ghani vows to crush IS “Afghanistan people want peace havens after Kabul wedding attack and republic,” President Ghani KABUL: President Moham- try. The fight against Deash mad Ashraf Ghani participated will be intensified,” the presi- and delivered speech in an dent said. He argued that the evening banquet arranged on Taliban can’t avoid the respon- the occasion of 100th anniver- sibility by denying being be- sary of Afghanistan Indepen- hind this attack. He said that, dence at presidential palace to Taliban laid the foundation for honor foreign ambassadors to such attacks and carried out Kabul and officials of the in- numerous such barbaric at- ternational organizations. tacks on mosques, schools and In the banquet attended public places. also by the country’s First Lady, While assuring that they Princess Hendia and Princess will not have mercy and the Najia, daughters of King Aman- fight against ISIS will contin- ullah Khan, and a number of ue fiercely, he expressed that, high-ranking government offi- they will take revenge and up- cials, deputy minister of for- root them. He also called out eign affairs Idress Zaman spoke the Taliban and said that if they and said: “Today, we’re cele- are true Afghans then they brating not only the 100th anni- should join other Afghans in versary of Afghanistan Inde- hammad Ashraf Ghani spoke tity,” President Ghani said, protecting the blood of citizens pendence but the capability for and said they have renovated praising the international com- with them, otherwise they are serving and protection of our and rebuilt part of the coun- munity in particular US, EU KABUL: President Moham- Advisor and a number of gov- but added that “we will take not part of this land. people.” Praising the country’s try’s cultural heritages and his- member countries, Islamic mad Ashraf Ghani laid a ernment officials at the vicini- the revenge of our people”. The president went on say- defense and security forces for toric monuments such as Darul countries, India and all other wreath at the Azadi “Indepen- ty of Ministry of National De- President Ghani address- ing that international commu- their sacrifices and efforts to- Aman and Paghman palaces on neighboring countries in the dence” Memorial minaret on fense. ing the nation at Darul Aman nity should not remain silent wards counterterrorism and the occasion of 100th anniver- region for their assistance to the occasion of Independence The president later ap- Palace woefully expressed that, over such inhuman acts, but thousands of Afghan women sary of the country’s Indepen- Afghanistan. The country’s Day, a statement said. peared at a ceremony in Darul “Enemy of our freedom and in- efforts should be intensified to and men who have devoted dence and other parts of them President asserted that the The ceremony was also at- Aman Palace, which has been dependence, enemy of our peo- uproot terror. “Our fight is with their lives for the protection of were under reconstruction. people of Afghanistan wanted tended by second VP Moham- recently renovated. Addressing ple and country, they cannot enemies of humanity. World the country’s freedom, Zaman “The country’s cultural republic and peace; therefore, mad Sarwar Danesh, Chief Ex- the event, President Ghani said see this celebration and happi- should know that Afghans not added today the people of Af- heritages and historic monu- the government was committed ecutive Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, the main celebration of the ness. This enemy can’t face our only fighting for their indepen- ghanistan were a united and ments are not the buildings to holding transparent, fair and speakers of lower and upper centenary of Independence powerful armed forces.” dence, but also fighting for sur- decisive nation. only, but they are symbols of inclusive elections in the coun- houses of parliament, cabinet Day was postponed honoring “We will eliminate Daesh vival of the humanity,” the Afterwards, President Mo- our national and historic iden- try. The Kabul Times members, Nationals Security the victims of the deadly attack hideouts all around the coun- See P6 UN condemns attack deliberately Minister Safi considers role of targeting civilians at Kabul wedding art valuable in Afghan society KABUL: The United Na- a Shia wedding ceremony. signal a deliberate intent to current measures in place to tions Assistance Mission in UNAMA’s human rights team spread fear among the popula- protect must be strengthened, KABUL: Acting minister of dren handicrafts and weaving. hopeless and do have hope to Afghanistan (UNAMA) con- is looking into the incident and tion, which has already suf- and that those who have orga- information and culture In opening ceremony, act- work towards development and demns last night’s Kabul at- working to establish facts. fered too much.” nized and enabled such at- opened ‘Art Works Exhibition’ ing minister of information rebuilding the country,” Safi tack that initial reports indi- “An attack deliberately The wedding hall where tacks must be brought to jus- on Sunday at National Gallery. and culture Hasina Safi spoke said. Acting minister of infor- cate killed scores of civilians targeting civilians is an out- the attack took place is situat- tice and held to account,” said The exhibition, launched and first offered her deep con- mation and culture considered and injured many more, rage, and deeply troubling, as ed in an area of the city heavi- Yamamoto, who is also head of by national gallery department dolence and sympathy to the role of art and artists as valu- th among them women and chil- it can only be described as a ly populated by Afghanistan’s UNAMA. on the occasion of 100 anni- families of those martyred and able in the society, asserting dren. cowardly act of terror,” said Shia Muslim minority. “The United Nations versary of Afghanistan Inde- wounded in a suicide attack in that artists and youth were art- On the evening of 17 Au- Tadamichi Yamamoto, the UN UNAMA has documented sev- stands with all Afghans in sol- pendence, included art works a wedding party in Kabul. loving and pen-loving people gust, a suicide attacker deto- Secretary-General’s Special eral previous attacks deliber- idarity and remains commit- as painting, calligraphy, min- “Despite of increasing prob- who were fighting by these in- nated explosives in the Shahr- Representative for Afghani- ately carried out against this ted to an Afghan-led peace pro- iature, tailoring, carton, chil- lems and challenges, we’re not struments. The Kabul Times e-Dubai Wedding Hall in West stan. community. cess that will end the war and Kabul where approximately “I condemn these deliber- “The pace of such atro- bring about a lasting peace.” 1,000 people were gathered for ate attacks on civilians that cious attacks indicates that The Kabul Times ‘Afghanistan local food and handicrafts’ festival’ kicked off in Kabul KABUL: Deputy minister of finance, administrative and tourism for information and culture Sayeda Mojgan Mo- stafavi opened handicraft exhi- resilience and cultural diver- bition and local food festival on sity. We applaud your accom- the occasion of 100th anniver- US congratulates Afghans plishments of the last two de- sary of Afghanistan Indepen- cades, including significant dence Sunday evening in Kab- on 100th Independence improvements ul. in education, health, At the opening ceremony infrastructure, women’s attended by a number of offi- Anniversary rights, economic opportunity, cials of the ministry of infor- and media freedom.” He said. mation and culture, high-rank- KABUL: US Secretary of the American people, I would Sadly Afghanistan’s 100- ing government officials, State Michael Pompeo has ex- like to extend my best wishes year history has also been daughters of King Amanullah tended best wishes to the peo- to the people of Afghanistan as marked by conflict. The terror- Khan Princess Hendia and Prin- ple of Afghanistan on the cele- you celebrate the 100th anni- ist attack against a Kabul wed- cess Najia and a number of do- bration of the 100th anniversa- versary of your independence ding hall this weekend is an mestic and foreign guests, dep- ry of Afghanistan’s indepen- on August 19,” Pompeo was attack against humanity. As we uty minister of finance, admin- dence on August 19, according quoted by the State Depart- commemorate Afghan history istrative and tourism for the to a statement on Monday. ment statement as saying. “On behalf of the Govern- “You have much to be proud and memorialize Afghan sacri- See P6 ment of the United States and of as you celebrate a century of See P6 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� Twitter.com/thekabultimes Tuesday, August 20, 2019 Worldwide condemnation of THE KABUL TIMES Kabul wedding massacre Editorial Int’l community should not remain At least 63 people have and all the people who were ing the lives of 63 people and in deaths and injuries. silent to any act of terrorism been martyred and scores there were killed,” witness Gul injuring over 180,” a statement The King said, “We have wounded in an explosion tar- Mohammad told The Associat- from UN agency said. “The Sec- heard the news of the terrorist President Ghani on Monday vowed to “eliminate” all safe geting a wedding in the capi- ed Press news agency. retary-General expresses his bombing at a wedding in the havens of the Islamic State group as the country marked the tal, according to officials, in the The groom, Mirwais Elmi, deepest sympathies to the fam- capital Kabul, and the result- deadliest attack in Kabul this recalled greeting smiling ilies of the victims and the Gov- ing deaths and injuries.
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