REGISTERED No. D. 222 The Gazette of India PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 29 ] NEW DELHI, SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1966 (ASADHA 25,1888) Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a separate compilation PART III—SECTION 4 Miscellaneous Notifications including Notifications, Orders, Advertisements and Notices issued by Statutory Bodies RESERVE BANK OF INDIA Bank of India, hereby directs the inclusion in the Second Schedule to the said Act, of the following banks, name- Central Office ly :— Bombay, the 1st July 1966 1. The Andhra Pradesh State Co-operative Bank Ltd., No. 1—In terms of sub-section 3 of section 12 of the Hyderabad. Reserve Bunk of India Act, 1934, Shri M. Sudarsanam, 2. The Bihar State Co-opertive Bank Ltd., Patna. "Kottapeta", Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, has been nomi- nated to be a Member of the Local Board. Southern 3. The Gujarat State Co-operative Bank Ltd.,, Ahmeda- Area, with effect from 27th June 1966 in the vacancy bad. caused by the resignation of Shri E.B.V. Raghavaiah. 4. The Kerala State Co-operative Bank Ltd., Trivan- S. D. DESHMUKH drum. Secretary in the Central Board 5. The Madhya Pradesh State Co operative Bank Ltd., Jabalpur. 6. The Madras State Co-operative Bank Ltd., Madras Agricultural Credit Department 7. The Maharashtra State Co-operative Bank Ltd., Bombay (Incorprating the Vidarbha Co-operative Bombay 1, the 2nd July 1966 Bank Ltd). ACD. No. 1/Inc/E(GEN)-66(67—In pursuance of clause (a) of sub-section (6) of section 42 of the Re- 8. The Mysore State Co-operative Apex Bank Ltd., serve Bank of India Act. 1934 (2 of 1934), the Reserve Bangalore. L139GI/66 (465) 466 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, JULY 16, 1966 (ASADHA 25, 1888) [PART III—SEC. K 9. The Oiis'.i ^,u-i Ccw>>- ati.'c Bank Ltd., Cuttack. TIIE INSTITUTE OF CHAPTERED ACCOUNTANTS 10. The Raj'iithun Sttiic Co-operative Bank Ltd., Jaipur, OF INDIA 11. Uttar Pr.~uic;li Co-operative Bank Ltd., Luclcnovv. New Delhi-1, the 21th June 1966 12. The West Ben1} U Provincial Co operative Bank Ltd., No. 5-CVi(l)/2/66-67—With reference to this Insti- Calcutta. tute's Notification No. 4-CA(l)/3/66-67., dated the 17r/i May 1966, it is hereby notified in pursuance of Regula- M. R. BH1DE tion 18 ot the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1964, Deputy Governor that in exercise of the powers conferred by Regulation 17 ot the slid Regulations, the Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has restored to the Department of Rnuking Operations & Development Register of Members, with effect from the 3rd day of June 1966, the name of Shri Pillutla Ramanadha Sastry, it wftjy-I, the 8th July 1966 A.C.A., ot M/s. Indian Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd., DROD. No. 62 C.404-66—Jn pursuance of sub-section National Insurance Building, 5, Parliament Street, New (2) of section 3d A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, Delhi, (Membeiship No. 42y7), the Reserve Bank of India hereby notifies that the Orien- tal Union Bank Ltd., Kaduthuruthy, has ceased to he a The 2nd July 1966 banking company within the meaning of the said Act. No. 4-CA (1) / 6/ 66-67—In pursuance of Regulation M. S. NADKARNI 16 of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1964,, it is hereby notified that in exercise of the powers conferred Chief Officer by clause (a) of Sub-section (1) of Section 20 of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, the Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountant, of India, has removed Deparlcteint of NoE-Banking Companies from the Register of Members of this Institute, with effect from the 14th day ot June 1966, on account of death, Ccih.iiiti-1, the 2<-ith June 1966 the name of Shri Sudhir Chandra Laha of 27/3-B, Hari Gho.se Street, Calcutta, (Membership No. 664). No. DNBC. 3336, MRC.95-66—In exercise of the powers conferred hy Sections 45K and 45L of the Re- C. BALAKRISHNAN serve Bank of fndia Act, 1934, the Receive Bank ot India hereby directs that its directive No. ED.DPPR. Secretary 1210/MRC.95-fif), dated January 7, 1966 shall be amend- ed as follows :— In the wd directive, in paragraph (7), for the words New Delhi, the 8th July 1966 "a sum equivalent to at least nine per cent of the assets Ho. M-Etam {Rtitilt) Mayjbd.- In pursuance of Regulation in India ci siun company" the words "a sum which shall 25 of th': Charted Accountants Regulations, 1964, the names not .'it the. i-lo i1 of business on anv day be less than ten of the can ikinta> who have be-jn declared successful in tho Pre- per cent ni the I'cpo.iis received by the companv and liminary Elimination h'ld under those Regulations in May 1966, oiiMani'ii.- on the bulks of such company on that da\" ire hereby published fri ganeial information :— •.hall !>_- jb r uted. R. K. SESHADRI S.No. Roll N'-> Name Executive Directoi 1 1 S.Y. PATJMANABHAN STATE BANK OF INDIA 2 13 VINAYAK DATTATRYA KORDE NOTICE 3 14 ABDULLA MOHMADBHAI SURKA OHUNJTSHAW FARAMROZh CIIAVDA New Delhi, the 1th July 1966 4 18 24 SAN TOSH KUMAR DIIARNIDHARKA No. Stall-')—The following appointments on the Bank's 5 staff are hereby notified :— 6 25 HARISH MOHITLAL SHAH Shri N. K.. Tain, Staff Officer, Third Grade, took over 7 27 BASANT KUMAR KUNDAMMAIJI ds Agent, Delhi Branch, with effect from the close of SHAH busiuess on the 12th July 1965, vice Shri P. R. Kodange, 8 36 KULIN CHAMPSHI LUTHIA Staff Officei, First Grade. 9 39 PR.ADEEP MAHASHANKER VAIDYA Shri (J. C. Didani, Sub-Accountant, took over as Field 10 42 OIANDRAKANT GORDHANDAS Officer, Karol Bagh, (New Delhi) Branch, with effect KAPADIA from the close ot business on the 5th May 1966, vice NIRANJANLAL CHANDANLAL SHAH Shri D. C. Sriva-.tavj, Sub-Accountant. 11 56 12 59 ASHOKKUMAR AMB\LAL MEHTA Shri R. N. Bhagat, Staff Officer, Third Grade, took over as Third Assistant in the Accounts Department,, New 13 67 PROMODE MANOHAR PANDIT (Passed) Delhi L.H.O. with effect from the commencement of with Distinction) business on the 21st May 1966. 14 72 BLNJAMIN GEORGE SABLE Shri R. C. Kapoor, Staff Officer, Third Grade, took 15 81 PRODYUT KUMAR GHOSH over us Second Assistant, Accounts Department, New 16 86 ABHIJ1T SARKAR Delhi L.H.O. with effect from the commencement of DIPANJAN BOSU business on the 21st May 1966, vice Shri R. N. Bhagat, 17 87 Staff Officer, Third Grade. 18 88 DSEASIS CHAKRAB0RT1 STANLEY WINSTON FERNANDEZ V. G. MAHADEVAN 19 92 Secretary & Treasurer 20 95 RAJ KUMAR DROLIA 21 97 SUBHAS CHANDRA AGRAWAL 22 98 KANTILAL JITANI STATS BANK OF PATIALA 23 101 MAN MOHAN MEHRA NOTICE 24 104 GAUTAM RAN11T JHANGIANI Patiahi, the 4'/z July 1966 25 105 RAJENDR\ NARAIN KHANNA SBP No. 17—The undcrnoted change in the posting of 26 115 LOLLA PANDURANGA VITHAL Bank's branches is hereby notified :•— 27 118 G0V1ND PRASAD KEDIA 1. Shri Jaspal Singh, Officer Grade 'C, held charge of Delhi Branch, from the close of business on the 17th Summary of Results May to the commencement of business on the 19th May 1966 vice Shri Jagjit Singh Malhotra. Total Number of candidates appeared . 93 D. CHATTERJEE Total Number of candidates declared successful 27 General Manager Percentage , 29-03 PART III—SEC. 41 THE GAZETTE OF TNDIA, JULY 16, 1966 (ASADHA 25, 1888) 467 No. \3-Exam (Results) May/66—In pursuance of Regulation 25 of the Chartered Accountant* Regulations, 1964, the lists of can- s. Roll Name didates containing names of tho-o who have beon declared suc- Mo, No. cessful in Intermediate Examination held nntler these Regula- tions in May 1966, arc herein published fnr general infm- 67 102 VINO BHAI MGTIBIIA1 PATFL malion:— M 104 KESF.HR il-i • I PRABHUi: '• " Pi JTAI SNo. Roll No'. Nellie hO 105 UDAYCHAND;IA DFVKAUAN VAIDYA 70 106 RADIIESH\ -,?,! JAGANislATHHINGHA- 1 1 KANTILAL TA"\AC'ILVND BALjOIA NIA 2 JAM3HED D4Af]JTSHA\V CIIACHA 71 10R KLK1 N \L-.~-'S- JN OU'i 3 3 JAT1N HAB11AL GUJAR/VTI 72 111 NARENDkA I IIANTILA) TsA^ZiJl 4 4 BHUPA1RAI JtHANULAL BAVO11 /.< 113 G1RISH LV..7TKANT PARIKH 5 8 CHANDRAVADAN RAMAN1.AL SHAH 74 m VINLET HARGOVINP PRUTH1 6 11 ARUNKUMAR PARMANAND 75 115 GULAB SAKHARAM DHOLE PAJWANI 7d J 17 JOGESH CHANDRAMANI BHATi 7 13 GOVIND HANUMANT HANCHATH 77 118 MOHANLAL BANSILAL AGRAWAL 8 14 MAHENDRAKUMAR VALLABHDAS 78 119 ATULKUMAR JIVANJI DESAI SANGHAVI 79 121 NAUSII1R DARA ANKLESARIA 15 BHAGVANDAS THAKORDAS SHAH SO 124 GANGA SHARAN 10 16 DIVAKAK MADHUSUDAN GAVASKAR 81 126 DINESHCHANDRA GULABBHAT DBSA1 11 17 ARVIND BHOLANATH AJINKYA 82 130 ARVIND SANJIVA RAO 12 IK RUSI HOM1 VAGHAIVVALLA S3 135 SURENDRAKUMAR HARAKHCIIAND 13 19 ARUNKUMAR MULCHAND AGRAWAL SHAH, 14 23 VILAS RATHUNATH GUPTE is4 13S KANUBHA1 VAHAL.UBHAI THAKKAR 15 24 RAMZANALI GULAMALI JEMANI 85 139 RAJKUMAR GOKULDAS MUNOT 16 25 MAYURKANTNATVARIAL SHAH H6 143 JAGDISH GOKDIIANDAS DALAL 17 26 NOSHIR RATANSHAW DARUWALLA 87 144 NARENDRAKUMAR PJRABHODAS 18 27 DARA PIROJSHAW CHOTHIA VORA 19 30 SATISH SHIVRAM KELKAR 88 148 NALINKANT KESHRICHAND SHAH 20 34 SUBHASH DIGAMBER GOREY 89 150 DNYAMESHWAR PARSHURAM GAJARE 21 36 PANKAJ RAMANLAL CHOKSEY 90 155 JAGANNATH VISHNUTIRTII ADAVI 22 37 RAJENDRA KUMAR GUPTA 91 156 V1DYADHAR GANOADHAR JOSHI 23 38 D1NESH JASWANTLAL AGASHIWALA 92 162 SURESH CHANDULAL SHAH 24 40 DEVENDRA V1NAYKANT SHETH 93 163 NAROTTAMDAS GORDHANDAS 25 41 JTTENDRA MONJI SHAH RADIA 2b 42 TIEMRAJ MLGH,)I GOSHER 94 165 RAVINDRA KARKAL SHENOY 27 43 KALYANJI CHAMPSEY CHtlEDA 95 171 BHIKHALAL MOHANLAL 0OSHI 28 44 VASUDEO ANANT BHIDE 96 174 POPATLAL PURSOTTAMDAS PATEL 29 51 GOPAL BECHA SHE1TY 97 175 RAMBILAS ASARAM MANTRI 'W 52 JAYEKDRA KANTILAL GANDHI 98 178 SHAMIT TRIDASH MAJUMDAR 31 53 S.
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