E n v ir o n m e n t A g e n c y Frome & Piddle Catchment Management Plan First Annual Review February 1997 BLANDFORD FORUM m \ ( # POOLE dorchesterW _ _ ^ ~ V CONTENTS VISION FOR THE CATCHMENT................................................................................................................................................ 2 1. INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................................................................3 1.1 The Environment Agency...............................................................................................................................................3 1.2 The Environment Agency and Catchment Management Planning............................................................3 2. PURPOSE OF THE ANNUAL REVIEW................................................................. ................................................................ 4 3. OVERVIEW OF THE CATCHMENT.......................................................................................................................................4 4. SUMMARY OF PROGRESS......................................................................................................................................................4 4.1 Water Resources.................................................................................................................................................................4 4.2 Flood Defence...................................................................................................................................................................... 4 4.3 Conservation........................................................................................................................................................................5 4.4 Fisheries...................................................................................................................................................................................5 4.5 Water Quality....................................................... ...............................................................................................................5 5. ACTION PLAN MONITORING REPORT............................................................................................................................7 6. APPENDICES..................................................................................................................:...........................................................14 6.1 Integrated Pollution Control.......................................................................................................................................14 6.2 Air Quality........................................................... ;..............................................................................................................14 . 6.3 Radioactive Substances.................................................................................................................................................15 6.4 Waste Management.......................... !...........................................................................................................................15 6.5 River Quality Objectives ............................................................................................................................................... 16 6.6 Glossary of Terms.............................................................................................................................................................17 6.7 Units....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 7 6.8 References...........................................................................................................................................................................1 7 Environment Agency Information Centre i I _ _ _J rr _ _ ENVIRONMENT AGENCY 127181 Environment Agency Copyright Waiver This report is intended to be used widely and may be quoted, copied or reproduced in any way, provided that the extracts are not quoted out of context and that due acknowledgement is given to the Environment Agency. The Environment Agency South West Region 1 The Frome & Piddle CMP first Annua! Review 1997 MAP 1: Frome & Piddle Catchment VISION FOR THE CATCHMENT The rivers also allow us to disperse treated The Frome & Piddle is a rural catchment of sewage effluents and we must ensure that high amenity and ecological value. The upper using the cleansing capacity of the Frome and part of the catchment lies within the Dorset Piddle to purify effluents does not damage Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and is their considerable ecological, amenity and characterised by steep-sided valleys. The rivers fishery potential. change in character as they flow through In our management of flood defences and lowland towards Poole Harbour where they land drainage, we will seek to balance the drain into the English Channel. These rivers needs of the environment by: make an important contribution to the rural • protecting people and property from flooding economy through tourism, agriculture and recreation. • developing o strategy for agreed floodplain land use management, recognising the need to The high quality water in the aquifer provides conserve and enhance the wetland wildlife a source both for public water supply and for interest of the cotchment the rivers which support high quality salmonid The realisation of this vision will involve the fisheries. The protection of public health and commitment of all who have an interest in the the natural water environment therefore de­ water environment, and we recognise the mands that our management of the catch­ importance of establishing links with local ment will ensure that: communities and their representatives. It is important that local planning authorities • the quality of water in aquifers is not compromised include policies in their local plans which protect and enhance the water environment. • abstractions of water are in balance with the ecological needs at rivers and where flows are We have a commitment to work with all rele­ not environmentally acceptable then, where vant parties to implement the principles of justifiable, sustainable solutions must be sustainable development. sought The Frome Si Piddle CMP First Annual Review 199? The Environment Agency South West Region 1. INTRODUCTION Our Aims are : This is the First Annual Review of the Frome & • to achieve significant and continuous Piddle Action Plan which was published in improvement in the quality of oir, land and February 1996. It introduces the Environment water, actively encouraging the conservation Agency, summarises progress made with Ac­ of natural resources, flora and fauna tions and introduces several new Actions. • to maximise the benefits of integrated Previous publications relating to this catch­ pollution control and integrated river basin management ment contain more background detail, and this Review should be read in conjunction with • to provide effective defence and timely warning systems for people and property against these publications: flooding from rivers and the sea Frome fir Piddle Catchment Management Plan • to achieve significant reductions in waste Consultation Report - March 1995 through minimisation, re-use and recycling • Frome fir Piddle Catchment Management Plon and ta improve standards of disposol Action Pfan - February 1996 • to manage water resources to achieve the Related information about the lower catch­ proper bafance between the needs of the environment and those of abs and ment may also be found in the: tractors other water users • Poaie Harbour fiir Purbeck Catchment • to secure, with others, the remediation of Management Plan Consultation Report - contaminated fand November 7 995 • to improve and develop salmon and freshwater • Poale Harbour fir Purbeck Catchment fisheries Management Plan Action Plan - March 1996 • to conserve and enhance inland and coastal 1.1 The Environment Agency waters and their use for recreation The Environment Agency was formed on 1 • to maintain and improve non-marine April 1996 by bringing together Her Majesty's navigation Inspectorate of Pollution (HMIP), the National • to develop a better informed public through Rivers Authority (NRA), the Waste Regulation open debate, the provision of soundly based Authorities (WRAs) and some units of the information and rigorous research Department of the Environment (DoE) dealing • to set priorities and propose solutions thot do with the technical aspects of waste and con­ not impose excessive costs on society taminated land. We do not cover all aspects of environmental legislation and service to the general public. We provide a comprehensive approach to the Your local authority deals with all noise prob­ protection of the environment by combining lems; litter; air pollution arising from vehicles, the regulation of air, land and water into a household areas, small businesses and small single organisation. We cannot work in isola­ industries; planning permission (they will tion, but seek to educate and influence indi­ contact us when necessary); contaminated viduals, groups and industries to promote best land issues (in liaison with ourselves); and environmental practice, and develop a wider environmental health issues.
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