COTINGA 1 Neotropical Notebook Neotropical Notebook These recent reports generally refer to new or Chiriqui, during fieldwork between 1987 and 1991, second country records, rediscoveries, notable representing a disjunct population from that of Mexico range extensions, and new localities for threat­ to north-western Costa Rica (Olson 1993). Red- ened or poorly known species. These have been throated Caracara Daptrius americanus has been collated from a variety of published and unpub­ rediscovered in western Panama, with several seen and lished sources, and therefore some records will be heard on 26 August 1993 around the indian village of unconfirmed. We urge that, if they have not al­ Teribe (Toucan 19[9]: 5). ready done so, contributors provide full details to the relevant national organisations. COLOMBIA Recent expeditions and increasing interest in this coun­ BELIZE try has produced a wealth of new information, including There are five new records for the country as follows: a 12 new country records. A Cambridge–RHBNC expedi­ light phase Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus tion to Serranía de Naquén, Amazonas, in July–August seen by the fisheries pier, Belize City, 1 May 1992; 1992 found 4 new country records as follows: Rusty several Fulvous Whistling-Duck Dendrocygna bicolor Tinamou Crypturellus brevirostris observed at an ant- seen at Cox Lagoon in November 1986, up to 20 at swarm at Caño Ima, 12 August; Brown-banded Crooked Tree in March 1988, and again on 3 May 1992; Puffbird Notharchus tricolor observed in riverside a Chuck-will’s Widow Caprimulgus carolinensis col­ trees between Mahimachi and Caño Colorado [no date]; lected at San Ignacio, Cayo District, 13 October 1991; and a male Guianan Gnatcatcher Polioptila guianensis Spectacled Foliage-gleaner Anabacerthia observed at close range in a mixed flock at Caño Rico, 2 variegaticeps recently recorded on an expedition to the August (Amazon 1992). highest point in Belize (16°30'N 89°W) at 1,160 m (with­ Pearman (1993) reported 5 new country records out further details); and a male Slate-coloured as follows: a Point-tailed Palmcreeper Berlepschia Seedeater Sporophila schistacea trapped and banded rikeri was located in a palm grove, 10 km north of between Blue Creek and San Antonio, Toledo District, Leticia, Amazonas, 28 February 1987, and subsequently 28 January 1989, with subsequent records from Chan at the same locality in August and September 1989 Chich Lodge, Orange Walk District, and along the Sibun when breeding was confirmed; a Citron-bellied Attila River, Monkey Bay Sanctuary (Miller & Miller 1992). Attila citriniventris photographed at P.N. Amacayacú, Nesting records of Yellow-faced Grassquit Tiaris Amazonas, 24 September 1990 was the first documented olivacea were from Caracol, in the Chiquibul uplands, record, but recently 9 old museum specimens have been 1989–1992 inclusive, with sight records along the Macal uncovered (F. G. Stiles verbally), and the species was River (Miller & Miller 1992) — the species was previously found to be fairly common around Mitú, Vaupés in known in Belize from just one record, believed to be August 1993 (DW, MP); a Wilson’s Warbler Wilsonia accidental. pusilla seen at 1,250 m on Cerro Tacarcuna, northern Chocó, 9 October 1990 was the first South American CUBA record, previously known as far south as central Panama, The first nesting record of Kentish Plover Charadrius but generally wintering in large numbers in the Chiriqui alexandrinus this century was made on 9 April 1993 by region of western Panama; a Palm Warbler Dendroica O. H. Garrido and a group of British Birdwatchers at palmarum observed near Turbo, north Antioquia, 13 Cayo Sabinal, in the north of Prov. Camagüey (Garrido October 1990 also represents the first record for South 1993). America, as does a Green-naped Tanager Tangara fucosa seen at c.1,220 m near the ridge of Cerro PANAMA Tacarcuna, northern Chocó, 8 October 1990. Three new country records come from the region of Two new country (sight) records come from the Laguna de Chiriqui, Bocas del Toro as follows: a White­ eastern slope of the East Andes on the Río Guarnés, near tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus observed 20 km Orito, Dept. Putomayo in late August 1993 (Salaman & east of Isla Escudo de Veraguas, 29 March 1990; 3 Gandy 1993) as follows: several Fiery-throated Green-breasted Mango Anthracothorax prevostii col­ Fruiteaters Pipreola chlorolepidota on at least five lected at La Gruta, Isla Colón in February 1988, with 5 occasions, and at least 2 Grey-tailed Piha Lipaugus on Isla Cristobal in February 1989, the species previ­ subalaris. Stotz (1990) uncovered two previously un­ ously known only as far south as La Selva and Guápiles, published specimens of Striated Antbird Drymophila Costa Rica; more surprisingly Stub-tailed Spadebill devillei at the Field Museum of Natural History, Chi­ Platyrinchus cacrominus was found to be common on all cago; a male collected, 7 October 1967 at Guascayaco, six of the larger islands in the mouth of Laguna de Dept. Putomayo, and a female collected (probably) from 26 COTINGA 1 Neotropical Notebook San Antonio Guamuez, Dept. Putomayo, 30 October Orange-throated Tanager Wetmorethraupis 1969, these representing the first and only Colombian sterrhopteron (threatened), of which 4 were collected, records. were recorded at 1,000 m between 24 July and 3 August Notable range extensions from the Serranía de 1990 in mature forest at Shaime, 43 km south-east of Naquén, Amazonas, in July–August 1992 include: one or Zamora in the upper Río Nangaritza, Prov. Zamora– two sight records ofWhite H aw k Leucopternis albicollis, Chinchipe (Marin et al. 1992). Crescent-faced Antpitta previously only recorded north of Puerto Inirida, but Grallaricula lineifrons has been rediscovered in south­ known from Amazonian Brazil; up to 10 White-tipped ern Ecuador at Hacienda La Libertad, Prov. Cañar in Swift Aeronautes montivagus, all previous Colombian August 1992 by RSR, the species being previously known records coming from the Andes; Grey-bellied Antbird only from the type-locality at Oyacadu, north-east Ecua­ Myrmeciza pelzelni found to be common at Caño Ima, dor, and a 1972 record from P.N. Puracé, Dept. Cauca, previously known in Colombia from the west bank of the Colombia. Río Guiania, opposite the mouth of the Río Casiquiare; Other important range extensions from Krabbe a male Yapacana Antbird Myrmeciza disjuncta at (1992) include: 2 ViridianMetaltailwilliamsi Metallura Caño Ima, 14 August 1992 was only the fourth record at 3,350 m on the Páramo El Angel, Prov. Carchi, 14 ever of the species, previously known in Colombia from November 1990, representing the first record from the a female netted near Puerto Inirida; and a White- Western Andes; a Streak-capped Treehunter throated Kingbird Tyrannus albogularis observed on Thripadectes virgaticeps and an Orange-crested Fly­ 4 July is previously known in Colombia only from sight catcher Myiophobus phoenicomitra collected 9 km west records at Leticia (Amazon 1992). of Piñas, Prov. El Oro, 14 and 15 April 1991 respectively, Other notable records come from Patio (on the Río extends the known distribution of both species 400 km Ñambi), Dept. Nariño where a pair of the threatened southward; 5 male Andean Tapaculo Scytalopus Yellow-green Bush-Tanager Chlorospingus magellanicus collected at the Páramo El Angel, Prov. flavovirens were seen on various dates in mid-July 1993 Carchi, on 16 and 18 November 1990, are the first at the same fruiting tree (Salaman & Gandy 1993), this records from the Western Andes, as were the two Sul­ species being previously known from one Ecuadorean phur-bellied Tyrannulet Mecocerculus minor seen at and two Colombian localities; and the poorly known 2,500 m on a ridgetop, 19–22 November 1990, on the White-bellied Dacnis Dacnis albiventris, was found to Pacific slope in Prov. Carchi; and 3 female Large­ be common in the vicinity of Mitú, Dept. Vaupés, where headed Flatbill Ramphotrigon megacephala collected flocks of up to 6 individuals were seen daily between 23– 10 km south-east of Archidona, Prov. Napo in October 29 August 1993 (DW, MP and BF). 1988, are the first Ecuadorean specimens, and the sec­ ond record of the species in Ecuador (Marin et al. 1992). ECUADOR A record of the very localized, poorly known (threat­ Five new country records are as follows: up to 3 roding ened) Masked Mountain-Tanager Buthraupis Imperial Snipe Gallinago imperialis observed in P.N. wetmorei a t Papallacta Pass on 4 December 1992 by J. C. Podocarpus, Prov. Loja by MP et al. from 7–10 December Mattheus, comes from an area well visited by foreign 1990, subsequently by GK and TM, and by EH on many birders. occasions; the species was also discovered on the north­ ern slope of Volcán Pichincha at Loma Yanayacu, Prov. PERU Pichincha on 17 and 19 D ecem ber 1990, and subse­ The first documented records of Yellow Tyrannulet quently there in January and March 1991 (Krabbe Capsiemis flaveola in Peru (involving 3 specimens) were 1992); single Pale-rumped Swifts Chaetura egregia recently published as follows: an adult female from Isla observed in flocks of 5–7 Grey-rumped Swift C. Pasto, c.80 km north-east of Iquitos, Dept. Loreto, 22 cinereiventris at Tayuntza, Prov. Morona-Santiago in July 1984; a juvenile male from Tono, Dept. Cuzco, 29 July and August 1987, with 1 specimen taken (Marin et November 1985; and a juvenile male from Pakitza, al. 1992); Nariño Tapaculo Scytalopus vicinior ap­ Manu National Park, Dept. Madre de Dios, 11 October pears to have been long overlooked in Ecuador, but tape- 1989 (Servat 1993). recordings from between 1,650–1,775 m on the Pacific slope in Prov. Carchi in August 1988, and subsequent BOLIVIA tape-recordings and specimens from the north-west Six new country records come from chaco scrub at slope of Volcán Pichincha, from 2,350 m on the Pacific Estancia Perforación, Prov.
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