issue number 121 |August 2012 CONTRACT WORKERS AND 3147 VACANT POSTS KOURA BY-ELECTION “THE MONTHLY” INTERVIEWS AMIN SALEH www.iimonthly.com # Published by Information International sal 2013 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS MARCH 8 FORCES WIN BY PROPORTIONALITY AND MARCH 14 BY PLURALITY Lebanon 5,000LL | Saudi Arabia 15SR | UAE 15DHR | Jordan 2JD| Syria 75SYP | Iraq 3,500IQD | Kuwait 1.5KD | Qatar 15QR | Bahrain 2BD | Oman 2OR | Yemen 15YRI | Egypt 10EP | Europe 5Euros August INDEX 2012 4 2013 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS 8 CONTRACT WORKERS AND 3147 VACANT POSTS AT ELÉCTRICITÉ DU LIBAN 11 KOURA BY-ELECTION 18 INCREASE IN INTERNAL SECURITY FORCES MEMBERS 21 SCHOOL-TO-WORK TRANSITION OF YOUNG WOMEN IN LEBANON P: 40 P: 24 24 MEDICAL SENSE & COMMON SENSE: DR. HANNA SAADAH 25 A HUMAN UPON REQUEST: ANTOINE BOUTROS 26 THE STATUS OF LEBANON’S RULE FROM 1861 UNTIL 2012 (1): SAID CHAAYA 27 INTERVIEW: AMIN SALEH 29 SEARCHING FOR HAPPINESS IN THE SPACE P: 8 30 TAMANNA 32 POPULAR CULTURE 40 GHASSAN TUEINI: STANCES AND 33 DEBUNKING MYTH #60: THE EIGHT-HOUR SLEEP STATEMENTS 34 MUST-READ BOOKS: THE REPUBLIC OF FOUAD 41 JUNE 2012 HIGHLIGHTS CHEHAB 45 ALGERIAN PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS 35 MUST-READ CHILDREN’S BOOK: “THE CLOUD”, “FLYING” 47 REAL ESTATE PRICES IN LEBANON - JUNE 36 LEBANON FAMILIES: HOUBAISH FAMILIES 2012 37 DISCOVER LEBANON: KHAT EL-PETROL 48 FOOD PRICES - JUNE 2012 38 CIVIL STRIFE INTRO (6) 50 FACTS ON INJURIES AND VIOLENCE 50 BEIRUT RAFIC HARIRI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - JUNE 2012 51 LEBANON STATS |EDITORIAL LONG LIVE THE TROIKA! The Hrawi prize bestowed upon Speaker Nabih Berri has awakened the memory of the Lebanese to the glories of the Hrawi era. With a deep sigh of longing for the past and a [O P!1 was the pyramid ""#$%& " '" (#)( Hrawi" life. Emigration rate hit the bottom during that golden age with only 300 000 people (around +, - " #' /22 222 " OP%#45678#9[ 56:2#; OP$%&< $%# Fares Boueiz sat on the throne of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 8 years and Elie > ? ) 4 "-@CD<9 @ ' > 6# @;RIRJ [#" [@#@Hrawi @7K/229 the termination of the Syrian domination of Lebanon. How unfair that era was to her! '"""Hrawi era was an era of #QR?R-'RU?'R U-(…);# " ""$P$ "# 1 Troika: President Elias Hrawi, PM Rafik Hariri, Speaker Nabih Berri 4 | LEADER 2013 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS PROPORTIONALITY, PLURALITY AND DISTRICTS DETERMINE THE WINNER MARCH 8 FORCES WIN BY PROPORTIONALITY AND MARCH 14 BY PLURALITY X Y ' _ :_ /2 /27:# ' ' K/ ; (R Z$ Z XR Q"@7KU9 X # /8 ? - M '/2 ! M & M I M D !(R Y 7[ /27: <# # Q"@+U/?& I-+ 82 /22[ >"!7! out. /@7_" A proportionality voting system and a re-division X [ [ # ! @ Q @ @ [72 Charbel. 72 97 A plurality voting system and the division of Lebanon "K7# K2X !# The adoption of any of the above-mentioned formulas Should the 2013 elections take determines beforehand the identity of the winner. In “place according to the current law and " /22[ in keeping with the current available "# data, the results would be settled in 16 districts including 77 deputies 2013 elections according to the current law /27: ” " 78 __ '@7KU8: Q"@7KU_ 99 @ + U :_!:M'RZR@R6 72 M!M'M J4 Q"@+U[ " [ K2!MYM!>M @7KU# IMY%%M)M!YM> 7 @JM# # issue 121 | The Monthly is published by Information International s.a.l. LEADER | 5 Situation in electoral districts Table 1 Electoral district # of seats March 14 Forces prospective results March 14 Forces prospective results Beirut 1 5 Tight competition and uncertain results Beirut 2 4 Tight competition and uncertain results Beirut 3 10 10 - Northern Matn 8 Tight competition and uncertain results Baabda 6 - 6 Aley 5 5 - Chouf 8 8 - Kessrouan 5 Tight competition and the results are likely in favor of March 8 Forces Jbeil 3 - 3 Tight competition and the results are likely in favor of March 14 Forces Tripoli 8 according to the alliances which might differ from those of 2009 Batroun 2 Tight competition and the results are likely in favor of March 14 Forces Koura 3 Tight competition and the results are likely in favor of March 14 Forces Mennieh-Dennieh 3 3 - Zgharta 3 Tight competition and the results are likely in favor of March 8 Forces Bsharri 2 2 - Akkar 7 7 - Zahle 7 Tight competition and the results are likely in favor of March 14 Forces Baalbeck- Hermel 10 - 10 Western Beqa’a- Rashaya 6 Tight competition and the results are likely in favor of March 14 Forces Saida 2 2 - Saida towns- Zahrani 3 - 3 Jezzine 3 - 3 Nabatieh 3 - 3 Tyre 4 - 4 Bint Jbeil 3 - 3 Hasbaya and Marjeyoun 5 - 5 Total (26 districts) 128 37 40 Source: 2009 parliamentary elections’ results Proportionality voting system " "(( # '#D;@% cjc Q/22[J "?- @+U8+82@7KU/#@+U +9K"_78"@7KU:# issue 121 | August 2012 6 | LEADER Seats according to plurality and proportionality voting systems Table 2 March 14 Forces March 8 Forces Current seats Potential seats Current seats Potential seats according to the according to the according to the according to the District Seats plurality voting proportional voting plurality voting proportional voting system system system system Beirut 1 5 5 3 - 2 Beirut 2 4 2 2 2 2 Beirut 3 10 10 8 - 2 Baabda 6 - 3 6 3 Aley 5 4 3 1 2 Chouf 8 8 6 - 2 Matn 8 2 3 6 5 Kessrouan 5 - 2 5 3 Jbeil 3 - 1 3 2 Tripoli 8 8 5 - 3 Koura 3 3 2 - 1 Batroun 2 2 1 - 1 Mennieh- 33 2 - 1 Dennieh Zgharta 3 - 1 3 2 Akkar 7 7 5 - 2 Bsharri 2 2 1 - 1 Zahle 7 7 4 - 3 Western Beqa’a- 66 3 - 3 Rashaya Baalbeck- 10 - 1 10 9 Hermel Saida 2 2 1 - 1 Saida Qada’a 3- - 3 3 (Zahrani) Nabatieh 3 - - 3 3 Tyre 4 - - 4 4 Bint Jbeil 3 - - 3 3 Marjeyoun and 5- 2 5 3 Hasbaya Jezzine 3 - 1 3 2 Total 128 71 60 57 68 Source: Parliamentary elections 2009 issue 121 | The Monthly is published by Information International s.a.l. LEADER | 7 The popular size of March 8 and March 14 lists in Lebanon’s electoral districts Table 3 Average # of voters for Average # of voters for Electoral district Registered voters in 2009 Actual voters in 2009 March 14 Forces list March 8 Forces list Beirut 1 92,764 37,284 19,533 16,791 Beirut 2 101,787 27,787 16,583 15,126 Beirut 3 252,165 103,243 76,618 21,382 Matn 170,744 96,748 45,680 47,582 Kessrouan 89,228 60,336 26,942 31,200 Jbeil 75,582 49,128 20,365 28,594 Baabda 151,590 84,546 36,444 45,011 Aley 116,181 59,779 35,117 21,596 Chouf 181,949 91,642 61,452 21,248 Western Beqa’a and 122,487 65,237 34,466 27,812 Rashaya Zahle 158,005 88,483 48,510 41,166 Baalbeck and Hermel 255,637 126,038 14,000 107,308 Saida 53,859 36,624 24,250 13,512 Zahrani (Saida towns) 92,995 50,217 3,300 44,236 Jezzine 54,188 29,225 6,400 14,650 Nabatieh 121,912 60,956 3,200 59,346 Tyre 153,060 74,941 2,000 68,800 Bint Jbeil 123,396 52,899 500 49,282 Marjeyoun and 138,844 64,975 12,000 47,745 Hasbaya Tripoli 196,149 89,886 55,690 31,143 Koura 57,794 27,417 14,141 12,100 Batroun 58,444 32,914 17,637 13,700 Zgharta 71,035 34,399 14,900 18,060 Bsharri 46,422 17,183 12,910 4,089 Mennieh-Dennieh 97,352 54,916 37,772 16,100 Akkar 223,538 120,608 75,780 36,700 Total 3,257,107 1,637,412 716,190 854,279 Source: Parliamentary elections’ results in 2009 Q/22[@7KU 4@+UR /22["@% J#;"" """# issue 121 | August 2012 8 | PUBLIC SECTOR CONTRACT WORKERS AND 3147 VACANT POSTS AT ELÉCTRICITÉ DU LIBAN EDL contract workers and bill collectors staged a protest at EDL headquarters in Mar Mikhael in Beirut preventing the employees from [ especially that most of them have spent over 15 years in service without any [ Q @ C All that those have been demanding was a bit of stability and Water Gebran Bassil said that the demand for # C6; ( " 822 Why now? C6; '(XQ "# c 4 " @ Y / /27/ is that the Ministry of Energy and Water has signed " "Z R "4" Z" " !# " Z Y7/27/ <!44 J"" ; U 4R them who managed to grab an employment opportunity U @" ' @" >% # 4"4"# J ""#Q c " X 56/22 Roots of the problem 56 ::2 Q 7[[2 C6; "56_22# [ Status of EDL staff ; 92:9 " [ C6;7+++:7K_" # "C6;8/#9,# ?-C6; //K[ "/[/: # " 7[_2 # 79/2 ! @;K92C6; 7 " "#U " _22/8_2 unit. J[ retirement salaries and are not registered in the SSNF. issue 121 | The Monthly is published by Information International s.a.l. PUBLIC SECTOR | 9 EDL available, occupied and vacant posts Table 1 Unit Grade/Rank Posts Occupied posts Contract posts Vacant posts 2/ Rank 1 8 0 0 8 2/ Rank 2 29 5 0 24 3/ Rank 1 76 53 0 23 3/ Rank 2a 171 64 1 106 3/ Rank 2b 378 247 0 131 Technical 4/ Rank 1 528 464 3 61 4/ Rank 2 440 76 0 364 5/ Rank 1 1040 422 3 615 5/ Rank 2 818 53 4 761 69027 Total 3497 1384 13 2100 2/ Rank 1 2 0 0 2 2/ Rank 2 9 9 0 0 3/ Rank 1 27 12 0 15 3/ Rank 2a 109 57 5 47 3/ Rank 2b 143 114 0 29 Administrative 4/ Rank 1 258 49 5 204 4/ Rank 2 31 0 0 31 5/ Rank 1 400 186 3 211 5/ Rank 2 120 1 1 118 6/ Rank 1 413 43 0 370 6/ Rank 1 26 5 1 20 Total 1538 476 15 1047 Total Total 5035 1860 28 3147 Source: EDL staff Partial employment ' " Shia’a: 50% Sunni and Druze: 28% C6; @ C Water has demanded the approval of the government Christian: 25% 822 [ ( 'JC6; [ Z # "# C6;# [ Q92:9 "/922 C6;822222# R 7#8 ;!47K2" [" [# 5 X J " " @ X;!482X 7+++;!49+# issue 121 | August 2012 10 | PUBLIC SECTOR 4"@Y//27/ C6; RR Most of the vacant posts in % “EDL belong to Grade 4 and below Z""!#Z (2701 posts out of 3147 accounting [ for 86%) where no sectarian @@4 constraints are imposed " ; # ' Z @4 ” X "Z<! Z '92x92$7 # % Z( '" C6; R $7 Z # " [9 @"C6;$K ? ?/_27 :7K_ +8,- -" # ' government.
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