A V S IA C S UAIUT cnOULATlOIl for tlM lIoatli of t U f , IM t m Moabor el tbe Audit Bo n m i of Obwolattoiio. p r i c e t h r e e C E N t R P i ^ i E 3 (OMOlfled Adrertlabif oo POfO 8) .VQL.,L1L,N0.229. LOEB ASSETS B attU nr $300,000 B laze A t L0#eU> M ass. 66 MILLIONS I Balaoce Shed of Big WaD OUTSIDE TUITION Says Bursting Meteor Bankers of Frkneo, Swkzer S ired Firm Pbced in CUT AS COST OF land, HoBand and B ^ginn Senate Record^ Otto H. Cause o f *Quake Scare Hold Secret Meeting to Kahn R r d Witness Called. SCHOOLS DROPS Stamford, June 27.— (A P)—ThatAdlatant from the several land points Perfect Plans WIndi h - the loud detonation and apparent where it was" observed equalled the tremor of the earth in this vicinity same. ; Waabington, June 27 — (AP) — Room Efficiency Rate Here vohre Forcing British to morning was caused by a Not a Quake Area Tbe balance sheet of Kuhn. Loeb A beside, a bursting meteor was ad­ Connecticut is Jtut as apt to be Cbw, placed before the Senate inves- Goes Up as Edncadon vanced. by Dr. Bktaard F. Bigelow of visited by a meteor or a bolide, Agree to Their Demands. tifatora today, disclosed total assets Arcadia, old Greenwich, curator of which is a bursting meteor, as amy pliace in the world, but the probabili­ on December 31, 1931, of 866,974,- the Bruce Museum in Greenwich to­ Board Prepares for Next ty of an earthquake in this vicinity London, June 27.—(AP)—The 845. day. Dr. Bigelow said: *‘l am, positive is remote. The law of probability world economic conference tUn Balance sheets for the five years points to the d&turbance being caus­ School Year. the disturbance was caused by a morning waa in the throee of a from 1927 to 1931 Inclusive showed ed by a boUde. bolide for several reasons. If it had fresh dramatic development preci­ been an earthquake, the seiamo- “Many people declared to me they felt tbe shock originated in Long pitated by the unexpected action of Numerous economies that have >: graqibs at Yale and Fordham would I T ; : ; have recorded it. Therefore the tre­ Island Sotmd. That leads me to be­ gold bloc countries In trying to been effected during the past year •.< mor did not come from the -ground lieve the meteor exploded over the force European monetary stabiliza­ to bring about a drastic reduction ■ X ^ but from the air. It was; equally felt Sound'and its fragments dropped tion Irrespective of American de­ in the school budget for 1938r34 at several scattered points. Spring' into-lhe Sound. In the Peab^y sires or what happens to the Amer­ have made it possible to lower the » j. ■ -a,^ dale and in West Chester county. Museum at Yale, there are many ican dollar. ,v '• i fragments of bolides which fell in Representatives of the central tuition for pupils from outlying " 'v '' k^ 4^% From that I deduce it must have oc­ curred in the air at a point equl- different parts of tbe world." banks of France, Switzerland, Hol­ towns who attend Manchester Hfgh land and Belgium, met secretly to School from 8150 to 8110 a year, it perfect plans which involve forcing was announced by the Board of Great Britain to stabilize along Education following a meeting last with Continental countries. night. MOLEY IS NEARING IGUILFOYLE FEARED From this meeting came a decla­ 94 Teachers ration by one of the' conferees that The Board also announced, gold would be defended to the last through Superintendent of Schools ditch. F. A. Verplanck, that eight new ENDOFJOURNEYl ALCORN’S ABILITY Many observers expressed tha teachers have been added to the opinion th'\i this scheme is, in ef­ local staff for the next term to fill Fire which swept the business district of LoweD, Mass., caused the death of one woman, injury to ten toemcn and damage estimated at 8300,000. Firemen are pictured here pouring water into one of the smouldering fect, a challenge to Presldsat vacancies caused through leaves of Roosevelt’s prlce-rpislng program ruins. A five-story shoe factory, church and fifteen ho uses were destroyed by the flames. absence, resignations and dismissals. AsastaBt Sec. of State Stops I Life PritoBer TeDs Coort which the gold bide members malB^ Statistics were also released show­ tained would force a depreciation ing that a total of 3,278 children will ' their currencies and would be OttolH.ftKshn be enroUed in tbe twelve local at Cebh aad Speaks to.| Why He Elected to Be disastroue., grammar schools next term, this KORABACK PRESENT Bankers' Oedehm number to be taught by a staff of lixe bankers. decided this morn­ total asets dropped from $97,244,628 ninety-four teachers. E uh room in TEXTILE CODE PROVIDES the B a r t e r s . Tried by Three Judges. at the beginning of the period. ing to aak the, Bank of England to the school system will have an aver­ iTfako a declaration to tbe effect Assets in the other years were: age of thhrty-five pupils, whUe AT FEDERAL PROBE that it would hot be in Great Brit­ 1928— 886. 863.970. twenty-seven rooms xiHll have forty Hartford, June 27—(AP) — Dr. JOBS FOR 100,000 IDLE Cobh, Irish Free State, June 27. ain’s iptarest to see Continental 1929— 8120.402,103. or more pupils. Harold N. Guilfosde, sentenced to 1980-885,155.762. —(AP)—Assistant Secretary of nirrencies depredated. These figures show that tbe life imprlaoaiment for the murder Meanwhile, (he British were sit­ The 1981 balance sheet showed saturation |i^t has been reached State Raymond Mbley, who had in­ eaih of 816,296,242 and deportts of Says He Lost M o a ^ oo of C la^ Gaudet in January 1928, ting rtgar^Oag thdr. attitoda. as fhr as tbe number of pupils per Head of hstihite Makes This tended to land here'And iBy to Ixia- but it was learned that a represent room are coacemed since not many RYDERCUPISWON don, where he will attend the world elected to be tried by three Judges ^^^wlde variation In total defit^tt tative ^ the Rank if England w«a more than fbrty pupils can be plac­ Stock Sold Km by dtt J. because he bad beard that “States confesi^ing thia moniing with- Leon was disclosed ^ the five yearly bal- ed in each room, thirty-five or less economic conference, changed bis Estimate at Opening of Attorney Hugh If. Alcoip bad an Fraxer, preddeiti of the Bank fw . ance sheets, F or tbe other years being tbe best averagei Should tbe ;idana mtey sfid decided to proceed- influence over l<ries,” tbe j BY GREAT B ^A IN International SrttlemeBtB. t h ^ w ere: enrolment for 1984-86 show -a P. M orpB Com pny. ‘ to P^FMOuth'^sbOeerd the Ateatouhip former Fedeim veteri-'iMM told The fftttstieiiatmflMrBd 'dgWB to 1927— 869,449,016. noticeable increase, which is not at Federal Hearing — Code judjgigrBdwIh % Thomas u Federal according to arefrinformed 1928- ^A2i;il8.v all anticipated, it would he nfMe- ttiM, TbO’Menhatto® l> to rtach court this morning. Ja a hjoar^ oo eooferenoe ebdes: Saposaa or fail­ - 1629-888;»49.f66. spry to open more rooms and add ■ Washington, June 27.—(A P )^ J. Piytooutattrot six thirty fi. m.' a writ of habeas corpus.. /leither ure of the gold bloc prograps de­ 1980—8857,082347. more teachers. \ Elminates Child Labor. RefaiBs PossessioB «f Em­ day (1:30 p. m., e. t ) , M oley would he have ducted trial by court Henry Roraback, chairman of tbe s ant pended OB Great Britain's dedden. 120 Ontsite-Pi^ils therefore is scheduled to reamh Lon­ if be bad known Mr. Alcorn bad Connecticut Repeblican State Cen' PROBE 18 BE8DMED Tbe reduction in the cost of edu­ blem of k^AmericBB don at 11:80 p. m. (6:80 p. m^ e. a. been l^>pointed to office, instead of CURRENCY SITUATION Washington, June 27.—(AP)— cation for out-of-town pupils is ex­ Washington, June 27.—(A P I- tral committee and power company t-) elected. London,' June 27.— (AP) -U nited Resuming its investigation of pri­ pected to meet tbe approval of Embarked on the tremendous ex­ executive testified at a ..Federal There was a* lively scene in the Tbe right to a trial by a Jury, action by central banks of FrueSf vate iM^xing, the Senate banking Coventry, Andover, Bolton and harbor - am the Mamhattan cre^ in provided for in the Constitution at periment of lifting wages and re­ Pro Golf RWabry. trade commission bearing today that Switzerland,- Holland and Bdgtum committee today sought intimate South Windsor, towns that sent a bis pcfiitical positSan "gave some po­ through the early morning dark­ the United Statesk can not be taken to Induce Great Britain to stabUlpu details of tbe set-up and operations ihtal of 120 students to tbe local ducing w orking hoturs. Federal ad­ litical influence” when be aouiht ness. / away, either by order of the court, sterling and crush an international of Kuhn, Loeb and Company— ligh school last year. These towns ministrators of the industrial re­ As the tender with newspapermen * n Soqthport, Eng., June 27.—(AP) charters for his companies from tbe ring of diWerfcy' speculators wp*' giant New York concern. lave been contemplating changes. covery law heard from the textile Connecticut State Legislature.
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