Internal Revenue Service, Treasury § 1.1034–1 control of a corporation described in no investment in a new residence, sec- section 1033(a)(2)(A). tion 1034 is inapplicable and all of the gain shall be recognized. Whenever, as (Secs. 1033 (90 Stat. 1920, 26 U.S.C. 1033), and 7805 (68A Stat. 917, 26 U.S.C. 7805)) a result of the application of section 1034, any or all of the gain realized on [T.D. 6500, 25 FR 11910, Nov. 26, 1960; 25 FR the sale of an old residence is not rec- 14021, Dec. 31, 1960. Redesignated and amend- ed by T.D. 7625, 44 FR 31013, May 30, 1979; 44 ognized, a corresponding reduction FR 38458, July 2, 1979. Further redesignated must be made in the basis of the new and amended by T.D. 7758, 46 FR 6925, Jan. 22, residence. The provisions of section 1981; T.D. 7758, 46 FR 23235, Apr. 24, 1981; T.D. 1034 are mandatory, so that the tax- 8121, 52 FR 414, Jan. 6, 1987] payer cannot elect to have gain recog- nized under circumstances where this § 1.1033(h)–1 Effective date. section is applicable. Section 1034 ap- Except as provided otherwise in plies only to gains; losses are recog- § 1.1033(e)–1 and § 1.1033(g)–1, the provi- nized or not recognized without regard sions of section 1033 and the regula- to the provisions of this section. Sec- tions thereunder are effective for tax- tion 1034 affects only the amount of able years beginning after December 31, gain recognized, and not the amount of 1953, and ending after August 16, 1954. gain realized (see also section 1001 and (Secs. 1033 (90 Stat. 1920, 26 U.S.C. 1033), and the regulations issued thereunder). 7805 (68A Stat. 917, 26 U.S.C. 7805)) Any gain realized upon disposition of other property in exchange for the new [T.D. 6500, 25 FR 11910, Nov. 26, 1960; 25 FR 14021, Dec. 31, 1960. Redesignated and amend- residence is not affected by section ed by T.D. 7625, 44 FR 31013, May 30, 1979. 1034. For special rules relating to the Further redesignated and amended by T.D. sale or exchange of a principal resi- 7758, 46 FR 6925, Jan. 22, 1981] dence by a taxpayer who has attained age 65, see section 121 and paragraph § 1.1034–1 Sale or exchange of resi- (g) of § 1.121–5. For special rules relat- dence. ing to a case where real property with (a) Nonrecognition of gain; general respect to the sale of which gain is not statement. Section 1034 provides rules recognized under this section is reac- for the nonrecognition of gain in cer- quired by the seller in partial or full tain cases where a taxpayer sells one satisfaction of the indebtedness arising residence after December 31, 1953, and from such sale and resold by him with- buys or builds, and uses as his principal in 1 year after the date of such reacqui- residence, another residence within sition, see § 1.1038–2. specified time limits before or after (b) Definitions. The following defini- such sale. In general, if the taxpayer tions of frequently used terms are ap- invests in a new residence an amount plicable for purposes of section 1034 at least as large as the adjusted sales (other definitions and detailed expla- price of his old residence, no gain is nations appear in subsequent para- recognized on the sale of the old resi- graphs of this regulation): dence (see paragraph (b) of this section (1) Old residence means property used for definitions of adjusted sales price, by the taxpayer as his principal resi- new residence, and old residence). On the dence which is the subject of a sale by other hand, if the new residence costs him after December 31, 1953 (section the taxpayer less than the adjusted 1034(a); for detailed explanation see sales price of the old residence, gain is paragraph (c)(3) of this section). recognized to the extent of the dif- (2) New residence means property used ference. Thus, if an amount equal to or by the taxpayer as his principal resi- greater than the adjusted sales price of dence which is the subject of a pur- an old residence is invested in a new chase by him (section 1034(a); for de- residence, according to the rules stated tailed explanation and limitations see in section 1034, none of the gain (if any) paragraphs (c)(3) and (d)(1) of this sec- realized from the sale shall be recog- tion). nized. If an amount less than such ad- (3) Adjusted sales price means the justed sales price is so invested, gain amount realized reduced by the fixing- shall be recognized, but only to the ex- up expenses (section 1034(b)(1); for spe- tent provided in section 1034. If there is cial rule applicable in some cases to 133 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:50 May 09, 2011 Jkt 223094 PO 00000 Frm 00143 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\223094.XXX 223094 WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFR § 1.1034–1 26 CFR Ch. I (4–1–11 Edition) husband and wife, see paragraph (f) of (7) Cost of purchasing the new residence this section). means the total of all amounts which (4) Amount realized is to be computed are attributable to the acquisition, by subtracting, construction, reconstruction, and im- (i) The amount of the items which, in provements constituting capital ex- determining the gain from the sale of penditures, made during the period be- the old residence, are properly an offset ginning 18 months (one year in the case against the consideration received of a sale of an old residence prior to upon the sale (such as commissions and January 1, 1975) before the date of sale expenses of advertising the property of the old residence and ending either for sale, of preparing the deed, and of (i) 18 months (one year in the case of a other legal services in connection with sale of an old residence prior to Janu- the sale); from ary 1, 1975) after such date in the case (ii) The amount of the consideration of a new residence purchased but not so received, determined (in accordance constructed by the taxpayer, or (ii) two with section 1001(b) and regulations years (18 months in the case of a sale of issued thereunder) by adding to the an old residence prior to January 1, sum of any money so received, the fair 1975) after such date in the case of a market value of the property (other new residence the construction of than money) so received. If, as part of which was commenced by the taxpayer the consideration for the sale, the pur- before the expiration of 18 months (one chaser either assumes a liability of the year in the case of a sale of an old resi- taxpayer or acquires the old residence dence prior to January 1, 1975) after subject to a liability (whether or not such date (section 1034(a), (c)(2) and the taxpayer is personally liable on the (c)(5); for detailed explanation, see debt), such assumption or acquisition, paragraph (c)(4) of this section; for spe- in the amount of the liability, shall be cial rule applicable in some cases to treated as money received by the tax- husband and wife, see paragraph (f) of payer in computing the amount realized. this section; see also paragraph (b)(9) of (5) Gain realized is the excess (if any) this section for definition of purchase). of the amount realized over the ad- (8) Sale (of a residence) means a sale justed basis of the old residence (see also section 1001(a) and regulations or an exchange (of a residence) for issued thereunder). other property which occurs after De- (6) Fixing-up expenses means the ag- cember 31, 1953, an involuntary conver- gregate of the expenses for work per- sion (of a residence) which occurs after formed (in any taxable year, whether December 31, 1950, and before January beginning before, on, or after January 1, 1954, or certain involuntary conver- 1, 1954) on the old residence in order to sions where the disposition of the prop- assist in its sale, provided that such ex- erty occurs after December 31, 1957, in penses (i) are incurred for work per- respect of which a proper election is formed during the 90-day period ending made under section 1034(i)(2) (see sec- on the day on which the contract to tions 1034(c)(1), 1034(i)(1)(A), and sell the old residence is entered into; 1034(i)(2); for detailed explanation con- and (ii) are paid on or before the 30th cerning involuntary conversions, see day after the date of the sale of the old paragraph (h) of this section). residence; and (iii) are neither (a) al- (9) Purchase (of a residence) means a lowable as deductions in computing purchase or an acquisition (of a resi- taxable income under section 63(a), nor dence) on the exchange of property or (b) taken into account in computing the partial or total construction or re- the amount realized from the sale of construction (of a residence) by the the old residence (section 1034(b) (2) taxpayer (section 1034(c) (1) and (2)). and (3)). Fixing-up expenses does not in- However, the mere improvement of a clude expenditures which are properly residence, not amounting to recon- chargeable to capital account and struction, does not constitute purchase which would, therefore, constitute ad- of a residence.
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