BIODIVERSITY SUBCONTRACTOR’S CI MANAGEMENT PLAN TINA RIVER HYDROPOWER HEC-CDSB-CEMSP-PPP- PAGE REV. 5 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 002 1 OF 132 Biodiversity Management Plan HEC HSE Manager and THL E&S Person Responsible Manager DATE REV. DESCRIPTION PREPARED CHECKED APPROVED (dd/mm/yyyy) Version 1 issued for Lender’s 1 31/12/2019 HEC HEC review 2 02/05/2020 Version 2 issued for OE’s HEC Review Version 2 issued for Lenders’ 3 02/06/2020 HEC OE (JG) Review – Access Road Lot 1 Version 3 issued for Lenders’ OE (PF, KS, 4 17/09/2020 OE(JG) Review – Access Road JG) Version 3 resubmitted for OE (PF, KS, 5 13/11/2020 Lenders’ approval (Access OE(JG) JG) Road) BIODIVERSITY SUBCONTRACTOR’S CI MANAGEMENT PLAN TINA RIVER HYDROPOWER HEC-CDSB-CEMSP-PPP- PAGE REV. 5 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 002 2 OF 132 Revision Log Date Revised Detail Rev. (dd/mm/yyyy) Item Page Article Description BIODIVERSITY SUBCONTRACTOR’S CI MANAGEMENT PLAN TINA RIVER HYDROPOWER HEC-CDSB-CEMSP-PPP- PAGE REV. 5 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 002 3 OF 132 CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 8 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 8 1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 10 1.3 MANAGEMENT APPROACH 11 1.3.1 Adaptive Management 11 1.3.2 Ecosystem Approach 14 1.3.3 Four BMP Elements 14 1.3.4 Biodiversity Capacity Support and Stakeholder Engagement 15 1.4 UPDATES 16 1.5 DEFINITIONS 16 2 BACKGROUND TO THE PROJECT 18 3 ECOLOGICAL STUDIES UNDERTAKEN 19 4 BIODIVERSITY CONTEXT 21 4.1 REGIONAL BIODIVERSITY CONTEXT 21 4.2 LOCAL BIODIVERSITY CONTEXT 22 4.2.1 Terrestrial Ecology 23 4.2.2 Aquatic Ecology 27 5 EXISTING PRESSURES ON LOCAL BIODIVERSITY 29 5.1 CLEARING AND LOGGING 29 5.2 INVASIVE SPECIES 29 6 APPLICABLE POLICIES, STANDARDS AND LEGISLATION 31 6.1 LENDER POLICIES AND STANDARDS 31 6.2 CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN ENDANGERED SPECIES CONVENTION 34 6.3 CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY 34 6.4 RELEVANT LAWS IN SOLOMON ISLANDS 34 6.4.1 Biosecurity Act 2013 34 6.4.2 Environment Act 1998 and Environment Regulation 2008 34 6.4.3 Fisheries Management Act 2015 35 6.4.4 Fisheries Management (Prohibited Activities) Regulations 2018 35 6.4.5 The Forests Act 1999 35 6.4.6 Protected Areas Act 2010 36 6.4.7 Wildlife Protection and Management Act 1998 36 6.5 ANALYSIS OF EXISTING BIODIVERSITY VALUES AGAINST LENDER POLICIES AND STANDARDS 38 6.5.1 Project Area of Influence 38 BIODIVERSITY SUBCONTRACTOR’S CI MANAGEMENT PLAN TINA RIVER HYDROPOWER HEC-CDSB-CEMSP-PPP- PAGE REV. 5 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 002 4 OF 132 6.5.2 Analysis of Natural and Critical Habitat 40 7 SUMMARY OF TERRESTRIAL BIODIVERSITY IMPACTS AND OFFSET REQUIREMENTS 46 8 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 49 9 ELEMENT ONE. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 53 9.1 INTRODUCTION 53 9.2 ACTION PLAN 53 9.3 MONITORING AND EVALUATION 68 9.4 WILDLIFE PROTOCOL 73 9.4.1 Wildlife Shepherding Protocol 73 9.4.2 Injured Wildlife Protocol 74 9.5 INVASIVE FLORA MANAGEMENT 76 9.5.1 Invasive Flora Management Protocol (IFMP). 76 9.5.2 Preventing Invasive Plant Dispersal and Establishment 78 10 ELEMENT TWO. RIVER MANAGEMENT 80 10.1 INTRODUCTION 80 10.2 ACTION PLAN 81 10.3 MONITORING AND EVALUATION 85 10.4 ADDITIONAL BASELINE STUDIES 87 10.4.1 Algae and Macro-Invertebrate Surveys 87 10.4.2 Fish Studies 88 10.5 FISH PASSAGE MECHANISM 89 10.6 ALTERNATIVE GENERATION REGIMES AND ENVIRONMENTAL FLOW ANALYSIS 91 10.7 RIVER ENVIRONMENT BIODIVERSITY OFFSETS 92 11 ELEMENT THREE. WATERSHED ENGAGEMENT 93 11.1 INTRODUCTION 93 11.2 ACTION PLAN 93 11.3 MONITORING AND EVALUATION 98 12 ELEMENT FOUR. TERRESTRIAL BIODIVERSITY OFFSET 101 12.1 INTRODUCTION 101 12.2 ACTION PLAN 102 12.3 MONITORING AND EVALUATION 108 12.4 ADDITIONAL BASELINE STUDIES 112 12.4.1 Relevant studies previously undertaken 112 12.4.2 Assessment of unique features of Cliff and Riparian Habitat 112 12.5 DEVELOPMENT OF THE TERRESTRIAL BIODIVERSITY OFFSET AREA 112 BIODIVERSITY SUBCONTRACTOR’S CI MANAGEMENT PLAN TINA RIVER HYDROPOWER HEC-CDSB-CEMSP-PPP- PAGE REV. 5 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 002 5 OF 132 13 AUDITING 114 14 BMP PROGRAMME AND BUDGET 116 15 REFERENCES 117 ANNEX A – SPECIES LISTED AS THREATENED ON THE IUCN RED LIST AND / OR RESTRICTED RANGE SPECIES THAT ARE PRESENT OR POTENTIALLY PRESENT WITHIN THE TRHDP AREA 118 ANNEX B – SPECIES LISTS FROM ESIA (FLORA, AMPHIBIANS, BIRDS, MAMMALS, REPTILES) 129 ANNEX C – DR LAVERY’S REPORT 130 ANNEX D – DRAFT OUTLINE TOR FOR BIODIVERSITY CONSULTANTS 131 ANNEX E – INDICATIVE COSTS AND PROGRAMME FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BMP (FIRST 10 YEARS) 132 BIODIVERSITY SUBCONTRACTOR’S CI MANAGEMENT PLAN TINA RIVER HYDROPOWER HEC-CDSB-CEMSP-PPP- PAGE REV. 5 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 002 6 OF 132 ACRONYMS Name Description AZE Alliance for Zero Extinction Site BAG Biodiversity Advisory Group BMP Biodiversity Management Plan BOOT Built, Own, Operate and Transfer CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CESMP Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora CH Critical Habitat CR Critically Endangered DBMP Drill and Blast Management Plan DD Data Deficient DESCP Drainage, Erosion and Sediment Control Plan DIA Direct Impact Area EFMP Environmental Flows Management Plan EIS Environmental Impact Statement EN Endangered ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment ESMP Environment and Social Management Plan ESS Environmental and Social Safeguards FAMMP Fish, Algae, and Macro-Invertebrate Monitoring Plan FCP Forest Clearance Plan FFMP Flora and Fauna Monitoring Plan FPP Fish Passage Plan GPS Global Positioning System GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism HEC Hyundai Engineering Corporation Limited HMMP Hazardous Materials Management Plan HSE Health, Safety and Environment IA Implementation Agreement IBA Important Bird and Biodiversity Area IBAT Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool IFMP Invasive Flora Management Protocol IMP Influx Management Plan IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature KBA Key Biodiversity Area K-water Korea Water Resources Corporation LC Least Concern masl Metres above sea level MECDM Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology MMERE Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification MW Mega Watt NT Near Threatened NVMP Noise and Vibration Management Plan OE Owner’s Engineer (Stantec New Zealand) BIODIVERSITY SUBCONTRACTOR’S CI MANAGEMENT PLAN TINA RIVER HYDROPOWER HEC-CDSB-CEMSP-PPP- PAGE REV. 5 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 002 7 OF 132 PA Protected Area PO Project Office PCRRMP Post Construction Rehabilitation and Revegetation Management Plan PPA Power Purchase Agreement RoW Right of Way RR Restricted Range SECP Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Plan SIEA Solomon Islands Electricity Authority SMP Security Management Plan SIG Solomon Islands Government STMP Spoil and Top Soil Management Plan TBA To be appointed TCLC Tina Core Land Company THL Tina Hydropower Limited TMP Traffic Management Plan TRHDP Tina River Hydro Development Project (the Project) VU Vulnerable WMPSPP Waste Management and Point Source Pollution Plan BIODIVERSITY SUBCONTRACTOR’S CI MANAGEMENT PLAN TINA RIVER HYDROPOWER HEC-CDSB-CEMSP-PPP- PAGE REV. 5 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 002 8 OF 132 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE The Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP or “Project”) is a hydropower development located in Central Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, managed by a dedicated Project Office (PO) under the national Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification (MMERE). Tina Hydropower Limited (THL) was established by Korea Water Resources Corporation (K-water) and Hyundai Engineering Corporation Limited (HEC). THL will Build, Own, Operate and Transfer (BOOT) the Project under an Implementation Agreement (IA) and a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with the Solomon Islands Government (SIG) and Solomon Islands Electricity Authority, respectively. The BOOT concession is expected to last for a 30-year period, following commissioning. HEC will be responsible for the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) of the Project, while THL will be responsible for the Operation and Maintenance contract. THL will sell electricity to the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA) trading as Solomon Power, the state-owned power utility, for the duration of the concession. At the end of the concession, the hydropower infrastructure will be transferred to the SIG or SIEA. This Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP; P2), is part of a suite of environmental and social management plans (ESMPs) that have been prepared for the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (the Project). An Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the TRHDP was completed in 2017, with a revision in 2019. The ESIA includes requirements for a set of plans to guide implementation of the various phases of the project, including a Construction ESMP (CESMP; P1). One of the plans required to be developed in the preparation phase is the BMP (this plan). The purpose of the BMP is to outline actions and methods required to avoid, minimise, mitigate, and offset potential impacts of TRHDP activities on biodiversity. To ensure the project leads to the conservation or enhancement of biodiversity outcomes, the scope of the BMP is focused on the Tina River Catchment as a whole, and encompasses all biological areas that have the potential to be directly and indirectly impacted by the project. The geographical extent of Tina River catchment and key elements of the project disturbance (namely the Direct Impact Area) that will be included within the scope of the BMP are shown in Figure 1-1. BIODIVERSITY SUBCONTRACTOR’S CI MANAGEMENT PLAN TINA RIVER HYDROPOWER HEC-CDSB-CEMSP-PPP- PAGE REV. 5 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 002 9 OF 132 Figure 1-1: Map of the Project DIA boundary within the Tina River catchment BIODIVERSITY SUBCONTRACTOR’S CI MANAGEMENT PLAN TINA RIVER HYDROPOWER HEC-CDSB-CEMSP-PPP- PAGE REV. 5 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 002 10 OF 132 Unlike other sub-plans under the CESMP, the temporal scope of this BMP covers both the construction and operational phases.
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