List of CPP/CGPs in the State of Punjab Total Cap. Sr. No. Name & Address of Consumer (KW) Nahar Industrie! Enl-rprise Ltd., (Old Punjab Concoct Steel) Pro-" Nahar international Ltd. 1 1255 Focal .Point, Ludhiana. 2 Nahar industrial Enterprise Ltd., (Spinning MilLS) Focal Point, Phase-8, Ludhiana 5875 Nahar Spinning MilLS Ltd., (Old Name Nahar Export Ltd., (LS-7) (Rishav Spinning MilLS) 3 12600 Village -Jodha, Distt. Ludhiana. 4 Nahar Spinning MilLS Ltd., G. T. Road, Dandari Kalan, Ludhiana 7375 5 Nahar Spinning MilLS Ltd., 427 Industi.al Area -A, Ludhiana (LS-21 1781 6 Nahar Spinning MilLS Ltd., 378' Industrial Area -A, Ludhiana (LS-17. 1060 7 Oswal Woolen MilLS, G T Road, Sherpur (Ludhiana) LS-17 (Estate-D 6680 8 Oswal Woolen MilLS, G T Road, Sherpur (Ludhiana) LS-33 (Milarganj) 220 9 Oswal Cotton Spinning MilLS, Jugiyana Road, Doraha Distt. Ludhiana 2810 Vardhman Spinning £ Genral MilLS Ltd , Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana (New FP-1-01221) Old 10 7460 (FP-25 ) 11 Vardhman Special SteeLS, C-58 Focal Point, Ludhiana (FP-31) 2500 12 Vardhaman Yarns and Threads Ltd., (Unit-2) 3500 13 Podaar Tyres Ltd., Prodar Nager, Jugiysna Road, Jugiyana Ludhaiana 3040 14 Metro Tyres Ltd, (B-27, Matro Road, Jug..yana Unit-2) 1400 15 Metro Tyres Ltd., B-46, Phase-6, Focal Point Ludhiana 1430 16 Metro Tyres Ltd, Village Jugiyana Unit-3, G T Road, Ludhiana 1440 17 Jpper India SteeLS, Dh'ipuari Kalan FoaJl Point Ludhiana 3910 18 Hero Cycle Ltd (Mangli Divison) Phase-8 Focal Point Ludhiana 5320 19 Avery Cycle industries Ltd, (Steel Strips Division) Jugiyana Road, Ludhiana 1766.25 20 Awery Cycle Industries Ltd., Focal Point, Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana 5086.25 21 Avon Cycle Ltd, Jugiyana Road, Dhandari Kalan, Ludhiana 2776.5 22 Hero Cycle Pvt. Ltd., Jugiyana Road, Ludniana 7600 23 Avon Bicycle Components, Ind Area-B, Lu dhiana 1286 24 Aarti SteeLS Ltd., Focal Point Ludhiana 10715 25 RicoCasting Ltd., Rico Milbarize, iB-26 Focal Point, Ludhiana 3065 26 C.R Aloke and Sons Ltd., Industrial Area-A, Ludhiana 2745 27 Gobind Rabar Ltd., Kanganwal Road, V&P D Jugiyana, Ludhiana 2250 28 Gobind Rabar Ltd., Kanganwal Road, V&PO Jugiyana, Ludhiana Unit-2 3780 29 R. K Machine TooLS Ltd., 854, Industrial Area-A, Ludhiana 1100 30 Valbh SteeLS Ltd., G T Road, Sahnewal, Ludhiana 1100 31 RaLSon India Ltd., G T Road, Ludhiana 8390 32 Highway Industries Ltd., G T Road, Sahnewal, Ludhiana 8150 33 Highway Industries Ltd., (Unit-2) 698, industrial Area-B, Ludhiana 1410 34 Dyanand Medical Collage and Hospital, Ludhiana 4000 35 Vishwa Caliber Builders Pvt. Ltd., B-11,1389, Opp, Badhour House, Ludhiana 1685 36 Jai Durga Paper MilLS Pvt. Ltd., Vilage Habran, Near Bhora Sahib Gurudwara (Ludhiana) 1000 37 Shivaliya Spinning and Weaving Pvt. Ltd., B-30,796/1, Sherpur Bypass. 2760 38 Garg Acyrilics Ltd., Kaganwa! Road, V&PO Jogyana, Ludhiana 3635 39 Turbo Industries Pvt. Ltd., Industrial Arra-C, Dhandari Kaian, Ludhiana 1710 40 Highway Industries Ltd., Phase-8, Focal Point, Ludhiana 10990 41 Vinayak Textile Mills Phase-8, Focal Point Ludhiana 8950 42 Sportking Synthatic, Vil. Kanoch, Sahnewal, G T Road, Ludhiana 5145 43 Aarti International Ltd., (Textile Division), Focal Point, Ludhiana 25045 44 F.'M. I Ltd., Silver Ayark Mall, Firozpur Road, Ludhiana 2520 45 Rockman Industries Ltd., A-7, Focal Point, Ludhiana 9150 Total Cap. Sr. No. Name & Address of Consumer (KW) 46 Rockman Industries Ltd.. Phase-8, Focal Point, Mangli, Ludhiana 2510 47 Avon Tubes, G T Road, Dhandari Kalan, Ludhiana 2250 48 Garg Aycrilics Ltd., Kaganwal Road, V&PO Jugiyana Distt. Ludhiana 1750 49 Jindal Cotex Ltd., G T Road, Jugiyana, Ludhiana 3250 50 Jindal Cottex Ltd., (Unit-ll) Village-Mandiy Kalan, PO. Bija 3750 Nova Garments India Ltd,, G T Road, Husynpur, Duke Fasioin ndia, Glaze Garments India 51 6045 Ltd., Vince Garments India Ltd., Stock India Ltd., Ludhiana Ansal Properties and Infrastructure Ltd., Fifozepur, Mall Road, Annexy Building Firozpur 52 3995 Road, 53 United Bewevarge Ltd., C-60, Focal Point, Ludhiana 2990 54 Eastman Casting and Forge Ltd., G T Road, Near Airport, Ludhiana 1090 55 Vince Cotsine India Ltd., G T Road, Ludhiana 2780 56 Happy Forcing Ltd., B-29-2254/1 Kanganwal Road, Jugiyana, Ludhiana, SL-129 1260 57 SharmanJI Yarns Pvt. Ltd. Lokowal Road, Kohada 3025 58 Saluja Cottex Pvt. Ltd. Vill." Lali Kalan, Distt. Ludhiana 4500 59 G. S Automotive Pvt. Ltd.,'G. S Astates, G T Road, Ludhiana 4375 Supreme Texmart Ltd., Vill. Kanganwal, Ludhiana. LS-134 and L S 290 (Supreme Yarns Ltd., 60 6270 ) 61 Garg Aycrlices Ltd., Kanganwal Road, Vill. Padhi Distt. Ludhiana 3000 62 Shiva Taxfabricator Ltd., Vill. Bhatiya Machiwada, Distt. Ludhiana 8020 63 Majestic Auto Ltd., C-48, Focal Point, Ludhiana 1990 64 R. N Gupta and Company Ltd., C-55, Focal Point, Ludhiana 2188 65 Shiva Fabricate Pvt. Ltd., Vill. Iraq, Machiwada, Ludhiana 3700 Monty Carlo) Oswal Woolen Miliz, Jugiyana Road, Sherpura (Ludhiana)W-11-EST-00258 (LS- 66 1750 77) (Eslate-ll) Special Oswal Woolen MilLS, G T Road, Sherpur (Arham Woolen MilLS) Ludhiana (LS-1 06) New 67 1250 260 (Estate-1 1 ) 68 J V R, Forging Ltd., Industrial Area-C, Sooa Road, Dhandari Kalan, -udhiana 1385 Mohandai Oswal Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation, G T Road, Sherpur Bypass, 69 2415 .Ludhiana Monty Carlo (Oswal Woolen MilLS Ltd., ) Unit No. 1,226, Vija Mager, Industrial Circle Area- 70 1380 A, Ludhiana 71 Sharman Spinning MilLS Ltd., Airport Road, Sahnewal, Ludhiana 1500 Kangaro Industries Ltd., (Stcpple Unt No. 11) B-30-6754, Focal 3oint, Backside Aarti SteeLS 72 3395 Ltd. Ludhiana 73 Bhiva Fabricates Pvt. Ltd., Vill. Kado, Payal Road, Doraha, Ludhiana 1010 74 Abohar Power Generation Pvt. Ltd., Mulanpur Raikote Road, Ludhiana 1800 75 Abohar Power Generation Pvt. Ltd., MHP, Khanpur, Sahnewal Road, Ludhiana 1425 76 A. K M Enterprise Pvt. Ltd., (M. B. D) Rajguru Nager, Firozpur Road, Ludhiana 8125 77 Magma Matcast Ltd., Habdan-Muilapur Road, Habran (Ludhiana) 4090 78 Kashmir Empires Exports, 'Jugiyans Road, Doraha (Ludhiana) 1270 79 Munjal Casting (Unit-2) 730 Ind. Arsa-B and 12-R, Industrial Ind. Area-B, Ludhiana 3000 80 Munesh Forge Pvt. Ltd., Phase-7, Focal Point, Vill. Gobindgarh, .udhiana 2275 81 Hero SteeLS Ltd., Hero Nager, GT Road, Ludhiana 1750 82 Micro Daily Ventures Pvt. Ltd., Vill. L.atla, Distl. Ludhiana 1500 83 Sentex International Pvt. Ltd., Sua Read, Phase-7, Focal Point .udhiana 1010 84 Ganga Acrowoolz Ltd., Jugiyana Road, Vill. Kote Sekhon Tehsil. Khana 4290 85 Saluja Processors Pvt. Ltd., Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana 2770 86 Cosmo Research Lab. Ltd., Vill. Gosparb, PO. Noorpur Bet, Habran, Distt. Ludhiana 1010 Total Cap. Sr. No. Name & Address of Consumer (KW) 87 Hindustan Tyres Company., Vill. Kanganwal, Jugiyana Road, udhiana 1720 88 Supreme Tex Mart Ltd., (Day House) B-72, Phase-8, Focal Point, udhiana 1500 89 Yaric International, Jugiyana Road, Rajgarh, Doraha 3596.5 90 Mejestic Hotal Ltd., PO Bag :333, Bhai E-ala Chowk, Firozpur, .udhiana 1500 91 Vill. Raowal, Ludhiana (Winsome Yarns Ltd., 34-A Chandigarh) 1913 92 Vill. Esawal, Ludhiana (Winsome Yarps Ltd., SCO-191-192, Sector -34/A Chandigarh) 1175 93 Vill. Mansiya, Ludhiana (Winsome Yarns Ltd., 34-A, Chandigarh) 675 94 Vill. Badewala, Ludhiana (Winsome Yarns Ltd., SCO-191-92, Sector-34/A, Chandigarh) 1175 95 Osho Forge Ltd., Chandigarh Road, Unchi Mangli, Ludhiana 1000 96 Iron Gold Sock International Ltd., Jugiyana Road, . West, Jalandhar Bypass, Ludhiana 2000 97 Mahalaxmi Processing House Pvt. Ltd., C-231, Phase-8, Focal 3oint, Ludhiana 1300 98 Bhartiya Reality Ltd., Old Session Court, Ludhiana 5250 MIS Radha Swami Satsung Beas, Super Specialty Hospital, Mundiya, Chandigarh Road, 99 2020 Ludhiana 100 Heo Ecotech Ltd. Focal Point Phase-8 Ludhiana 2500 Amson Gears Ltd. (Unit-2) Sahnewal Khurd, Jugiyana Road, D-42 Phase-5 Focal Point, 101 1515 Ludhiana 102 L.S. R. Frozen Pvt. Ltd. (Unit-II) Sua Road, Kanganwal, Ludhiana 5605 103 RaLSon (India) Ltd. 25 Mill Pathar, Vill. Malhipur, Jugiyana Road, Doraha 2000 104 Singora Textiles Ltd. Vill Doraha GT Road, Ludhiana 1900 105 RaLSon (India) Ltd. (Unit-3), Vill. Kotla, Jugiyana Road, Tehsil Khana, Ludhiana 1500 106 G.S. Majestic Developers Pvt. Ltd. Block H.BR S Nager Ferozepur 3010 107 Divine Industries Pvt. Ltd. Near Chawla Filing Station, Ludhiana 1440 108 R.K. Industries, Jugiyana Road, Sarhind, Gobindgarh 1376 109 L. R. Allianze, GT Road, Sarhind Slide, Mandi Gobindgarh 2000 110 Bansal Alliez and Metwal Pvt. Ltd. Jugiyana Road, Mandi Gobindgarh 820 111 Bhwani Industries Ltd. Ajnala, Mandi Gobindgarh 1750 112 K.S.M Spinning MilLS Ltd. Vill. Madiyala Kalan, PO Bija, Tehsil Khana 2500 113 Crosin Spinning Ltd. Vill. Aricha, Distt. Ludhiana 3750 114 Oswal Cotton Spinning MilLS, GT Road, Doraha 2820 115 Kandhari Baybriz Pvt. Ltd. Vill. Nabipur, Fatehgarh Sahib 4000 116 R.N. Gupta and Company, Unit-II Jugiyana Road, Doraha, Ludhiana 3000 117 Pagro Frozen Food Pvt. Ltd. Vill. Jalbadi, Gehriya, near Sadoogarh 1750 118 M.Tech Railcar Industries Pvt. Ltd. Vill. Sadoogarh (Fatehgarh Sahib) 4500 119 Ravi Construction Pvt. Ltd. City Centor, Jugiyana Road, Khana 2400 Shri Om Parkash Bansal Education and society trust M Rimit Technolgy Near Focal Point, 120 1285 Sarhind Slide Moga 121 Punjab Alklies and Chemical Ltd. Nagal Una Road, Ropar 1000 122 Son Farmasecuritycal Industries Ltd. (Ranbaxy Lab. Ltd. Vill Tosa PO Railo Majra, Ropar 12270 123 Ambuja Cement Ltd. Vill. Durbari, PO Ldhi Majra, Distt. Ropar 534725 124 Punjab Trectors Ltd. Savraj Combine Division Vill. Chapercidi, PO LanPOa, Distt. Ropar 4000 125 D.C. M Engineers Production, Post Box No. 56 Ropar 3583.5 Malwa Cotton Spinning MilLS Ltd. (Malwa Processing House), vill.
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