Weather Scattered showers with high today 50° F. Low tonight 34°F. High tomorrow 52° F. ~--------~ With few exceptions... No parking means no parking! This unfortunate vehicle was removed from its cozy parking space on Grant last week (Staff photo by Dave Smith). ASMSU job survey spurs controvercy with media heads By CARRIE SPRINGER the survey was "inappropriate." Takala called a meeting Wednesday night to discuss the Reporter It stated in part that the "senators lack preparation regarding survey with the five who showed concern over it's intent. Per­ A survey sent out to all ASMSU programs earlier this week the whole stipend situation." It went on to say that "little or no kins and Lynch were the only two who attended the meeting. resulted in controversy between five program heads and attempt was made ahead of time to ratify this situation or even Perkins said, "I wanted a responsible response for something ASMSU Vice-President Lori Takala. an attempt to understand this situation." that appeared to be nothing.' ' The survey, which was entitled "ASMSU Stipend Survey", Other reasons cited in the memo included the time consider­ According to Takala, the meeting cleared up several of the asked program heads and members to complete questions ation (the survey deadline 1s Feb. I) and the wording of the questions which were raised in the memo. The survey will serve which related to work hours, job responsiblities and duties, skill survey. as an information source for the stipend review committee, she and experience and the stipends they recieve. The five program heads stated in the memo, "The form said, but the new stipend approval or disapproval will not be According to Takala, the survey "threw everyone ott in the you've requested to be computed appears to be thrown based soley upon the replies on the surveys. wrong direction." together on the spur of the moment, and it is worded poorly." Oral presentations will be required from every program head " Apparently, a lot of people upstairs are having a hard time "Mediocre senators only produce mediocre surveys," said and members before the stipend review committee makes any filling 1t (the survey) out," she said in reference to the media Doig in resonse to the survey. recommendations, she added. heads, which all have offices upstairs. Takala said the intent of the survey was not to base stipend The survey, said Takala, will give the five senators on the The media heads who voiced concern over the survey decisions upon the survey responses, but to "inform unnformed stipend review committee a starting point. included: KGLT General Manager Dave Perkins, Exponent Edi­ senators." " It will provide them with information to ask intelligent ques~ tor Shaun Doig, Typesetting Director Dee Shipstead and Mon­ In response to the intent of the survey, Doig said, "It is too late lions instead of groping as before." tanan Editor John Degel. for the survey. The senate should have been informed three Ultimately, Takala said an organizational guideline package All four signed a memo which was sent to Takala in response weeks ago on the issue. The availability of people who were will be developed from the information gathered from the sur­ to the survey. Newly appointed Campus Entertainment Director willing to go into great detail on individual programs was indi­ vey, and additional information, which will be complied later in Tom Lynch also signed the memo. cated by the number that showed up at last week's senate the quarter. In the memo, the program heads listed several reasons why meeting." 2 EXPONENT Friday, January 27, 1984 News Briefs Threats recess court Brazil's last five heads of state have been former (UPI) A 1uror chosen in the manslaughter tr ial of Generals Miami Policeman Luis Alvarez says he's received death A successor to the c urrent President 1s slated for threats. Alvarez 1s a Cuban-born policeman charged tn January. 1985, by and electoral collage controlled by the fatal shooting of a black man that sparked three the military days of noting in 1982 Circuit Judge David Gersten has Speed record,' holder dies recessed the court while checking into the claims made by the juror. who rs the only H1span1c among five whites (UPI ) The man who smashed the world land speed on the six-person 1ury record in 1970 died last night in Southern California Gary Gabelich was 43. He dted from infuries suffered Prison reform urged when hrs motorcycle slammed into a truck at high (UPI ) Saying American prisons don't work, Supreme speed yesterday afternoon on a Ca ltfornra motorway In Court Chief Justice Warren Burger called for fundamen­ 1970, Gabelich reached more than 622 miles per hour tal changes in the U.S. penal system. Burger echoed the when he frred his missile -shaped rocked car across the theme he's been sounding for two decades in remarks Bonneville Salt Flats 1n Utah. prepared for delivery last night to the Safer Foundation. a Chicago-based organization that helps ex-convict~ Reagan forced to land Burger satd instead of " human warehouses," prisons should be "training schools and factories with fences " 1 (UPI ) President Reagan returned to the White House last night after a six-hour political tnp to the South In Texaco merger contested Atlanta. Reagan accused Democratic Pres1denttal can­ didates of trying to "buy" votes with political promises. (UPI) A Federal judge in Tulsa. Oklahoma. set a hear­ Before the President made ti south, the helicopter ing for Monday on a request to halt the largest corporate carrying him from the Whtie House to Andrews Atr merger in U.S. history. Houston-based Pennzoil filed the Force Base in Maryland was forced to make an emer­ suit to prevent a $9.9 billion takeover of Getty Oil by gency landing. No one was hurt and offtcials say Rea­ Texaco. gan was never in any danger. The reason a warning light went on has not been determined. Tourist kl/led In El Salvador (U PI) An American woman killed by gunfire in El Internships offered Salvador yesterday has been identified as 23-year-old Linda Cancel A Salvadoran military spokesman says Would you like to spend a quarter as an intern in a the woman, her husband and the couple's five-year-old professional organization? If so, now is the time to regis­ son and 18-month-old daughter were shot at after after ter for a spring internship. driving their van through a rebel roadblock. They're They are available in Bozeman, in Montana, and out­ described by the military as "tounsts from Alabama." of-state. You can receive 12 credits for the course. For The U.S. Embassy says it received information from an more information, please contact Margie Mullen in the unidentified Salvadoran official that government soldi­ Career Placement and Planning Office, SUB 125. ers are responsible. IDs to be handed out Brazlllans rally for elections (UPI) Government analysts in Brazil say demonstra­ Student photo IDs will be handed out on Thursday, tions and demands probably won't be able to force Feb. 2 and Friday, Feb. 3 from 8:30 a.m to 4:30 p.m. at Brazil's military government to hold drrect presidential the book return windows. which are down the hall out­ elections that would end two decades of military rule. side the MSU bookstore The country's Justice Minister says and anti­ Your fee payment receipt will be required to get your government rally yesterday that attracted 250,000 peo­ ID validated. ple was held by what he calls "those who wish to subvert the democratic process." Calendar Free Sponsered by ttte Family Housmg Advisory 7.00 pm 1l 1s hee ana open to au and sponsered by Council AHA. Programmmg JANUARY 27 ALL SENIOR STUDENTS The l1m The Desk Set will be sho,,.. n al 3 pm m room 276 OI the SUB A $1 00 adm•SSIOO W•ll be JANUARY 29 charged !or stUClents. 52 00 ot non·Sludents 11 students to serve you PRIME T1ME Campus Crusade tor Christ s weeldy meehng is lleld tomghl at 6 30 1n lhe SUB room 276 Ice cream social lollo 'M ng :~7~s c~1;;,b~~~~~=== ;7:~s:~:1~!iA::xHLy~:~ JAN UARy 30 MSU Students - Profs Rec Area Class is hmlled 10 I 0 persons coo1ac1 JANUARY 28 ASMSU Outdoor Recreahon Program Tile movie ·snan s Song will be shown in Hannon at ASMSU Pert0tm1ng AnsComll'llt1eepresen1s Kronos 7 00 pm 1t 1s lree and open 10 all and sponsered by DISCOUNT String Ouartel 1n the ReynOlds Recital Hall at 8 00 pm RHA Programmrng SA TURD Ay MOANING FUN CLUB Theatre ot Silence l)l'esents sklls l0Jch11dren 10 am SOB Batn The movie "Bnan·s Song· "'' be snown rn Rosk1e at $2.00 OFF Ms. Kitty's Adult Store 30% OFF all products Mikes 12 North Wiiison Bozeman, MT 59715 NEXUS Place 406-586-6989 x tri. Emotion Lotion Special! Every Friday Buy one, get another at ~ price! 2-7 1 Hours: Tuesday-Friday 9:30-5:30 • Saturday 8:00-3:00 j Visit our new 1 1216 West Lincoln • 586-7664 $1.25 Pitchers VCR & XXX Videos Video Arcades L- · -----~~~~::_.!2.~.!!.=----__j Available for Rental & receive a free gift! EXPONEN'f3 Friday, January 27, 1984 POW recounts six-year experience in North Vietnam . About half way through the plane that was to take him home, he sa1d,"l looked up and saw a By MARTA AYN JONES the Hanoi Street March of 1966 parade. people with megaphones began trying to incite the big red cross on the tail, and above that cross was a big Reporter beautiful American flag.At that prnnt.
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