April 1, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E377 was incorporated as a nonprofit, with the IN HONOR OF TALLADEGA HIGH Parady, who has served as the town moder- name Cedars Development Foundation. As a SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL ator of Bourne for eighteen years. newly minted nonprofit, the organization AHSAA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Mr. Parady has devoted his life to improving pivoted to focus on both the education and the quality of life in the Town of Bourne. He housing of individuals with intellectual and de- HON. MIKE ROGERS has held numerous posts in town and has al- velopmental disabilities. This led to the open- OF ALABAMA ways remained dedicated to participating in ing of Cedars’ first community-based home in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES local government and making our community 1968, pioneering a model for which the organi- a better place to live. His first job was working Monday, April 1, 2019 zation would become known. By 1984, Cedars as a lifeguard for the town, and he later held began its Community Living Skills day pro- Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Madam Speaker, his first elected position on the town’s Plan- gram, expanding the organization’s program- I ask for the House’s attention to recognize ning Board. ming into skills development and community the Talladega High School boys basketball After graduating from Bourne High School, building for individuals who weren’t housed by team for winning the Alabama High School Mr. Parady received his bachelor’s degree in the program. Over the next seven years, Ce- Athletic Association (AHSAA) Class 4A bas- political science from the University of Massa- dars would continue to innovate, adding a ketball state championship. chusetts Amherst. He then attended Suffolk Community Challenges program, opening The Tigers defeated West Limestone 60–48 Law School and was admitted to the Massa- eight additional community-based homes, and in the championship game on March 1st at chusetts Bar Association. initiating a successful capital campaign to ren- Birmingham’s Legacy Arena in Birmingham, Back in Bourne, Mr. Parady served as a Se- ovate the original site. By 1995, the organiza- Alabama. The Tigers brought home the pro- lectman for nearly two decades, starting in tion was officially re-named Cedars of Marin. gram’s first ever state title. 1977. During his time in office, he always Today, Cedars of Marin has provided serv- Madam Speaker, please join me in con- strived to solve problems that would have ices to over 2,500 individuals with intellectual gratulating the students and faculty of practical and positive impacts on his commu- and developmental disabilities. Through the Talladega High School, the coaches, the play- nity. One project he and the Board of Select- organization’s innovative community-based ers and all the Tiger fans on this exciting men were particularly keen on fixing was im- housing program, Cedars now houses ap- achievement. Go Tigers. proving Main Street. Step by step they tackled proximately 100 individuals across its main f the issue, first removing a sign blocking the campus and ten group homes, building a safe RECOGNIZING THE 100TH ANNIVER- view of the bridge. They then worked to se- cure the land to build Buzzards Bay park and and productive environment for them to reach SARY OF THE MCLANE MID- their highest levels of independence. The or- DLETON LAW FIRM were given a grant to build Taylor’s Point Ma- ganization’s skills-focused day programs serve rina. Beyond Main Street, Mr. Parady worked over 190 individuals each weekday, creating a diligently to complete numerous public works larger community of support for the intellectu- HON. ANN M. KUSTER projects, such as expanding the police station ally and developmentally disabled, while also OF NEW HAMPSHIRE and renovating the Town Hall. helping their families. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In 2001, Mr. Parady was elected to serve as Madam Speaker, Cedars of Marin has con- Monday, April 1, 2019 town moderator, to run the town meetings he tinued to be an innovative leader in the areas Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire. Madam attended starting in high school. He is remem- of residential, educational, and community Speaker, I rise today to recognize the McLane bered by his colleagues as a dedicated public building programs for the intellectually and de- Middleton law firm in celebration of their 100th servant who unrelentingly worked to improve velopmentally disabled. Through the unwaver- anniversary. the town he loved. After serving for over four ing dedication of its leadership and staff, the Founded in 1919, the firm has 106 attorneys decades in numerous capacities, Mr. Parady’s organization has never lost sight of its original admitted to practice in 17 states and the Dis- legacy will continue to have a positive impact purpose to provide opportunities to help these trict of Columbia and is the largest law firm in in Bourne. individuals live as independently as possible, the state of New Hampshire with 226 col- Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor Rob- while leading happy and productive lives. leagues, and has five locations across New ert Parady and his commitment to improving Therefore, please join me in congratulating Hampshire and Northern New England. The the lives of all who lived in the town of Cedars of Marin for a century of inspiring firm is marking its anniversary with a year-long Bourne. I ask that my colleagues join me in work, and in wishing them many more years celebration, which will include monthly com- recognizing his hard work and dedication as of success. munity donations in quantities of 100, such as he celebrates his retirement. f 100 blankets to transitional housing shelters, f QUINNLAN THORNTON and a centennial celebration with colleagues XOCHITL VARGAS and alumni on April 4th. McLane Middleton is a pillar of the broader HON. ED PERLMUTTER community in New Hampshire, committed to HON. ED PERLMUTTER OF COLORADO pro-bono work and community service. Its OF COLORADO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES contributions to the state are reflected in its IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, April 1, 2019 distinguished network of alumni—including Monday, April 1, 2019 Members of Congress, State Supreme Court Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise Justices, and NH Attorneys General. I am today to recognize and applaud Quinnlan today to recognize and applaud Xochitl Vargas grateful for all McLane Middleton has done to Thornton for receiving the Arvada Wheat for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service support our state and nation. Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. On behalf of my constituents across New Ambassadors for Youth award. Quinnlan Thornton is a student at Oberon Hampshire’s Second Congressional District, I Xochitl Vargas is a student at Three Creeks Middle School and received this award be- want to thank McLane Middleton for all they K–8 and received this award because her de- cause his determination and hard work have have done, and will continue to do, for the termination and hard work have allowed her to allowed him to overcome adversities. Second District and the State of New Hamp- overcome adversities. The dedication demonstrated by Xochitl The dedication demonstrated by Quinnlan shire. Thornton is exemplary of the type of achieve- Vargas is exemplary of the type of achieve- ment that can be attained with hard work and f ment that can be attained with hard work and perseverance. It is essential students at all IN RECOGNITION OF ROBERT perseverance. It is essential students at all levels strive to make the most of their edu- PARADY levels strive to make the most of their edu- cation and develop a work ethic which will cation and develop a work ethic which will guide them for the rest of their lives. HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING guide them for the rest of their lives. I extend my deepest congratulations to OF MASSACHUSETTS I extend my deepest congratulations to Quinnlan Thornton for winning the Arvada IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Xochitl Vargas for winning the Arvada Wheat Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. award. I have no doubt he will exhibit the Monday, April 1, 2019 I have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- same dedication and character in all of his fu- Mr. KEATING. Madam Speaker, I rise today cation and character in all of her future ac- ture accomplishments. in recognition of the retirement of Robert complishments. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:05 Apr 02, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AP8.012 E01APPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E378 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 1, 2019 PERSONAL EXPLANATION services that support the thousands of service graduating high school. His first overseas de- members and their families at Joint Base ployment was with the Commander Submarine HON. JOE WILSON Cape Cod. In 2017, founder Don Cox and his Group Seven in Yokosuka, Japan. There he OF SOUTH CAROLINA team saw a larger need to expand across the supported telecommunications to deployed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Commonwealth to support active duty military, and shore based units. ITC(SW) Hammer then coast guard, national guard, veterans, and went back to school but soon returned to Monday, April 1, 2019 their families, creating the Massachusetts Mili- Japan on his assignment to the Commander Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Madam tary Support Foundation. Seventh Fleet which embarked on the USS Speaker, due to recovery from being sick, I The recent government shutdown brought Blue Ridge. ITC(SW) Hammer then served a was unable to attend.
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