13.1.2007EN Official Journal of the European Union L 8/35 COMMISSION DECISION of 22 December 2006 amending the Appendix to Annex VI to the Act of Accession of Bulgaria and Romania as regards certain milk processing establishments in Bulgaria (notified under document number C(2006) 6960) (Text with EEA relevance) (2007/26/EC) THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, (4) Furthermore, certain milk processing establishments in Bulgaria have the capacity and equipment to process compliant and non-compliant milk on separate Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European production lines. Those establishments should be Community, included on the list set out in Chapter II of that Appendix. Having regard to the Treaty of Accession of Bulgaria and Romania, and in particular Article 4(3) thereof, (5) Therefore, the Appendix to Annex VI to the Act of Accession should be amended. For the sake of clarity, that Appendix should be replaced by the text in the Having regard to the Act of Accession of Bulgaria and Romania, Annex to this Decision. and in particular the first subparagraph of paragraph (f) of Chapter 4 of Section B of Annex VI thereto, (6) The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Whereas: Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health, (1) Bulgaria has been granted transitional periods by the Act HAS ADOPTED THIS DECISION: of Accession of Bulgaria and Romania for compliance by certain milk processing establishments with the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 of the Article 1 European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 laying down specific hygiene rules for food of The Appendix to Annex VI to the Act of Accession of Bulgaria animal origin (1). Certain establishments which are and Romania is replaced by text in the Annex to this Decision. authorised to process non-compliant milk are listed in Chapter I, and certain establishments which are Article 2 authorised to process both compliant and non- compliant milk, provided that such processing is This Decision shall apply subject to and as from the date of the carried out on separate production lines are listed in entry into force of the Act of Accession of Bulgaria and Chapter II, of the Appendix to Annex VI to that Act. Romania. (2) A number of the establishments currently listed in Article 3 Chapter I of that Appendix have ceased the activities covered by the transitional periods. Those establishments This Decision is addressed to the Member States. should therefore be deleted from that list. (3) In view of the evolution of the quality of the raw milk Done at Brussels, 22 December 2006. and the present proportion of production of raw milk in Bulgaria that does not comply with the requirements of For the Commission Regulation (EC) No 853/2004, certain establishments should be included in the list set out in Chapter I of Markos KYPRIANOU that Appendix to Annex VI of the Act of Accession. Member of the Commission (1) OJ L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 55; corrected by OJ L 226, 25.6.2004. Regulation as last amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 2076/2005 (OJ L 338, 22.12.2005, p. 83). L 8/36EN Official Journal of the European Union 13.1.2007 ANNEX ‘Appendix to Annex VI CHAPTER I List of milk processing establishments processing non-compliant milk referred to in Chapter 4, Section B, paragraph (a), of Annex VI No Vet. No Name and address of establishment Site of premises concerned Blagoevgrad Region — No 1 1 0112003 ET “Vekir” s. Godlevo 2 0112013 ET “Ivan Kondev” Stopanski dvor gr. Razlog 3 0112014 ET “Veles-Kostadin Velev” ul. “Golak” 14 gr. Razlog Burgas Region — No 2 4 0212005 ET “Dinadeks DN 76” ul. “Industrialna” 1 gr. Burgas 5 0212028 “Vester” OOD s. Sigmen 6 0212037 “Megakomers” OOD s. Lyulyakovo obsht. Ruen 7 0212038 “Klas” OOD s. Galabets obsht. Pomorie 8 0212047 “Komplektstroy” EOOD s. Veselie Varna Region — No 3 9 0312002 ET “Mario” gr. Suvorovo 10 0312025 “Dzhenema” EOOD s. Gen. Kiselovo Veliko Tarnovo Region — No 4 11 0412003 “Laktima” AD ul. “Magistralna” 5 gr. Veliko Tarnovo 12 0412005 “Varosha” EOOD s. Kamen obsht. Strazhitsa Vidin Region — No 5 13 0512003 SD “LAF-Velizarov i sie” s. Dabravka obsht. Belogradchik Vratza Region — No 6 14 0612010 “Hadzhiyski i familiya” EOOD s. Gradeshnitsa mestnost “Lakata” 15 0612035 OOD “Nivego” s. Chiren 16 0612041 ET “Ekoprodukt-Megiya-Bogorodka gr. Vratsa Dobrilova” ul. “Ilinden” 3 17 0612042 ET “Mlechen puls – 95 – Tsvetelina gr. Krivodol Tomova” ul. “Vasil Levski” 13.1.2007EN Official Journal of the European Union L 8/37 No Vet. No Name and address of establishment Site of premises concerned Gabrovo Region — No 7 18 0712001 “Ben Invest” OOD s. Kostenkovtsi obsht. Gabrovo 19 0712003 “Elvi” OOD s. Velkovtsi obsht. Gabrovo 20 0712004 “Cheh-99 ”OOD s. Sokolovo obsht. Dryanovo 21 0712015 “Rosta” EOOD s. M. Varshets 22 0712028 ET “Mik” ul. “Shipka” 226 gr. Dryanovo 23 0712029 “ViV Partnyori” EOOD s. Gostilitsa obsht. Dryanovo Dobrich Region — No 8 24 0812032 “Roles-milk” OOD s. Kardam Kardzhali Region — No 9 25 0912003 “Koveg-mlechni produkti” OOD gr. Kardzhali Promishlena zona 26 0912012 ET “Geomag” s. Dobromirtsi obsht. Kirkovo 27 0912015 “Anmar” OOD s. Padina obsht. Ardino 28 0912016 SD “Salik V.A i SIE” s. Zhaltusha obsht. Ardino Kyustendil Region — No 10 29 1012008 “Kentavar” OOD s. Konyavo obsht. Kyustendil 30 1012014 ET “Georgi Gushterov DR” s. Yahinovo 31 1012018 “Evro miyt end milk” EOOD gr. Kocherinovo obsht. Kocherinovo Lovech Region — No 11 32 1112004 “Matev-Mlekoprodukt” OOD s. Goran 33 1112012 “Stilos” OOD s. Lesidren 34 1112017 ET “Rima-Rumen Borisov” s. Vrabevo 35 1112026 “ABLAMILK” EOOD gr. Lukovit ul. “Yordan Yovkov” 13 Montana Region — No 12 36 1212022 “Milkkomm” EOOD gr. Lom ul. “Al. Stamboliyski” 149 37 1212031 “ADL” OOD s. Vladimirovo obsht. Boychinovtsi L 8/38EN Official Journal of the European Union 13.1.2007 No Vet. No Name and address of establishment Site of premises concerned Pazardzhik Region — No 13 38 1312002 “Milk Grup” EOOD s. Yunatsite 39 1312005 “Ravnogor” OOD s. Ravnogor 40 1312006 SD “Antei – PITD” OOD s. Aleko Konstantinovo 41 1312023 “Inter-D” OOD s. Kozarsko 42 1312024 ET “Mezmedin Halil-46” s. Sarnitsa Pernik Region — No 14 43 1412015 ET “Boycho Videnov – Elbokada 2000” s. Stefanovo obsht. Radomir Pleven Region — No 15 44 1512003 “Mandra-1” OOD s. Tranchovitsa, obsht. Levski 45 1512006 “Mandra” OOD s. Obnova obsht. Levski 46 1512008 ET “Petar Tonovski-Viola” gr. Koynare ul. “Hr. Botev” 14 47 1512010 ET “Militsa Lazarova-90” ul. “Asen gr. Slavyanovo, Zlatarev” 2 48 1512012 ET “Ahmed Tatarla” s. Dragash voyvoda, obsht. Nikopol Plovdiv Region — No 16 49 1612024 SD “Kostovi – EMK” ul. “L. Karavelov” 5 gr. Saedinenie 50 1612043 ET “Dimitar Bikov” s. Karnare obsht. Sopot 51 1612049 “Alpina-Milk” EOOD s. Zhelyazno Razgrad Region — No 17 52 1712002 ET “Rosver-Krastyo Krastev” ul. “Sofia” 41 gr. Tsar Kaloyan 53 1712006 “Mesomania” EOOD s. Vladimirovtsi 54 1712009 “Stil-EA” EOOD s. Dyankovo 55 1712010 “Bulagrotreyd-chastna kompaniya” EOOD s. Yuper Industrialen kvartal 56 1712012 ET “Veras 90” s. Yasenovets 57 1712013 ET “Deniz” s. Ezerche 58 1712017 “Diva 02” OOD ul. “An. Kanchev” gr. Isperih 59 1712018 “Imdo” OOD Stopanski dvor s. Lipnik 60 1712019 ET “Ivaylo-Milena Stancheva” Parvi gr. Isperih stopanski dvor 13.1.2007EN Official Journal of the European Union L 8/39 No Vet. No Name and address of establishment Site of premises concerned 61 1712032 “Trio-milk” OOD s. Kichenitsa 62 1712037 ET “Ali Isliamov” s. Yasenovets 63 1712039 “Stil-EA” EOOD s. Dyankovo 64 1712040 ET “Meri-Ahmed Chakar” s. Ezerche 65 1712043 “Gyuchlyu” OOD s. Samuil 66 1712045 ET “AN-Nezhdet Ali” s. Mortagonovo 67 1712046 ET “Stem-Tezdzhan Ali” gr.Razgrad ul. “Knyaz Boris” 23 Ruse Region — No 18 68 1812005 “DAV – Viktor Simonov” EOOD gr. Vetovo ul. “Han Kubrat” 52 69 1812009 “Lakten” OOD ul. “Slivnitsa” gr. Vetovo Silistra Region — No 19 70 1912002 “Laktokom” EOOD s. Kalipetrovo 71 1912003 “Hrista Treyd” OOD s. Yordanovo 72 1912009 ET “Interes 2000 – Musa Musov” s. Sitovo 73 1912016 “Destan” OOD s. Iskra Sliven Region — No 20 74 2012007 “Deltalakt” OOD s. Stoil voyvoda 75 2012008 “Raftis” EOOD s. Byala 76 2012010 “Saray” OOD s. Mokren 77 2012011 ET “Ivan Gardev 52” gr. Kermen ul. “Hadzhi Dimitar” 2 78 2012012 ET “Olimp-P. Gurtsov” mestnost gr. Sliven “Matsulka” 79 2012024 ET “Denyo Kalchev 53” ul. “Samuilovsko gr. Sliven shose” 17 80 2012029 “Eko asorti” EOOD s. Mechkarevo 81 2012032 “Kiveks” OOD s. Kovachite Smolyan Region — No 21 82 2112002 “KOS” ul. “Nevyastata” 25 gr. Smolyan 83 2112003 “Milk-inzhenering” OOD ul. “Chervena gr. Smolyan skala” 21 L 8/40EN Official Journal of the European Union 13.1.2007 No Vet. No Name and address of establishment Site of premises concerned 84 2112008 MK “Rodopa milk” s. Smilyan obsht. Smolyan 85 2112010 “Chaya” OOD Stopanski dvor gr. Chepelare 86 2112015 “Rozhen Milk” OOD s. Davidkovo, obsht. Banite 87 2112023 ET “Iliyan Isakov” s. Trigrad obsht. Devin 88 2112024 ET “Ulan-Dzh. Ulanov” s. Borino 89 2112026 ET “Vladimir Karamitev” s. Varbina obsht. Madan 90 2112027 “Keri” OOD s. Borino, obsht. Borino Sofia Grad Region — No 22 91 2212023 “EL BI BULGARIKUM” EAD gr. Sofia ul. “Malashevska” 12 A 92 2212027 “Ekobalkan” OOD bul “Evropa” 138 gr. Sofia Kostinbrod Region — No 23 93 2312007 ET “Agropromilk” ul. “P. Slaveikov” 19 gr. Ihtiman 94 2312013 ET “Dobrev” s. Dragushinovo 95 2312016 AD “Bovis” s. Trudovets 96 2312020 “MAH 2003” EOOD gr.
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