Proceedings of SAFESUST Workshop Joint Research Centre, Ispra November 26-27, 2015 A roadmap for the improvement of earthquake resistance and eco-efficiency of existing buildings and cities Alessio Caverzan, Marco Lamperti Tornaghi and Paolo Negro Editors 2016 This publication is a Conference and Workshop report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s in-house science and knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policy-making process. The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European Commission. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of this publication. Contact information Name: Paolo Negro Address: Joint Research Centre, via Enrico Fermi, 2749, TP 480, I-21027 Ispra (Italy) E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: +39 0332 78 5452 JRC Science Hub https://ec.europa.eu/jrc JRC103289 PDF ISBN 978-92-79-62618-0 doi:10.2788/499080 Print ISBN 978-92-79-62619-7 doi:10.2788/252595 Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2016 © European Union, 2016 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. How to cite: Alessio Caverzan, Marco Lamperti Tornaghi and Paolo Negro (Editors); Proceedings of SAFESUST Workshop; doi: 10.2788/499080 (online) All images © European Union 2016, except cover: Courtesy Telestense TV, Ferrara Italy - from "TV giornale", 2012 May 21st SAFESUST Workshop A roadmap for the improvement of earthquake resistance and eco-efficiency of existing buildings and cities Joint Research Centre, Ispra November 26-27, 2015 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE dr& Paolo Negro – E'ropean Commission Joint Research Centre pro(& Paolo Riva – Universit) deg+i St'di di Ber*amo pro(& Nemkumar Banthia – Universit. o( British Co+'mbia dr& !arco Castagna – EURAC Research /ro(& #elena Gervasio – Universitade de Coimbra dr& Roberto Lollini – EURAC Research pro(& Alessandra Marini – Universit) deg+i St'di di Ber*amo pro(& Marina Montuori – Universit) deg+i St'di di Brescia dr& &liver Rapf – B'i+din* Per(ormance Instit'te E'rope pro(& Koji Sakai – Japan S'stainabi+it. Instit'te pro(& Matthias Sauerbruch – Sa'erbr'ch H'tton, Ber+in dr& Alexandra Troi – EURAC Research dr& #eiko Trumpf – Bo++in*er + Grohmann In*enieure ORGANIZING COMMITTEE The workshop was jointly organised y European Commission Joint Research Centre and Università degli Studi di Bergamo! dr& Paolo Negro – E'ropean Commission Joint Research Centre pro(& Paolo Riva – Universit) deg+i St'di di Ber*amo arbara Angi – Universit) deg+i St'di di Brescia Alessio Caver+an – E'ropean Commission Joint Research Centre Marco Lamperti – E'ropean Commission Joint Research Centre pro(& Alessandra Marini – Universit) deg+i St'di di Ber*amo Artur Pinto Vieira – E'ropean Commission Joint Research Centre $eraldine Sachs – E'ropean Commission Joint Research Centre A roadmap for the improvement of earthquake resistance and eco-efficiency of existing buildings and cities The *+oba+ pop'+ation no3 excee%s seven bi++ion& This means that %'rin* the past 2$" years or so, it has increase% ten(o+% that o( the In%'stria+ Revo+'tion in the mi% #5th cent'r., 3hich is be +ieve% to have been !"" mi++ion& Ei*ht. percent o( the *+oba+ pop'+ation +ives in %eve+opin* re *ions, 3hich means that the cons'mption o( reso'rces an% ener*. 3i++ increase enormo's+. in the ('t're& Reso'rces an% ener*. are some o( the most ('n%amenta+ e+ements (or the %ai+. +i(e o( h'mankin%& In recent years, it has been reco*nise% that increasin* (ossi+ ener*. cons'mption co'+% even chan*e the *+oba+ climate& It is anticipate% that *+oba+ 3armin* 3i++ ca'se extreme+. serio's prob+ems in the ('t're, in (act, climate chan*e %riven b. *+oba+ 3armin* has a+rea%. in crease% the intensity an% (re6'enc. o( 3eather action s'ch as t.phoons7h'rricanes an% torrentia+ rain(a++s, ca'sin* enormo's %ama*e8 in a%%ition, the (re6'ency or intensit. o( heav. precipitation events has +ike+. increase% in North America an% E'rope#& 9n the other han%, %eve+ope% co'n tries, s'ch as EU, have accum'+ate% a h'*e amo'nt o( in(rastr'ct're an% b'i+%in* over a +on* time& It means that these str'ct'res have to be proper+. maintaine% b. takin* cost, nat'ra+ re so'rces cons'mption, an% more severe +oa%in* an% environment into consi%eration& In other 3or%s, it is very important ho3 to incorporate sustainability concepts into constr'ction in%'str.& SAFES"ST is an acronym to mean )A-.t. an% )/)*ainabi+it.& It i%enti:es a research 3ork pack a*e on 0mpact of sustainability and energy efficiency requirements on building design and retro1t, bein* con%'cte% by the .uropean "ommission 2oint Research "entre, Directorate )pace )ecurity 4 !igration, as a part o( the pro;ect< )afe and "leaner *echnologies for "onstruction and uild- ings& The acronym appeare% in the tit+e o( the 3orkshop< A roadmap for the improvement of earthquake resistance and eco-efficiency of existing buildings and cities, an% the 3or% soon %'r in* the %iscussions 3hich took p+ace, became a neo+o*ism& E4pressions s'ch as =)A-.)/)* concept>, =)A-.)/)* prob+em> an% =)A-.)/)* approach> 3ere common+. 'se%& For this reason, in this (resh+. create% 3or%, possib+. remain the essence o( the roa%map 3hich has been starte% to be %ra3n at the 3orkshop< SAFEty an% SUSTainabi+it.& There is s'fficient evi%ence o( the (act that there co'+% be not anymore sa(et. 3itho't s'stainabi+it.& This evi%ence 'n%erpins actions to miti*ate 3hat co'+% be the most %ifficu+t prob +em mankin% have (ace% since ever< savin* o'r on+. p+anet, an% this 3as not to be %isc'sse% at the 3orkshop& 5hat became soon evident during the discussion is that there can be no sustain- ability 6ithout safety7 in tackling the improvement of the existing building heritage8 SAFESUST9 )A-.*: ; )/)*A0NA 0%0*: < INTEGRATED REN"#ATION #I/CC, "limate change working group I9 The Physical Science Basis = #hy a Road$ap? To%a., more so than ever be(ore, *+oba+ iss'es s'ch as the climate chan*e are over+appe% to +oca+ crises +ike the shrinka*e o( the constr'ction sector, 3hich (o++o3e% the economic an% :nan cia+ crisis in EU2& 9n one han% this scenario is a ni*htmare (or stakeho+%ers invo+ve% in the b'i+% in* process, b't on the other han% it represents a *oo% chance to create the technica+ con%i tions (or a %eep an% +astin* 'rban trans(ormation& This is a stim'+atin* cha++en*e that the con str'ction chain 3i++ (ace in the comin* %eca%es& The %estinations o( this ro'te are smart, resi+ient an% s'stainab+e cities an% the startin* point is the present b'i+%in* stock& The path is ma%e b. the innovation o( pro%'cts an% processes an% the basic too+s to have a coherent an% sa(e trave+ are a compass an% a map to *'i%e the ac tion& Witho't a roa%map, a++ e@orts 3o'+% +ack %irection an% th's co'+% easi+. be inefficient& The a*e pro:+e ana+ysis o( the EU's b'i+%in* herita*eB revea+s that on+. the minorit. o( these 2! bi+ +ion m2 is recent, name+y b'i+t aCer #DD#< the main part o( the stock 3as b'i+t bet3een #D6# an% #DD" an% a si*ni:cant percenta*e be(ore #D6"& This means that those b'i+%in*s are +ike+. to have poor therma+ an% environmenta+ per(ormances an%, in a%%ition, the. 3ere b'i+t 3itho't mo%ern str'ct'ra+ %esi*n co%es an% oCen 3itho't seismic prescriptions& S"STAINA)ILIT& ENERG& FINANCE CIT& P(ANNING )"IL*INGS Any actions aime% at improvin* ener*. an% environmenta+ efficiency 3itho't a%%ressin* sa(et. at the same time is bo'n% to (ai+'re& No seismic provisions 3ere consi%ere% in the constr'ction o( ver. o+% b'i+%in*s, an% those en(orce% at the time o( the constr'ction o( more recent ones are typica++. consi%ere% to be ins'fficient& The prob+em o( seismic sa(et. is bein* consi%ere% a+so in those re*ions 3hich 3ere not consi%ere% as a@ecte% b. the earth6'akes in the past an%, some times, it is technica++. more severe there& The improve% kno3+e%*e o( the seismicit. o( E'rope has si*ni:cant+. increase% the areas (or 3hich at +east some seismic provisions sho'+% be en (orce%& 2 E'rostat, "onstruction production (volume? index overvie6 B ,/IE, .urope@s buildings under the microscope8 A country-by-country revie6 of the energy performance of buildings A 9ther %ynamic actions, e&*&, traffic %ist'rbances, in%'stria+ or minin* activities, pose simi+ar prob +ems& In more *enera+ terms, re6'irements (or service +oa%s are no3a%ays more strin*ent than those consi%ere% in the %esi*n an% constr'ction o( o+% b'i+%in*s, as 3e++ as (or the %e(ormabi+it. re6'irements& A*ein* o( materia+s, poor maintenance an% corrosion a+so a@ect the res'+tin* str'ct'ra+ sa(ety o( existin* b'i+%in*s& The nee% to p'rs'e the inte*rate% renovation 3ith the SAFESUST approach< to tack+e the prob+em o( the improvement o( the str'ct'ra+ sa(ety at the same time o( the ener*y an% environ menta+ per(ormance in a %ife "ycle EFC) perspective, sho'+% then be kept in min%& Co'rtes.
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