Australian Electoral Commission Annual Report 2017–18 Section 7 Appendices Additional information including tables, graphs and data. IN THIS SECTION 100 Appendix A: Resources 103 Appendix B: Governance 107 Appendix C: Commonwealth Electoral Roll information 113 Appendix D: Electoral events data 115 Appendix E: Public awareness data 116 Appendix F: Electoral redistribution data 119 Appendix G: Political party registrations and financial disclosure data 121 Appendix H: Workforce statistics Australian Electoral Commission Annual Report 2017–18 99 7 Appendices Appendix A Resources This appendix provides details of the AEC’s resources and expenses in 2017–18, as required by the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit Requirements for annual reports for departments, executive agencies and other non corporate commonwealth entities, 25 June 2015. The tables in this appendix correspond to tables in the Portfolio Budget Statements 2017–18 and staff statistics, namely: • the Agency Resource Statement, which provides information about the various funding sources that the AEC was able to draw on during the year (Table 4) • expenses and resources by outcome, showing the detail of Budget appropriations and total resourcing for Outcome 1 (Table 5) • Average staffing levels from 2015–16 to 2017–18 (Table 6) 100 Australian Electoral Commission Annual Report 2017–18 Table 4: Agency resource statement 2017–18 Actual “Payments “Balance appropriation made for remaining for 2017–18 2017–18” 2017–18” $’000 $’000 $’000 Ordinary annual servicesa Prior Year Departmental appropriation 83,179 80,148 3,031 Departmental appropriationb 168,668 54,135 114,533 Section 74 relevant agency receipts 18,043 18,043 – Total ordinary annual services A 269,890 152,326 117,564 Special appropriations Special appropriations limited by criteria/ entitlement Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (Administered) 730 730 – Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (Departmental) 14,900 14,900 – Total special appropriations B 15,630 15,630 – Special accountsc Opening balance 1,285 0 Non-appropriation receipts to special accounts 55 0 Payments made 0 12 Total special accounts C 1,340 12 Total resourcing (A + B + C ) 286,860 167,968 Total net resourcing for agency 286,860 167,968 a. Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2017–18 and Appropriation Bill (No. 3) 2017–18. This also includes prior year departmental appropriation and section 74 relevant agency receipts. b. Includes an amount of $22.370 million in 2017–18 for the Departmental Capital Budget. For accounting purposes this amount has been designated as ‘contributions by owners’. c. Includes ‘Special Public Money’ held in accounts like Other Trust Monies accounts (OTM), Services for other Government and Non agency Bodies accounts (SOG) or Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys Special accounts (SOETM). Australian Electoral Commission Annual Report 2017–18 101 7 Appendices Table 5: Expenses and resources for Outcome 1 Actual Budgeta expenses 2017-18 2017-18 Variation $’000 $’000 $’000 Program 1.1 Administered expenses Special appropriations 644 618 26 Departmental expenses Departmental appropriationb 164,341 148,127 16,214 Special appropriations 14,900 14,900 0 Expenses not requiring appropriation 8,206 9,500 (1,294) in the Budget year Total for Program 1.1 188,091 173,145 14,946 Total expenses for Outcome 1 188,091 173,145 14,946 a. Full-year budget, including any subsequent adjustment made to the 2017–18 Budget at Additional Estimates. b. Departmental appropriation combines ‘Ordinary annual services (Appropriation Bill No. 1)’ and ‘Revenue from independent sources (section 74)’, and excludes Departmental Capital Budget. Table 6: Average staffing levels 2015–16 to 2017–18 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Average staffing level (number) 819 809 795 102 Australian Electoral Commission Annual Report 2017–18 Appendix B Governance Business planning documents Table 7: Business planning documents Document Purpose Reviewed Business Planning and Supports staff to deliver outcomes in the AEC Annually Performance Reporting corporate plan, manage resources and finances and Framework supports requirements of the PGPA Act. Business Plans Align branch and state and territory activities with Annually (Branch/state and business planning and reporting. territory) Election Readiness Sets out and monitors the program of activity required Every election cycle Framework to maintain election readiness. Information Technology Sets the AEC’s desired information technology vision Annually Strategic Plan to 2020 and is supported by the IT Architecture Plan. Fraud Control Plan To prevent, detect and respond to fraud in Every two years (or if accordance with Commonwealth law, fraud control significant organisational policies and memorandums of understanding. change occurs) Strategic Risk Details strategic risks that affect the AEC and how Biannually Management Plan these will be managed. Assurance Plan Outlines assurance activities that target the AEC’s Annually key/high-risk business processes. Internal Audit Plan Sets the internal audit program for the financial year Annually (contained within the Assurance Plan). Business Continuity Ensures continuation of identified time critical Annually Plans business processes during and following a significant disruption to normal operations. Disability Inclusion Identifies relevant target outcomes from the National Reported on annually Strategy Disability Strategy 2010–2020. Reconciliation Action Sets activities to recognise and respect Aboriginal and Annually Plan Torres Strait Islander peoples in internal and external arrangements and activities. Property Plan Direction on long-term management of leased Annually property. Australian Electoral Commission Annual Report 2017–18 103 7 Appendices Document Purpose Reviewed Security Plan Strategies to protect staff, visitors, information, Biannually equipment and premises against harm, loss, interference and compromise. Division, Branch/state The continuous process of identifying and mitigating Biannually Workforce Plans potential workforce risks and plan future workforce strategies. AEC Strategic Examines workforce issues at the organisational level, Annually Workforce Plan informed by the division, branch and state workforce plans. AEC management committees and discussion forums Table 8: AEC management committees Meeting Committee Function Members* frequency Executive Senior management team helping EC, DEC, FAC Capability, Weekly Leadership Team to deliver strategic leadership and FAC Network and Elections (ELT) operational management. Operations/ National Election Manager. Organisational Monitors performance, risk DEC; FAC Capability; FAC Monthly Health Committee management, compliance and Network and Election Operations; controls. Provides advice and National Elections Manager; recommendations to the ELT. AC Corporate Services; Chief Finance Officer; AC Disclosure, Assurance and Engagement; State Manager, NSW; State Manager, WA. Capability Monitors organisational capability FAC Capability; FAC Network Monthly Committee and progresses projects to and Election Operations /National support strategic direction. Election Manager; Chief Finance Monitors project outputs Officer; AC Roll Management and and significant organisational Community Engagement; AC initiatives, and provides advice on Information, Communication and future capability. Technology; State Manager, QLD; State Manager, Tas; Program Manager, Supply Chain. Learning Governance Provides whole of agency DEC, FAC Network and Election Every three Committee governance to learning and Operations/National Election weeks development. Sets strategic Manager, AC Corporate direction and operating models Services, AC Operations, AC and guides the National Training Information, Communication and and Education Unit. Technology, State Manager, QLD, State Manager NSW, Director Operations, Vic. 104 Australian Electoral Commission Annual Report 2017–18 Meeting Committee Function Members* frequency Business Assurance The AEC’s Audit Committee. Three or more members Quarterly Committee (BAC) Provides independent advice appointed by EC (the majority on the AEC’s internal audit external to AEC); additional resourcing and coverage in AEC advisers are permitted to relation to key risks. Approves attend. In 2017–18, BAC had the internal audit program and four members and three AEC oversees the operation of audit advisers. committees and fraud control under the PGPA Act. Fraud Control Subcommittee of BAC. Advises AC Roll Management and Quarterly Committee (FCC) BAC on the appropriateness Community Engagement Branch; and effectiveness of the AEC’s AC Information, Communication fraud control plans, policies and and Technology Branch; State procedures. Manager Vic; State Manager, SA; Chief Legal Officer (observer); Chief Finance Officer (observer). National Election Supports the National Election FAC Network and Elections Regularly; Delivery Committee Manager (NEM) to oversee and Operations/ National Election monthly, (NEDC) monitor preparations for, and Manager; all State Managers; weekly or successful conduct of, federal AC’s (membership expands daily as electoral events (including approaching elections). required by-elections, plebiscites and (i.e. in run- referendums). The NEM reports up to an regularly on behalf of the election) NEDC to ELT and the Electoral Commissioner. Security Committee Provides strategic oversight of the DEC, FAC Capability, FAC Monthly, AEC’s protective and IT security Network and Elections with more programs. Operations/
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