NOVEMBER 1954 p 35< galaxy ASTEROID ROUNDUP < SCIENCE FICTION By Willy Ley ! . For real job security... ? 7RMW Do you enjoy our magazine Competition for The pressure is mounting. jobs is growing fast. Business and industry are tightening up. Every man or woman holding a good job is now, in effect, "on probation." If so you'll be interested in the Special Offer on Are there "weak spots" in your training? Now's the time to get after them! Six months from now may be too late. I How can you fill the gaps — quickly? Inter- national Correspondence Schools can help you! There's no faster, surer way to get exactly the training you need! You have 277 famous, spare-time I. C. S. Page 117 Courses to choose from: trade, industrial engi- neering, office, executive, high school. Or you can arrange for "refresher" courses, advanced training or special instruction combining two or more specific business or technical subjects. Find out for yourself how quickly, how I. C. 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HOW-2 by Clifford D. Simak 6 tm THE MUSIC MASTER OF BABYLON fay Edgar Pangborn 82 Know the mysterious world within you ! Attune BIG ANCESTOR by F. L Wallace 134 yourself to the wisdom of the ages! Grasp the inner power of your mind ! Learn the secrets of a SHORT STORIES S^a full and peaceful life! THE NOSTALGIA GENE by Roy Hutchins 45 Benjamin Franklin, statesman and inventor. THE LAXIAN KEY ..... fay Robert Shecktey 59 Isaac Newton, discoverer of the Law of Gravita- UP FOR RENEWAL by Lucius Daniel 111 tion . by Arthur Sellings 124 Isaac Newton M . Francis Bacon, philosopher and scientist THE AGE OF KINDNESS . like many other learned and great men and SCIENCE DEPARTMENT women . were Rosicrucians. The Rosicrucians FOR YOUR INFORMATION fay Willy Ley 70 (NOT a religious organization) have been in existence for centuries. Today, headquarters of FEATURES the Rosicrucians send over seven million pieces EDITOR'S PAGE fay H. L. Gold 4 of m mail annually to all parts of the world. FORECAST 116 GALAXY'S FIVE STAR SHELF by Groff Conklin 119 VB ROSICRUCIANS Cover by EMSH Showing SPACE-TIME IN ONE TOUGH LESSON San Jose (AMORC) Francis Bacon California, U.S.A. ROBERT GUINN, Publisher H. L. GOLD, Editor Scribe I.T.K. WILLY LEY, Science THIS BOOK FR The ROSICRUCIANS SEND THIS COUPON EVELYN PAIGE, Managing Editor Editor (AMORC) W. I. VAN OER POEL, Art Director JOAN De MARIO, Production Manager Write for your FREE San Jose, California, U.S.A. copy of:"The Mas* Please send me the free book, The Mastery of Life, which explains how I may learn to use my faculties GALAXY Science Fiction is published monthly by Galaxy Publishing Corporation. Main offices: jery of Life" — and powers of mind. 421 Hudson Street, New York 14, N. Y. 35c per copy. Subscriptions: (12 copies) $3.50 per { i\' TODAY. No ob- year in the United States, Canada, Mexico, South and Central America and U.S. Possessions. ligation. A non- Name. ^_^_ Elsewhere $4.50. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office, New York, N. Y. Copyright, York, 1954, by Galaxy Publishing Corporation, Guinn, president. All rights, includ- profit organiza- New Robert Address- ing translation, reserved. All material submitted must be accompanied by self-addressed stamped tion. Address envelopes. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. All stories printed in City. Scribe I.T.K. this magazine are fiction, and any similarity between characters and actual persons is coincidental. State- Printed in the U.S.A. by the Guinn Co.. Inc. Title Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. : — ! — despite the fact that sudsing ac- suds; if it doesn't, it's not a de- BETTER & BETTER? tion actually cuts down the effi- tergent. ciency of detergents. There are many more exam- A NCIENT Chinese potters peared, so that one would smash If that were all there was to ples of the price of scientific **• perfection, but those are a repre- knew something we have to into another until as many as a the situation, there would be no headache for sewage men. But sentative offering. There are a go on rediscovering . whenever dozen cars have been wrecked in a less in they created a particularly lovely single hideous multiple collision. the devilish head of perfection couple no harrowing the control nature: piece of porcelain, they warily The roads were too perfect. Ob- rears up again: of made sure to use crackle glaze, a stacles had to be replaced to keep "N Grease breaks down suds; de- When rats in the West Indies glaze that would develop a web- drivers alert, watchful — or at tergents break down grease; so became a plague, mongooses were work of fine little cracks when least awake. the suds in detergents are all but imported from India to exter- fired. There was a superstitious The cars themselves seem to be indestructible minate them. The mongooses got reason tending in the same fatal direc- To combat the mountains of rid of the rats — and then the The gods are jealous of human tion. What with no-shift drive, foam that pile out of the sewer snakes, small field animals, birds perfection and ruthlessly punish power, steering, blowout-proof mains, crews with high-power and anything else they could live its perpetrators. hoses blast and blast until on. Now the question is how to tires . more and more, better We don't share the same Well, -you've undoubtedly had get rid of the mongooses.
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