Cyngor Cymuned Llanidan Community Council Cofnodion y cyfarfod a gynhaliwyd Nos Fawrth, 27/02/2018. Minutes of meeting held Tuesday Evening, 27/02/2018. Presennol / Present: Mrs Lynn Hervouet (Cadeirydd / Chairperson) LH, Mr Chris Davies (Is- gadeirydd) CD, Mr Arthur Thomas AT, Ms Sandra Thomas ST, Mr Cenwyn Williams CW, Mr Steven A. Jones (Clerc) SAJ. Cynghorydd Mr Eric W. Jones (CSYM) EWJ. Ymwelwyr Presennol / Present Visitors: Miss Kirsty Campbell KC. Ymddiheuriadau / Apologies: Cynghorydd Mr Dafydd Roberts (CSYM) DR, Mr Mark E. Evans MEE. 1. Croeso / Welcome Cadeiriwyd y cyfarfod gan LH ac fe groesawyd pawb oedd yn bresennol. The meeting was chaired by LH and all present were welcomed. 2. Carnifal Brynsiencyn Rhoddwyd croeso i KC. Eglurodd KC bod wedi meddwl ail gychwyn carnifal y pentref ac yn gobeithio derbyn cymorth y Cyngor Cymuned. Trafodwyd bod angen trefnu cyfarfod yn Y Ganolfan er mwyn rhoi gwadd i bawb yn y pentref a trafod syniadau a chwilota am wirfoddolwyr. Bydd rhaid ymchwilio i dderbyn cefnogaeth busnesau lleol, materion yswiriant a grantiau sydd ar gael. Roedd pawb yn bresennol yn cytuno buasai digwyddiad blynyddol fel hyn yn dda i’r pentref. Diolchwyd i KC am ddod i’r cyfarfod i drafod y mater. KC was welcomed to the meeting. KC explained that she had been thinking of arranging a Carnival in the village and requested assistance from the Community Council. It was discussed that a meeting at Y Ganolfan would be beneficial to discuss ideas and invite everyone in the community in hoping to attract volunteers. Also, it would be good to seek support from local businesses, investigate insurance requirements and if any grants are available towards the event. 2. Datgan Diddordeb / Declaration of Interest Dim / None. 3. Cofnodion Cyfarfod Diwethaf / Minutes of last meeting Derbyniwyd y cofnodion yn gywir, Cynigwyd gan ST, Eiliwyd gan CW. The minutes were confirmed correct, Proposed by ST, Seconded by CW. 4. Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion / Matters arising from the minutes 4.0.1 Ffurflenni Cofrestr Buddiannau – Diweddaru, ffurflen gan MEE, CD a CW iw ddod. Benefits Register Forms – Update, MEE, CD and CW outstanding. 4.0.2 Cae Chwarae - Adroddiad gan RoSPA / Asesiad Risg I drafod eto yn cyfarfod mis Mawrth / To be discussed again during meeting in March. 4.0.3 Ystâd Bryn y Gelli - Lampau Goleuo Stryd Ddiffygiol Dim ymateb wedi dderbyn gan Cymdeithas Tai Clwyd Alun i ebost diwethaf. Gyrru e- bost a ffonio eto i drafod pwysigrwydd y mater. No response received from last email sent to Cymdeithas Tai Clwyd Alun. Another email to be sent and a phone call to highlight the importance of this issue. 4.0.4 Cae Pêl Droed Maes Chwarae - Rhwydi goliau CW wedi cyflwyno ‘ULTRA MESH FENCING’ fel dewis gwahanol i rhwydi defnydd. CW i chwilota am brisiau ar gyfer y cynnyrch. CW presented ‘ULTRA MESH FENCING’ which is an alternative to fabric netting. CW to seek a quote for the product. 4.0.5 Apwyntiad Swydd Clerc / Clerk Job Appointment Neb wedi dangos diddordeb yn y swydd, LH i gysylltu Un Llais Cymru am gymorth, bydd angen hysbysu y swydd unwaith eto, ac LH i fod yn glerc dros dro gyda CD yn cadeirio y cyfarfod nesaf. No interest received for the post, LH to contact One Voice Wales for advice, the post must be advertised once again, and LH to undertake clerk duties temporarily whilst CD to chair next meeting. 4.0.6 Ceisiadau Rhoddion / Donation Requests Penderfyniwyd bydd yn cefnogi gweithgareddau y pentref y tro hwn, ac yn cadarnhau rhodd o £100.00 tuag at prosiect Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf plant a phobl y pentref. Cynigwyd gan ST, Eiliwyd gan AT. It was decided that support towards the village activities will be given this time, and a £100.00 donation will be given towards the World War 1 project involving the children and everyone else from the village. Proposed by ST, Seconded by AT. 4.0.7 Ymddiswyddiad HEJ – llythyr diolch / Resignation HEJ – letter of thanks LH wedi anfon llythyr diolch / LH sent a letter of thanks. 4.0.8 Aelodau Newydd – Enwebiad / New Members – Nominations CD i trefnu ffurflenni newydd / CD to arrange new forms. 4.0.9 Adroddiad Cyllid Chwaterol / Quarterly Financial Report Wedi ei rhannu gyda pob aelod, pawb yn hapus / Shared between all members, everyone happy. 4.1.1 Cae Chwarae – tender torri gwair a hel sbwriel / Playing Field – tender to cut the grass and collect rubbish. Un tender yn unig wedi ei dderbyn gan MEE, cyntuno i gwobrwyo y gwaith iddo y flwyddyn hon. Only one tender received from MEE, agreed to award him the work this year. 4.1.2 Torri gwrychoedd y cae chwarae ac ardal Brynsiencyn / Cutting of hedges in the Playing Field and other areas in Brynsiencyn. Wedi cwblhau, un rhan bach heb orffen gan nid yw’n bosib cyraedd y gwrych. Completed, one small section not done due to not able to reach the hedge. 4.1.3 Archwiliad Cyfrifon / Auditing of Accounts Cadarnhad bod Alun Foulkes wedi derbyn y swydd. Confirmation that Alun Foulkes has accepted the post. 4.1.4 Rheoli Risg Llifogydd Brynsiencyn / Controlling the Risk of Flooding in Brynsiencyn Bydd angen hysbysu y poster ar wefanau cymdeithasol. To advertise the poster on social media accounts. 4.1.5 Stad Tyn Bryn, Brynsiencyn / Tyn Bryn Estate, Brynsiencyn Argraffu copi o ymateb i AT er mwyn ystyried. Print a copy of response received so that AT can decide next step. 4.1.6 Pafin - Stryd Fawr Brynsiencyn o’r Capel at Cegin Ddu / Pavement – Brynsiencyn High Street from the Chapel to Cegin Ddu Llythyr wedi dderbyn gan Priffyrdd yn cadarnhau gwaith clytio ar hyd y pafin. Letter received from Highways confirming patching repairs to the pavement. 4.1.7 Gwaith adeiladu ar y caffi yn maes parcio dros fordd i’r Groeslon / Builders work on the café in the parking area over the road from the Groeslon. Mae’r safle nawr yn ddiogel / Site now safe. 4.1.8 Baw Cwn / Bin - Dog Mess / Bin Trafodwyd y mater ac bod problem dal i fod / Discussed the matter and that the issue still remains. 5. Cyllid / Finance 5.1 Cadarnhau Taliad / Payment Confirmed Dim / None 5.2 Biliau iw Dalu / Bills for Payment £75.00 – Archwiliad Cyfrifon / Accounts Inspection 2016/17 (Disgwyl manylion banc). £365.00 – Cyflog Y Clerc (Ionawr a Chwefror). £92.00 – HMRC (PAYE Ionawr a Chwefror). £350.00 – Codi Sbwriel, Cae Chwarae 17/18 / Collect Rubbish, Playing Field 17/18. £135.00 – Etholiad Diwrthwynebiad 04/05/2017, Uncontested Election 04/05/2017. 5.3 Taliadau wedi Derbyn / Payments Received Dim / None Cynigwyd gan ST, Eiliwyd gan CD. / Proposed by ST, Seconded by CD. 6. Cynllunio / Planning 6.1 Ceisiadau / Applications Dim / None 6.2 Penderfyniadau / Decisions Dim / None 7. Gohebiaethau / Correspondence (1) Un Llais Cymru – Chwefror / February 2018. (2) Aren Cymru / Kidney Wales (3) Cynllun Llesiant Gwynedd a Mon / Well Being Plan. (4) Cymorth Cynllunio Cymru - hyfforddiant am ddim / Planning Aid Wales - free training (5) Ymgynghoriad ar y Bil Awtistiaeth (Cymru) drafft / Consultation on the draft Autism (Wales) Bill 8. Unrhyw Fater Arall / Any Other Business 8.1 Aelodaeth / Membership Un Llais Cymru / One Voice Wales – 2018/19 (£144.00) Cynigwyd gan ST, Eiliwyd gan CD. / Proposed by ST, Seconded by CW. 8.2 Membership Renewal Society of Local Council Clerks LH i ymchwilio ymhellach / LH to further investigate. 8.3 Cynllun Gweithredu Brynsiencyn Action Plan. Diolch i CD am glanhau arwydd stryd Tyn Y Cwrt. Rhoi gwadd i berchnogion y caffi newydd i drafod eu menter. CD a CW wedi penderfynnu peintio adeilad gorsaff Dwr Cymru. Thanks to CD for cleaning Tyn Y Cwrt street nameplate. To invite the owners of the new café to discuss their new venture. CD and CW decided to paint the Welsh Water station building. 8.4 Adroddiad Cynghorydd Eric Wyn Jones / Councillor Eric Wyn Jones Report Trafod pryderon cau ysgolion Henblas, Bodffordd a Corn Hir ac yr effaith ar cymunedau oherwydd hyn. Discussed the concern regarding closure of Henblas, Bodffordd and Corn Hir schools and the possible effect on the communities as a result. 9. Dyddiad y Cyfarfod Nesaf / Date of Next Meeting Nos Fawrth, 27/03/2018 am 7 o’r gloch yn ‘Y Ganolfan’. Tuesday Evening, 27/03/2018 at 7 o clock at ‘Y Ganolfan’. Arwyddwyd – Cadeirydd / Signed – Chairperson _____________________ Dyddiad / Date: .
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