Transport and optical properties of nanostructures / Dynamics and coherent control of quantum systems / Nanodevices and single-electron dev Spintronics and spin related transport / Quantum Hall systems / Nanolithography and self-assembling / Nanophotonics and phtonoic crystals Micro and nanomechanical system / Micro and nanomechanical system / Mesoscopic superconductivity / Graphene and Transition Metal Dicha Quantum computation and information processing / Hybrid quantum system / Transport and optical properties of nanostructures / Nanodevice Nanolithography and self-assembling / Quantum Hall systems / Nanolithography and self-assembling / Nanophotonics and phtonoic crystals Mesoscopic superconductivity / Micro and nanomechanical system / Mesoscopic superconductivity / Graphene and Tr Hybrid quantum system / Nanoprobing and nanoscale characterization / Transport and optical properties of Dynamics and coherent control of quantum systems / Spintronics and spin related transport / Quantu Graphene and Transition Metal Dichalcogenide (TMDC) materials / Nanodevices and single International School and Symposium Nanoprobing and nanoscale characterization / Hybrid quantum system on Nanoscale Transport and phoTonics Program & Abstract November 13-17, 2017 NTT Atsugi R&D Center International School and Symposium on Nanoscale Transport and phoTonics * ISNTT2017 * November 13 (Mon.) – 17 (Fri.), 2017 NTT Basic Research Laboratories (Atsugi R&D Center, JAPAN) Organizing Committee Tetsuomi SOGAWA (NTT BRL director) Akira FUJIWARA (NTT) Co-chair Hiroshi YAMAGUCHI (NTT) Koji MURAKI (NTT) Hideki GOTOH (NTT) Advisory Committee Per DELSING (Chalmers Univ. of Tech.) Yoshiro HIRAYAMA (Tohoku Univ.) Johan E. MOOIJ (TU Delft) Junsaku NITTA (Tohoku Univ.) Koichi SEMBA (NICT) Seigo TARUCHA (Univ. of Tokyo) Yasuhiro TOKURA (Univ. of Tsukuba) Program Committee Shiro SAITO (NTT) Chair Akira FUJIWARA (NTT) Hiroshi YAMAGUCHI (NTT) Koji MURAKI (NTT) Takehiko TAWARA (NTT) Kenichi SASAKI (NTT) William John MUNRO (NTT) BRL School Steering Committee Kiyoshi KANISAWA (NTT) Chair Haruki SANADA (NTT) Vice-chair Norio KUMADA (NTT) Treasurer Hajime OKAMOTO (NTT) BRL School * Floor Map of Atsugi R&D Center * -3- * Timetable of the shuttle bus * Morning Rembrandt Hotel Atsugi эNTT Atsugi R&D Center Nov. 13 (Mon) Nov. 14 (Tue) Nov. 15 (Wed) Nov. 16 (Thu) Nov. 17 (Fri) - 8:30 8:00 8:00 8:00 9:10 8:40 8:20 8:20 8:20 10:00 9:40 9:20 9:20 9:20 13:00 9:50 9:40 9:40 9:40 Evening NTT Atsugi R&D Center э Hon-Atsugi Sta. э Rembrandt Hotel Atsugi Nov. 13 (Mon) Nov. 14 (Tue) Nov. 15 (Wed) Nov. 16 (Thu) Nov. 17 (Fri) 17:30 18:00 18:00 18:30 13:10 17:45 19:00 19:00 18:45 13:20 19:45 19:50 19:50 14:30 20:15 20:20 20:20 For Banquet participants Nov. 16 (Thu) Banquet Hall эHon- NTT э Atsugi Sta.эRembrandt Banquet Hall Hotel Atsugi 18:05 18:10 18:25 20:50 21:00 4ٕٕ * Public bus from Hon-Atsugi station * Local Bus (Kanachu Bus): ௐ 44 Take No.44 bus from the bus terminal Pole 9 and get off at “Tsushin kenkyujo mae” (㏻ಙ◊✲ᡤ๓) Fare: 320Yen Atsugi Bus Terminal NTT Atsugi R&D Center э NTT Atsugi R&D Center э Atsugi Bus Terminal * Public bus from Aiko-Ishida station * Local Bus (Kanachu Bus): ఎ 17, 18, 19, 21 Take No. 17, 18, 19, or 21the bus from Pole 4 and get off at “Tsushin kenkyujo mae” (㏻ಙ◊✲ᡤ๓) Fare: 260Yen Aiko-ishida Sta. NTT Atsugi R&D Center э NTT Atsugi R&D Center э Aiko-ishida Sta. 5ٕٕ * Map of Hon-Atsugi Area * z Free Wi-Fi spot in Hon-Atsugi area (please buy one drink at least)> n0F'RQDOGbVnn6WDUEXFNVnDQGn'28725nFRIIHHVKRSVV\PEROVPDUNHGZLWKFLUFOH DUHWKHIUHH:L)LVSRWLQ+RQ$WVXJLDUHDEXWSOHDVHEX\DWOHDVWRQHGULQN z Free Shuttle bus will stop at Rembrandt Hotel Atsugi> ,WZLOOEHDERXWPLQXWHVIURPHDFKKRWHOVDQGWKHVWDWLRQE\ZDONLQJ 5HPEUDQGW+RWHO$WVXJL $''5(661DNDFKR$WVXJLVKL.DQDJDZD ,QWO7(/ <How to get to NTT by using the local busesٴ 7KH/RFDO%XV7HUPLQDOIRUWKHSXEOLFEXVHVLVORFDWHGDWWKHHDVWVLGHRI+RQ$WVXJL VWDWLRQ%HVXUHWKDWLWZLOOWDNHDERXWPLQXWHVIURP+RQ$WVXJLVWDWLRQWR177 /RRNIRUn3ROHnDWWKHEXVWHUPLQDOWDNHn$WVX ௐ |EXVERXQGIRUn0RULQRVDWR 峘 |DQGJHWRIIDWn7VXVKLQ.HQN\XMRPDH ৢਦଢ଼ਚ | 6ٕٕ November 13th (Monday) Registration (Open from 9:30 AM) 8th NTT-BRL School (open for all ISNTT participants) Opening Remarks (10:00 - 10:30) Short Break (10:30 - 10:45) Lecture 1 10:45 The ABC's of Quantum Computation Prof. Kae Nemoto National Institute of Informatics (NII) NTT-BRL School Photo (12:15 - 12:30) Lunch Time (12:30 - 13:45) Lecture 2 13:45 Hybrid Quantum Systems Using Collective Excitations in Solid Prof. Yasunobu Nakamura Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), The University of Tokyo Coffee Break (15:15 - 15:45) Lecture 3 15:45 Coherent Ising Machine for Solving Complex Optimization Problems Dr. Hiroki Takesue NTT Basic Research Laboratories Welcome Reception (17:30 - 19:30) 7ٕٕ November 14th (Tuesday) November 15th (Wednesday) Registration Session 5: (Open from 9:00 AM) Strongly Coupled Systems We-01 9:00 Junichiro Kono (Invited) ISNTT2017 Symposium We-02 9:30 Mauro Cirio Opening Remarks We-03 9:50 Fumiki Yoshihara (9:40 - 10:00) We-04 10:10 Kosuke Kakuyanagi Session 1 Coffee Break (10:30 - 11:00) Tu-01 10:00 Serge Haroche (Keynote) Session 6: Semiconductor-based Quantum Coffee Break Devices and Technologies (11:00 - 11:30) We-05 11:00 Xiao Mi (Invited) Session 2: Optomechanics We-06 11:30 Takashi Kobayashi Tu-02 11:30 Alejandro Fainstein (Invited) We-07 11:50 Sergey Shevchenko Tu-03 12:00 Amirhossein Ghadimi We-08 12:10 Michael Zudov Tu-04 12:20 Anton Frisk Kockum ISNTT2017 Symposium Photo Lunch Time 㸦12:40 - 12:50㸧 (12:30 - 14:00) Lunch Time (12:50 - 14:00) Session 7: Session 3: Quantum State Manipulation in Nanophotonics and Nano Structures Superconducting Systems We-09 14:00 Benjamin Sussman (Invited) Tu-05 14:00 William D. Oliver (Invited) We-10 14:30 Feng Tian Tu-06 14:30 Maika Takita (Invited) We-11 14:50 Yin Yin Tu-07 15:00 Kazuki Koshino We-12 15:10 Xiao Hu (Invited) Tu-08 15:20 Yasunobu Nakamura Coffee Break Coffee Break (15:40 - 16:10) (15:40 - 16:10) We-13 16:10 Julian Klein Session 4: We-14 16:30 Michael Mounaix Unconventional Superconducting Junctions We-15 16:50 Nicolas Clement Tu-09 16:10 Fabrizio Nichele (Invited) We-16 17:10 Katsuhiko Ariga (Invited) Tu-10 16:40 Ana Monteiro Tu-11 17:00 Taketomo Nakamura Poster Session II Tu-12 17:20 Rais Shaikhaidarov (17:40 - 19:30) Poster Session I (17:40 - 19:30) 8ٕٕ November 16th (Thursday) November 17th (Friday) Session 8: Session 11: Topological Phases and Phase Single-electron Devices and Physics Transitions in 2D Systems Th-01 9:00 Jukka P. Pekola (Invited) Fr-01 9:00 Tauno Palomaki (Invited) Th-02 9:30 Rolf J. Haug (Invited) Fr-02 9:30 Hiroshi Irie Th-03 10:00 Kensaku Chida Fr-03 9:50 John Nicholas Moore Th-04 10:20 Rubén Seoane Souto Coffee Break Coffee Break (10:10 - 10:40) (10:40 - 11:10) Session 12: Session 9: Superconducting Hybrid Systems Spin-orbit Interactions and Spin Transport Fr-04 10:40 Atsushi Noguchi (Invited) Th-05 11:10 Yoji Kunihashi Fr-05 11:10 Maria Ekström Th-06 11:30 Andrea Hofmann Fr-06 11:30 Sebastian de Graaf Th-07 11:50 Takase Shimizu Fr-07 11:50 Rangga Budoyo Th-08 12:10 Paul Seifert Fr-08 12:10 Xiaobo Zhu (Invited) Th-09 12:30 Yukio Takahashi CLOSING Lunch Time (12:40 - 12:50) (12:50 - 14:00) Session 10: Nanomechanics and Phononics Th-10 14:00 Adrian Bachtold (Invited) Th-11 14:30 Joseph Losby (Invited) Th-12 15:00 Xueyong Yuan Th-13 15:20 Ryuichi Ohta Coffee Break (15:40 - 16:10) Th-14 16:10 Donghun Lee Th-15 16:30 Laszlo Daniel Toth Th-16 16:50 Toshimasa Fujisawa (Invited) Th-17 17:20 Hubert J. Krenner (Invited) Bus Transfer (17:50 - 18:40) BANQUET (18:40 - 20:40) 9ٕٕ * Instruction of presentation and poster * Oral presentation instructions The time allotted to each oral presentation is: x Keynote papers 60 min including 5 min discussion x Invited papers 30 min including 5 min discussion x Contributed papers 20 min including 5 min discussion Oral presentations will be given using an LCD projector. All speakers are asked to bring BOTH their own computers AND presentation files copied in USB memories, just in case of trouble. The display settings available for our LCD projector are shown in the following table. Resolution Refresh rate 1920 x 1080 60Hz 1280 x 800 60Hz 1280 x 768 60Hz 1280 x 720 60Hz 70Hz 75Hz 1024 x 768 85Hz 100Hz 60Hz 75Hz 800 x 600 85Hz 100Hz 20Hz We have prepared VGA(DE-15/HD-15) and HDMI(DVI) cables for the projector. Please be sure to bring conformable adaptor if you use Macintosh. Poster presentation instructions Boards, 90cm wide and 180cm high, will be available for poster presentation. The title of the paper, the authors and their affiliations should be clearly displayed at the top of the board. Material for fixing the poster to the board (pins or magnets) will be provided. Please set up posters before the session begins and keep on display for full conference days. Student Poster Award ISNTT2017 will have a Student Poster Award! The award will be given to a limited number of students who give outstanding presentations at the poster sessions held on Tuesday and Wednesday. The selection will be based on the technical content, appearance, graphic excellence, and presentation quality. The award winners will be presented during the Banquet on Thursday. 10ٕٕ November 13th, Monday 8th NTT-BRL School 10:00 - 10:30 Opening Remarks 10:30 - 10:45 Short Break 10:45 - 12:15 Lecture 1 The ABC's of Quantum Computation Prof.
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