![Annexure-Approved Mining Plan File](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
MINING PL,AN & PROGRESSIVE IIINE CLOSURE PLAI{ oturfD BU&Drnc sror! aUARRY (u]:E@RY B' / E.sNrzED / oPEn usr / notr IOE8T/PNATE) S/O V.MDDVN! CFAPMYIL, , d trANDU,R,O, dHUfiOStr ," *- p$ '" 'lluo*r{ t /\" , @r* ll w. #r"l u ffn'/4 n "rr-lPEP&D'; !!l-qg.la) Dtul@w lraP1412016 !Stz. {! FolDctrE RaP/Bro/rso/2@ S -d$! e$?eos663 / ee6rr25om GERTIFISATES 'rhis is 10 cefriry thal the Mini.e Plan incrrdins Prccressivc au ry crosxr. plan ot crmite Bu,ldinc sbne qu ry or shrj. Dilcesh Kunr, s/o vmad*m, chapnyil, M madu PO, Ezhukone, situated in sy. No 127 / t 1, 42a / 3.2 2, 42a / 3 2 3, 42r / 4, 427 / 2 &.12711 or Neduvalhoor Vnlage, t{orr3r<ara Tatuk in Konm Distic! xeEla state, prepmd undei Rule 53 & sa or KMMCR 20rs by Mr. v.x Roy, Geolosisr & RQP. This is to Fqu*r ihe Depr(ne.t of Mmins md ceotos,, Kollan dence rcsarding ay .ofeclion ot the Minns Plm with tho said Recosnsed Qustiri€d pe^on at his v.KRolr LC27/4AV4, Safrt" s@tol ratu, R-cn ,Etlon, ,<11 tutezhu, van h,J@*P.o, rhttue'nha*d . PlN -695 O3s ..tudu| tktot ctctlttu1,:64 we hereby undefrale ibai all modifications / updatinc as mde in the said schene .r MininB by the sad RecoEnised Qualifyinc Pe6on b. decied to have been nade with our knorledse ad co.sent ad sha]l be ac.epdble on us and bindins in aI rspecrs. ^X '$r$" CERTTFICAAE It is efrified that rhe Prosressive euarry closure pl oI Crdit Buildi.g Stone euary of Ditesh Kumar, S/o vmadeva., Cnaprayil, M eadu- p.o, Ezhutrone, xollam, erends over m area of l.€a3 Ha, siluard ,n sy. No. 42?/11, 423 423 / 3 2 2, / 3 2 3, 427 / 4, 42? / 2 & 427 / r of Neduvathoor villaae, Lotralal<aE Talxk of (oltm Dist.ict, x.rala sbte, complies all staiurory rulesr resutations, o.ders nade by the central or stare covd.ment, starulory orgdisaiions, cour eic., vhich have be. t len into consideration dd wheEver My sp{itic pemission is r.qui.ed tne b*e wilt appma.h tne on€med authorities, The r.fomaiion fuhished in the Prosr€$jve Mine closue Prm is true od corcct b the b.st our tnowleee dd records. lqa \v*{F/^n, !tu,-,et6\y CERTTFICATE The provisions of Mines A.t, Rules dd Resr aiions made ihere under have brtn ob*ied in the Mining Plan of Buildins sioE Quary of Dileesh xumar, s/o vmadeva., charrayil, Marssdu PO Ezhukone, Kollam. extends over e aE3 or 1.4343 Ha, situat€.t in Sy. Na. 427/tt, 42a/3-2-2, 42a/ 3 2 3. 421/4, 42?/2 & 42711 or Neduvathoor Vilaae, xoittrskltra T8luk o, (olm Distid, xdala State, whe.e sp€cific pmissions m Eqxir.d, rhe appli( t wi]l apprca.h Director Ceneral of Mines safte qX rc ,/137(rl s^R^l. n[G.No..Mc/xEMrA/raP/4/r0r6 0ssMoBrLEq47305663/ee r5ooo CERTIFICATI lrris is to ccrtly that, the pmvisions of KMMCR 2015, have been ob*ryed in the pEpdation of lhe Mining plan of c.mire Bnnding stone Qualry ol DILEESH I(UMAR, S/o vm.devan, Chaprayil, rollm, extends ovcr d area oI 1.4333Ha. situabd in sy. No. 427/rr, 42a/322, 423/323, 427/4.427/2 &42?/r or Neduvath@r VillaAe, Kottuakl< a 'r3ruk of rollam D;s'i!. Kerclc Srab. w5"ff, h" spc.fi. p-m.esionq d. requir€d, the appti( i will apprcach th. conem€d aurho.ities of De!tuent of Minins od Geolocy. DMG/xERALA/ROP/4/2016 CONTENTS fq*=$ ffi9}i: c@bgjqlodrecovqo6kFad$ reie(srnd Dip^e s6e ia$9.s9,; i(0ry79 a a a a a a a g(NNNJVE a OU^RRY OOSLRL PhN a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 16.13/M3/2017 dared o3/o2l2o13 issued by me copy or ihe td rec€ipts (4 .unbeB) Possession cefri,icabs No.2oe6l17(s), 2oe6/t7l6l, 2as61t7l7l dated copy or Demrcation cediicat€ No 133/2013(l) copy of the cedilicate No.133/2o13 dated 2sl01/2014 orVillaee Ofiicer Neduvarhoor. Copy or noieriad conscni ror quarrying in lavou. of Mr Dneesh Kuntr siven bv the lsd owners corry ofnot i-d aJfidavit on e copy olnoi iu d afidavit on hu Copy ulln ume Td Retum copv orAadhar orDilccsh Kumar copy ofPAN c d of Dileesh rxm Copy of, adiI dL" ul RQP hd 3iatlr q F.po( cow ol Noise Analysis Repo Copy oI well wdrer AnalYsis Report copy oI soi marysis Report a.ge+{ax tt I , l,.ation Pld tud vici ty Map - t suruey Plm with cPS co ordinates 4A Locetion Sketh in FMB Issued hy villaF Ot]i.er, 4B suruey r,.rap tssueJE *i vrrus. oE:-, d,ry .Fed Surra.e ceoloaiGl Se.ii.ns Yetr\,te developrrrd 3 Y€Uuis developnent pls upio l0 yea Ye wi* ddelopmeni Smiions upto r0 yeu con eptual Minins sections Q- Z.qz Prosressivc quarrv closure Pladr Proeressive quarrv .losure section #,f3"\ t3 22, 423/3 23, 121/4,427/2 monmeniaredomanenelfEldsolhigh -"f ,'rt*s.X'; \&>.-,-",,r,,3\"et93, /. MineEr(s) trbi.h aE qhnh 1be apprj.dt / qu,rry bar is gmEd / Enered/prce*.dbbe Name or rbe RoP pEparins the mininc plan i suaEj Lane, R.c Junction, DM./(EPALA/FaP/1/20 r6 1 A copy ot rh. RoP cefrrficate is e Lettd ot lnlent No.r1643/M3/2017 dated o3/o2l2013 issued by the Direcbr of Mining od G€olo$/ (l/C). copy €n losed s {.P Dd.'jrs or ma ( rh rmrjo. nap) S"-"yN. sy. Na.127/tt,12313 22.123/3 2 oMed by suraja, kry, cneesh W,:r%113) 3 a.er+a]' 1}le lo.aiion ol the quarry lease fta is ]rdked on the Key plan is aclosed 6 PLate No. l. The aeessihility to the qu rr ma is shom on the locaiion qa plr ud ". , ro5ed as r \o I F!'.hc' also mked on ihe Google image (Plate No.3l. T he surey pld vith GPS co ordinates enclo*d N Plab No.a Thc digitar sutrey map preped by the vilase oficer duly c.rtined by the -3'rildd Ko'.ralr8. lhoqnc dr- a-c ot .hE qrd-.i . enclosed as Plate No. 4 B. ' re DEiial Supey Map of the fta 'fte ffia is non Iorest, rubbe. plmtation with ontdops or srmib. The reeainin8 ldd in the proposed ea is mosdy .oveEd with very Iew na1ire tres, shruhs, herb, 8rass, The robr k* *a applied for is 1.43a3 Ha md tne fta does has got an undxlatins ierain. The prcpo$ed area is a"r4+ra-; pafr of a hi o.k with a nofrh ea$ / south west trend Th. hishesi elevarion ls towarns ihe middle or the plot viih 135 m above MsL ed the tokst elevation is iowards the east w h I 10 m above MsL with an elevation di0erenc ot 2s n. 'Ihe area foms parr of t e pr{mbria metamor?hic cooplex of Kollam Dishicr, .ompnshs main& rocks of the chmockite ed a(haem peninslld gneiss Th€ Resionsl Geolosr oftne area is m]1 studjed by the ceolqic.t surey or India dd the autlentic dab is avatlable in ceoloBical slrlry of Inaia Mieelldeous publication No.3o, c6toa/ md Mineral re$ur.es oflhe states oflndia pd tx Kerala- May 2005. The distiict mine.al sutrey repod ot xonam Dist.ici by the Depabent or Minins d Geolo6r in Novenber 2016, prepded as per the Environmenr Inpad Assessmenr (Er4 also discuss about the seolos/ sd eoren.e of ar ite n- DTposd plo' .. a.opne .u€d5 .or h -ds d r on 'IheE are no sftms inside ihe plor Rai,mter insjde rhe plot will oon owato r}e No. h ca{ d 5-d siu n 'Fd.o- _o r5. nari dr"inc3. ou-e u h d"nda', psr .m 'al Tn- 1in- drainase patiem du.ins ihe opeation rime is shom as plate The dist.ict reeives an annua.l ave.ase Einlall of aboui 2424 contibutes nedly 55% of the iotar nual ainlau. The Northeast molsoon season from October io Dec€mbe. contribxt€s aboxt 2470 md the batmce 21% is r€ceiv€d during the month of Jduary to show€rs, oul of fie btal I 19 rainy days, about To.ainy days occur duing the southwest nomoon seaso.. oJ clbbq Pldb''on o,' .@ stuied s.o*rh sd is ready for slawhb.ins. part of Emainins l d in ure proposcd lsd is coreed with native t.ees, shrubs, he.bs, 8rss, .linb*s, bushes erc. The entire prolecr ma is devoid or my adangered flora. rhe.e is no wild life in coE mne, bulTer zo.e dd quarry dea. The haren dd a:icrntu.al lmds vith urba aci,vilies all dound the u€a do noi pmvide favoeble home Imd to *ild fauna. En&e le6e ffia is more or lese qpooed by Archa€n Crystalline metmo.phic .omplex. The mining lea* ea l-'-'-,---conbins Gdnei biotile Oneiss with patches of chmokite. 'fte i. a moF o' le.s I a, *ri". c-*a d.o\ d- eas.".r,. D,p .mF! tor /5 o (.t a).; a.lhost vertical. 'Ihe cneissic Rock is cove.ed by iopsoil.
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