------ - ------- 7r'7Trjn‘‘:r„t!. fc r.v.r^ W-;< rf\K 'K'rjr.-'.-r^Wiry!r: y .r“rrr:rv y 7 -.rry -vV >•< r---. > v .\ , ‘'.It- - , •. 5‘'.'x ".''i- 'S'.' ''.'' ■ ' ' ^ | . : :'i ; ' opnE ------ - . - . r : - :« a |M y . '■'■V .;.; ■ :.. ^ . S '" ■’• /"■,.■• ^ .....r 7 | □SVd H i ^ tZOhhL XJ. ’ --------------------- - n r ^ g a w yy7v_31l22S— ^ .H I ■•. ' "3MHMbVd WIC ■ ZU5 - ' ■ I- I002/9T/2X 2?^ I [m p p l l E a HH j i p i ■ Fridi iay, January 5,2001i : • . 505' cents, ^ . W eatoeI ^ l-Tfcra#m*n-^-T------ y: Partly S - 'Iherif - dia M ilytodaywd •—--— 1 ® Ticer W «dtmday ----- " ip tg gg ^ h i g h ^ , . "■ ^ ' _ _ z _ _ niibtlmkte.'nt thbhouM rT------- f ' P « e A 2 + i n Lwlthlathr. wl tEc o n town — ~ - - I v S g i c V a l l gun:iiie - }PMUtfMM0X J BmHs. iP i^lp Detaiails remain sketchyihyon.deathsbfddeputies, Edeniman r ^ B H | ByMarftHI:Hehi ^ "I Ttaa»Wwniw» Witter - _________I ^^mra^Comity Sh^ ~ I - -Jim-Weavjavier and other o ffid als— 3 Thursdaylay released'almost no ; details ab(about a Wednesday night -shottingIg which left two of ^ ’s d u t i e s and a subject ?. ■'• ;J«mRir‘M (m ^:i^ e s n b w Se^oa is cS to a disatisappoint- On dieeverE \ e;dft^ during a ^ start, ini il» momountains ’ . pews confcnference TTiursday morn- . lihat refin Idaho% resreservoirs. mg, Weaveaver said corporals James P « « B 1 n, 30, and Phillip m, 23, were killed in the fe ■ giujHght..Jt._A_$U5pect,_George— 1| — 4 4 0 NEY-—“ llm o ^ -W'.Williams, 47. was shot to I rdepudes. ■ ' A n Clulnoftioiibla^SsS e a ^ ' sr said the deputies W W I — — araoiihced plans to:o cIos$c 89------- shorarfirfirstrburhe did not say ' I stores amid a tighten:ening out- ho«/ manyrty d ^ d e s returned fire. 1 re ta il^ . He also) did,d not identify the - ■ looting occurred at about ' I 730pjn.W.Wednesday. Q a t io n N ; AnEdenen man O lives directly *E :p p e n ln g ^ Cabinet: across the(te s tr u t from Williams’ I 2S5 Atherton Ave. - the - . g .;|4iesident-elea Bush^ the shootings - said tfa^i' ■ ' -n ^ ta jc e center ^e* inddent uiunfolded with horrible R PageA3 speed. “Wewenrere just starting to watch I ' I V e e k E n d .: the Oranginge Bowl on TV,” said ! I ■ ,. ’ William PaPendleton.‘IheaMl'pc^, - I P. pop,"pop’ - a whole ■ burst of dudiot& I thought It sound- ■ edlikesnamaD-^'ber fire. I got up I and lookedted out the living room — ■ window. I ssaw four o%ers back- I ^ ^ ^ ■ 9 if the1 hduse with their ■ ■ j j H o J jwn,,MdIheard more .. .H . ' Pen^etpi!tbo,said iie qtlit-Tirat^ jg ^ Q ill^ - :' ^jngend'ttih: i f l j j l j p family^-;';, r M T O ''T ~ ■ gunfight across:tHe,stwLac Grab . lun;van^^' thelddsandind get out of hera*^ I . f^ 'ls c « n if(^ after a hewsrco^'renct cc at'ttelerdj^ CooirfI0( ^ C ourthouse T hu rsd ay . Two sheffff’8s t corporals, Jamet.Mouisodso n an d \ ^rJimjotTM md]ndiib.^iliBr Pleases5eseeSHOOnNQS,PaeBA2- PfcP t ^ Aftdereon, wen shotio> dilithd In Eden W M nes^ n)jh1 Bo^ stage tribute topa^aihg.. a _ g u n i .S ^ r d Afeisshemer.iiay' .T ‘ be headai for nationa , Friends, famimily the line c [ i b e i ^ g c Remem deputies^ paint enigm£m dc Sports , ■ ByJohnT.HiMuddy rtw itttf. '" • : • — fiaijpfl dash: Hie ded e n r s — n picture of sujluspect FenyHi^ School giiijiris’bas- JEROME4E - With eyes blood^ot: fromfn a lack of, J ’ By M^lielnz'” kctballteam,dashedvd with die sleep, and.1 voicesv quavering, the d e^Tudes d i who • Tlme»New» writef------ -VallEy Viki^ in both3th teams*-- -CpL Jamests Moulson1 and CpL Phillip AndersonAnc f o n d f ^ ^ ^ H j H omfeience opener HThursday.'11 tememberecreddietwomen ■ I EDEN - Friends, familyfa: and doing ^ t they ■ neighbors Thursdayly describedd . Pag" Of “ ■'° ■ George Timothy WiUi/illiams as a. (Dp i n i o n . -V ‘Tliey divdived into what ■ stereotype of the aginging hippie,I they belie'ieved.” said a ■ But the same peoplepie <described 6pPoiltop:D^ocrattats are weeping RoRose Vaughn, a a g m W . h h I him as a loner who workedwoj spo- . forgetting thatGmrgeroAVf Jerome CoiiJounty sherifPs I radically, \vas open aboutaboi his use ■ BushV^binetnominfinwMj'flm rooldedepui{Mty wHowason B of marijuana - and was,;vas also open______ ~thc 9cene~ie“Wcdnesda]^ ~Ri^lican^too,to^^edito- when bothith.men'died.' ^s^wRS® r i a l s ^ I weeks. And Jeromeme County . , ' “Theylovededdtis job." . I S heriff Jim Wcavisaver said ' 1P^e A6 Deputyi Rick1 Ustick I Williams was the subjiubject of an . ■ ■- srid__ M6»lou lso n '. ■ and_ I - —ongoing nan^otics investvestigation.------------ -^-.;bEGTIONBY;$ECEGTibN . “werebodilike '.'"HI I Williams, 47, was shotshot to death ....... .................oToniers. ' ' • / ■' -• •-- B" “^Vedh«9ay night in aa confronta-c tviovies and H " non with Jerom e Countjiiuy sheriffs w * ’ i ;Aidjerson,23 I ■ W ea^,’ ,;, ,2' Comics ,23, were fatally f l officers - a sliootouttliat tlia left two ile serving a ■ deputies dead. The ihrethree died at f J a tl o n .3; •**#«u^weaKJ •seArd?wanan^t.inEden I about 7:30 pjn. Wednescnesday, after ' ’■ ;Ppinlon.,u:w Q ^awsword .V.7 . "Wednesdaylaynighr. The - I deputies came to Williarlliams’ house PUff _juspjWiGeoieorge.Tlraothy.Winiams. 47, w^^idlledwa ; I to serve a .search wanvarrant in a . ^ o n B Moulsonn vrais\ with the Jerom e Counounbr Sheriffs jH B fl I • drug case, Jeromene County nt for four years. H e was manilarried with a 9- I Sheriff Jim Weaver aid.said, Slaete;\Slley M S ectlis tIo n D ' [ son. Derek. Moulyn lived ii Williams was not a drugdi deal- d in California ■■__ — Ti6itiiii‘ii®7r;2— S)»?trIs . , .rs ^ o r e movuiving to IdiholCTeral years ^ 0. S_ —er,-nor-was-he-violentrentrsaid-his---------- ^ — CpI.Phillip, ■“‘"--itoyHlfcsl-.. .4 -Notion. Ip Anderson, left, with Cralser,r, andai Cpt. James MoulMn, wtthtfi Chug,.wereC the Jerome sister, Chris Sterling,^ TwinTv Falls, ■ PleasesMDEW^ B , ^ g e A 4 “ Sheriff’s D*Department’! canine ofRcers. ____/ ___ PjMs^seeWIUJAW ___ : i^oW ~M Qfar' R s n t o n w i l lIsetasidteforest Stlysts,ecoiinomislts waiam « 3 ^ > ■ ThBAwoclatiiitidPrw»7 - --------- ■ J . ; Sen. Frank M urkowski, R- 1 3 V Expect apfipn todijay; Aluska, said the: planpi was “fatally iMnakers abbout slowdoIown : 'jVASmNCNGtpN:T Seeking a.... • . .flawed” and predii»iictcd.the courts Tha Ass a protector of public v : AMocirtedPref • ------; ....... -And for the first timeme in three ......... : W eacd aieas . would overturn iit. t Timber, ' m in i^ --------- years the statee Labor C lassifielib- sident Clinton, today aiid energy, indndustries- have BOIS . -wilLdecIarere-nearly SO-million . m OISE - State lawmakers were2__ 'Department predicted^thaj th av er- ____ include Idaho latijlgC'~~;'d»reaten ^ lawsuituits. " ^“wSrieoned on Thursday to expectt ’ age annual unemplo^ilymen’t will >.ad:es.of.i?risicistine.federaLiorests ____ l_ —..........l-_Murk6v«ki,;a.sti.strong defender___Idaho’slo’s-heated econo-- ---------- ar and-next-------— , • .' off llinits to ro'ad'building and :~to-s:o-a November proposal, ------- I |-rise this year a 1, h as of: logging acti>itiyities in th e my to;o slowsi markedly in I p ro jected i&'administradon'offi- con:bme;under intense crftic:icism Tongass, also ha:has argued th at ' the co — y . — - - fron coming year or |rL MA2001 Sr,diLi!f‘of 4.5 per- rom-some-.GOP lawmakers^s:and— ^restricting-foresrjsrdevelopnrent ------(woT^ror^Top econo- iEfflfl|rM ilH LUm centlor2000.~0.— — ^----------- idenvacting about tw ^ : .'..the:he.fprdsti'miniiig and-fenelergy- Tr wilipuf offlimitsnts large resources. _nust$.ei w eek s^ ^ e'] s.emphasjzed.thai_^9ttmi M W r m B The.preliminiminary esti- i^eneieaves office, will ' , Indindustries. President-eleft.Bush fl .-ofnaturalgaK ; . .. -th e bulbulk of past eco- saily a diird;of.^ die -^-has' . m ate for 2000000 unem- Wftfl'iMl®- s ^ t a ^ n e a i tas' e x p r e ^ ^ c o t alkrut« die, . ‘MurkoWski; Sen>en. Larry Craig, _ nomicic activitya was limited to diei ployment will be relea iinra.B us ,• forest laiulovowMid by.die f e d e r a l .s w a cleased on weeping nature of the-plliv"'. .' R-Idaho, Rep. DonDi Young, R- Boiseaiearea. Friday. The rate was 52 percent •■■•"■ •goveriimentiifforspecialprotMi '• .L*^ Last Week, Rep. Jim H iisenen,R-': ' Alaska and others:TS ra is ^ die pos- “The"he rest of die state is^u^fe^, inl999. -*<;■-«* * ^ 'r»> w' - ...;-, ... i- -^ o a ^ h B -mnov^omesreven-es o ----- U ti ^Xt^hr-wrote-Bush-aifd^•Vice .s ibilityTjf-yhaUengaiginr^he-ToresT— i n g" i ^ewnqmist John ChurclTr ■ Except in High technoliuiology_^d nal Republicans are .P>^Yeddent-eleptXheney IhaL[Lthe~ ' rogi'ilnrinn iindptr.a4995.1dw.that 0 ----- told-rh<■the-Economic-Oudook-and-I— ^business-services,-the-e3e-expe«ed ---------- uco(mng Bush admin-. :plahilah ^ s “one of th e'm fst e{ — , • g^S-tnithB urtS^i t;— egre^ . -.allows Congress: to overturn ,any_ .. ReYen,ien,ue Assessment .Coinmit^-; —.slug^sbness-was- acrcicross the— •_.... ^ id '> v i^ ^ ;jous'*aBusesVby.:,tWjcnhihtQii, ' regulation withi:hin 60 days Of tee. “T“The economy is slowing, rAbdediidrii:~ board. Ih e picture wasts ho better, m 7 m v 2 ^ministration” and-libitot .thdr.tl ■! their basic industries aren’t; and in some cases worse,^e, Ifor api-. j ifL— ^ ihefbrtgtj« jI^ 'Jfliselyjdmtta r_ ^ c lB ■ : ■■ PfeaseseeROj - v.-r* ---- . .■ .. ._ ' ■•. '. ■ r*-, — i"'- 'V '":' :.M'Tkn»Mt«».TMnFaftFili,'ldaho Fiktay:J«iiMT8,«KaOOlV TF FORECCASTFQ) R M A G KC V A LLE .
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