~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~·- ---------- VOL. XXV. NO. 88 The ObserverTUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1993 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Flynn/Wellman and Reinke/Dickey in run-off By DAVID KINNEY Election process questioned News Editor Student Bod The tickets of Frank by candidates' campaign practices Flynn/Nikki Wellman and David By MONICA VANT Heinke/Lara Dickey earned f\'.!i.!!l!l!'![l!!~!,'!~ spots in a Wednesday run-off \: E<Jit¢t"iri"Chlet NEWS ANALYSIS for Notre Dame student body president and vice president ,A ca~ual observer of Monday Wellman and David after no ticket captured a night'~ emergency StudentSe- Reinkeltara Dickey tickets ad· majority in Monday's general nate meeting at Notre Dame vanced to Wednesday's run-off, election. Witnesset:l a series of highly po- while the ticket in the hot seat Flynn/Wellman received 35.1 litic~l maneuvering .in a quest at the Senate meeting, percent ( 1,451 votes) of the t~t~d~teruline if the election pro- Gallo/Browntng, took third electorate, while Reinke/Dickey cess had been jeopardized by place. received 32.5 percent (1 ,343)­ election1day campaigning by And so as not to forget that and the endorsement of the election. • The Joseph Karian/Sam oj}e o{ sac tickets running for politics is poll tics - even at third-place ticket of Stephanie Campaigning for the run-off Thomas ticket received 0.87 student body presidentand vice Notre Dame - Gallo!Brow:ning Gallo and Chris Browning. began today at 12:01 a.m., and percent (36 votes). presidwnt. ·•··· ·.·.··. ··.··· left the race endorsing the Election results showed 4,129 ends tomorrow morning at "We really worked hard and ..· .. B'Qt aft,lilr tiptoeing around the ticket. who defended. their i:l.C* students cast ballots Monday. 12:01 a.m., Judicial Council that's why we're here," said po~~ib.le c~mpaigti yiolation by tions throughout the almost Earlier in the evening, the President Pete Castelli. Students Wellman. The candidates said the Step}lante.. · G11Uo/Cbds · two-hour S.enate inquiry: election committee addressed can vote Wednesday in their they plan to focus on the dorms B:roWQ;ing ti(!k(;Jt •and pointing Reinke/Dickey. reports of election day cam­ dorms from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. where they did worse than ex­ fi'ftgers.at.t)leElec.tion Commit-. .The i$sue debated by theSe* paigning by Gallo/Browning. and from 5 to 7 p.m. pected. tee for l~aying candi<lates up- nate was. campaigning by The committee determined - Of the other four tickets: Flynn pointed to the success c~ear al)out tlle eampatgnin.g. Gallo/Browning outside the and the Student Senate later • Gallo/Browning took 23.1 of his and Wellman's door-to­ sehednl~. the. SeMte deemed South Dining Hall Monday aflirmed - that miscommuni­ percent (954 votes) of the bal­ door campaign, noting that they nn on~ gu~ty of violatiQns, let afterno.Qn. The question was cation about the official end of lots; didn't get an endorsement from the Mun(j.ay~s results .. stanl.i, and wheth~r J:iallo/Browning vio· campaigning was to blame, and • The Chris Murphy/Emily The Observer or Scholastic. cj.t~d Ptis~o:mmu.nicttt~Qri ljy la.ted a ca.mpaig11 rule by dis· that no election violation had Bloss ticket received 6.8 per­ The Reinke/Dickey ticket said .Studemt Goyernmt'lnt as tbt:~ tributing flyers on election diiy. been committed. cent (280 votes); they felt good about the results. Qrily culprit in the .ITI.atter, . But the real problem was that The Senate later voted to • The Tom Kovats!Mike Con­ "We believe in the things we're ·:.~en tbe Yote.s were. finally nQne of the· candidates nor the uphold the results of Monday's nelly ticket won 1.6 percent (65 tota:llf!l.i, the Fr~k: Flynii/Ni~i. votes); see ELECTION/page 4 It•}i:~;~~;···•·.· see ANALYSIS/page 4 Saint Mary's holds forum to discuss campus issues By AMY JOHNSON & and student body president­ halls and 80 clubs. Specific LAURA FERGUSON elect. ideas for its use include BOG The lack of SMC coverage is conferences, alumnae activities News Writers due to the small number of SMC and speakers, and social activi­ Concerned students and ad­ writers and the fact that many ties such as improvements for of them are inexperienced, said Dalloway's and a satellite dish ministrators gathered at Carroll some students. Anna Tabor, Auditorium last night to discuss for Haggar College Center. Saint Mary's editor of the "We are not expecting to re­ the future of Saint Mary's Col­ Observer, suggested including a lege in a campus open forum. ceive this full amount that we weekly or biweekly four page are proposing but this figure Issues of Notre Dame/Saint pull-out in The Observer that Mary's relations. security and will give us something to work would exclusively cover events the possible increase in the with," said Wilkinson. on the SMC campus. Security problems and im­ student activity fee were dis­ Reactions to this suggestion provements were also ad­ cussed in detail. were overwhelmingly positive, dressed by the student body, One issue addressed was the and Tabor stressed that the especially regarding the single relationship between Saint Observer staff is working on phone line for emergencies, Mary's and Notre Dame stu­ improving SMC coverage. escorts and information. Ac­ dents. SMC coverage in the The Observer/T.J. Harris cording to Richard Chlebek, di­ The staging of the Keenan Observer was a major point. Karen Fordham, president of the Residence Hall Association, and rector of security, separate Review was also discussed. MaryBeth Wilkinson, student body president-elect, participate in the According to Renee Young, a numbers for emergency and Saint Mary's students expressed Second Annual College Forum at Saint Mary's. SMC senior. there needs to be information/escorts will hope­ disgust at the large amount of better and more accurate cov­ own campus," said Melissa per student. This would allow fully be established this fall. Saint Mary's "bashing" that Whelan. student government to increase erage of SMC events. The card access system fell took place at the Keenan Many students expressed their operating activities budget "There has been a lack of under some criticism because of Review, which ironically took c.ommunication and respect" concern over the proposed in- from $60,000 to $200,000 per its inconvenience for students place on the SMC campus. crease in the student activity year. said MaryBeth Wilkinson, vice using the facilities in LeMans "We should not allow the fee. If the proposal is accepted This budget is divided among president of academic affairs putting down of SMC on our the fee will go from $20 to $75 the four classes, five residence see SMC I page 4 r-~~-----=-------------------------------------------- Hipp, Beeler scholarships endowed McKenna to receive 1993 By DANA ANDERSON preciate as the portfolio appre­ the Meghan Beeler Memorial News Writer ciates. The department of fi­ Scholarship. This endowment Horatio Alger Award nancial aid uses the interest is being built up by the Beeler from these funds to grant family and friends. The Beeler Through donations to By MICHELE TERRY said. memorial funds. family, scholarships to undergradu­ family and the department of ates, said Russo. financial aid have not yet de­ News Writer McKenna said his experience friends, and students have as a student at Notre Dame and continued to keep alive the By closely working with cided how the money will be Andrew McKenna, chairman his later involvement with the memory of Notre Dame swim­ donors, the department of fi­ administered in scholarship of the Notre Dame Board of University helped him to reach mers Colleen llipp and Mar­ nancial aid establishes criteria form, according to Russo. Trustees, has been chosen to his present position. "Notre gan~t "Meghan" Beeler, whose for selecting recipients of The other endowment, the scholarships, according to Hipp-Beeler Memorial Scholar­ receive a 1993 Horatio Alger Dame was the perfect learning lives were taken in a bus acci­ Award. ground for things I've done dent last year. Russo. Some standard re­ ship, has been organized McKenna expressed feelings later in life," he said. Two scholarship endow­ quirements established with largely by Student Government each scholarship include that a through fundraisers and dona­ of surprise and humility upon The Alger Awards are ments have been created from receiving the award saying,"I awarded annually to individuals the funds. These endowments recipient be in good academic tions. According to Russo, the feel humble and undeserving, who are "living proof that the differ from annual gifts to be standing. Beeler-Hipp Memorial Scholar­ According to Russo, the de­ ship has received donations of yet honored" about being American dream is possible for spent that are given to Notre those who work hard, perse­ Dame. An endowment is a partment also works with spe­ $32,000 as of Feb. 5. placed in the same category as cial conditions on scholarship Jack Kemp and Oprah Winfrey, vere, and live by the highest permanent fund of at least ethical standards." monies that a donor requests. Parameters have not yet other award recipients. $25,000 used for the same McKenna, president and "We always make sure the been finalized for this scholar­ "I am not only honored to be purpose year after year, ac­ inducted with the new recipi­ chief executive officer of cording to Joe Russo, director donor's best interest is being ship either.
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