FREE GAZA IN THE MEDIA The following list is a collection of media responses to the Free Gaza Movement's boat trips from Cyprus to Gaza available on the internet. The list is steadily updated. It is not comprehensive, but covers most of the relevant articles and some audios and videos, also for non-English coverage. Not every item can be posted to the Free Gaza website, so here you have access to the bulk of the coverage. The Free Gaza Movement is not responsible for the content of external websites. www.freegaza.org/uploads/media/free_gaza_in_the_media.pdf 15.04.09 Cork Gig for Gaza alice http://corkgreenmap.org/blog/news-and-events/gig-for-gaza/ engl Greenmap Weblog 13.04.09 Arutz Sheva Gaza Terror Boat Explodes Near Coast Tzvi Ben www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/130853 engl Gedalyahu 13.04.09 Free Gaza ¡Nos vemos en Gaza! Apoya la flota Hope y www.freegaza.org/es/portada/798-rendezvous-gaza-support-the-free-gaza-hope-fleet-and-help-shatter- span ayuda a romper el asedio israelí the-israeli-siege 13.04.09 Free Gaza Rendez-vous à Gaza! Soutenez la FLOTTE DE www.freegaza.org/fr/accueil/798-rendezvous-gaza-support-the-free-gaza-hope-fleet-and-help-shatter-the- fr L'ESPOIR de Free Gaza et aidez à BRISER le israeli-siege siège israélien! 13.04.09 Free Gaza Rendezvous Gaza! Sostieni la HOPE FLEET www.freegaza.org/it/home/798-rendezvous-gaza-support-the-free-gaza-hope-fleet-and-help-shatter-the- it (FLOTTA DELLA SPERANZA) e aiuta a israeli-siege INFRANGERE l’assedio Israeliano 13.04.09 Free Gaza Rendezvous Gaza! Support the Free Gaza www.freegaza.org/en/home/798-rendezvous-gaza-support-the-free-gaza-hope-fleet-and-help-shatter-the- engl HOPE FLEET and help SHATTER the Israeli israeli-siege Siege! 13.04.09 IMEMC Israeli naval forces attack Palestinian fishing www.imemc.org/article/59900 engl boats near Gaza Coast 11.04.09 ISM Levée du siège de Gaza : actions prévues www.ism-france.org/news/article.php?id=11664&type=temoignage&lesujet=Actions fr 11.04.09 Rod Cox and Action to open the Rafah border - International http://rodcoxandgaza.blogspot.com/2009/04/action-to-open-rafah-border.html engl Gaza (blog) Movement to open the Rafah border found:10.04.09 Lee Porter Boats Break Gaza Siege! Thousands Welcome! Lee Porter www.leeporterart.com/BoatsBreak.html engl 09.04.09 IMEMC Two solidarity ships to sail to Gaza soon Saed Bannoura www.imemc.org/article/59856 engl 09.04.09 ISM Récolte des lentilles à Al-Faraheen www.ism-france.org/news/article.php?id=11650&type=temoignage fr 08.04.09 ISM Israeli forces shoot at farmers in Al Faraheen http://palsolidarity.org/2009/04/6048 engl 07.04.09 PULSE Jeff Halper responds to his Jewish exclusion in http://pulsemedia.org/2009/04/07/jeff-halper-responds-to-his-jewish-exclusion-in-australia/ engl Australia 06.04.09 IPS MIDEAST: Lost in the Buffer Zone Eva Bartlett www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=46409 engl ? 05.04.09 Cyprus Mail Irish expat couple moving to Gaza as volunteers Anna Hassapi www.cyprus-mail.com/news/main.php?id=45010&cat_id=1 engl 04.04.09 Palestine Think Shooting and Crying - Nothing New Since 1948… Anis Hamadeh http://palestinethinktank.com/2009/04/04/shooting-and-crying-nothing-new-since-1948-or-is-it/ + engl Tank Or is it? www.freegaza.org/en/home/804-shooting-and-crying-nothing-new-since-1948—or-is-it 02.04.09 Palestinian Support the Hope Fleet http://palestinianpundit.blogspot.com/2009/04/support-hope-fleet.html engl Pundit 01.04.09 Berkeley Daily Community Calendar www.berkeleydailyplanet.com/issue/2009-04-02/article/32621?headline=Community-Calendar engl Planet 01.04.09 Daily Eating dinner for a good cause Briana Alzola www.dailyevergreen.com/story/28271 engl Evergreen 1/129 24.- 31.03.09 Intelligence and News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian www.terrorism-info.org.il/malam_multimedia/English/eng_n/html/ipc_e020.htm engl Terrorism Conflict Information Center at the Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoratio n Center (IICC) 31.03.09 on the From Cynthia McKinney: Report from London http://wilderside.wordpress.com/2009/03/31/from-cynthia-mckinney-report-from-london-33109/ + engl Wilderside 3/31/09 www.opednews.com/articles/Cynthia-McKinney-Reports-f-by-Cynthia-McKinney-090331-970.html 30.03.09INTIFADA BOYCOTT APARTHEID ISRAEL Natalie Abou http://intifada-palestine.com/2009/03/30/boycott-apartheid-israel-2/ engl VOICE OF Shakra PALESTINE 30.03.09 ISM Free Gaza Movement: Hope Fleet to Gaza http://palsolidarity.org/2009/03/5707 engl 30.03.09 Ten Percent Land Day http://tenpercent.wordpress.com/2009/03/30/land-day/ engl 28.03.09 ISM 22 days to lift the siege on Gaza http://palsolidarity.org/2009/03/5619 engl 26.02.09 ISM "Effacé - rayé de la carte" : un film sur Gaza, par www.ism-france.org/news/article.php?id=11311&type=temoignage&lesujet=Incursions fr Alberto Arce (voir la bande-annonce) (video:ERASED, WIPE OFF THE MAP in spanish) 26.02.09 Muslim Media Middle East Forum Susan Schwartz http://muslimmedianetwork.com/mmn/?p=3681 engl Network 26.02.09 Soitu Gaza: Borrados del mapa (video: ERASED, Charlie Torres www.soitu.es/participacion/2009/02/26/u/charlie_torres_1235654365.html span WIPE OFF THE MAP) ? 25.02.09 Wipe Off The ERASED, WIPE OFF THE MAP, Trailor (video, ALBERTO www.wipeoffthemap.com/erased_english.html span Map 7:53) ARCE, MIGUEL LLORENS 24.02.09 Electronic "They killed me three times" Eva Bartlett http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article10339.shtml + http://palestinianpundit.blogspot.com/2009/02/they- engl Intifada killed-me-three-times.html 23.02.09 IMEMC Israeli Soldiers Shoot Deaf Palestinian Farmer, Eva Bartlett www.imemc.org/article/58975 + http://palestinianpundit.blogspot.com/2009/02/dirty-tricks-israeli-soldiers- engl 4th Farmer Shot in 3 weeks shoot.html 22.02.09 Siratyst (blog) Israeli Military Shoot Gaza Farmer -- Free Gaza http://siratyst.blogspot.com/2009/02/israeli-military-shoot-gaza-farmer-free.html engl Movement 21.02.09 ISM Honneur à Yousef Abu Oda, le Martyre Natalie Abu www.ism-france.org/news/article.php?id=11284&type=temoignage&lesujet=R%C3%A9sistances fr Shakra 21.02.09 Scotsman Gunpoint arrest ordeal won't stop my return to HAZEL http://news.scotsman.com/latestnews/Gunpoint-arrest-ordeal-won39t-stop.5003839.jp engl Gaza MOLLISON 20.02.09 El Bloc de Joan El mateix dia que el ple del Parlament Europeu http://jjnuet.blogspot.com/ Catal Josep Nuet aprovava una resolució demanant la fi del an bloqueig sobre Gaza 09.02.09 Atheo News Disappeared Free Gaza Activist Theresa http://atheonews.blogspot.com/2009/02/disappeared-free-gaza-activist-theresa.html engl (Blog) McDermott Found in Israel's Ramleh Prison 09.02.09 ISM Disappeared Free Gaza activist Teresa http://palsolidarity.org/2009/02/5144 engl McDermott found in Israel’s Ramleh Prison 08.02.09 ISM Passengers of freighter seized by Israel return http://palsolidarity.org/2009/02/5140 engl home with tales of abuse 05.02.09 Al Jazeera Israeli forces seize Gaza aid ship http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2009/02/20092592757311355.html engl 2/129 05.02.09 Der Standard Israel hindert libanesisches Schiff an Landung in http://derstandard.at/?url=/?id=1233586800874 ger Gaza 04.02.09 ISM Aid workers and journalists risk life in Gaza http://palsolidarity.org/2009/02/5002 engl 01.02.09 Árbol e noticias El Arzobispo Hilarión Capucci intentará llegar a www.arboldenoticias.com/content/view/2482/1/ span la costa de Gaza 01.02.09Free Filisteen FREE GAZA ART FESTIVAL www.freefilisteen.com/2009/02/free-gaza-art-festival.html engl (blog) 31.01.09 Blog of Aref Report From Gaza (Translated by Daniela Vittorio Arrigoni www.ipernity.com/blog/14760/126121 engl Nammari Filippin) (goplayer) 31.01.09 Hoy Diez grupos tocan hoy en La Bola para ayudar al www.hoy.es/20090131/caceres/diez-grupos-tocan-bola-20090131.html span pueblo palestino 30.01.09 Indybay Free Gaza Activists Welcomed Home as Heroes, Sharat G. Lin www.indybay.org/newsitems/2009/01/30/18567125.php engl then Join Protest against Israeli War 26.01.09 Telegraph The BBC's claimed impartiality did not prevent Philip Duly www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/letters/4339284/The-BBCs-claimed-impartiality-did-not-prevent-weeks-of- engl weeks of anti-Israeli bias anti-Israeli-bias.html 24.01.09 De Standaard Ook Fouad Ahidar (sp.a) trekt de Arafatsjaal aan www.standaard.be/video/videoPlayer.aspx?cat=2&subcat=0&videoId=83794 dutch (video, 1:31) 24.01.09 YouTube Israeli Navy illegaly attacks humanitarian aid greekstreet www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6ZOs378fos&feature=PlayList&p=D2CD5AC4835B173F&index=0&playnext greek vessel, part 1 (video, 8:40) (posted by) =1 24.01.09 YouTube Israeli Navy illegaly attacks humanitarian aid greekstreet www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmnPGPmV-VE&feature=PlayList&p=D2CD5AC4835B173F&index=1 greek vessel, part 2 (video, 8:41) (posted by) 24.01.09 YouTube Israeli Navy illegaly attacks humanitarian aid greekstreet www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsK8rkwFd98&feature=PlayList&p=D2CD5AC4835B173F&index=2 greek vessel, part 3 (video,7:11) (posted by) 23.01.09 Al Arabiya Free Gaza boats and non-killing transformation: Anis Hamadeh www.alarabiya.net/views/2009/01/23/64855.html engl A perspective 23.01.09Il Manifesto APERTURA SECONDA Vittorio Arrigoni www.ilmanifesto.it/il-manifesto/ricerca-nel- it manifesto/vedi/nocache/1/numero/20090123/pagina/11/pezzo/240267/?tx_manigiornale_pi1[showStringa] =varcato%2Bsoglia&cHash=22912118b6 (link no longer active), google cache: manifesto/vedi/nocache/1/numero/20090123/pagina/11/pezzo/240267/%3Ftx_manigiornale_pi1%255Bsh
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