PHYSICAL REVIEW D VOLUME 66, NUMBER 12 15 DECEMBER 2002 Cumulative Author Index All authors of papers published in this volume are listed alphabetically. Full titles are included in each ®rst author's entry. The letters (R), (BR), (C), or (E) following the article number indicate that a paper is a Rapid Communication, a Brief Report, a Comment, or an Erratum, respectively. Aarts, Gert, Daria Ahrensmeier, Rudolf Baier, JuÈrgen Berges, and ͑see Abe, Kenji͒ D 66, 032009͑1͒ Julien Serreau Ð Far-from-equilibrium dynamics with broken Abe, R. Ð ͑see Abe, K.͒ D 66, 032007͑1͒ symmetries from the 1/N expansion of the 2PI effective action. Abe, T. Ð ͑see Abe, K.͒ D 66, 032007͑1͒ D 66, 045008͑15͒ ͑see Abe, K.͒ D 66, 071102͑R͒͑1͒ Abada, A., D. BecÂirevicÂ, Ph. Boucaud, G. Herdoiza, J. P. Leroy, A. ͑see Abe, Kenji͒ D 66, 032009͑1͒ Le Yaouanc, O. PeÁne, and J. RodrõÂguez-Quintero Ð First ͑see Abe, Koya͒ D 66, 052001͑1͒ lattice QCD estimate of the gD*D coupling. D 66, 074504͑1͒ ͑see Abe, Koya͒ D 66, 079905͑E͒͑1͒ Abada, Asmaa, Gautam Bhattacharyya, and Marta Losada Ð General ͑see Casey, B. C. K.͒ D 66, 092002͑1͒ analysis with trilinear and bilinear R-parity violating couplings in ͑see Gabyshev, N.͒ D 66, 091102͑R͒͑1͒ the light of recent SNO data. D 66, 071701͑R͒͑1͒ Abe, Y. Ð ͑see Teshima, T.͒ D 66, 093011͑1͒ Abazajian, Kevork N., John F. Beacom, and Nicole F. Bell Abolins, M. Ð ͑see Abazov, V. M.͒ D 66, 012001͑1͒ Ð Stringent constraints on cosmological neutrino-antineutrino ͑see Abazov, V. M.͒ D 66, 032008͑1͒ asymmetries from synchronized ¯avor transformation. D 66, 013008͑1͒ ͑see Abazov, V. M.͒ D 66, 112001͑1͒ and George M. Fuller Ð Bulk QCD thermodynamics Abramov, V. Ð ͑see Abazov, V. M.͒ D 66, 012001͑1͒ and sterile neutrino dark matter. D 66, 023526͑15͒ ͑see Abazov, V. M.͒ D 66, 032008͑1͒ Abazov, V. M. et al. ͑DO” Collaboration͒ Ð Improved W boson mass ͑see Abazov, V. M.͒ D 66, 112001͑1͒ measurement with the DO” detector. D 66, 012001͑1͒ Abrams, D. et al. ͑CDMS Collaboration͒ Ð Exclusion limits on the et al. ͑DO” Collaboration͒ Ð Direct measurement of the W boson WIMP-nucleon cross section from the Cryogenic Dark Matter decay width. D 66, 032008͑1͒ Search. D 66, 122003͑15͒ et al. ͑DO” Collaboration͒ Ð Search for minimal supergravity in Abrams, G. S. Ð ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 66, 032003͑1͒ single-electron events with jets and large missing transverse Abreu, E. M. C., A. de Souza Dutra, and C. Wotzasek Ð New energy in ppÅ collisions at ͱsϭ1.8 TeV. D 66, 112001͑1͒ approaches in W gravities. D 66, 105008͑15͒ Abbott, B. Ð ͑see Abazov, V. M.͒ D 66, 012001͑1͒ Accioly, A. and H. Blas Ð Exact Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation for ͑see Abazov, V. M.͒ D 66, 032008͑1͒ real spin-0 particle in curved space. D 66, 067501͑15͒ ͑see Abazov, V. M.͒ D 66, 112001͑1͒ Acharya, B. S. Ð ͑see Abazov, V. M.͒ D 66, 012001͑1͒ Abdalla, E., K. H. C. Castello-Branco, and A. Lima-Santos ͑see Abazov, V. M.͒ D 66, 032008͑1͒ Ð Support of dS/CFT correspondence from space-time perturbations. ͑see Abazov, V. M.͒ D 66, 112001͑1͒ D 66, 104018͑15͒ Achasov, M. N., V. M. Aulchenko, K. I. Beloborodov, A. V. Abdalla, M. C. B., A. L. Gadelha, and I. V. Vancea Ð SU͑1,1͒ Berdyugin, A. G. Bogdanchikov, A. V. Bozhenok, A. D. Bukin, D. thermal group of bosonic strings and D-branes. D 66, 065005͑15͒ A. Bukin, S. V. Burdin, T. V. Dimova, V. P. Druzhinin, V. B. Abdesselam, A. Ð ͑see Abazov, V. M.͒ D 66, 012001͑1͒ Golubev, V. N. Ivanchenko, A. A. Korol, S. V. Koshuba, I. N. ͑see Abazov, V. M.͒ D 66, 032008͑1͒ Nesterenko, E. V. Pakhtusova, A. A. Polunin, A. A. Salnikov, ͑see Abazov, V. M.͒ D 66, 112001͑1͒ S. I. Serednyakov, V. V. Shary, Yu. M. Shatunov, V. A. Sidorov, Z. Abe, Hiroyuki and Tomohiro Inagaki Ð Schwinger-Dyson analysis of K. Silagadze, A. N. Skrinsky, A. G. Skripkin, Yu. V. Usov, ϩ Ϫ ϩ Ϫ dynamical symmetry breaking on a brane with bulk Yang-Mills and A. V. Vasiljev Ð Study of the process e e → 0 in the theory. D 66, 085001͑15͒ energy region ͱs from 0.98 to 1.38 GeV. D 66, 032001͑1͒ Abe, K. et al. ͑Belle Collaboration͒ Ð Observation of mixing-induced AchuÂcarro, A., A. C. Davis, M. Pickles, and J. Urrestilla Ð Vortices CP violation in the neutral B meson system. D 66, 032007͑1͒ in theories with ¯at directions. D 66, 105013͑15͒ et al. ͑Belle Collaboration͒ Ð Improved measurement of mixing- Acosta, D. et al. ͑CDF Collaboration͒ Ð Search for new physics in induced CP violation in the neutral B meson system. photon-lepton events in ppÅ collisions at ͱsϭ1.8 TeV. D 66, 071102͑R͒͑1͒ D 66, 012004͑1͒ ͑see Abe, K.͒ D 66, 032007͑1͒ et al. ͑CDF Collaboration͒ Ð Measurement of the ratio of b ͑see Abe, K.͒ D 66, 071102͑R͒͑1͒ quark production cross sections in Åpp collisions at ͱs ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 66, 032003͑1͒ ϭ630 GeV and ͱsϭ1800 GeV. D 66, 032002͑1͒ ͑see Casey, B. C. K.͒ D 66, 092002͑1͒ et al. ͑CDF Collaboration͒ Ð Branching ratio measurements of ϩ ͑see Gabyshev, N.͒ D 66, 091102͑R͒͑1͒ exclusive B decays to charmonium with the Collider Detector ͑see Gabyshev, N.͒ D 66, 091102͑R͒͑1͒ at Fermilab. D 66, 052005͑1͒ Abe, Kenji et al. ͑SLD Collaboration͒ Ð Search for time-dependent et al. ͑CDF Collaboration͒ Ð Cross section for forward J/ 0 0 Ϯ Bs -Bs oscillations using exclusively reconstructed Ds mesons. production in ppÅ collisions at ͱsϭ1.8 TeV. D 66, 092001͑1͒ D 66, 032009͑1͒ et al. ͑CDF Collaboration͒ Ð Search for radiative b-hadron ͑see Abe, Koya͒ D 66, 052001͑1͒ decays in ppÅ collisions at ͱsϭ1.8 TeV. D 66, 112002͑1͒ ͑see Abe, Koya͒ D 66, 079905͑E͒͑1͒ Adachi, I. Ð ͑see Abe, K.͒ D 66, 032007͑1͒ Abe, Koya et al. ͑SLD Collaboration͒ Ð Improved study of the ͑see Abe, K.͒ D 66, 071102͑R͒͑1͒ ϩ Ϫ structure of e e →bbÅ g events and limits on the anomalous ͑see Casey, B. C. K.͒ D 66, 092002͑1͒ chromomagnetic coupling of the b quark. D 66, 052001͑1͒ ͑see Gabyshev, N.͒ D 66, 091102͑R͒͑1͒ et al. ͑SLD Collaboration͒ Ð Erratum: Measurement of the b- Adam, I. Ð ͑see Abe, Kenji͒ D 66, 032009͑1͒ 0 quark fragmentation function in Z decays ͓Phys. Rev. D 65, ͑see Abe, Koya͒ D 66, 052001͑1͒ 092006 ͑2002͔͒.D 66, 079905͑E͒͑1͒ ͑see Abe, Koya͒ D 66, 079905͑E͒͑1͒ 66 i ii CUMULATIVE AUTHOR INDEX 66 ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 66, 032003͑1͒ Akerib, D. S. Ð ͑see Abrams, D.͒ D 66, 122003͑15͒ Adam, N. E. Ð ͑see Ahmed, S.͒ D 66, 031101͑R͒͑1͒ Akeroyd, A. G., S. Baek, Gi-Chol Cho, and K. Hagiwara Ð On the 0 ͑see Athar, S. B.͒ D 66, 052003͑1͒ possibility of a very light A at low tan  in the minimal ͑see Benslama, K.͒ D 66, 077101͑BR͒͑1͒ supersymmetric standard model. D 66, 037702͑BR͒͑1͒ ͑see Chen, S.͒ D 66, 071101͑R͒͑1͒ Akimoto, H. Ð ͑see Abe, Kenji͒ D 66, 032009͑1͒ ͑see Dytman, S. A.͒ D 66, 091101͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Abe, Koya͒ D 66, 052001͑1͒ ͑see Metreveli, Z.͒ D 66, 052002͑1͒ ͑see Abe, Koya͒ D 66, 079905͑E͒͑1͒ Adams, D. L. Ð ͑see Abazov, V. M.͒ D 66, 012001͑1͒ ͑see Acosta, D.͒ D 66, 012004͑1͒ ͑see Abazov, V. M.͒ D 66, 032008͑1͒ ͑see Acosta, D.͒ D 66, 032002͑1͒ ͑see Abazov, V. M.͒ D 66, 112001͑1͒ ͑see Acosta, D.͒ D 66, 052005͑1͒ Adams, David H. Ð ͑see Kamleh, Waseem͒ D 66, 014501͑1͒ ͑see Acosta, D.͒ D 66, 092001͑1͒ Adams, M. Ð ͑see Abazov, V. M.͒ D 66, 012001͑1͒ ͑see Acosta, D.͒ D 66, 112002͑1͒ ͑see Abazov, V. M.͒ D 66, 032008͑1͒ Akopian, A. Ð ͑see Acosta, D.͒ D 66, 012004͑1͒ ͑see Abazov, V. M.͒ D 66, 112001͑1͒ Akushevich, I. Ð ͑see Afanasev, A.͒ D 66, 074004͑1͒ Adib, Artur B., Marcelo Gleiser, and Carlos A. S. Almeida Alam, M. S. Ð ͑see Ahmed, S.͒ D 66, 031101͑R͒͑1͒ Ð Long-lived oscillons from asymmetric bubbles: Existence and ͑see Athar, S. B.͒ D 66, 052003͑1͒ stability. D 66, 085011͑15͒ ͑see Benslama, K.͒ D 66, 077101͑BR͒͑1͒ Adye, T. Ð ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 66, 032003͑1͒ ͑see Chen, S.͒ D 66, 071101͑R͒͑1͒ Afanasev, A., I. Akushevich, V. Burkert, and K. Joo Ð QED radiative ͑see Dytman, S. A.͒ D 66, 091101͑R͒͑1͒ corrections in processes of exclusive pion electroproduction. ͑see Metreveli, Z.͒ D 66, 052002͑1͒ D 66, 074004͑1͒ Albert, J. Ð ͑see Aubert, B.͒ D 66, 032003͑1͒ Affolder, T. Ð ͑see Acosta, D.͒ D 66, 012004͑1͒ Albrecht, Andreas Ð ͑see Skordis, Constantinos͒ D 66, 043523͑15͒ ͑see Acosta, D.͒ D 66, 032002͑1͒ Albrow, M. G. Ð ͑see Acosta, D.͒ D 66, 012004͑1͒ ͑see Acosta, D.͒ D 66, 052005͑1͒ ͑see Acosta, D.͒ D 66, 032002͑1͒ ͑see Acosta, D.͒ D 66, 092001͑1͒ ͑see Acosta, D.͒ D 66, 052005͑1͒ ͑see Acosta, D.͒ D 66, 112002͑1͒ ͑see Acosta, D.͒ D 66, 092001͑1͒ Aglietti, U. and G. Ricciardi Ð Approximate next-to-next-to-leading- ͑see Acosta, D.͒ D 66, 112002͑1͒ order threshold resummation in heavy ¯avor decays. Albuquerque, Ivone F. M., Jodi Lamoureux, and George F. Smoot D 66, 074003͑1͒ Ð Neutrino telescopes' sensitivity to dark matter. D 66, 125006͑15͒ Aguilar-Arevalo, Alexis A.
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