I M QI Pi P • ^ very merry Marist Christmas — pages 9-12 IIM OI Ly Ll - is your bank right for you? — page 13 THG CIRCLE Volume 35, Number 10 Marist College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Decembers, 1988 Ex-RA: Rights Santa thief gets caught i« were abridged red-handed by Steven Murray press. And in some cases those issues are private between the col­ by Chris Landry and A Marist resident assistant is lege and the individual." Steven Murray claiming the college violated his Amato said that it would be both civil rights when it fired him last inappropriate and unfair for all Today, no one is safe on the Friday after he spoke publicly parties involved if he were to streets of Hyde Park, N.Y. — not about a controversy concerning discuss any information pertaining T-shirts. even a 7-foot 6-inch Santa Claus. to the case at this time. A Marist student from Glen Falls Ed Fludd, an RA on the fifth A group of students were to and three friends tried to steal an floor of Leo Hall, was fired 26 stage a demonstration today in the inflatable Santa that stands in front hours after he stood on a chair in area between Donnelly and Cham- of the Forever Christmas store on the cafeteria last Thursday night pagnat halls in support of Fludd. Route 9 in Hyde Park on Nov. 23. and told students that they had the The shirts in question have "I The theft was unsuccesful and right to wear T-shirts that the col­ got lei'd at Leo Hall" printed charges were not pressed by the lege administration said were across the front and came as a store's owner, Nancy Groeninger offensive. follow up to the "Aloha Dance," — who met with the student and Contending that the school which was held at Leo in October his parents on Nov. 25 at the Hyde violated his right to freedom of and had the slogan "Come get lei'd Park police station. speech, Fludd said he plans to con­ at Leo." After being contacted by the tact the American Civil Liberties Fludd said that the idea of the police, the student called to Union. shirts was approved by the House apologize to Groeninger. "As a political science major, Council and that he found out it Groeninger said she saw no need I'm taught that I have rights. And had to be approved by the ad­ to press charges because she that when those rights are violated, ministration only after the shirts thought the parents wouldpra vide •-th3.Cs_wrqng_/' said Fludd,. a had been ordered.-- .-•-.-"'.- - the appropriate punishment/' I9-year-ol3~junior. -."As long- as 'The administration, considering "I thought he was a decent per­ they" hang that flag over Marist the shirts .offensive, would not give son, he just got a little carried College, they better follow that its approval and told Fludd that the away," she said. Constitution." shirts could not be distributed or The student, who was accom­ Peter Amato, assistant dean of worn in public at Marist. panied by two friends , took the in­ student affairs, said that Fludd's When students began to sell the flatable figure at about 2:30 p.m. rights were not violated and that shirts, with "Banned from Marist and tried to put it into his car which there is more to the case than what College" added on the back, RAs was parked a few hundred feet appears on the surface. were told to "confiscate any shirts away in the Grand Union parking "I do not believe, personally or as contraband," Fludd said. lot. The names of the participants professionally, that anyone's civil Fludd said that because he saw were not released. rights have been violated in this that as a violation of the students' This elf wasn't so jolly two weeks ago when a Marist stu­ Liz Braga, working at a dent, with three friends, tried to steal him' from a Christmas case at all," Amato said. "It's rights, he felt the public should be neighboring bookstore, said she more extensive than the issues that novelty shop in Hyde Park, N.Y. (Photo by Bob Davis) have been spoken about in the Continued on page 5 Continued on page 2 'Debate team Is the IBM connection good for college? by Paul O'Sullivan "It would be nice to feel that it stitution," said Murray. "They very important consideration to outpaces (the joint studyj would be a totally have never asked us to change our buy the best equipment available. 9 Marist's joint study with IBM no-strings type of deal," said main mission as a college, which The joint study gives Marist much has increased its computing power Donald Anderson, assistant pro­ has always been promoting liberal more computing power than any 87 season and its prestige among colleges, but fessor of English, "but in today's arts." other college its size, but IBM by Karen Cicero some Marist faculty are worried educational climate, can you real­ Still, Anderson says that even equipment is not always the best that the project may have negative ly expect that?" though he realizes the joint study equipment." After winning four debate effects as well. Other faculty members were not is too good an opportunity for championships last weekend, Some have expressed concern as concerned, saying that it is in the Marist to pass up, he sees the pro­ John Ritschdorff, an associate the Marist College debate won that Marist's increasing association best interests of IBM not to undu­ ject as a regrettable sign of the professor of mathematics, agreed four team is just 12 points shy with IBM may cause the college to ly influence Marist. times. with Pagliarulo, saying that you of their total output of last year, lose its identity as a liberal arts in­ "IBM wants a real world ap­ "I could see that in 25 years, we have to look at both sides of the which ended in a ninth place na­ stitution. Others worry that the plication of this computer — that's could be a 'division' of IBM," joint study coin. tional ranking. relationship deprives students of why they chose us," said Dr. Anderson said. "I think its just According to Director of the opportunity to work with com­ Richard Atkins, chairperson of the another sign that corporate "I would love to use some other Debate Jim Springston, the puter equipment other than IBMs. Division of Humanities. "IBM America is starting to take over equipment," said Ritschdorff, team's number of victories from IBM has been a leader in does not want us to become a education in America." "but by the same token I'm very their visits to the University of research projects with colleges and satellite of their organization." optimistic that I will be able to do Rhode Island and Towson State universities, contributing over $82 IBM's emphasis in the $10 Another concern is that the em­ many things with the new IBM University in Baltimore, Md. is million to more than 100 schools in million joint study with Marist is phasis on IBM equipment might equipment that I would not be able a rare feat. 1985. The installation of a 3090 to see how their large computer deprive Marist students of the op­ to do without it." Model 180 computer at Marist — system interacts in a small to mid­ portunity to work on other brands "We've done something this of hardware and software. Murray, however, was not con­ weekend, I've never seen in my one of IBM's most powerful main­ size setting with users who have lit­ cerned about the dominance of 18 years with debate." frame systems — is part of a na­ tle or no computer literacy. In John Pagliarulo, an assistant IBM hardware and software on the Springston said of the four tional trend toward corporate par­ return for the IBM equipment, professor of computer science, said Marist campus. championships. "We'll pro­ ticipation in higher education. Marist will inform IBM of the col­ he hoped that Marist would make bably never do it again, but I Many feel that joint studies and lege's reaction to the system. an effort to attach the appropriate "There is no educational ex­ hope we do." corporate involvement in universi­ President Dennis Murray said he computer equipment to the ap­ perience that anyone is being As of Nov. 15, the team has ty research can compromise the in­ is not afraid in the least that Marist propriate task. denied by our association with 109 national points and is rank­ tegrity of the college or university. might someday become, "IBM IBM," Murray said. "When our ed fourth in the nation. Some faculty members are worried University." "You certainly do not turn down students enter the job market, the Springston said he hopes the that Marist may be falling into that "IBM has always bent over a gift of this magnitude," greater chances are that they will team's performance last trap. backward not to influence our in­ Pagliarulo said, "but I think its a use IBM equipment." weekend will move them to third place when new rankings are announced next week. At Rhode Island, the varsity Happy Holidays! team of junior Michael Buckley and sophomore Tony Capoz- zolo took first place while senior The next issue of The Circle will appear Feb. 2 k Continued on page 2 „ \ 'I December 8, 1988 - THE CIRCLE - Page 3 Page 2 - THE CIRCLE - December 8, 1988 Editor's Note: After Class will list the details of on- and off-campus events, such as lectures, meetings and concerts.
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