ISLAM REALITAS: Journal of Islamic & Social Studies Vol. 4, No. 1, Januari – Juni 2018 Arman Marwing Faculty of Ushuluddin Adab and Dakwah IAIN Tulungagung Center for Sufism Research and Therapy (CSRT IAIN Tulungagung) e-mail: [email protected] Diterima: 02 Februari 2018 Direvisi : 04 April 2018 Diterbitkan: 30 Juni 2018 Abstract High rate of recidivism on terrorists indicates the weakness of deradicalization programs. This study aims to offer a solution through development of a cognitive psychotherapy which based on Indonesia Islam values. The integration among Islam, culture and psychotherapy is able to help the terrorists to identify and restructure their cognitive that causes their emotion and destructive behaviors. This qualitivative study mixes between literature and phenomenology approaches. This study found that there are conflicting differences between the views of the terrorists and ijtihad of Indonesia Ulama regarding khilafah, jihad and takfiri concepts. In Addition, the model of cognitive psychotherapy based on Indonesian Islamic values was developed by content analysis and its implementation followed several systematic procedures such as anamnesis, assessment, diagnosis, intervention, result of intervention, follow up. Embracing humantic approach and collaborative Empiricism procesures enable the therapy effectively internalize Indonesia Islamic values such as Tasamuh (tolerance), Tawasuth (moderate), Tawazun (balanced), 'Adalah (Justice) and Ukhuwah (Brotherhood), which includes ukhuwah Islamiyah (other Muslims), Ukhuwah Wathoniyah (fellow citizens), Ukhuwah basyariah (fellow citizens) for the terrorists. These values could be intentionally internalized by terrorist itself and threfore it would be effective model to modify terrorists’ destructive thought schemas (cognitive), emotion and behavior to be adaptive. Keywords : Psychotherapy, Cognitive, Islam, Terrorist Abstrak Residivisme pelaku terorisme yang tinggi menunjukkan kelemahan program deradikalisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menawarkan konstruksi model psikoterapi kognitif berbasis nilai Islam Indonesia sebagai salah satu solusi. Sebuah integrasi antara Islam, budaya dan psikoterapi dalam membantu pelaku terorisme mengidentifikasi dan merestrukturisasi kognitif yang menjadi penyebab emosi dan perilaku destruktif. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan perpaduan studi literatur dan fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian menemukan adanya perbedaan pandangan yang kontradiktif antara pelaku terorisme dan ijtihad Ulama Nusantara mengenai konsep khilafah, Jihad dan Takfiri. Selain itu model psikoterapi kognitif berbasis nilai Islam Indonesia dihasilkan melalui pengujian isi serta menerapkan beberapa prosedur atau tahapan yang sistematis yaitu anamnesis, pemeriksaan, diagnosis, kontruksi model terapi, hasil intervensi dan tindak lanjut. Melalui pendekatan humanis dan prosedur collaborative Empiricism terapi ini memungkinkan nilai-nilai Islam Indonesia yang mengedepankan Tasamuh (toleransi), Tawasuth (moderat), Tawazun (berimbang),‘ Adalah (Keadilan), dan Ukhuwah (Persaudaraan) yang meliputi ukhuwah Islamiyah (sesama Islam), Ukhuwah Wathoniyah (Sesama warga negara), Ukhuwah basyariah (sesama umat manusia) dapat terinternalisasi dengan kesadaran dan tanggung jawab dari pelaku teroris itu sendiri, serta dapat efektif mengubah skema berpikir,emosi dan perilaku teroris menjadi adaptif. Kata Kunci : Psikoterapi, kognitif, Islam, Terorisme Arman Marwing 86 Developing A Model of Cognitive..... ISLAM REALITAS: Journal of Islamic & Social Studies Vol. 4, No. 1, Januari – Juni 2018 Background cognitive therapy based on Indonesia Islam value is proposed as an ideal model of The de-radicalization programme of rehabilitation or deradicalization of terrorists terrorist in Indonesia is a strategic issue that because it uses non-directive approach and needs to be addressed. The widespread directly affects the personality aspects of each problem of terrorist recidivism is a clear individual, regardless of their main problems to indicator of the ineffectiveness of the program. rasionalize their destructive actions. Data of National Agency for the Fight against De La Corte's findings indicate that Terrorism (BNPT) in 2013 shows that several common psychological attributes of approximately 25 of the 300 terrorists which terrorists are a lack of victim empathy, was released from prison have returned to act dogmatism, an ideological mentality or a terrorism, and the recidivism rate for terrorist simplistic and utopian view on world. 2 . acts has varied by 15%. 47 cases discovered in According to Storr, with these beliefs and ways Indonesia .1 The evidence of involvement of of thinking, terrorists turn into aggressive two terrorism recidivists in terrorism attacks psychopath people who lose of consciousness, and suicides in Jakarta in early 2016 is clearly , cruel, aggressive, sadistic and ruthless. They evidence to show ineffectiveness of de- have no fear of death including death for radicalization programs in Indonesian prisons. himself as well as the death of others.3 Futhermore, many de-radicalization According to Aroon T. Beck, a pioneer programs particularly in correctional institution of cognitive psychology, finding of De La such as conflict management training, puppet Corte on terrorist characteristics could be shows and pancasila clinic can not secure regarded as a cause and a consequence of the public safety from their reccurent destructive cognitive distortions of the perpetrators of behavior. Government-centric policy and terrorism. Cognitive distortions refer to errors disregard of understanding and personal needs or errors of thought that affect a person's of the terrorist result monologue, directional emotions, feelings and behavior. The existence (counseling), unemotional practices in therapy. of cognitive distortions leads to a These factors are accused of causes why these rationalization of the behavior which tends to programme achieve not the goals. lead to the crime, whereby these actions is Terrorist prisoners is prone to be dangerous, not only for the perpetrators of sceptical since the program does not represents terrorism but also for other innocents. 4 their needs. They apply calculation for profits Some cognitive distortions of terrorists and loss before determining to involve the are overgeneralization in which they perceive deradicalisation program. For example, what their enemies ‟s sins or mistakes of individuals are the benefits of the program for me? If it or groups can spread through the population. hurts me, why should I follow the program? Terrorists also manifest a dichotomous Because of regarding Indonesian thought, a term refers to regarding a person government is a thagut, terrorists tend to either totally good or bad. They also shows a overlook de-radicalization program, expect that 2 L., De la Corte, La logica del terorismo.( Madrid : the programme can represent their needs. As a Alianza, 2006), p.264 . measure to open their mental block, a 3 Anthony Storr, The threat of man human aggresion. (London: The Penguin Press, 1968), p. 45. 4 Aaron T. Beck dan Marjorie E. Weishaar dalam 1 Noor huda Ismail & Susan Sim, Predicting terrorist Raymond J. Cosini & Danny wedding, Current recidivism in Indonesia‟s prisons. The Brooking Press , Psychotherapies, Fourth Edition (Illinois: FE Peacock, 2016, january 28. Para.3 1989), p. 285. Arman Marwing 87 Developing A Model of Cognitive..... ISLAM REALITAS: Journal of Islamic & Social Studies Vol. 4, No. 1, Januari – Juni 2018 vision in tunnel, a belief that participation in Causes of terrorism: individual “sacred missions” such as jihad must be psychological levels, group identity and designed in such as way to destroy, harm, cognitive. damage their target, even thougth they have to Most psychological explanations of the sacrifice their life for the mission. For example, causes of terrorism are linked to explanations suicide bombers, as well as the suicide at the individual level. For example, the bombers in Solo City Police Headquarters, on frustration-aggression hypothesis that the July 2016, were happier when they died as perpetrators opted for terror because they were martyrs because of beliefs on good rewards for frustrated that their political goals would never their acts of terrorism. be achieved. This theory is considered Based on the cognitive complexity mechanistic since the similar frustrating underlying thoughts and acts of terrorism, conditions do not automatically encourage cognitive psychotherapy is responsible for people to commit an act of terrorism. 5 restructuring the cognitive distortions which Individual explanations of the have changed the perceptions of perpetrators personality aspects of terrorists state that they of reality. a cognitive logic, as result of such are individuals with psychopathological or psychotherapy will produce a healthier and disruptive personalities such as impulsive adaptive response such as a better mood and aggression. Later, many studies have contrasted avoidance of future acts of terrorism. the general nature of terrorists with aspects of In considering that dogmatic dimensions the personality. Milla stated that terrorists did of the religious behavior of terrorism have not always have psychological predispositions pivotal role on terrorist behaviors, the leading to terrorist behavior, such as frustrating development of a cognitive psychotherapy experiences and traumatic experience. model based on the Indonesian Islamic
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