PNHP Newsletter Spring 2007 Public Supports National Health Insurance 2008 Presidential Candidates' Health Plans New York Times/CBS News poll “Clinton asked at one point for a show of hands from the audience, 64 percent of Americans think that "the federal government should asking them to declare whether they preferred an employer-based system guarantee health insurance for all Americans," and 76 percent believe of insurance, a system that mandates all individuals to purchase insur- that universal access to health care is more important than recent tax ance, with help from the government if necessary, or one modeled on the cuts, according to a poll by the New York Times/CBS News in Medicare system. Overwhelmingly the audience favored moving toward February. The survey also found that 60 percent of those polled are a Medicare-like system for all Americans.” - Washington Post "willing to pay higher taxes so that all Americans have health insur- ance that they can't lose no matter what." Public support for compre- In a recent debate in Las Vegas, Sen. Hillary Clinton attacked the hensive health reform is at its highest level in over a decade. More than private health insurance industry, but failed to say if she would heed one-third of Americans (36 percent) say that the US health system the advice given by Iowa voters (above). Rep. Dennis Kucinich needs "complete rebuilding," more than at any time since 1994; 54 per- endorsed single payer national health insurance. Sen. Barack Obama cent say the system needs "fundamental" changes. Only 8 percent of lacks his own plan, but praised Former Senator John Edward’s those polled believe that the US health system needs only "minor" flawed "pay or play" approach, which attempts to shore up the disin- changes (New York Times/CBS poll February, 2007). tegrating employer-based system of private insurance by mandating that employers and individual purchase coverage (for details, see AFL-CIO Endorses page 15). Members are encouraged to educate the candidates on the single payer option; materials are updated daily at www.pnhp.org. "Medicare for All" and HR 676 Save the Date - November 2-3, 2007 The nation's largest labor organization endorsed a “Medicare for All” approach to health reform and pledged to "mobilize America behind a PNHP's Annual Meeting will be held Saturday, November 3 in concrete plan to enact universal health care" and "commit its full Washington, DC. It will be preceded by PNHP's popular leadership resources to asserting leadership in this historic effort" at their March 6 training, a one-day crash course in health policy and politics on meeting in Las Vegas. In a statement issued by the Federation's Friday, November 2, and possibly a lobby day. Executive Council (reprinted on page 36, this issue), the group explic- itly rejected the "incredibly ineffective piecemeal approach of the past 10 years" as well as an individual mandate, the centerpiece of the reform IN THIS ISSUE passed in Massachusetts: "Universal health care does not mean mandat- Data Update . .3 ing that everyone must buy a health insurance policy and then handing them the bills." The Federation also pledged to evaluate presidential The Nation Calls for Single Payer . .15 candidates based on their health plans. Medicare for All, Marcia Angell, M.D. .16 In a statement after the policy was adopted, the Federation's Individual Mandates Unhealthy, Des Moines Register . .17 health policy specialist Gerald Shea specifically cited HR 676 as rep- Minnesota Physicians Prefer Single Payer . .18 resenting the type of reform endorsed by the AFL-CIO. Labor has been at the center of a growing grassroots movement to enact HR Single Payer and the American Psyche . .21 676. The bill has been endorsed by 245 unions in 40 states, includ- Solving the Health Crisis, Krugman & Wells . .23 ing 17 state AFL-CIO federations, in an ongoing campaign led by Consumer-Directed Health Care Unhealthy . .31 labor activist Kay Tillow. AFL-CIO Endorses Medicare for All . .36 Massachusetts Health Reform Flawed . .37 Support for Single Payer (HR 676) Commodification of Health Care . .40 Grows in Congress Universal Care, Not Kid Care . .45 Single payer legislation (HR 676) was reintroduced in the House Health Status in the U.S. vs. Canada . .46 in January and has 63 co-sponsors. Seven new members of the House Foreign “Free Riders” and U.S. Drug Prices . .47 of Representatives are single payer co-sponsors: Henry C. "Hank" Mythbusters on Canadian Health System . .50 Johnson, Jr. (GA-04), John Yarmouth (KY-03), Dave Loebsack (IA- Georgia Single Payer Plan . .56 02), Keith Ellison (MN-06), Yvette D. Clarke (NY-11), Betty Sutton (OH-13), and Steve Cohen (TN-09). Two single payer sponsors were VA Transforms Health Care . .60 elected to the Senate, Sherrod Brown (OH) and Bernard Sanders Chapter Reports . .66 (VT). A Senate version of HR 676 is in the works. State Plans Miss the Point . .68 PNHP Board of Directors, 2007 Registered Nurses Campaign for Single Payer Officers The California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Ana Malinow, M.D. (TX), President Committee (CNA/NNOC), which represents 75,000 RNs nation- John Geyman, M.D. (WA), Immediate Past President wide, is actively campaigning for single payer bills in Congress (HR Quentin Young, M.D. (IL), National Coordinator, Treasurer 676) and in California (SB 840), and recently joined the AFL-CIO to Steffie Woolhandler, M.D. (MA), Secretary push for single payer with (and within) that group. The AFL-CIO now represents 325,000 registered nurses. PNHP and CNA/NNOC Regional and At-Large Delegates held a joint press conference in Washington, DC in January to Garrett Adams, M.D. (KY) oppose the Bush health proposals and promote comprehensive Jay Bhatt (medical student, DC) reform. CNA/NNOC Executive Director Rose Ann DeMoro is an John Bower, M.D. (MS) honorary member of PNHP's Board of Directors. Olveen Carrasquillo, M.D. (NY) Aaron Carroll, M.D. (IN) Membership Drive Update Oliver Fein, M.D. (NY) Gerald Frankel, M.D. (TX) Welcome to the nearly 900 new members who have joined PNHP in Joseph Jarvis, M.D. (UT) the last year! PNHP now has more than 14,000 members. We invite new Bree Johnston, M.D. (CA) (and longtime) PNHP members to participate in our activities and to take Sal Sandoval, M.D. (CA) the lead on behalf of PNHP in their communities. Thanks to medical stu- Robert Zarr, M.D. (DC) dent members Ronald Cordario and Eric Pan for staffing a PNHP table at the annual American Medical Student Association meeting in March in Past Presidents Washington, DC. PNHP is hosting membership booths at upcoming Claudia Fegan, M.D. (IL) meetings of the American College of Physicians (San Diego, April 19-21), Bob LeBow, M.D. (deceased) the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (April 25-29, Chicago) and the Don McCanne, M.D. (CA) American Psychiatric Association (May 19-24, San Diego). Glenn Pearson, M.D. (MN) Deb Richter, M.D. (VT) What PNHP Members Can Do Cecile Rose, M.D. (CO) Johnathon Ross, M.D. (OH) 1. Submit an Op-ed or Letter to the Editor to your local news Jeffrey Scavron, M.D. (MA) paper, medical specialty journal, or alumni magazine. Gordon Schiff, M.D. (IL) 2. Set up a Grand Rounds or other conference on health care Susan Steigerwalt, M.D. (MI) reform at your hospital, medical school, or professional Isaac Taylor, M.D. (deceased) society. The PNHP 2007 slide show is now available to members. Call Dave Howell at 312-782-6006 for details. Honorary Board Member (New) 3. Offer to speak at your church, local Rotary club, Chamber Rose Ann DeMoro, California Nurses Association of Commerce, or other business or civic group. 4. Circulate copies of the "Physicians Proposal for Single Payer" Board Advisors (a PDF digital and printable version is on-line at Walter Tsou, M.D. (PA) www.pnhp.org/physiciansproposal/) and encourage Karen Palmer, M.P.H (Canada) colleagues to join PNHP. Sindhu Srinivas, M.D. (PA) 5. Subscribe to Dr. Don McCanne's informative (and persuasive) David Grande, M.D. (PA) Quote of the Day column via e-mail by going to Jaya Agrawal, M.D. (MA) www.pnhp.org/qotd/. Simon Ahartidis, M.D. (MA) Subscriptions: The PNHP newsletter is published by PNHP, a tax- 2006 Annual Meeting in Cambridge exempt, not-for-profit organization. 29 E Madison Street, Suite 602, Chicago, IL 60602. 312-782-6006. Subscriptions are included in Over 300 physicians and medical students attended PNHP's membership dues ($120 regular, $40 low-income, $20 student). 2006 Annual Meeting in Cambridge, including more than 80 mem- Visit the PNHP website at www.pnhp.org. bers who came a day early to participate in the PNHP leadership training. PNHP Board Member Dr. Olveen Carrasquillo, co-founder Editors: The PNHP Newsletter is edited by PNHP co-founders with Dr. Jaime Torres of Latinos for National Health Insurance, pre- Drs. David Himmelstein and Steffie Woolhandler, and Executive sented data on the rising number of uninsured Hispanics and Director Dr. Ida Hellander. reported that the National Hispanic Medical Association endorsed single payer. Dr. David Himmelstein showed the latest version of National Office Staff: PNHP's headquarters in Chicago is staffed by the PNHP slide show, with new data on "consumer directed health Executive Director Dr. Ida Hellander, Webmaster/Research Associate care." Drs. Danielle Martin and Joel Lexchin updated participants Dave Howell, and Office Manager Matthew Petty. Thanks and best on Canada's health system, including Canadian Doctors for wishes to Nicholas Skala, our departing health policy/media/advocacy Medicare, a newly-founded organization fighting privatization.
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