A1 Special section inside HOW-TO GUIDE A SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT TO THE NORTHEAST GEORGIAN • SUMMER 2013 The Northeast Georgian 75 cents JUNE 28, 2013 Weekend Board of education approves Fiscal Year 2014 budget By KIMBERLY BROWN the projected 2014 ending “everybody in the school yond our control, but we “That’s made up of [in- “They were not discretion- fund balance of $2,974,496 system” for their work are optimistic that our creased pay for] advanced ary in any way.” The Habersham Coun- balances the budget at $61 on the budget. “We have economy is going to come degrees, health insurance “We’ve had savings ty Board of Education million. closed our gap between back,” Newsome said. increases for both clas- through attrition, absorb- has approved a balanced The budget was pre- our revenue and expen- “We’re going to have more sifi ed and certifi ed staff, ing positions, we’ve had general fund budget for sented June 27 by school ditures,” she said. “It is businesses, so we feel like also our teacher retire- savings through the zero- fi scal year 2014 of about system Chief Financial Of- much less. It is still there; everything on that side ment expenditures are based budget process, and $61 million. That budget fi cer Staci Newsome, who there’s still a gap, but (revenue) is mostly posi- going up,” Newsome said. of course the conservative includes projected rev- said the budget was the we’re on the way.” tive.” “Our expenditures auto- spending,” Newsome said. enues of $56,337,923, with same which had been ap- Newsome said the coun- Habersham County matically went up, beyond “We’ve also been able to a current 2013 fund bal- proved as a tentative bud- ty tax digest should be re- School Superintendent our control, by that much shift over some of our pur- ance of $4,879,614. On the get, and was the same that leased next week and they Matthew Cooper and New- [$4.1 million].” chases to SPLOST (Spe- expense side, it includes had been advertised in could begin working on some told the board ex- “All these expenses cial Purpose Local Option projected expenditures The Northeast Georgian. the millage rate. penses have gone up $4.1 were completely out of of $58,243,041. Adding in Newsome commended “The revenues are be- million for FY 2014. our control,” Cooper said. See BOE, Page 2A Springer Mountain supports Paula Deen By DONALD FRASER Paula Deen, icon of Southern cooking, has seen her celebrity status shaken after admitting in a court deposition she used a racial slur. Locally, Deen, a celebrity spokeswoman for Springer Mountain Farms, remains affi liated with the Baldwin-based poultry producer. Deen, and her brother Bubba Hiers, who co-own a Savannah restaurant, are being sued by Lisa Jackson, former manager of the restaurant, for ra- cial and sexual discrimination. Deen admitted in the deposition she, in the past, used the highly charged “N” word. Soon after the admission became public, the Food Network, owned by Scripps Network Interactive Inc., said it would not renew her contract, which expires at the end of June. Later, Smithfi eld Foods Inc., a pork producer which has a ham product line featuring Deen, dropped her as well. Deen is also associated with QVC, a home shop- See Deen, Page 2A KIMBERLY BROWN/Staff ON FIRE FOR JESUS Preschool Vacation Bible Schoolers Avery Graham, Jack Thomson, Luke Thomson, Ashley Jones and Kimberly Salazar “roast” marshmallows over a pretend campfi re during Clarkesville First United Methodist Church’s VBS, being held this week. The theme of the VBS is “Tell it on the mountain,” and features a sanctuary and rooms decorated with mountains, tents, campfi res and other camping gear. Churches all over the county are hosting VBS through the summer. See Page 11A for VBS details. Back-to-school promotion launches Just in time for back-to- players guess the correct school, The Northeast Geor- location of the backpack. gian is introducing a way To enter to win, each to win school supplies and player must visit all 12 lo- have fun in the process. cal businesses to collect The community is in- clues that are on game vited to play the “We’ve pieces to attach to their got your back” game. This game card. is an interactive game that Once they have all of gets students, parents, their pieces (clues) and teachers and local busi- have a guess, they will nesses involved. return their completed, Here’s how it works. original game card to The Clip out a game board from Northeast Georgian’s offi ce, today’s edition and in sub- where they will be entered sequent editions July 3, 5, for a drawing. 10, 12 and 17. At least eight backpacks Follow the clues to guess will be awarded, valued the location of the “hid- at $75 each, which will be den backpack” stashed fi lled with school supplies. somewhere in Habersham All students in grades kin- FILE County. dergarten-12 who enter a The card will consist of complete game card will be Paula Deen is facing public scrutiny in the aftermath of how to play, a list of prizes, eligible to win. There will admission of using a racial slur. Locally, Deen, a celebrity rules, entry information also be several classroom and squares represent- spokeswoman for Springer Mountain Farms, is seeing sup- ing 12 local businesses as port from the company. places to fi nd clues to help See School, Page 2A Contact us INDEX Volume 122, No. 3 706-778-4215 DEATHS, 8A Fax •Earl Lee Anderson Sr., 57 •Harold O. Jenkins, 62 Classifi eds 6-8B 706-778-4114 •Sarah C. Irvin, 87 •Iva Lee Wike, 94 Calendar 13A •Rose B. Jamison, 89 •Lee Worley Jr. , 76 thenortheastgeorgian.com Opinion 4A Sports 1-4B Three sections, 34 pages TV 3B PHONE 706-864-6068 MEtAL FAX 706-864-2147 rooFiNG & siDiNG 6195 Hwy 52 East • Murrayville, Georgia 30564 coME visit our sHowrooM A2 2A The Northeast Georgian Friday, June 28, 2013 Public meetings Turpin, Davis given schools leadership nod scheduled By KIMBERLY BROWN save the system more than big shoes to fi ll, $15,000 per year. Cooper but I’m sure we’ll The following public meetings are scheduled between June Hazel Grove Elementa- said Cunningham comes be working to- 28-July 5. ry School has a new princi- “highly recommended,” gether.” Turpin pal, Demorest Elementary he has “extensive experi- said she is grate- School has a new assistant ence in coaching and deal- ful for her time at Habersham County Airport Authority principal, and the school ing with athletics” and, Cornelia, where 9 a.m. Monday, July 1, at the Habersham County Airport. system has a new interim “not only that, he loves she started “from athletic director, as a re- Habersham County.” day one” as a Clarkesville City Council sult of personnel actions Cooper said calling the teacher. position “interim” was not Davis said 6:30 p.m. Monday, July 1, at Clarkesville City Hall, Washington taken by the Habersham County Board of Educa- a refl ection on Cunning- Cornelia Elemen- Street. tion during a called meet- ham but on the position tary “has been a ing June 27. itself, so it can be watched wonderful expe- Baldwin City Council The actions were taken for a year since it is “a new rience,” and she KIMBERLY BROWN/Staff after a 45-minute closed way of doing things.” He feels “so complete- 6:30 p.m. Monday, July 1, at Baldwin Municipal Courtroom, Geep Cunningham, left Willingham Avenue. (work session). session to discuss person- said Cunningham would ly supported in , will serve as nel and real estate. BOE have “full authority to Habersham Coun- Habersham County Schools interim ath- member Rick Williams make the decisions he ty Schools … to letic director; Susan Davis, center, will Mt. Airy Town Council was not at the meeting due needs to make” for the ath- give my very best 7 p.m. Monday, July 1, at Mt. Airy Town Hall, Dicks Hill Parkway. to a family vacation. letic program. to students and to serve as assistant principal at Demorest Misty Turpin, cur- In recommending Tur- grow as a profes- Elementary School; and Misty Turpin will Habersham County Planning Commission rently assistant principal pin to the board, Cooper sional.” be Hazel Grove Elementary School’s new at Cornelia Elementary said they had done an “ex- “We’re very 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 2, at the Habersham County Courthouse. School, will fi ll the prin- tensive search” and looked excited for both principal. cipal’s position at HGES, at “several really good these positions,” Cunningham told Coo- taking the place of Tim candidates.” Turpin has Director of Elementary per and the board, “This Goss, who earlier was been assistant principal at Schools Rhonda Andrews opportunity is unbeliev- named the new principal Cornelia Elementary for said. “I couldn’t ask for able. I do love Habersham From Page 1A anybody more talented School at Clarkesville Elemen- seven years, and Cooper County … I have a home and dedicated than Misty, tary. said, “over the past seven in Stephens County that is going out to Hazel Grove.” winners, where teachers entries for consideration is Susan Davis, currently years, I think she’s seen fantastic … I love Stephens Andrews said she would can complete the game to July 19. an academic coach at Cor- just about anything. She’s County. I will pull for Ste- miss Davis “tremendously win a signifi cant donation Winners will be an- nelia Elementary, will be defi nitely prepared to take phens County to win ev- in the instructional coach to help furnish materials nounced in the Back to assistant principal at De- this next step in her ca- ery game they play, except for their classroom.
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