A Complete Word and P| Story of ‘What’s Niews Belleville” Every Thurj Published Every Thursday By 328 Washington Avenue Entered as Second Class Mail Matter, at Newark, N. J. Telephone BEIleville 2-3200 5c per copy $2.00 per Post office Under Act of Mar. 3, 1879, on Oct. 9, 1923 BELLEVILLE, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 31,1945 The Belleville News Corporation Town Pays Tribute Award To Schools For Bond and Stamp Sales Families Eagerly Await Arrivali To Its War Dead Of Liberated War Prisoners Honors 73 Dead Of World War II And The “Wives” Begins Member­ Receive First News In Months Fi Those Who Gave Lives In ship Drive In Belleville G.I/s Waiting Transportation The Wives, an organization now- Past Conflicts celebrating its second birthday in Newark, composed of wives of Back To The States Belleville paid tribute yesterday on Memorial Day, to servicemen with a desire to learn Anticipation of imminent reunions with local sc those who have made the supreme sacrifice in defense of if legislation and other aids for their husbands and families, is recently liberated from German prison camps is kc their country in this and past wars. starting a membership drive in several Belleville families in a state of excitment this While civic organizations joined forces in a parade to surrounding towns. Mrs. Milton Diekerman of 16 as they daily await news of the G.I.’s arrival in the s| visit the cemeteries where graves were decorated for service­ May street explains the aims of It has been months since some families have heard men who gave their lives in other wars, an impressive he organization as educational with no political affiliations. At its the captives, and brief cablegrams in some instances! ceremony at the North Belleville Honor roll on Union avenue regular meetings, speakers explain the only clue that the boys are slated for.or are on typified the town’s tribute to those who have died in defense government affairs that have a home-ward journey. jearin-r on their G.I. husbands of this country’s democratic ideals against the onslaught aid tell of legal aids that are of­ ' ® T/Sgt. Walter Paulsen of Nazi and Jap oppression. - fered free. Two with a weird tale A service held at Grace B aptist^ There will be a meeting on June Memorial Rites 15 in City Hall, at Rector street, are T/Sgt. Walter Pauls' church on Sunday morning also Newark, which will be a social S/Sgt. Robert Leonhard, w commemorated ■■ the four soldiers, WRITTEN APPEAL IN meeting for wives interested in sisted for a month in aj members of the church, who have obtaining membership. It will -be after release and deser died in action. a social meeting with entertain­ CANCER DRIVE ment and will begin at 8 p.m. Nazi guards, before beingj Seventy-three Belleville boys Chairman Sends Letters To up by members of Patton’, have laid down their lives in this Army. They were last infij conflict. Of the total of 248 cas­ Industrial And Business SMITH ANS WERS Braunau, Hitler’s birthpl ualties reported, 107 have been Firms; Quota is $7,500 were on the move to wounded, thirty have been taken coming Patton men wher prisoners, fourteen have beep The appeal to residents to con­ FIRST OFFICIAL CITATION to be awarded to any schools in Essex,' Morris and Sussex coun­ MAYOR’S CRITICISM guards deserted on April 6l reported missing and seven have tribute to the drive being waged ties by the War Finance committee in recognition for their outstanding work in the sale of Outlines Accomplishments Of In the interim, until Ml died while not in combat. throughout the nation for funds by war bonds and stamps was made this week to Belleville schools by Frank J. McFadden, they, as part of the gr< Traffic Squad In 4,100 informally liberate At the Honor Roll dedicated on the American Cancer society is executive vice-president of the First National bank and vice-chairman of the War Finance tives “dug in” in the for November 12 of last year and continuing here under Harry G. committee. Wayne R. Parmer, superintendent of schools received the citation for the public Last Five Years were sustained for a wl Specht’s chairmanship. Letters to which lists about fifteen gold stars In answer to Mayor Williams’ Red Cross packages, it is industry and business firms are schools and the Rev. Joseph Kelly, for St. Peters parochial school. ed. Many, however, suffere in a roster of 1,2001 names, the — :------------- ' & Rev. O. Bell Close gave the invoca­ being sent out by the committee recent criticisms of the traffic de­ exposure. tion at the ceremony held yes­ in an effort to reach the $7,500 School No. 7 P.-T.A. Presents partment, Police Lieut. Kenneth Mrs. Paulsen, the forme: terday‘at 2 o’clock. goal which is the town’s share of Smith in charge of the squad has Margaret Watters of' 202 Fifty members of the State $408,000 state quota. The society Schools Get First Citations Musicale This Evening outlined its work in a letter to avenue, received two letter Guard were present and officiated has a national goal of $5,000,000. the board of commissioners, show­ her husband on Saturday, at the flag raising ceremony. The William Goodsir at the First A musicale will be presented ing its accomplishments over the he is at LaHarve, France, 'Rev. Joseph M. Kelly gave the National Bank is receiving con­ Awarded For Bond Sales this evening at 8 o’clock by the past five years since his appoint­ ing transportation. address which was followed by a tributions. Local organizations co­ Parent-Teacher Association of ment as head of the department A radio operator on a by the Mayor. The letter follows: Fortress, he parachuted symbolical wreath placed at the operating in the . drive are the School No. 7 which will include Frank Rankin foot of the honor roll by repre­ American Legion and Tri-City Given By War Finance Com ^agreed that a great deal of credit “In view of the criticism about enemy territory in a ra! Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, is due the teachers, principals and the P.-T.A. chorus. the Police department, which de­ Regensburg and was first sentatives of.the Boy and Girl mittee as Town Reaches The program includes Trees, partment, has now been restored Scouts. Woman’s club. Craftsmen’s club, clerks for their willingness to per­ ed missing. News came tlj Petrean club, Tripoli Park Social Rasbach; and Liebstraum, Listz to the Department of Public DEATHS OF TWO that he was a German priso- This was followed by a forma­ 3 6 % of Drive Quota form the accounting and clerical Safety, I, in my capacity as head tion of the State Guard and and Political club, the Elks, the by the P.-T.A. chorus; accordion August 17, 1943. He was fi| benediction by Rabbi Herman schools, the Defense council, Mas- Official citations \Vere awarded work necessary to keep the records selections by George Harrison; of the Traffic department, feel terned at Stalag 6G at mis, Progress club and Lions and this week by the War Finance straight. The school students take Smiling Through, Penn, Mrs. that it is proper to make a report G. I.’S REPORTED moved to Stalag 7A at M Schwartz. T h e committee m concerning the activities of the ¡charge of the service was com- Rotarians. committee to Belleville public and the sale of bonds and stamps seri­ Viola Bjorltener; Whispering Service for Sgk Rankin Sun­ and finally to Braunau. The American Cancer society in parochial schools in recognition of ously and each week, during and Hope, Hawthorne, a duet by Mrs. Traffic department since it w-as T/Sgt. Paulsen entered [ posed of Fred Handlon, Robert created and placed under my di­ |M. Hayes - and Joseph Stein, its war against this disease that their outstanding work in the between war bond drives, they Adolph Gross and Mrs. Bjorkener. day; 2nd Lieut. Noto, CpI. vice in April, 1942 £ is responsible for one out of every sale of war bonds and stamps. bring to their schools thousands of Piano' duets, by Mrs. Ruth rect control and supervision. seas a year later. H Service at Grace six deaths in the country in a Since the schools inaugurated the orders ranging in amounts from Chesley and Nan Chesley; vocal The Traffic department was es- Guzik Lose Their Lives ed by the real esta year, will use the money for can­ Pond and stamp selling program ten cents to many dollars. solos by Miss Margaret Harrison; j tablished by the Jate Director of liam e 111 An appropriate memorial ser­ cer research, for,clinics in every through the pupils, they have ac- The police department was com­ Wanting You, RemhET£^^i duetiEWdie Safety, William D. Clark, Rev. Oliver W. Chapin will eon- vice on Sunday morning at the state and for the education of the .countediunted for sales ¡aggregating plimented also for its cooperation by Mr. and A . jIas as a result of a severe need for duct a memorial service Sunday Grace Baptist , church, gave public. ^ than $.800,000,, Baey. expect t Every weehjgflfclice car mapnedjay Rochan.-I ‘TJBJJPB^Pft^^pijaije^iips.flfiigreguldfcop which was j in Monti*?iiirery Pxe&by- »G&Rce&L ..authqMhir diajie#6nnd i f c“■**'eir’ efforts ''ilr lc Seventh'] P ■■ce oTPWrsana teachers caFis iÄPPpj in .-eart, Romberg; I indicated as being necessary af- | terian church for Sgt.
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