COMPLIMENTARY BY THE WILL OF I AM THAT I AM — Exodus 3:14 BOCNEWS.COM JUNE 2013 VOLUME 24, ISSUE 10 Body of Christ News COLORADO SERVING COMMUNITIES IN: DENVER, AURORA, MONTBELLO, BOULDER, COLORADO SPRINGS & PUEBLO What Message is in Your Music? Pastor Golson: Music is an important part of our lives. It is a way of expression. Music is powerful. It can impress our minds. The question is, what message are you receiving from the music you are listening to and how is it affecting or changing your life? see page 9 DR. CONNER: The major observation DR. PM WYNN GROVE: How can is that far too many people suffer men be the strong people that Mother Rose DeGroat, and die from preventable diseases. God meant for them to be? deconess and charter I am committed to help people Only by putting themselves in member at Jordan AME to avoid a premature death and God’s hands and asking Him to unnecessary illness. This is an make them (men) through His turns 100 on June 29. important work of community power and enablement. See health ministry. p.5 p.14 PAGE 17 ADVERTISEMENT 2 JUNE 2013 BODY OF CHRIST NEWS BODY OF CHRIST NEWS JUNE 2013 3 4 JUNE 2013 BODY OF CHRIST NEWS HEALTH LOCAL EVENTs CLOTHING MINISTRY A home and a meal are precious My Testimony things many of us take for granted. That is why Living Waters Outreach "And let us not be weary in well- Ministries announces-Clothes for doing: for in due reason we shall reap, the Homeless, A Hand up of Hope. if we faint not. " The Clothing Ministry is a part of — Galations 6:9 '' Because We Care,'' a ministry of LWOM that is dedicated to the By Byron E. Conner, M.D. Outreach in Colorado Springs and is available to anyone who needs would like to beg your indulgence clothing. The hours are by appoint- I as I feel it is time for me to give a ment, Monday – Friday from personal testimony, just like we do in 8:30am - Noon. To learn more about church! This is a message of praise the Clothing Ministry, please call and thanksgiving to God and a state- the church office at 719-685-6632 ment of thanks to many people I have come in contact with. I have to say thanks to my wife, as well as a host of other people both here in our Metro USHER MINISITRY area, other cities in America, but even JUNE 22 — Vice President Mary to some living abroad who sadly I may Himes and President Johnetta never see again in this life. I have Tave. Prayer, Testimony and been asked by some why I do health Awards luncheon special time to ministry even despite having a medi- Honor and Appreciate the Ministry cal practice. My response is that I feel compelled to do this. I am going to Dr. Conner of the Saturday June 22nd, 12 state three reasons for doing what I do Noon - Please be seated by 11:30 in the community. collaborate with. a.m. Holiday Inn Cherry Creek- Experiences in the Mission Field: My Taking Care of Patients with HIV/ 455 S. Colorado Blvd. Denver, wife and I along with our two children AIDS: I started working in medical CO 80246 Ticket Donation Adult spent three years as missionaries in practice as soon as I got back from $30.00 and Children 11 and Ethiopia from 1984-1987. We went to the mission field. This was in 1987. under $18.00. Reserve you place the country because I felt compelled In the clinic I worked in we had many early Annual Usher Day Service to go, due to the suffering related to a patients coming to us infected with Sunday June 23rd 4:00 p.m at devastating famine in which eventu- HIV. We seemed to be in one of the epi- Graham Memorial Church of God centers of the epidemic, although that ally about a million people died. I just in Christ 5001 Thrill Place Denver wanted to go to help out. The suffer- was not really the case. At any rate it seemed that we were CO 80207 Call Usher Johnetta ing was terrible and I ended up doing Tave for more information or tickets things I felt unprepared for. I was not under siege. I saw much suffering. trained during medical school or sub- This was in the early days of the HIV 303-333- 0638 sequent training to take care of famine pandemic. We had little to treat the victims. suffering victims with, except AZT. This I learned how do do such ministry drug just did not work adequately, but on the job! I learned much from vari- it was all we had. We also had drugs to ous organizations such as UNICEF, the treat the many infections HIV-infected World Health Organization, OXFAM, people were afflicted with. Despite the World Vision, Catholic Relief Services, most diligent efforts, Many of our and the International Red Cross. I patients died with their infections. helped to clothe and feed famine vic- At that time medical science had not tims and give them medications and advanced enough to do more. In addi- needed medical care. I spent a difficult tion to this I had to come to grips with 6 month period of time separated from an unfortunate way of thinking. I was my wife and children. I also had a per- deeply prejudiced against people with sonal near-death experience being sick HIV, especially if they were gay. with hepatitis. My wife and my son The Lord revealed to me that I could also had near-death experiences. not continue to think this way. God Despite the hardships, there were changed my thinking. I made a com- rewards. The most significant thing mitment to do all I could to help that happened is that my wife and I those infected with HIV, because God came to look at ourselves as mission- changed my thinking. Fortunately bet- aries to the world! We were changed ter treatment was found for those with forever by being in the mission field. HIV infection and today they are living Because of this, as soon as we arrived longer and better and in fact can live a back in Denver, we began doing what life span like that of those not infected. we could to do in regards to commu- I remain today committed to do all I nity outreach and this was in addition can to help those with HIV infection or to working in a busy medical practice. any other health problem without any We intend to do this as long as we are prejudicial thinking. I thank God for above ground! We praise God for the changing my thinking. privilege of doing this and for all of the Being a witness to the rise of chronic awesome people we have been able to disease: In America today and even worldwide, there is a rising tide of chronic disease that has produced much preventable suffering. Working in clinics, hospitals and in the com- The Lord revealed munity, I am used to seeing many people suffer and die from maladies such as heart disease, stroke, cancer to me that I could and other diseases. The major obser- vation is that far too many people suf- not continue to fer and die from preventable diseases. I am committed to help people to avoid a premature death and unnecessary think this way. illness. This is an important work of community health ministry. In the future I hope to work with God changed my many in the community to help people live longer and better by God's grace. thinking. Please consider being a part of health ministry in your church and those it serves. BODY OF CHRIST NEWS JUNE 2013 5 End Times Prophecy Report Signs of The Times Alert By Michael Forti the past few years, punching holes in and the Wyoming Yellowstone volca- the roofs of houses the size of basket- noes are showing signs of increase. esus clearly teaches; as people all balls? “And there came flashes of light- What about the ongoing Greenland sit- Jaround the world continue to reject ning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an uation? In January 2005, Guatemala All Mighty God and His Word, the earthquake and a great HAILSTORM.” declared a state of alert, after three Biblical signs of the times will continue “From the sky huge HAILSTONES of volcanoes have became active after 31 to unfold in a powerful way, UNLIKE about a hundred pounds each fell on years. The current iceberg warnings NEVER BEFORE! As the people con- men” (Rev 11:19, 16:21). show that there is more activity taking tinue to LIVE the way they were in Could global warming be affecting place in the Antarctica. Larger icebergs the days of Noah and in the days of the ocean levels? Some say through are now being reported. Lot, God will begin to lift His awesome satellite tracking, that there are Four Scientists are now concerned that hedge of protection and devastation Corners located around the earth. the loose burgs could start to col- will continue to INCREASE on a global These four corners, which make up lide and crumble faster, causing more scale. thousands of square miles, have fresh water to enter the saltwater One thing for sure, all of the signs of extreme high points. It was report- stream, which was illustrated in the the times are not decreasing, they are ed that the monitoring satellite was movie, The Day After Tomorrow.
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