1 2 3 4 5 6 N 57 74 W E 0 400 800 S 45 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET ROMINE STREET AVENUE MATHEWS GOODWIN AVENUE WRIGHT STREET A SIXTH STREET A 600 E 1400 W 1300 W 1200 W 1100 W HARVEY STREET UNIVERSITY AVENUE UNIVERSITY AVENUE 74 N 1094 1265 100 S 228 500 N CLARK STREET CLARK STREET Neil St. Mattis Ave. 232 376 148 Lincoln Ave. 564 Prospect Ave. 200 S Urbana is east, Champaign is west 409 152 551 400 N of Wright Street WHITE STREET 72 Church St. MAIN STREET University Ave. 563 10 150 237 24 300 S Springeld Ave. 300 N 10 150 STOUGHTON STREET STOUGHTON STREET Green St. 63 210 400 S 57 21 5 61 323 200 N B SPRINGFIELD AVENUE SPRINGFIELD AVE. B 174 1545 324 17 108 100 N Kirby Ave. Florida Ave. 28 213 WESTERN AVE. 500 S Bardeen 42 95 56 13 107 208 45 Quad 29 55 1209 1093 100 S HEALEY STREET 66 AVE. LINCOLN 11 117 162 167 196 600 S 112 48 300 37 34 139 67 DN ST. GREGORY 7P 200 S 1083 15 267 GREEN STREET GREEN ST 71 GG 62 300 S 353 1262 275 TW 700 S 355 FIFTH ST. 188 65 FIRST STREET 19P STREET SECOND THIRD STREET 23 32 FOURTH ST. 138 WR 400 S updated 07/25/19 JOHN STREET 26 335 193 25 ILLINOIS ST. C 14P 97 242 126 C 800 S 130 192 378 12 500 S 9P 15P 20P 106 46 356 97 362 378 CALIFORNIA ST. DANIEL STREET 70 94 209 Main 10 116 600 S 44 Quad 70 52 5P 331 76 373 6P 2P SM 369 214 143 OREGON ST. 900 S 235 262 1 250 4P 224 506 700 S CHALMERS STREET 500 E 600 E 1145 205 39 27 ST. GREGORY 1241 367 100 E 200 E 300 E 358 8P 238 NEVADA ST. T 172 173 184151 1140 18P 16P 1494 1133 568 1P 1000 S 381 7 OAK STREETOAK 12P 157 LOCUST S LOCUST 14 218 60 146 145 268 800 S ARMORY AVENUE 62 365 43 195 207 BS 74 1071 33 158 154 1080 222 900 S D 120 6 4 99 1080 64 364 D 1100 S 41 AL THIRD ST. LA ARBOR ST. 128 EUCLID ST. SECOND ST. IOWA STREET Plots Morrow 380 GREGORY DRIVE 17P 380 1247 LN 59 556 557 1000 S WJ 1206 54 69 165 IR 159 336 OHIO STREET 176 First and Stadium 58 South WS 87 1016 Play Field Multiplex BR Quad 89 50 LORADO TAFT DRIVE 1100 S STADIUM DRIVE 1517 377 197 3 INDIANA AVENUE TF 131 256 Oak HP 339 110 160 Street BH 90 219 DORNER DRIVE Chiller SN 220 255 SC 8 2 194 MICHIGAN AVENUE Plant 183 18 PEABODY DRIVE VD 73 Seward Stanley 169 124 40 Illini Grove E 217 118 407 156 109 1233 E 255 Stadium PENNSYLVANIA AVE. PENNSYLVANIA AVE. Terrace CR 221 Play Field 161 BL 1540 VERMONT AVENUE VIRGINIA DR VIRGINIA BB 198 171 Mount Hope Cemetery SD FIRST STREET 72 COLLEGE CT DELAWARE AVENUE FOURTH STREET OG TR FLORIDA AVENUE MARYLAND DRIVE KIRBY AVENUE Orchard Downs 560 100 170 316 F F 201 166 379 360 Florida and Lincoln Play Field Complex 257 1548 304 374 1244 ST. MARY'S ROAD ST. MARY'S ROAD South 857 306 1075 831 865 Campus 1214 Research 144 1187 855 856 Park I Hotel and Conference Center 1073 326 350 G 307 329 G GRIFFITH DRIVE 1074 354 341 292 1268 Ashton Woods 321 842 991 1095 287 HAZELWOOD DRIVE HAZELWOOD DRIVE 1 2 3 4 5 6 Campus Map 162 Engineering Sr Design Studio (B6) 1244 NCSA Petascale Computing BUILDINGS BY ADDRESS 174 Engineering Sciences Bldg (B5) Facility (F1) 262 510 East Chalmers (C4) *under construction 1209 Engineering Student Project Lab (B5) 24 Newmark Lab (B4) 235 512 East Chalmers Street (C4) The designation in parentheses (D1) 44 English Bldg (C4) 237 Nick Holonyak, Jr., Micro & Nano- 362 507 East Daniel Street (C4) indicates the map coordinates. 1095 Enterprise Works (G2) technology Lab (B4) 250 912 South Fifth Street (C3) # Building Name (Map Coordinates) 213 Environmental Health & Safety (B6) 90 Noble Hall (E3) 353 505 East Green Street (C4) A 37 Everitt Lab (B4) 1094 North Campus Parking Deck (A5) 1262 507 East Green Street (C4) 12 Noyes Lab (C5) 143 608 South Mathews Avenue (C4) 120 Abbott Power Plant (D1) F 117 Nuclear Engineering Lab (B5) 173 708 South Mathews Avenue (D5) 377 ACES Library & Info Center (E5) 306 FAA Design Reseach Lab (G1) 110 Nuclear Physics Lab (E1) 367 901 W. Oregon (D6) 118 Activities and Recreation Cntr (E2) 2 FAA Performing Arts Annex (E5) 48 Nuclear Radiations Lab (B5) 195 1203 West Nevada Street (D5) 378 Admissions and Records (C6) 556-557 Fire Substation (D5) 267 Nursing, School of (C4) 207 1203 ½ West Nevada Street (D5) 17 Advanced Computation Bldg (B5) 89 Flagg Hall (E3) 151 1204 West Nevada Street (C4) 1093 Aerodynamics Research Lab (B5) 7 Foellinger Auditorium (D4) O 145 1205 West Nevada Street (C4) 28 Aeronautical Lab A (B5) 275 Food Service Building (ISRH)* (E6) 33 Observatory (D5) 146 1205 ½ West Nevada Street (C4) 157 Afro-Amer Studies & Rsch Prog (D5) 1073 Forbes Natural History Building (G2) 196 Optical Physics & Engr Lab (B4) 184 1208 West Nevada Street (C4) 73 Agricultural Bioprocess Lab (E5) 172 Foreign Languages Bldg (D4) P 8 Ag Engineering Sci Bldg (E4) 205 1203 West Oregon Street (D5) 64 Freer Hall (D5) 97 Parking Structures (C3, A5) 326 Agriculture Services Bldg (G4) 224 1205 West Oregon Street (D5) G 556-557 Parking Structure/Fire Substation (D5) 329 Ag Services Warehouse (G4) 238 1207 West Oregon Street (D5) 154 Personnel Services Bldg (D2) 842 Agronomy Seed House (G4) 201 Garage/Car Pool (F1) 221 805 West Pennsylvania (E6) 198 Physical Plant Service Bldg (E1) 991 Agronomy Soybean Rsch Farm (G5) 128 Geological Survey Lab (D1) 214 911 South Sixth Street (C4) 94 Alice Campbell Alumni Center (C6) 1206 Gies College of Business Plant & An Biotech Lab—see M 336 Instructional Facility (D4) 26 Altgeld Hall (C4) 865 Plant Clinic (G4) 74 Govt & Public Affairs, Inst of (D5) UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE HALLS 831 Animal Science Barns (G3) 256 Plant Sciences Lab (E5) 324 Grainger Engr Library Info Ctr (B4) 165 Animal Sciences Lab (D5) 358 Police Training Institute (D3) Undergraduate Halls 43 Gregory Hall (D4) 374 Arboretum—Hartley Gardens (F6) 100 President’s House (F6) Champaign Residence Halls 1140 Gregory Place I (C5) 18 Architecture Annex (E5) 222 Printing Services Bldg (D2) BR Barton (D3) 1241 Gregory Place II 50 Architecture Bldg (D4) 76 Psychology Bldg (C4) (School of Social Work) (D5) HP Hopkins (E2) 6 Armory (D3) 323 Public Safety (B5) IR Ikenberry (D3) 219 Art & Design Bldg (E3) H R LN Lundgren (D3) 1145 Asian American House (C5) 4 Harding Band Bldg (D4) 176 Rehabilitation Education Ctr (D1) NU Nugent (D3) 568 Asian American Studies Bldg (D5) 25 Harker Hall (C4) Research Park (G2) BH Bousfield Hall (D2) 300 Astronomy Bldg (B5) Hartley Gardens —see A 374 551 Richmond Studio (A5) SC Scott (E2) 1075 Atkins Bldg (G2) 356 Hallene Gateway (C6) 1268 Robert A. Evers Laboratory (G2) SN Snyder (E3) 360 Atkins Tennis Ctr (F4) 46 Henry Admin Bldg (C4) 116 Roger Adams Lab (C5) TF Taft (E3) 208 Atmospheric Sciences Bldg (B6) 217 Housing Food Stores (E1) S VD Van Doren (E3) 139 Atmospheric Sciences Annex 2 (B5) 58 Huff Hall (D3) 1241 School of Social Work WS Weston (D3) B 152 Hydrosystems Lab (A5) (Gregory Place II) (D5) WJ Wassaja Hall (D2) 228 Beckman Institute (A4) I 66 Seitz Materials Research Lab (B5) Urbana North Residence Halls 335 Beckwith Hall (C2) 14 Ice Arena (D3) 563 Siebel Ctr for Computer Sci (B5) AL Allen (D6) 158 Bevier Hall (D5) 1214 I Hotel & Conference Center (G2-3) 1517 Siebel Center for Design* (E3) BS Busey-Evans (D5) 379 Bielfeldt Athletic Admin Bldg (F3) 65 Illini Hall (C4) Small Animal Clinic—see V5 LA Lincoln Ave (Shelden-Leonard) (D6) 307 Biological Control Lab (G1) 23 Illini Union (C4) 1540 Smith Football Performance Illinois Street 169 Burnsides Rsch Lab (E5) 106 Illini Union Bookstore (C4) Center* (E3) TW Townsend (C6) 138 Burrill Hall (C5) 316 Illinois Field (F4) 60 Smith Hall (D4) WR Wardall (C5) Business Instructional Facility 1080 Institute for Genomic Biology (D5) 209 Speech & Hearing Clinic (C4) —see G 1206 1233 Integrated Bioprocessing Lab (E5) 373 Spurlock Museum (C6) Urbana South Residence Halls 166 State Farm Center (F3) Pennsylvania Avenue C 369 International Studies Bldg (C3) 381 Irwin Academic Services Ctr (D3) 40 Stock Pavilion (E4) BB Babcock (E6) Campbell Alumni Center—see A 94 407 Irwin Indoor Football Pract Fclty (E3) 1247 Student Dining and Residential BL Blaisdell (E6) 376 Campbell Hall for Public Programs Building (D3) CR Carr (E6) J-K Telecommunications (A5) 71 Student Services Arcade Bldg (C4) SD Saunders (E6) 1545 Campus Instructional Facility 354 Japan House (G6) 95 Superconductivity Ctr (B5) Florida Avenue Project* (B3) 21 Kenney Gym (B4) 59 Surveying Bldg (D4) OG Oglesby (E6) 364 Campus Recreation Ctr East (D5) 5 Kenney Gym Annex (B4) 193 Swanlund Admin Bldg (C4) TR Trelease (E6) 380 Campus Rec Outdoor Ctr (D2) 220 Krannert Art Museum & Kinkead 71 Career Center (C4) Pavillion (E3) T Graduate Halls 285 Center for Advanced Study 52 Krannert Ctr for Performing Arts (C5) 161 Taft House (E5) DN Daniels (B5) see L 126 L 13 Talbot Lab (B4) 1494 Center for Wounded Veterans in 1083 Technology Place (C4) SM Sherman (C3) Higher Education (D6) 218 Labor & Employment Relations, 339 Temple Hoyne Buell Hall (E4) School of (D3) Family Housing 170 Central Receiving Bldg (F1) 355 Tower on Third (C3) Large Animal Clinic—see V 292 AW Ashton Woods (south of G2) 55 Ceramics Bldg (B5) 304 Track & Soccer Stadium (F4) 156 Law Bldg (E3) GG Goodwin/Green Apts (C5) 11 Ceramics Kiln House (C5) 42 Transportation Bldg (B5) 126 Levis Faculty Center (C5) OD Orchard Downs Apts (East of F6) 70 Chemical & Life Sci Lab (C5) 197 Turner Hall (E5) 10 Chemistry Annex (C5) 41 Library (D4) 131 Turner Hall Greenhouses (E5) Private Certified Housing 62 Child Development Lab A (D5) 331 Library & Information Science (C3) 188 Turner Student Services Bldg (C4) 1P Armory House (D3) 87 Clark Hall Housing Admin (D3) 27 Lincoln Hall (D4) U 2P Bromley Hall (C3) 130 Coble Hall (C4) 67 Loomis Lab (B5) 4P Brown
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