E^B|fi| Basket-Ball Wrestling Boxing All Back LET'S GO! Hard At It FOR A BETTER DAVIDSON VoLX DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C, JANUARY 11, 1923 No. 13 NEWBOARDFACES ACIDTEST LOOK INTOFUTUREREVEALS OF THREE MONTHS DURATION EXAMINATION SCHEDULE BRILLIANTPROSPECTS AHEAD Eyes of Student Body Are Fo- Session 1922-23 1923 Offers Great Possibilities cused on theMenWho MakeUp for Wildcat Athletics Despite Personnel of New Organization FIRST SEMESTER Vacancies on Coaching Staff JUNIOR ANil BODY WORKST ACTIVELY JAN. FRF.SHMKN SOPHOMORE SENIOR SCHEDULES ARRANGED ForFirst TimeinHistory of Col- —A.——M.— No Classes No Classes No— —Classes——— Football, Basket-ball, Baseball, lege Campus is Free From Sat. 20 ■ , , Track, Tennisand Wrestling — Math. 3 and 4 Aged Custom Hazing P. M. Math. 1 Math. 2 Polit. Sc. 2 and Promising History ______^^^^^_ Church The Board of Control is functioning. Conditions in the Wildcats' lair at the Many and varied have hcen the prophesies A. M. French I French 2 opening of tin* enlrml.ir year, 1''2.1, are tm- and dark foreshadings as to the success of Tues. 23 , st«ttk*d. Conch <'irev's resignation, which pood the new undertaking, and it is with a P. M. Latin 1 Latin 2 l^iw and Education takes effect in June,leaves the coaching staff bit of surprise that these harbingers 01 as amatter of conjecture. Negotiations for gloom must be noting the business-like way a conch are under way. hut as yet nothing in which the new Institution moves along. A. M. Biology 1 Hiology 2 Biology 3 and 4 definite ranlie nntlout)CC'fl. The alumni coun- Hazing has l>een entirely eliminated, and Wed. 24 - - - cil i> making the strongest efforts to secure Davidson now steps into the ranks of those P. M. R. O. T. C. 1 R. O. T. C, 2 R °-. T C ? and 4 a competent man for the place and the ap- who realize that the move just taken is one Accounting pointmeni of a successor to Coach Grey is that eventually will be taken by all colleges. only a matter of lime. A.M. Phys. and Hygiene Psychology Iand 2 year not Without a doubt, it is one of the longest ' Although the 1922 was as suc- steps the Davidson student body has ever Thurs. 25 . ceshful as could he wished from an athletic taken in such matters. P. M. Economics 1, 2, 3 standpoint,the outlook for 1923 is promising. Always there is the reactionary group in ll'JJ started off with a rush when the hasket- any organization, and it is from these that hall quint won 10 out of \\ starts, hut the the criticisms as to the impossibility of its A. M. Chemistry 1 Chemistry 2 Chemistry 3. 5, '> baseball season was a 50-50 affair and tin- success have come. Itis hard to break away Fri. 20 track tciim failed to win a meet. In the through usage from old customs established IV M. English 1 English 2 English 3 and -I minor spurts the wrestling team was nosed and it sometimes takes an eagle eye to see nut by Trinity, but the tennis team won state farther than the immediate present and sur- honors inhoth singes and doubles. —roundings. —Whenever 'here if a step t:'kcij, A. M. - History 1 History 2 and .< With live letter men hack in hoth basket- anywhere that .calls for something mOf-C Sat. 27 ball and linschnll, seven in track, and 10 in than brute strength, or appeals the very ,, , 1 German 2 German 3 football, the prospects fur 1923 seem espe- to l- .M- Gentian highest ideals of a man's nature, it is natural Greek 1 Greek 2 Greek 3, Sand 6 cially good. Basketball is hi the limelight that there be opposition. At first. l>efore the and the big squad is the most promising idea was explained, practically all the student A. M. Public Speaking Btaerttai1' which has ever been seen oil the Hour at Da- body opposed it. but when the vote came, it Tucs. 30 vidson. passed. ,, ,„ Phvsica One pleasing is the inter- Pn- M- ' ll-v-us .' 2. 3 and 4 feature increased The" court, obviously, cannot continue to Public Speaking est taken in minor sports. Wrestling, tennis function without the support and co-opera- and golf have many followers and schedules tion of every man in the student luxly, not A. M. Spanish 1. Spanish 2 Spanish 3 and 4 are being arranged with good trips. Two merely in the matter of reporting Freshmen, Wed. 31 forms of athletics which do not receive the for jibing is but the effect, cause of Applied and 2 proper consideration are boxing and gymna- the >"d Mm- Blblin-i i 'i BihIcnui 2i Math. I which must be removed if the remedy is to Astronomy, Geology sium work. Tli.-re has never been a boxing be lasting. When due consideration is given, team representing the college and few it will be realized that upper classmen have facilities are offered for its pursuit. In for- just about as much to do with this as the iiut years the college boasted a gym team. Freshmen. Half of the jibingdone is forced but in recent years ibis lias passed out of by upper classmen. It is not natural that a existence. The necessity for these sports is Frolunan should make any attempt to anger felt keenly and some move should be taken it make fun of the old men. and when the toward Ilicir revival. old men realize this the difference can be \\ hatevcr may be. the solution of the' seen. Whenever there is a case of uncalled- JUNIOR CLASSENDEAVORING DAVIDSON LOSES SERVICES WASHINGTONANDLEE TAKES coaching problem, the Wildcats of '23 are for self-importance on the part of a Fresh out i<> atiinc for past deficiencies and with man, the Court of Control can, and is, ably TO SELECTjTANDARDRING OE GREY AS ATHLETICHEAD INITIAL DEBATE OF SEASON goud material and excellent spirit will give handling them. Any member of the court is their all to uphold the reputation of David- willing and ready at all times to discuss a Leading Jewelers of Country to Coach Grey Resigns Position in Ogden, Gamble and Wharton son teams throughout the State and South. ease with any member of the student body, Designs Represent FOOTBALL and when necessary, to take action. Submit and Bids Order to Enter Business Davidson At a recent meeting of the student body, Perhaps, as time passes, the necessity of A. M. Hillhouse was elected manager tor College debating Insi such a court as this will even be removed, The Junior Class together-with the col- The Davidson team the season of 1923. The schedule which he authorities, SUCCESSOR UNNAMED but today it is very much present because of lege is taking steps to secure :i in its engagement with Washington and Ivcc has arranged for the coming season com- Lexington, the public opinion of the student bodies of standard college ring. The leading concerns Inestimable Service to Athletic University at Virginia, on De- prises K) sanies with the l>est teams in the been written to attd all cember l'»th, l»y a three to nothing decision. (Continued on page 8) of the country have Association Rendered by Coach iContinued on Page 5) D designs and bids are to be in the hands of The Wildcat representativesputup a scrappy j) the committee by January Kith. At this date tight and the unanimous decision against a design will lx- made by them, following The resignation of Coach Grey as Ath- >hcn^ ranunt detract from the strength of MINSTREL WILL TOUR this the ring will be voted on by the Junior letic Director and head coach at Davidson their arguments. It was ahard decision for GAMMA OF NORTH CAROLINA CASTE and Sophomore classes and thereby the stu- came somewhat in the nature of a surprise the judges lo render because <>f the close dent body. If adopted, this ring will he when it was announced to the student body relative value of the two sides. A more THECAROLINAS ANDGEORGIA used by all future classes. shortly before the Christinas holidays. The forceful argument throughout, one dealing CHAPTERPHI BETA KAPPA The two main ideas which the committee resignation will take effect at the end of the with farts that come close linmc to every Eight Performances Scheduled have been workingon arc (Da ring with a School term, liascom Sorrclls, as president man. and the negative "f a question that Date of Installation Not Yet for Wildcat Stage Artists pure stone in the middle; and (2) a solid of the "D" Clul>. made the announcement makes little appeal to mnst Americans, were Definitely Fixed gold ring with the college seal in the center. and in a few words stated the service that the decisive points that turned the" tide for The faculty has granted the Wildcat Min- An interesting and novel feature that will Coach Grey had rendered to the Athletic the Virginians. After a -hurt time, in comparison to a Davidson, opened strels a five-day leave of absence for 'a pro- lie embodied in either design is the figure of Association duringhis stay here. A vote of 1). II Ogdcn, of the good many other colleges and universities posed trip through South Carolina and a Wildcat on both sides together with the confidence was immediately jtassed by the debate l>y maintaining that theU. S. Govern- which have petitioned Phi TVt.-i Kappa for Georgia. The trip is to be made during class numerals.
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