BRIEF BIBLIOGRAPHICAL GUIDE IN MEDIEVAL AND POST-CLASSICAL ISLAMIC PHILOSOPHY AND THEOLOGY (2012-2013) Thérèse-Anne Druart The Catholic University of America I cannot thank enough all the scholars who kindly sent me information and, in particular, those who provided me with a copy of their publications or photocopies of tables of contents of collective works. They are true scholars and true friends. Collective Works or Collections of Articles Ad notitiam ignoti. L’organon dans la translatio studiorum à l’époque d’Albert le Grand, ed. by Julie Brumberg-Chaumont (Studia Artistarum 37). Turnhout: Brepols, 2013, 348 pp., ISBN 9782503541839. Circolazione dei saperi nel Mediterraneo. Filosofia e scienze (secoli IX-XVII). Circulation des savoirs autour de la Méditerranée. Philosophie et sciences (IXe-XVIIe siècle). Atti del VII Colloquio Internazionale della Société Internationale d’Histoire des Sciences et de la Philosophie Arabes et Islamiques, Firenze, 16-28 febbraio 2006, ed. by Graziella Federici Vescovini e Ahmad Hasnawi (Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Educazione e dei Processi Culturali e Formativi, Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, Università degli Studi di Firenze; Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Università degli Studi di Firenze; Centre d’Histoire des Sciences et des Philosophies Arabes et Médiévales, CNRS Paris). Florence: Cadmo, 2013, xviii-402 pp., ISBN 9788879234085. The Early Islamic Grammatical Tradition, ed. by Ramzi Baalbaki (The Formation of the Classical Islamic World 36). Farnham: Ashgate, 2007, l-365 pp., ISBN 9780860787181. Education and Learning in the Early Islamic World, ed. by Claude Gilliot (Formation of the Classical Islamic World 43). Farnham: Ashgate, 2012, xc-410 pp., ISBN 9780860787174. Fierro, Maribel, The Almohad Revolution: Politics and Religion in the Islamic West during the Twelfth-Thirteenth Centuries (Variorum Collected Studies Series: CS996). Farham: Ashgate, 2012, xiv-342 pp., ISBN 9781409440536. Ibn Hazm of Cordoba: The Life and Works of a Controversial Thinker, ed. by Camilla Adang, Maribel Fierro & Sabine Schmidtke (Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section 1, The Near and Middle East 103). Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2013, xxii-804 pp., ISBN 9789004234246 & e-bk 243101. Interpreting Avicenna: Critical Essays, ed. by Peter Adamson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, xii-300 pp., ISBN 978-0-521-19073-2 [not to be confused with Interpreting Avicenna: Science and Philosophy in Medieval Islam, ed. by Jon McGinnis with David C. Reisman in 2004]. Islam: Identité et altérité. Hommage à Guy Monnot, O.P., ed. by Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi (Bibliothèque de l’École des Hautes Études, Sciences Religieuses 165). Turnhout: Brepols, 2013, 420 pp., ISBN 9782503550268. Islamic Legal Thought: A Compendium of Muslim Jurists, ed. by Oussama Arabi, David S. Powers & Susan A. Spectorsky (Studies in Islamic Law and Society 36). Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2013, xvi-590 pp., ISBN 9789004254527 & e-bk 9789004255883. Islamic Medical and Scientific Tradition: Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies, ed. by Peter E. Pormann, 4 vol. Abingdon & New York: Routledge, 2011, ISBN set 9780415479530: vol. I, part 1. The theoretical framework: the sciences in Islamic philosophy and theology & part 2. The life sciences: biology, medicine, veterinary medicine, xviii-380 pp., ISBN 9780415483124; vol. II, part 2. The life sciences, continued, viii-427 pp., ISBN 9780415483117; vol. III, part 3. The physical sciences: physics, astronomy, geodesy & part. 4. The occult sciences: astrology, alchemy, geomancy, viii-428 pp., ISBN 9780415483100; vol. IV, part 5. The mathematical sciences: arithmetic, algebra, geometry, optics & part. 6. The practical sciences: agriculture, cartography, engineering, pp. viii-240, ISBN 9780415483094. Ismaili and Fatmid Studies in Honor of Paul E. Walker, ed. by Bruce D. Craig (Chicago Studies on the Middle East). Chicago: Middle East Documentation Center, 2010, xxii-214 pp., ISBN 9780970819963. Al-Kitâb. La sacralité du texte dans le monde de l’Islam. Actes du Symposium International tenu à Leuven et Louvain-la-Neuve du 29 mai au 1 juin 2002 (Acta Orientalia Belgica Subsidia III), ed. by D. De Smet, G. de Callataÿ & J.M.F. Van Reeth. Brussels, Louvain-la-Neuve, Leuven: Acta Orientalia & Peeters, 2004, 434 pp. Law and Tradition in Classical Islamic Thought. Studies in Honor of Professor Hossein Modarressi, ed. by Michael Cook, Najam Haider, Intisar Rabb & Asma Sayeed (Palgrave Series in Islamic Theology, Law, and History). New York: Palgrave, 2013, xix-326 pp., ISBN 9780230113299. The Letter of Mara bar Sarapion in Context. Proceedings of the Symposium Held at Utrecht University, 10-12 December 2009, ed. by Annette Merz & Teun Tieleman (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 58). Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2012, xiv-250 pp., ISBN 9789004233003; e- book 233010. Madelung, Wilferd, Studies in Medieval Muslim Thought and History, ed. by Sabine Schmidtke (Variorum CS1021). Farnham: Ashgate, 2013, xiv-306 pp., ISBN 9781409450122. -------, Studies in Medieval Shi’ism, ed. by Sabine Schmidtke (Variorum CS1015). Farnham: Ashgate, 2012, xii-312 pp., ISBN 9781409450115. More modoque. Die Wurzeln der europäischen Kultur und deren Rezeption im Orient und Okzident. Festschrift für Miklós Maróth zum siebzigsten Geburtstag, ed. by Pál Fodor, Gyula Mayer, Martina Monostori, Kornél Szovák & László Takács. Budapest: Forschungzentrum für Humanwissenschaften der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2013, 360 pp., ISBN 9786155133060. La nature et le vide dans la physique médiévale. Études dédiées à Edward Grant, ed. by Joël Biard & Sabine Rommevaux (Studia Artistarum: Études sur la Faculté des arts dans les Universités médiévales 32). Turnhout: Brepols, 2012, 437 pp., ISBN 978250354476-2 & e- version 9782503544823 [most articles include at least some reference to Arabic philosophers]. Orient-Occident. Racines spirituelles de l’Europe, ed. by Frédéric Möri with Guy Bedouelle, Charles Méla & Charles-Antoine Chamay. Paris: Cerf, 2009, 543 pp., ISBN 9782204090667 [the section Traditions musulmanes covers pp. 469 to 535]. El pensamiento politico en la Edad Media, ed. by Pedro Roche Arnas. Madrid: Fundación Ramón Areces, 2010, 729 pp., no ISBN. La Périodisation en Histoire des Sciences et de la Philosophie. La Fin d’un Mythe, ed. & intro. by Hassan Tahiri (Cahiers de Logique et d’Épistémologie 13). London: College Publications, 2013, pp. lxxiv-101, ISBN 9781848900967. Philosophical Psychology in Arabic Thought and the Latin Aristotelianism of the 13th Century, ed. by Luis Xavier López-Farjeat & Jörg Alejandro Tellkamp (Sic et Non). Paris: Vrin, 2013, 303 pp., ISBN 9782711624614. Philosophy and the Abrahamic Religions: Scriptural Hermeneutics and Epistemology, ed. by Torrance Kirby, Rahim Acar & Bilal Ba?. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012, xxxvi-426 pp., ISBN 9781443840439. The Princeton Encyclopedia of Islamic Political Thought, ed. by Gerhard Böwering with Patricia Crone, Wadad Kadi, Devin J. Stewart & Muhammad Qasim Zaman. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013, xlviii-656 pp., ISBN 9780691134840 & e-bk 9781400838554. Proceedings: The XXII World Congress of Philosophy, held in 2008 in Korea and published by the Korean Philosophical Association in 2012 as a DVD with multi volumes that can be consulted at the Philosophy Documentation Center at www.pdcnet.org/wcp22, ISBN 9781889680927. Renaissance Averroism and Its Aftermath: Arabic Philosophy in Early Modern Europe, ed. by Anna Akasoy & Guido Giglioni (International Archives of he History of Ideas 211/Archives internationales d’histoire des idées). Dordrecht, New York: Springer, 2013, viii-405 pp., ISBN 9789400752399; e-bk 9789400752405. Sharing Poetic Expressions: Beauty, Sublime, Mysticism in Islamic and Occidental Culture, ed. by Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology in Dialogue 6). New York & Dordrecht: Springer, 2011, xii-242 pp., ISBN 9789400707597; e-bk 9789400707603. Sources and Approaches across Disciplines in Near Eastern Studies, Proceedings of the 24th Congress of Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, Leipzig, 2008, ed. by Verena Klemm & Nuka Al-Sha’ar with L. Behzadi, S. Brinkmann, S. Günther & M. Yagonak in cooperation with B. Backe, H.-G. Ebert, L.M. Franke, M. Koertner & D. De Smet (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 215). Louvain: Peeters, 2013, xiv-562 pp., ISBN 9789042925588. Synoptikos. Mélanges offerts à Dominique Urvoy, ed. by Nicole Koulayan & Mansour Sayah. Toulouse: Université de Toulouse le Mirail, 2011, 703 pp., ISBN 9782746640955 [this book can be ordered at [email protected] ]. Travelling through Time: Essays in honour of Kaj Öhrnberg, ed. by Sylvia Akar, Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila & Inka Nokso-Koivisto (Studia Orientalia 114). Helsinki: Societas Orientalis Fennica, 2013, 574 pp., ISBN 9789519380841. Universal Representation, and the Ontology of Individuation, ed. by Gyula Klima & Alexander W. Hall (Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics 5). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011, 108 pp., ISBN 9781443833721 & e-bk 9781283436076. Section I. Falsafa Bibliographies and Chronicles Bibliography of Ibn Hazm: “Inventory of Ibn Hazm’s Works,” by José Miguel Puerta Vílchez (pp. 683-760) & “Ibn Hazm—Bibliography of Secondary Sources,” by Leigh Chipman (pp. 761- 87) in Ibn Hazm. Druart, Thérèse-Anne, “Brief Bibliographical Guide in Medieval Islamic Philosophy and Theology (2011-2012),” https://philosophy.catholic.edu/faculty-and-research/faculty-
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