E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, MARCH 23, 1998 No. 33 House of Representatives The House met at 2 p.m. and was PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE the authority, inter alia, of the Inter- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The national Emergency Economic Powers pore (Mr. NETHERCUTT). Chair will lead the House in the Pledge Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) and the United Nations Participation Act of f of Allegiance. The Speaker pro tempore led the 1945 (22 U.S.C. 287c). Consistent with House in the Pledge of Allegiance as United Nations Security Council Reso- DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER lution (``UNSCR'') 864, dated Septem- PRO TEMPORE follows: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the ber 15, 1993, the order prohibited the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- United States of America, and to the Repub- sale or supply by United States persons fore the House the following commu- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, or from the United States, or using nication from the Speaker: indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. U.S.-registered vessels or aircraft, of WASHINGTON, DC, f arms and related materiel of all types, March 23, 1998. including weapons and ammunition, I hereby designate the Honorable GEORGE SUNDRY MESSAGES FROM THE military vehicles, equipment and spare R. NETHERCUTT, Jr., to act as Speaker pro PRESIDENT parts, and petroleum and petroleum tempore on this day. Sundry messages in writing from the products to the territory of Angola NEWT GINGRICH, Speaker of the House of Representatives. President of the United States were other than through designated points communicated to the House by Mr. of entry. The order also prohibited f Edwin Thomas, one of his secretaries. such sale or supply to UNITA. United f States persons are prohibited from ac- PRAYER tivities that promote or are calculated REPORT REGARDING NATIONAL The Chaplain, Reverend James David to promote such sales or supplies, or EMERGENCY WITH RESPECT TO from attempted violations, or from Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- ANGOLAÐMESSAGE FROM THE er: evasion or avoidance or transactions PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED that have the purpose of evasion or We are grateful, O God, for the rev- STATES (H. DOC. NO. 105±233) elation of Your Word, a word that cre- avoidance, of the stated prohibitions. ates, endures, and makes us whole. We The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- The order authorized the Secretary of pray that we will not take that good fore the House the following message the Treasury, in consultation with the Word and use it for our narrow pur- from the President of the United Secretary of State, to take such ac- poses imagining that we are the only States; which was read and, together tions, including the promulgation of ones who know Your way and Your with the accompanying papers, without rules and regulations, as might be nec- will. Open our hearts and minds so that objection, referred to the Committee essary to carry out the purposes of the we are judged by that word and then on International Relations and ordered order. made free by its grace to serve You and to be printed: 1. On December 10, 1993, the Depart- the people of our communities and of To the Congress of the United States: ment of the Treasury's Office of For- our world. With thankfulness and I hereby report to the Congress on eign Assets Control (OFAC) issued the praise we enter this new day comforted the developments since my last report UNITA (Angola) Sanctions Regulations by Your abiding spirit and sustained by of September 24, 1997, concerning the (the ``Regulations'') (58 Fed. Reg. 64904) Your message of peace and goodwill. national emergency with respect to to implement the imposition of sanc- This is our earnest prayer. Amen. Angola that was declared in Executive tions against UNITA. The Regulations Order 12865 of September 26, 1993. This prohibit the sale or supply by United f report is submitted pursuant to section States persons or from the United 401(c) of the National Emergencies Act, States, or using U.S.-registered vessels THE JOURNAL 50 U.S.C. 1641(c), and section 204(c) of or aircraft, of arms and related mate- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the International Emergency Eco- riel of all types, including weapons and Chair has examined the Journal of the nomic Powers Act, 50 U.S.C. 1703(c). ammunition, military vehicles, equip- last day's proceedings and announces On September 26, 1993, I declared a ment and spare parts, and petroleum to the House his approval thereof. national emergency with respect to the and petroleum products to UNITA or to Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- National Union for the Total Independ- the territory of Angola other than nal stands approved. ence of Angola (``UNITA''), invoking through designated points. United b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1375 H1376 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE March 23, 1998 States persons are also prohibited from contracts, or the provision, renewal, or ANNUAL REPORT OF NATIONAL activities that promote or are cal- making available of direct insurance ENDOWMENT FOR DEMOCRACY, culated to promote such sales or sup- with respect to (i) any aircraft reg- 1997ÐMESSAGE FROM THE PRESI- plies to UNITA or Angola, or from any istered in Angola other than those DENT OF THE UNITED STATES transaction by any United States per- specified by the Secretary of the Treas- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- sons that evades or avoids, or has the ury, in consultation with the Secretary fore the House the following message purpose of evading or avoiding, or at- of State, and other appropriate agen- from the President of the United tempts to violate, any of the prohibi- cies; (ii) any aircraft that entered the States; which was read and, together tions set forth in the Executive order. territory of Angola other than through with the accompanying paper, without Also prohibited are transactions by a specified point of entry; (e) any objection, referred to the Committee United States persons, or involving the transaction by any United States per- on International Relations. use of U.S.-registered vessels or air- son or within the United States that To the Congress of the United States: craft, relating to transportation to An- evades or avoids, or has the purpose of As required by the provisions of sec- gola or UNITA of goods the exportation evading or avoiding, or attempts to of which is prohibited. tion 504(h) of Public Law 98-164, as violate, any of the prohibitions set The Government of Angola has des- amended (22 U.S.C. 4413(i)), I transmit ignated the following points of entry as forth in this order. Specific licenses herewith the 14th Annual Report of the points in Angola to which the articles may be issued on a case-by-case basis National Endowment for Democracy, otherwise prohibited by the Regula- authorizing, as appropriate, medical which covers fiscal year 1997. emergency flights or flights of aircraft tions may be shipped: Airports: Luanda WILLIAM J. CLINTON. and Katumbela, Benguela Province; carrying food, medicine, or supplies for THE WHITE HOUSE, March 23, 1998. essential humanitarian needs. Execu- Ports: Luanda and Lobito, Benguela f Province; and Namibe, Namibe Prov- tive Order 13069 became effective at ince; and Entry Points: Malongo, 12:01 a.m., eastern standard time, De- SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED Cabinda Province. Although no specific cember 15, 1997. By unanimous consent, permission to license is required by the Department There have been no amendments to address the House, following the legis- of the Treasury for shipments to these the Regulations since my report of lative program and any special orders designated points of entry (unless the September 24, 1997. heretofore entered, was granted to: item is destined for UNITA), any such 3. On December 31, 1997, OFAC issued (The following Members (at the re- exports remain subject to the licensing quest of Mr. NETHERCUTT) to revise and an order to the Center for Democracy requirements of the Departments of extend their remarks and include ex- in Angola (``CEDA'' or ``CDA'') to im- State and/or Commerce. traneous material:) mediately close its offices in the 2. On August 28, 1997, the United Na- Mr. RIGGS, for 5 minutes each day, on United States as required by Executive tions Security Council adopted UNSCR March 24, 25, and 26. Order 13069. The CEDA responded that 1127, expressing its grave concern at Mr. REDMOND, for 5 minutes, on the serious difficulties in the peace it had closed its only U.S. office, lo- March 25. cated in Washington, D.C., in compli- process, demanding that the Govern- f ment of Angola and in particular ance with Executive Order 13069. UNITA comply fully and completely The OFAC has worked closely with EXTENSION OF REMARKS with those obligations, and imposing the U.S. financial and exporting com- By unanimous consent, permission to additional sanctions against UNITA. munities to assure a heightened aware- revise and extend remarks was granted Subsequently, the Security Council ness of the sanctions against UNITAÐ to: adopted UNSCR 1130 postponing the ef- through the dissemination of publica- (The following Members (at the re- fective date of measures specified by tions, seminars, and a variety of media, quest of Mr.
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