UNHCR Somalia Drought displacements in period 1 Nov 2016 to 31 March 2017 Key Figures 536,000 72,000 70,000 278,000 drought displacements arrivals to Mogadishu arrivals to Baidoa drought-displaced since November 2016 during March 2017 during March 2017 during March 2017 The illustrative maps below show the progression of arrivals and departures over each of the 5 months December to March Contact: About PRMN [email protected] The PRMN (Protection & Return Monitoring Network) is a UNHCR-led project which identifies and reports on displacements (includin g returns) of populations in Somalia. The network also identifies and reports on protection risks and incidents underlying such movements. Implementing partner: Only figures collected by PRMN are reported above. Not all displacements in Somalia are captured. This report should be read in conjunction with the Notes on PRMN Methodology (https://goo.gl/9uP6MJ) which outline the approach and certain limitations. UNHCR is grateful for the generous contributions of donors who have directly contributed to the UNHCR Somalia operation in 20 17 UNHCR Somalia Somalia - Cumulative Drought driven displacements 1 Nov 2016 to 31 March 2017 monitored by UNHCR PRMN Key Figures Displacements directly attributable to drought Region of displacement origin District of Arrival Region of Arrival Total Trend Bay Lower ShabelleSool Mudug Bakool Togdheer Galgaduud Sanaag Hiraan Gedo Bari Lower Juba Middle JubaOther Mogadishu Banadir 107,603 24,878 74,312 228 5,496 1,288 70 210 1,121 Baidoa Bay 100,983 87,665 12,651 667 Belet Weyne Hiraan 27,227 1,786 17,400 8,041 Gaalkacyo Mudug 26,194 25,767 427 Buuhoodle Togdheer 15,503 4,840 10,327 336 Xudun Sool 15,169 14,089 1,080 Dhuusamarreeb Galgaduud 14,017 3,906 3,026 7,085 Laas Caanood Sool 13,451 13,422 29 Ceerigaabo Sanaag 13,094 6,032 7,062 Gebiley Woq. Galbeed 12,755 12,017 18 715 5 Afgooye Lower Shabelle 12,418 12,418 Ceel Afweyn Sanaag 10,500 4,170 6,330 Hargeysa Woq. Galbeed 9,002 34 7,496 33 7 1,432 Doolow Gedo 7,631 1,634 54 5,822 121 Caynabo Sool 7,365 6,905 460 Borama Awdal 7,264 254 5,616 884 510 Qardho Bari 7,246 16 825 25 11 6,352 17 Taleex Sool 6,999 6,999 Kismaayo Lower Juba 5,979 117 5,018 844 Xudur Bakool 5,969 5,969 Luuq Gedo 5,123 2,221 2,902 Cadaado Galgaduud 4,919 4,589 330 Saakow Middle Juba 4,496 2,146 125 1,298 19 908 Baardheere Gedo 3,446 1,411 2,035 Afmadow Lower Juba 3,254 464 666 672 202 1,250 Qoryooley Lower Shabelle 2,401 2,401 Iskushuban Bari 1,927 120 660 200 520 112 315 Waajid Bakool 1,719 1,719 Tayeeglow Bakool 1,603 1,603 Bu'aale Middle Juba 1,501 587 21 270 337 247 39 Other 12,853 1,217 2,323 70 3,338 1,050 141 392 91 1,369 104 105 120 2,533 Total attributable to drought 469,611 120,002 91,491 69,777 38,513 33,727 24,258 22,863 17,080 15,207 14,435 6,575 5,591 4,159 5,933 Total related to drought 66,013 4,088 2,650 23 54,876 1,298 513 167 4 131 711 101 208 13 1,230 Total displacements directly attributable or related to drought 535,624 124,090 94,141 69,800 93,389 35,025 24,771 23,030 17,084 15,338 15,146 6,676 5,799 4,172 7,163 About PRMN Implementing partner: The PRMN (Protection & Return Monitoring Network) is a UNHCR-led project which identifies and reports on displacements (including returns) of populations in Contact: Somalia. The network also identifies and reports on protection risks and incidents underlying such movements. Only figures collected by PRMN are reported above. [email protected] Not all displacements in Somalia are captured. This report should be read in conjunction with the Notes on PRMN Methodology (https://goo.gl/9uP6MJ) which outline the approach and certain limitations. UNHCR Somalia Somalia - Drought driven displacements in period 1-31 March 2017 monitored by UNHCR PRMN Key Figures Displacements directly attributable to drought Region of displacement origin District of Arrival Region of Arrival Total Trend Bay Lower ShabelleSool Bakool Sanaag Togdheer Mudug Hiraan Bari Lower Juba Galgaduud Gedo Middle JubaOther Mogadishu Banadir 72,470 7,523 58,573 4,433 23 994 210 714 Baidoa Bay 69,717 63,078 6,134 505 Xudun Sool 15,169 14,089 1,080 Ceerigaabo Sanaag 13,094 6,032 7,062 Buuhoodle Togdheer 12,192 3,264 8,928 Ceel Afweyn Sanaag 10,500 4,170 6,330 Laas Caanood Sool 9,703 9,703 Belet Weyne Hiraan 9,587 1,786 7,801 Afgooye Lower Shabelle 7,380 7,380 Taleex Sool 6,999 6,999 Caynabo Sool 6,460 6,000 460 Xudur Bakool 5,918 5,918 Gaalkacyo Mudug 5,507 5,109 398 Dhuusamarreeb Galgaduud 5,394 3,906 822 666 Qardho Bari 5,332 8 774 8 5 4,537 Kismaayo Lower Juba 5,207 117 4,301 789 Saakow Middle Juba 2,046 852 867 327 Hargeysa Woq. Galbeed 1,616 14 1,363 7 232 Afmadow Lower Juba 1,382 464 666 2 2 248 Qoryooley Lower Shabelle 1,190 1,190 Waajid Bakool 1,187 1,187 Baardheere Gedo 975 194 781 Tayeeglow Bakool 779 779 Gebiley Woq. Galbeed 740 17 715 3 5 Bu'aale Middle Juba 631 552 21 22 18 18 Hobyo Mudug 623 623 Doolow Gedo 616 562 54 Xarardheere Mudug 611 611 Balcad Middle Shabelle 591 591 Borama Awdal 407 7 400 Other 3,240 169 240 217 39 322 135 702 981 120 315 Total attributable to drought 277,263 73,394 67,412 51,048 21,291 15,240 10,761 10,602 8,628 4,679 4,325 2,760 2,649 2,217 2,257 Total related to drought 1,092 171 12 130 12 392 32 19 5 34 285 Total displacements directly attributable or related to drought in month 278,355 73,394 67,583 51,060 21,421 15,240 10,773 10,994 8,660 4,698 4,330 2,794 2,649 2,217 2,542 About PRMN Contact: Implementing partner: The PRMN (Protection & Return Monitoring Network) is a UNHCR-led project which identifies and reports on displacements (including returns) of populations in [email protected] Somalia. The network also identifies and reports on protection risks and incidents underlying such movements. Only figures collected by PRMN are reported above. Not all displacements in Somalia are captured. This report should be read in conjunction with the Notes on PRMN Methodology (https://goo.gl/9uP6MJ) which outline the approach and certain limitations. Drought-related displacements in Somalia by Region monitored by PRMN for the period 1 November 2016 to 31 March 2017 ARRIVALS Other reasons highly correlated to drought or where Main reason for displacement given as 'Drought' drought was contributory Region of arrival Total for (ranked by total Total for Drought- Grand displacements) Nov-16 Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Drought Nov-16 Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 related Total Banadir - 671 15,453 19,009 72,470 107,603 19 74 114 500 3 710 108,313 Bay 56 434 7,663 23,802 69,750 101,705 82 1,342 1,948 922 - 4,294 105,999 Mudug 4,974 4,371 1,140 11,321 6,741 28,547 45,227 8,684 765 19 386 55,081 83,628 Sool 248 136 958 3,311 38,331 42,984 4 - - - - 4 42,988 Hiraan 17,400 - - 240 9,587 27,227 - - - - - - 27,227 Sanaag - - - - 23,594 23,594 - - - - - - 23,594 Woq. Galbeed 59 12 19,384 404 2,474 22,333 134 133 184 614 121 1,186 23,519 Galgaduud - - 37 13,186 6,096 19,319 - - - - - - 19,319 Lower Shabelle - - 43 8,289 8,802 17,134 132 9 424 1,265 158 1,988 19,122 Gedo 846 491 4,967 8,567 2,552 17,423 85 153 427 - - 665 18,088 Togdheer 59 24 - 3,228 12,192 15,503 - - - - - - 15,503 Bakool 271 425 475 469 8,101 9,741 - - - 114 130 244 9,985 Bari 105 180 1,307 2,300 5,516 9,408 94 61 51 28 84 318 9,726 Lower Juba 64 - 16 2,669 6,589 9,338 132 34 - - 5 171 9,509 Middle Juba 134 175 1,033 3,063 2,961 7,366 299 406 254 - - 959 8,325 Awdal 444 353 4,845 1,335 407 7,384 14 42 83 49 205 393 7,777 Middle Shabelle 149 - 6 883 688 1,726 - - - - - - 1,726 Nugaal - - 351 513 412 1,276 - - - - - - 1,276 TOTAL 24,809 7,272 57,678 102,589 277,263 469,611 46,222 10,938 4,250 3,511 1,092 66,013 535,624 ORIGINS Other reasons highly correlated to drought or where Main reason for displacement given as 'Drought' drought was contributory Region of origin Total for (ranked by total Total for Drought- Grand displacements) Nov-16 Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Drought Nov-16 Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 related Total Bay 167 814 14,128 31,499 73,394 120,002 275 1,171 2,134 508 - 4,088 124,090 Lower Shabelle 4 149 7,409 16,517 67,412 91,491 146 137 418 1,778 171 2,650 94,141 Mudug 4,974 4,429 1,614 16,894 10,602 38,513 45,021 8,685 755 23 392 54,876 93,389 Sool 304 190 13,418 4,817 51,048 69,777 4 - 7 - 12 23 69,800 Bakool 993 686 4,567 6,190 21,291 33,727 10 236 384 538 130 1,298 35,025 Togdheer 471 365 9,972 2,689 10,761 24,258 - - 21 480 12 513 24,771 Galgaduud 17,406 61 179 2,457 2,760 22,863 30 38 42 23 34 167 23,030 Sanaag 65 6 1,087 682 15,240 17,080 - 4 - - - 4 17,084 Hiraan - - - 6,579 8,628 15,207 16 22 47 14 32 131 15,338 Gedo 128 428 2,721 8,509 2,649 14,435 171 373 167 - - 711 15,146 Bari 62 144 203 1,487 4,679 6,575 16 11 20 35 19 101 6,676 Lower Juba 83 - 16 1,167 4,325 5,591 142 61 - - 5 208 5,799 Middle Juba - - 467 1,475 2,217 4,159 - 5 8 - - 13 4,172 Middle Shabelle 149 - 100 1,184 1,402 2,835 - 20 39 4 27 90 2,925 Woq.
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