> \ ' , Page4 THE ISRAE.LITK PRESS Friday, September 18, 1959 ·<; Mrs. Lazer Again Heads Herzlia l U.S. Jewry Denied Peretz Sthool·Parents Rights In Housing Services By MILTON FRIEDMAN Candlelighting. time - Friday Chief, JTA Washington Bureau evening light candles' before '1.15 p.m. WASliIN:GTON •. (JTA}-Tbe United States Commls.sion on Civil Rights reported this ~eek to •.President Eisenhower that a pattern or anti.Je\\ish prejudice in housing exists . ~ . i Daily morning and evening ser- m practically the entire country. vices are held regularly at The commlssinu ded&Nd "that i:-----------------------­ 1Her.tlia-Adas Yeshunm .synagogue. tbe universal human phenomenom can market that is 11ot {reely . Brodt and Fleet, conducted by of ancient, unreasoning prejudice a\-ailable on equal ter.ns to every­ Rabbi S. Jerome Wallln. and all is . involved, and 11ot necessarily one who can afford to pay." interested are invited to attend. prejudice based·on color, ill shown The report., declared tbat waJ. Verify Morning services commence at '1.30 (~~ .. ~.! J':11.w~ulng discrimination though, its studies of three parti­ a.m. and evelling at 7.30 p.m. Friday evening ~ also r-;;;• report said that Jews can, cular aspects of civil rights - ,·ot­ commence at 7.30 p.m. in most cases, get housing that is ing, e?u~ation, and housing - the ''Uzzi'' ' "equivalent in quality'.' to that of conun!-5510n has come to see the . \. • • • . ' organic nature of tbe problem as ..... Saturday morning. &en"'.ees com- ·· ... MRS. MAX LEVINE other whites. But tesU;m0DY was • a whole The problem is on o{ se- mence at 9 a.m.. Saturday evening prese.nted to the com.mission tbat ur1 ii . e Mlneba 'service comm~ at '1.30 Sale p.m., followtd by Shalash aeudos .d. ass· a· h ..Bio··· •··· .. o·. d•, ·... ··.B· a·n·.k ..tbein practicallyUnited States every and large in itscity sub-- in Cto ~oseilg t eAmeriCllll 1'ull rights who of citizens~p.are be~g urbs there is discriminatiou demed. ~ any degree that vital TEL AVIV (JTA}-West Ger• with food and refreshments serv• Ha recogmtion of human dignity, the ed and songs sung in tbe Sabbath man · reports that soveral) West · - ·. · · • • against Jews in housing. equal protection of the laws." German military units, especially IIPl.rit. All are invited to this In New Yo:k City, over a third ~ service,; witli ·a special· invit.ation • T · d. · paratroopers, were equipped . IS ues ay of the 200 clH)peralive ·apartment It pointed out that "to a large with Israel's famous Uni sub­ extended to youngster· in· tbe com­ Teas .Th · _ .. houses were said to exclude Jews. extent tbis is now a racial prob- munity. ~ - IJ'he Westchester suburb of Bronx• leln. In the past there WliS wide• machine guns, brought conf'u-ma­ tion hero tbis week by general­ , . Winillpeg B.adassah Council bas. ford $Ht.•: to receive contribu; ville Willi describ~ as having ach· spread denial of equal opportunity Saturday, Sept. 19~ M'.on;lng ser­ slated two .teas for Tuesday, Sept. tlons•from B.adassah members to- ieved tbe status tJiat ''Hitler called and equal justice by reason of re- ly reliable sources that ·Israel vices, · 9 a.m.; Bar ~tzvah of 22, to be held at the homes.of Mrs. wardsitbe Blood Bank project. ·. 'Judenrein' - free of ·Jews." In ligion or national origin. Some dis­ has sold such we11pons to West Germany. It was empha$lzed that Master David Stone; Junior Con• Sam Stoller, 351 McAdam avenue, . This•;vital Jf11dassah medical 11er- the nation's capital, there were ~ation against ~ews remnins, gregation services, 10 a.m.; Mlneba and Mrs. A. A. Keenberg, 310 Ox· vice · ·in :·16I'zel includes a· blood said to be 14 areas in the District particularly in hoUS1ng, and some the saio was effected with the services. 7,15 p.m.; Shaiosh Seudos, fractionation · plant:, only one of of Columbia and its environs from recent immigrants undoubtedly agreement of the North Atlantic given by F.ddie Relfgoit, 7.45 p.m.; its kibd in •tbe entire Middle East, which Jews wore excluded. still have to overcome prejudice. Treaty Organization. Maariv services, 8.10 p.m.; Havda• as wen· as ·tbe conventional type · · It was clenr · from tbe report But with a single eitception the It was pointed out hare th~t lab, Sabbath ends, 8.18 p.m. of blood bank service so universal• that the worst vietlin of housing only denials of the right to vote NATO is Interested in standardi• • • • 'Pioneers' ly help!ul in meeting all types of bias was the citizen of the Negro that have come to the attentlo,n of zing NATO arms. Several units Sunday m or n in g :iervicea: medical-emergencies. race. Jews were unable to buy or the commission ~e by reason of of the Dutch Army have already Tailtb and Tefillin, 10 a.m.; break­ Others 11etive in. the project. ;ire rent in .. some neighborhoods but race or color. ThlS is also clearly been equipped with the Uzzl. fast given by · sisterhood; 10.35 Mesdames B, M. Cohen and •Max -were able to find comfortable and the issue in public education. In sub-machine gun which bas been .Adopt Levene .eonvenors• and Mesdame!I reasonably-priced housing else- housing, too, it is primarily 11011• tested and proven superior to a.m. I Harotd'Scbwart:.'i:nd S. J. Oreek, where. The report termed housing whites who lack equal opportun- other small arms or the same in chl!ft{e of arrangements.. I •'the only commodity in the Ameri- ity." caliber. Severa! other NATO -Prog_r.am units are lrnown to have the ...- weapons. Disunity Could ~o mnouncement has been ~;?,:E O..,n/essis Death Halts· made here of a de~J with West Germany for sale of this weapon, and a five-year $1,000,000 building f"J but it was recalled that Premier Be Disastrous !fe'!ni':frec:::::u~! b:r th~o!:1: ~;#t:e1••··1••rr L..... ,.,t: ... ,. ' David Ben-Gurion, in his speech WASHlNGTON; (JTA}-Abraham A. Redelheim, president of the Zionist Organiza- Women, the women's Labor Zion- 01•1 •• ,.,.... j .......j ,.•• i to a Mapa! Party rally said that tfon of America, assailed this week "unilateral" Jewish efforts to obtain an audience 1st organization. "I am proud that l&raell arms with Soviet Premier Khrushchev next week. The building fund will permit MONTREAL (JTA)-Celebrations sche~ltled to have b_egun ·on Labo1;ll' Day at Trois have been sold to Germany." Speaking at the opening sessloa . extension of facilities through Rivieres near here, marking the 200th anruve~ary·of J_ewish settl~ment m Canada, have Israel's exports or arms muni­ annWll im- of tbe 62nd national ZOA ference, the Soviet Embassy in I ish cultural ~val and renais- Israel, especially in the new been postponed because of the death of Prenuer Maunce D~plessis of. Queb~c. The late tions and explosives in 1958 convention, 'Mr. Redelhelm warned Washington revealed only a few saanndce reofbJukudedaJSJllthooustseldewohfolsrhaaeld, ~~a~er!e~e:e:en;111"aeevocparo-ti• . Premier, a native of Trois Rivieres, was to have been a leading partiCJpant m .the cere• totalled $4,000,000, according to against the "unseemingl" spec- days ago that they have received d t h be t tacle" of Jewuh groups teying to letters from no le5J! than six abandoned the movement on the onal scbooJ ,for• girls .at Beersheba; monies. No alternati ve , e as en se as yet • . • figures disclosed this week. "get Into the act." He called such separate Jewish .organizations de• assumption that Zionism's mission a.home economics school at 1Nach• The town was chosen as tbe site aeUvtUes "tragic" and possibly slrlng,,a meeting with lllr. Khrush- was terminated by the establish• lat Yehuda; ·and· acquisition of for starting the bicentenary .be- of Jewish faith may make an un-1r------------------------- disastrous· beealllle tbe future of ehev. ment of Israel. buildings in Haifa for home econo- cause it was the home of Aaron !1;;':SmJ!1opi:~f?.ution to Can- E Soviet Jewry might be at stake. Mr. Rede~eim urged efforts to Mr. RedelheiM rejected ijle . mic courses. Hart, said. to be the first Jewish I · re.create the American Jewish Con• charge that·the ZOA was Identified A resol~Uo11 eaJllng on tbe Unit• settler in Canada, and his· son, ln a statement on behalf of the TH JEWISH COMMUNITY CHOIR ''The need for a unified Jewish fcrence; which was itillsolved in with an Israeli political party and ed States Government .to support Ezekiel, the first Jew elected to Canadian Jewish Congress, Samuel Wishes to Announce That It Has Resumed Rehearaalt community to speak with one unit• 1951. He. said this would serve pub- called on tbose who had left the measures to halt the Arab boycott the Legisl11tive Assembly, in 1807, Bronfman, national president, said: ed voice on Issues af!cctlng both lie notice that "American Jewry ·ZOA to return. He proi,oed a against American citizens and the of what was then Lower Canada. · "The Hon. Mautlc• L. Duple .. ; Israel and the welfare of the Jew- speaks with one voico on vital mat- commission· to study the problem. blacklisting of American firms was • Referring to the refusal by the •1• has b••n • ·colourful figure In ] WEDNESDAYS AT 8:30 P.M. SHARP ish people throughout the world ters affecting the destiny of our He also recommended that tbe adopted at.the opening.session·of AssemblytopennitEzekielHartto ;Canadian publli: llf.e for many 1 hn.s never been so poignantly de- people." He said It was urgent that 1961 ZOA · convention be held in the convention, The resoli.!Uon hail• take his seat because be was Jewish, years.
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