an·ni pays a visit to WGBH ~ E13 mCommunity Newspaper Company www.towr mime coln/allstonhnghton FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2002 Vol. 7, No. 21 46 Pages 3 Sections 75¢ With Law norw gone, maybe @rder will return He's in By Phoebe Sweet scandal that has troubled the He's out STAf "There's a lot of anger that can sometimes church throughout the past year reetin 1hc p ~' lor after it became clear that priests the tir t lime a inter­ not get you off on the right foot with and the laity alike were dissatis­ G im Apostoli dmin­ somebody. If you give him a chance he will fied with Law's leadership. istrator of the \rduh ,,c of More than 50 priests, including Boston on Wcdn ·-.da). B1 hop do a good job." Boston College theology pro­ Richard Lennon outhn xi h1 fessor David Hollenbach, goals for hi s tune lead th Stephen P pe. chainnan of the BC Theology Department signed a letter addressed to Law archdiocese and told re X>n r requesting his resignation. he is "aware that all th cJ 1.: r 1onation last I 1 lay. St. John's Seminar} and an or­ Some local Catholics might sions [he] will ha\c 1 Ill< k h ' bceo rector of St. John', dained priest for the archdio­ take comfo11 in someone who will not be accl.11m d." emmar) in Brighton since cese 'Ince I 973. has been called "less charismat­ b BOSTON HERALD PHOTO BY MARK GARAP<!<EL Lennon, na111 d a ntenm 1999. Lennon original!) lrom Lennon was brought in to ic" - and far less controversial BOSTON HERALD Ptt.JTO 8Y MATI STO~E Bishop Richard G. Lennon leader after C,udinal H mard Arlingtl n. a 1969 .!raduate of deal with the priest -.exual abu e LENNON, page 26 Cardinal Bemard Law Remembering Brian Hancin· Let's get to work McDermott ready to representA-B as city councilor By Phoebe Sweet STAFF WRITER Taking time off from tearing down campaign signs, Allston­ Brighton 's new city councilor, Jell) McDe1mot4 said Tuesday that his win is "finally starting to sink in." Mt:De1mott, who won the spe­ cial dection la~t Tuesday to fill the \acant -,eat of the late City Coumlor Brian Honan. said that h&:r ~Hed-t6 have won the seat I sought for a decade. I 1'Call} ,~ant to -'- ) \\( 1-.. k:Dennon \\On the seat in his thin.I anempt after challenging Brian McLaughlin and then Brian Honan for the seat in previous elec­ tions. He first ran at the age of 25, whi<:h would have made him the youngest member of the council, but said this week that he is glad to have gained the expe1ience of yean; before finally winning an election. "I knew I wanted to do it... the wheels [were] in motion a little early," said McDe1mott of his first run ten years ago. But when Honan 's "rising star'' went out, it set McDeimott on the campaign trail again. Now he's hurrying to tear down HI LARA TZANCV his campaign signs, which support­ Vietnam War honor guard members stand at atten ion at a hrlstmas·tree lighting ceremony on Saturday In Bowdl>in Square. The ceremony was done in honor of late City ers worked so fer-vently to put up Councilor Brian Honan, who passed away this pa umme • Even the rainy veather on Saturday did not dampen the spirit and emotion of the event. MCDERMOTT, page 29 Moby Christn1asfestival Swift takes big bite assaulted out of MassHealth Governor removes dental, eye and foot outside care for {he disabled, poor and elderly By Phoebe Sweet The cuts were made from the Paradise STAFF WRITER list of services that are not re­ State Medicaid recipientc; got quired by the federal govern­ By Phoebe Sweet STAFFWRITER . a grim version of the annual ment to be covered by state Christmas card this year an­ Medicaid. Services that missed After an attack that left pop star nouncing the elimination of chi­ the ax include pharmacy ser­ Moby bruised and battered, po­ ropractic, denture, eyegla% and vices, among others. lice are still baffled and waiting prosthetic and orthotic coverage According to a letter sent to for a tip from club-goers to solve for adult recipients. all members in November, theca-;e. The cuts were handed down MassHealth will no longer Police Captain William Evans by acting Gov. Jane Swift as part cover any eyeglasses, eyeglass said Monday that police don't of cost-cutting measures aimed parts, contact lenses or other vi­ have any leads on the identities of at trimming a $2 billion budget sual aids, except visual magni­ the two assailants who allegedly shortfall. The cuts. will affect fying aids for recipients who are attacked Moby outside of the Par­ low-income adults over 2 I years both legally blind and diabetic. adise rock club last Wednesday old beginning on Jan. I. Prosthetics and orthotics will night after he played a show at the 'These were difficult deci­ only be covered in a hospital F' B' ._.'h"Ail.KER venue. • Juliana Thorp, 11. helps get the word out about the Santa Lucia Festival and Yule Mart at the Holy sions, but during a difficult fis­ setting, a service which is re­ "We're hoping we'll get infor­ Resurres::tlon Orthodox Church In Allston on Saturday. A Santa Lucia Bride candlelight procession cal time for the state," said quired by the feds. Orthotic mation from [someone] at the opened Sunday's festlVities. MassHealth spokeswoman shoes will still be covered in any MOBY, page 28 Sarah Barth. MASSHEALTH, page 28 . <'\i 1l t Also ,,,...... ,,,,.ps INSIDE i\IAEL ~\~· () '~~ ._ "forkiJJ 1!11trnagm SIMPLY FREE <:; '\~~'!: .-s-· . ' . CDC 2 ':>~~ ,,~.:. 4, , , Ntu Fall Classu CHIROPRA(:TIC ~o°"<"' ' , ~ for ~and Trrnagm Commentary 14 CHECIGNG h ' U''ICXJ'lrk:fk:C Community Notes 3 ( nil Customer Sen ice Learn to dance for more details Private and group' lessons with or without Crime 4 partner • weekly dances • low rates ~21. Entertainment 17 MrncANTIU:. BA.NK Wedding preparation specials Shawmut Properties (ij FREE , .,; ~ ""' K!s'1 134 Tremont Street• Brighton Library Notes 9 Banking on a first name basts 617-566•7850 Obituaries 5 423 Washington Street• Brighton DanceSport Academy four Neighborhood Realtq/® Political notebook 10 ~ of New.Er1gland 556 Cambrid~·· t •• B d1to11 6 I 7-783-3500 (617) 787-2121 Senior happenings 27 www.mercantileboston.com r 384 Harvard St. Brookline ( 61 7) 7 H 7 -8]00 331 Washington St. (Brighton Center) Member FDIC www DanceSport·NewEngland.com - www.townonline.com/allstonbrighton Friday, December 20, 2002 Allston-Brighton TAB, page 3 ~~~~~~_:_..:.___;_..:_.:__!::....:..:__~~~~~-=·~~--''--~~--~~-,--~~~~~'--~~~-"--'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~- R EAL ESTATE ~--- ~=------~--+-' -c O_MM U N IT Y N{)TES ." FACTS I Early deadline fo11 League and the Natjb League Players Ass USE YOUR n'xt week's paper Red Sox caravan honors those in the h RESOURCES! bue to the Christmas holiday, rnunity who have s You've done your homework, worked with an there is an ear{y deadline for next continue to struggle, cer. agent, and located the perfect choice in a new wtkk's. paper. The deadline for home. How can you be certain you've covered all the bases? What if you've missed some rut items tor the Dec. 27 edition Learn how to sl<ate important detail? The operative words here are ofithe Allston-Brighton TAB is "caveat emptor." Jd a.rn. on Monday, Dec. 23. at the MDC rink That phrase - caveat emptor - goes back a long way. Literally, "let the bU>'er beware," it Anything submitted after that Learn to skate at the Cleveland means that you are ultimately responsible for time will be held until the fol­ Circle-Brookline MDC Rink on making a ucccssful purchase. lowing week. Chestnut Hill Avenue, ~undays With that m mind, consider the resources you '.There will also be early dead­ at noon or 1 p.m. Learn to skate have at your disposal to make the right deci· sion. The real e>tate agent i$ an excellent lif'1e for the Jan. 3 edition of the classes are also offered on Thurs­ A~B TAB. All items for that issue days and Fridays. at i4 p.m. The ar~ due by I 0 a.m. on Monday, winter semester of ice skating Kate D¢c. 30. • classes starts Dec. 27. The fee for Brasco ~terns may be e-mailed to all­ the IO-week series is ~ 135 for [email protected] or faxed children and $ J50 for adults. ~ to :781-433-8202. ......::=-r-21 I The learn-to-skate program is I Shawmut Properties for children, ages 5 and up, and 13Hrtmont tml Window decorating adults wearing either figure or Brighton, \IA hockey skates. w~nners announced Profe sional instructors teach source of answers to specific questions such as Here are the winners of the an­ age of the home, recent repairs, u1ility co:.ts, beginner, intermediate and ad­ etc. Concerns about a home\ condition can be m:ial Brighton Main Streets Win­ vanced levels. Many families clarified by having a home in~pection. Your dow Decorating Contest: enjoy taking the lessons together. accountant can answer questions about taxation '3est Holiday Theme: First There are separate instructors for on the sale of your home or help analyze d1f· Prize to Venetian Beauty ferent mongage options. ., children and adults. Most real estate contracts are standard Shoppe, 385 Washington St.; Classes are also offered nearby fonns, with the blanks filled in by the agent.
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