APARTMENTS, MISCELLANEOUS. THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON. D. C„ MONDAY. APRIL 16.1328. ETC* 37 APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED, SALE—AUTOMOBILES. RECOMMENDED SERVICE. SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. BOOMS—FURNISHED. APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. APARTMENTS—IiNFLKNISHEO •ALK—AUTOMOBILES. < tggt lowed.) shape: 14 ; oßlVjfesoßlVjfes by PL., Calvert J; 08 COLORED—LOW RENTALS. pririf.'jr ffwrtert uaeii 800 miW: a WOM auctionarary Wadnaadayat. VfeanhWr'a hirrsd* Mod*, itoh topsoil. well 250H~( LIKFTioiIRNE between i/th a r."N~wm^stTesira AleT- torn* ui #. 926 Pa ara. n.w. and HOUSE PA aktafuirj ¦ SODS--kf* graded put in and la/lj. a m mo. Aoply LtN’fOiS RaI.L, 533 21 »t N.W. }\m*n MmorCo.. lith H. ¦ I *Uilla,l ba*t 458 1 rotted manor*; lawns and Riitmnre. Plea»*nt room for #lB "m. Rufrtm«nt. i.. 540 Janitor eyreiie mechanic*: Swltaon. , nt repair. See janitor pi;lc#A order. Lincoln 764. 16* per month. •u rujjhl«e« or owner. Kißnk._ flw. In* 3 r nnd b iit , “reception rtn pi*#mi*e#, nr 402 21at »t. or - Rl 7''Ks-~«wner» att.l prospective buyer* * Aft dliN. Trade-in* and 7iii if ST. R.E.—Smith at Pa. ave. and »Wi. '6 iwo.MM. hall. hkrW. RIVERSIDE* r, rs) , F M. Main RM«>, phone »« to buy or KeYULTTiupiicata key*7?S cent*: made while TIRES. u»ed. price*. running water; porch; reaaouable; N. RYOM 1423 North IWJt w*nt *#n Clark, change over* Also new tire* at low mcclv furnUhed loom*, hot Janitor aervlc#; am.l.: a or a 19'' a Buick. 1 cart help you. you wait. Turunr A new addreat i near Hotpltal. Call. M 19?? Hundley'#, for gentjlemrn. _ 48* « tlarw*, Rya. U eve, In vour Ur**. 11436 5 GiwMMa*_*6tkjfM»4st*. *_. I Thctnna Cirri# ItO? Partn<wt 1-vn New yprk n.w. fr._s©o6. Trade old (joh APARTMENTS, DOWNTOWN—S4S. T. retmiitHl; : 14th st. n.w. 13 N.#.—Bellthtful Summer loca- North^74sß.^^2 yi*VcE at A ! I.AIVs MOWKiiS aharpenert ami 31 15th room, bay rmt.. bath and »r>* 3 room*, Inspect No, iiwflTw*located* iflih You. A USED for rent. In perfeut condi- tion, Rock Creek Park: front Union Stntion: 3 kitchenette Modern bath. Open. v # t«v it* von in to ana new Buick* *!*o PUV tiew and uaed mower* for aala. liata.vin TVPEWRITKRS. very reason- in ns# apartment building; $45 pej.PPuDb the 300 f *t. nw. the tn for tion; lowest rale*- reduction to Undent*. window; cool, clean: choice; 42. HOWE. th# Gold Neal gu*r»nieed u*«d Bunk* on Vour old mower trad*. Lawn roller* and Corona Typewrit#!*. 17* danito/ on premia##, or PHILIP MILBIONE. HOWFNSTF.IS BRCrs Line. SB7. FRANKLIN. Delivery 917 11th at. n.w. 1., d. Smith Inc.. able, 1 n.w, 22nd and New which tao ara enutad to fia# dmiM Im- rent. aervtca. , ~th A P*. are, n.w. 411, 1 1104 Vermont ave. York Ave. amu ih* »*m# t*rw* same# rnarao Frank, 10IS 3 Mlli*_l>id« 1 M. 11107 EYE ,sY—ldeal location near White 1 an.l ( America’s Grcßtest Trans- your extremely larte, well lighted: S3O 627 E ST N.W. NO COURT APARTMENT*. ’fYPKWftlTKßS—Highest allowance for . tea that *f ana on hv*o>tn*w Bunks Open LAWN MO'VERS and earden tool* ahaiTene,! HntiVe apace. 4 and WIDE LAWN«. an,* Otm*. for C. F old typewriter#: payment* to ault you All In IMO. _A!*n 1 7* Room# Bath: $35. srNLIOHT. evawiar* Hundav* Emrraon A portation. and renal red. Called and delivered. no; per tat*t# Get key from lat floor. 20* Overlooking LNCROWDED BIILDINGS. make* porlalde*. sl9 reutals. $3 RD,—Attractive room*, _________ **!#» room, ave. Tr, _ 175S’ COLUMBIA 16th »t 7707. _ t V-mlrrr. 9Y. apecial student rate. United Typ, near electricity; ENTIRE SEC(SND FLOOR. gUTam \\> have reconditioned Frank- paintlna. Ulterior and ex- month: sinrle or double, bath: ex- THREt:' Lincoln Memorial. bFtck i97V‘fcßoi "Ww ”var7?ot EaTniTNiL—Hou*e prices. A A. M. Co.. Main 6508. 1357 N cellent tatile; private home: gentlemen pre- private bath and porch: newly decorated; CATHEDRAL MANSIONS, «-owditn'n term* and finance. OaU Daoatur terior; akilirHt mechanic*: raaaonabla Y^ava. $45. 854 Shepherd n.w. Col. 1365 W; ,kOO AVo' lins in all models and body at. n.w. JL_ljllS,. ferred. Mr. M» E*uj Serene. 55 M TY RlTEßS—tienerai Tyo*. do,. 1423 E adult*. Living room with Murphy North and Center. perfect condi- EAINTING, tMoorhim#. in- PEW BTW't'iFU'MmterTOiT range from to and « *tor* May l*t. stvles. prices SIOO exterior, •t n.vr. Forcwd to vacate our RENT~R66MS—L NFURNISHFD RENTS REDUCED tton run 3 (*.(>oo mile* Triced lor Quick terior and H.xrrv A. Gloriuw 0.. All machine* reduced; ae* our price*. r FREE. bed, kitchenette, breakfast room I room and bath 14*_ rebuilt unlurnighed room*. „ WE MOVE YOU A40./IO **le Col *63? SJ,SO0 —terms. 3015 G.v a>e. n.w. Col. 4336. Georgla 311 6th" STTf T* E—3 1226 14th ST.—2 R . K. A B 825.00 3 room*, kit. hath. 00 to $75,00 exterior, WRITER RENTAL TiEKVICE. and .s*o equal * n*« car roof Royal*, I. $26. 16* , 403 ST —3 R , K * 30.00 and bath, S4O to $55. 3 room*, kit. and bath to (Hi BUTi'E 192? 8 to l'AlN^riNG?’interior And aleo me- Underwood*. L. C. Smith*. —& I V B .585.00 5100 Sunday. prl ... pic* lew term* or trad* 1623 14th nw Open Evenings and oaintin# and oAiH»rh*n#ina *kill#d mo* In $625: 0 30 NEW York AVE. N.E room*, 2431 PA AVE,—i ft. K it B. 37.50 mo,: 3 aflr.. me*.. elec,; ga*. 16* . 82f»H * chanic*. Frank OBrien. 2107 3.th at. n.w.* hargxin*sls. vale bath: AFFLECK. fc.’l.A N. Y. AVE. FR. d^Taadali7 89?» ’w WRlTEß^—Upderwiiod*. *35: rooms, kitchenette, Cleveland &?50. _ reason-, 2 Equipped With Frigidaire. Buick. 190*. *i*nd*rd ?•door aedan, $A»0; Sall make*, $lO up. Expert Wale* Add- fIS i) STTY e.—2 basement roonii': ROYDON APT . Idiirß ST. N.W*—FRONT breakfast FRANKLIN MOTOR CAR interior, exterior; floor* In no to gas and ant . large room*, also Bunk, 1927. atandand coupe. rumhiee*'’ PaINtER. reliable: toe eervice. Capital Type. A Add. able: obiecfinn one child; 2 kitchen and bath; and bath, $82.50. * coup#, W; apaet contractor*: low eat once* Machine electricity rent. 50. 16* room S7O to DINING ROOM IN CONNECTION S9?B Bp**. 19?4. a>: renetal • M.h. to M, 4838. lt>* fnrniebed, S6O om» CO.. Frank Rowell, K »l. n.w 1. 1726 H n.w Buick, 1920. aoort roadster. 9175. Buick. 657-5 V J 297 “$3 per Under- LADY 'SHARE nicely*'iurntahed room, MT com-h $750: term*. Oar Mr. Ave. Decatur 148. s TYPEW RITERS—Bur month. homo privilege*, am,l..twin liede each. PLEASANT—3 ROOMIE BATH. LARGE I*??. Mandat'd at 151/ Conn. VATNfTSft.TAT'ERING &‘l wood* or anv make New Corona standard sls sleeping norch. ga* light, heat. $55. Colum- A few furnished apartments 3000 Connecticut Ave. R»*oe» US? Conn are or 1131 16th Special pro-e* thi* week: prat-claa* material. keyboard. $5 ner month Mr nrice* at* most 020 Mo«* ave. nw, Franklin 411 t-J._ bia 7277-3. after- n 17* ADAM* 4soo. an, Frank TOO* Open until workman.hlP. vS. D. LOPATIN. 3:129 llth reasonable <-**h make* me talk w* rent, 204 6th S.E7—Newly "painted, second floor available. and nw .. near Park rd. Adama 5140. i* CHaNTOk <'<i.A< H Vo?6—Anoaaranoa repair all make* Remember vour credit flat: 4 room*, bath: h.-w h.. electricity, gee WARDMAN rnndttion awaUant Will guarantee. WILL FINANCE at *i»ecial low orue* room*. 86 good - #ee me »*ve money, Distrb-t type- tange sink rent rea*on*b!e: no children; hall. Apply Apartment 18* f'AFFRIViG ” 31Cl Ta-ma Phorr North 34? for demcmat ration up latest pattern*. .!. F.fdal. 33 Fla. ave. writer Exchange. TIN H n.w. Frank 11 n reference: call after -t. id* OFFICE AND MANAGER MANAGEMENT. or at i1 ?6 ?<bh «t nn- »,w. 1551, »1 met .2-°_L_ FttSTTolored. wa North The at. n.w.— —a>iT parlr ort na* Chryalea, a'nging apaoiiu * num- Catherine. 1443 Corcoran io»? out? reapr'narhl# i' U'Vrh ' and paintlnt; TYPEWRITERS"> have limited KENT BOOMS—FI K. OR (JNFUR. I room*, nun i,. locker*; rnrvßot.YT Bfdan. model JnpfAii. ;*"n. V*a/y only; *D.e and lypcwriler* each: bath $47.50. 16* ON ju*t nt.alr broken Hu nr Chevrolet. Trade* price* thi* week will acratve. ber of to to at sl3 thi* if—(in nice,” large PREMISES. raad fan month* a .wapird. Our p!*n will **v# you time and we a!*o apecialire will !a*l lon*. United l.vn. A ECU “RENT: UtiLO RE e equipped with all ajvaaaortaa naa paper ever# else room. $8: offer not 3rd THE MELROSE. 1348 CLIFTON ST.,N.W.— fu’lv $1 s h monet Fifteen month* tn pay, \d.lre*« ltn* in palntma. td»«trnua; price* very low; all A Co.. 113? N. Y. ave. n.w. Main front room: rensonatur. 1514 n.w. At’rnciive, cheerful, 4 and 5 NOW TO price :** M. ~~ deatrable —3. COLORED. rs- at A 1)00.1 oar 4* R , e#ltmntr* free 17 month* inoUida* handhtur St»r_nfflo* __ ___ 6*_ work auaianteed m wrttiiif: 5600 room ant*, and bath: elevator service: mo far 1? iti*rt;e: IVoplc* RENT (10 ch,<-ye«.
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