HIPPARCHOSHIPPARCHOS The Hellenic Astronomical Society Newsletter Volume 2, Issue 2 Society News Science News The Antikythera Mechanism Skinakas observatory Spectroscopic Diagnostics of Galactic Nuclei Eclipsing Binaries ISSN: 1790-9252 ʸ˱ˤ˳˶˱˹˯˩˭ˮˬ˰˱˙ ƋƜƠƦƓ6SHFLDO(GLWLRQ °ĆāąĆąõýĉýĊýĈØĉĊćąăąĂõ÷Ĉ çąÿąĈāóûÿĒĊÿý÷ĉĊćąăąĂõ÷ĆćóĆûÿă÷ûõă÷ÿĆûćõĆāąĀýØČôĉĊû Ċą 1H[6WDU 6( ă÷ ĉ÷Ĉ øąýþôĉûÿ ă÷ øćûõĊû čÿāÿòúûĈ ÷ĉĊóćûĈ Ćā÷ăôĊûĈù÷ā÷ĄõûĈĀ÷ÿòāā÷ĂûĊąĆòĊýĂ÷ûăĒĈĀąċĂĆÿąēÞ ăó÷ ąÿĀąùóăûÿ÷ 1H[6WDU 6( ĉċăúċòüûÿ ĆćďĊąČ÷ăô ûċčćýĉĊõ÷ Ăû ûĄûāÿùĂóăûĈ āûÿĊąċćùõûĈ Ā÷ÿ ÷ĆõĉĊûċĊą āĒùą ÷Ąõ÷Ĉ ĆćąĈ ĊÿĂô Ûûă Ćûćÿā÷ĂøòăûĊ÷ÿ ý Ćÿþ÷ăĒĊýĊ÷ ă÷ Ċą ĂûĊ÷ăÿĔĉûÿ ą ÷ùąć÷ĉĊôĈ ƌƞƢƜƨơƱƠƥ ăó÷ ąÿĀąùóăûÿ÷ 1H[6WDU 6( öÁ &HOHVWURQ ´¹ÅÀ«µ´¸ 1H[6WDU6( ĊýăĊûāûċĊ÷õ÷āóĄýĊýĈĊûčăąāąùõ÷ĈĒĆďĈĆāôćďĈ ÷ċĊąĂ÷ĊąĆąÿýĂóăą āûÿĊąċćùÿĀĒ ĉēĉĊýĂ÷ úċă÷ĊĒĊýĊ÷ ÷ă÷øòþĂÿĉýĈ Ăóĉď IODVK Ċąċ čûÿćÿĉĊýćõąċ ĊÿĈ ĀąćċČ÷õûĈ ãæäêÜâæ 1H[6WDU6( êëçæé 0DNVXWRY&DVVHJUDLQ¡¾»¿¾Ã¸¹Ë*R7R ûĆÿĉĊćĔĉûÿĈ 6WDU%ULJKW ;/7 Ċą ûĆ÷ă÷ĉĊ÷ĊÿĀĒ āąùÿĉĂÿĀĒ ÛàØãÜêèæéáØêæçêèæë PP l ûċþċùćòĂĂÿĉýĈĊąċĊýāûĉĀąĆõąċ6N\$OLJQpĀ÷ÿĆąāāòòāā÷ ÜéêØçæéêØéÞ PP ÜéêâæÚæé I £¢ ¢£¡¨¢¢ 6WDU%ULJKW;/7 ãûĊą1H[6WDU6(ûõĉĊûĉĊýþóĉýĊąċąúýùąēØĆāòûĆÿāóĄĊû ãÜÚïìÜâãÜÚÜßëäéÞ [ óă÷÷ăĊÿĀûõĂûăą÷ĆĒĊąĂûăąēĀ÷ÿĊąĊýāûĉĀĒĆÿąþ÷Ċąøćûÿùÿ÷ æèàØáæìØàäãÜÚÜßæé éêÞèàåÞ ØāĊ÷üÿĂąċþÿ÷Āô»´»¾Ã¬À ĉ÷ĈíćýĉÿùƹÿĔăĊ÷ĈĊýăĊûčăąāąùõ÷1H[6WDUĊ÷ĊýāûĉĀĒĆÿ÷ ¡¢¥ PP PP(/X[ 6( óčąċă Ċýă ÿĀ÷ăĒĊýĊ÷ ă÷ ûăĊąĆõĉąċă ĆûćõĆąċ ¡¤£¢ 6WDU3RLQWHU ÷ăĊÿĀûõĂûă÷ êą ĂĒăą Ćąċ óčûĊû ă÷ ĀòăûĊû ûõă÷ÿ ă÷ ĀąÿĊòĄûĊû £¡ ¢ 뺸¼¾Á ¨ PP »´kIOLSPLUURUl Ăóĉ÷÷ĆĒĊąĆćąĉąČþòāĂÿąĀ÷ÿă÷÷Ćąā÷ēĉûĊûĊąþó÷Ă÷ ÙØèæé NJ Ûûă ĄóćûĊû Ćąÿą ÷ăĊÿĀûõĂûăą ă÷ ûĆÿāóĄûĊû ØČôĉĊû Ċą ĆąāċĂôč÷ăą 1H[6WDU 6( ă÷ ĉ÷Ĉ Āòăûÿ Ăÿ÷ Ććąùć÷ĂĂ÷ĊÿĉĂóăý ĆûćÿôùýĉýĉĊąăċčĊûćÿăĒąċć÷ăĒÞûĆÿāąùôk7RXUlĆćąĉČóćûÿ Ăÿ÷ āõĉĊ÷ Ċďă Ćÿą ûăúÿ÷ČûćĒăĊďă ąċćòăÿďă ÷ăĊÿĀûÿĂóăďă £¸»­¼ ãûĊćýĊąõĈ Ććąĉ÷ćĂąĉĂóăýĉĊąčćĒăąĆąċþ÷ûĆÿāóĄûĊûĀ÷ÿĉĊýúÿĀôĉ÷Ĉ ôúĒĉûÿĈí¼Ăôă÷ ĊąĆąþûĉõ÷ąĆąċúôĆąĊûĉĊąăĀĒĉĂą mãûûăĉďĂ÷ĊďĂóăąZHGJH êą1H[6WDU6(ĂĆąćûõĒčÿĂĒăąă÷øćõĉĀûÿ÷ăĊÿĀûõĂûă÷÷āāò ùÿ÷ĂûĊ÷ĊćąĆôĊýĈĉĊôćÿĄýĈ Ā÷ÿ ă÷ ĉ÷Ĉ úÿúòĄûÿ ĉčûĊÿĀò Ăû ÷ċĊò éĊýă ąþĒăý /&' Ċąċ Ā÷ÿĉûÿĉýĂûćÿăô ˬ˰˱ˬ˨˛˯ ˊˢ˴ˮ˛˰ˤ˭˦˰˱˶˱˦˧˻˪˧˞ˮ˱˻˪ čûÿćÿĉĊýćõąċ ĉ÷Ĉ ĂĆąćûõĊû ă÷ úûõĊû ĆāýćąČąćõûĈ ùÿ÷ Ċ÷ Ćÿą m´³Ä¼°ÃËöð°ÄÃË»°Ã¾Ä úýĂąČÿāô÷ăĊÿĀûõĂûă÷ ´º¬Æ²¾ÄÅÈþ²À°Å¸¹­Á »¶Æ°¼­Á '6/5 ²¸°Ã¶¼ º° ð öº´Â¹Ë¿¸° öÁ ´¸À«Á 1H[6WDU 6( »¿¾À¾Ì¼ ¼° ÅÈþ²À«Å¶Â¶¬ÈÁ¹°¸ ¿À¾¹°·¾À¸Â»¬¼È¼ÂÃËÆȼ º´¸Ã¾ÄÀ²­Â¾Ä¼¹°¸ÆÈÀ®Áþ¼ÃÀ®¿¾³° ÈÁ´¿¸ÃÀ°¿¬µ¸° ¹°¸´®¼°¸ ¹°Ã«ºº¶º°¹°¸²¸°´¿®²´¸´Á¿°À°Ã¶À­Â´¸Á¹°¸ÅÈþ²À°Å­Â´¸Á Þĉûÿćò6SHFLDO(GLWLRQĆûćÿā÷Ăøòăûÿ¹°¸Ċ÷Ć÷ć÷ĀòĊďĂąăĊóā÷ 1H[6WDU6(ØPP l Âð¿ËÂð¶PPI 1H[6WDU6(ØPP l Âð¿ËÂð¶PPI 1H[6WDU6(ØPP l Âð¿ËÂð¶PPI º° ð öº´Â¹Ë¿¸° öÁ ´¸À«Á 1H[6WDU 6( ¬Æ¾Ä¼ ³ċă÷ĊĒĊýĊ÷ ĉēăúûĉýĈ Ăû ċĆąāąùÿĉĊô ´À¸º°»±«¼¾Ä¼ ǶŸ°¹Ë Æ´¸À¸ÂíÀ¸¾ »´ ¾·Ë¼¶ IJÀͼ ¹ÀÄÂ뺺ȼ ð &'520 k7KH 6N\ /HYHO l k1H[5HPRWHl °¼°āċĊÿĀóĈ ąúýùõûĈ čćôĉýĈ ĉĊ÷ ûāāýăÿĀò ´ćùąĉĊ÷ĉÿ÷ĀôûùùēýĉýûĊĔă ː˱˦˯˱˦˩˚˯˭ˢˮ˦˨˞˩˟˙˪ˢ˱˞˦˓ˎʿ˂ˢ˪˭ˢˮ˦˨˞˩˟˙˪ˬ˪˱˞˦˚˫ˬˡ˞˞˭ ¿®Â¶»¾Á°¼Ã¸¿ÀËÂÈ¿¾Á²¸°Ã¶¼ºº«³°¹°¸Ã¶¼Ì¿À¾ £¡´Â°º¾¼®¹¶Á ³À°çąāċĊûčăûõąċ °³«³¸¹° ąĈĒć¢¢êýā)$; ¤¿¾¹»° °¼´¿¸Âö»®¾Ä¬²°À¾¡¢ »Ë¼¾¸° ¾ÁËÀ£¶º)$; HPDLOSODQLWDULR#DVWURQRP\JUZZZDVWURQRP\JU Contents HIPPARCHOS ISSN: 1790-9252 Message from the President. 3 REVIEWS Hipparchos publishes review papers, news and comments on topics of in- 8th Hellenic Astronomical Skinakas observatory, Crete, Greece terest to astronomers, including mat- Conference, 13th-15th September A General Description ters concerning members of the Hel- 2007, Thassos, Greece . 4 of Infrastructure and Activities, lenic Astronomical Society by Yiannis Papamastorakis . 14 SOCIETY NEWS Eclipsing Binaries: Editor: Kostas Kokkotas General assembly Tools for Calibrating Department of Physics, and elections of Hel.A.S. 5 the Extragalactic Distance Scale, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, by Alceste Bonanos . 18 Thessaloniki 54124, Greece. Members in new positions. 5 Mid-Infrared Spectroscopic Tel: +30-2310-998185 New members of Hel.A.S.. 5 Fax: +30-2310-995384 Diagnostics of Galactic Nuclei, Email: [email protected] Human Resources in Astronomy, by Vassilis Charmandaris . 23 Astrophysics & Space Physics in Editorial Advisors Greece, by Vassilis Charmandaris. 6 CONFERENCES • V. Charmandaris (Crete) The prospects of employment The Athens Solar Orbiter • D. Hatzidimitriou (Crete) for young astronomers in Greece Workshop, by Kanaris Tsinganos. 28 • M. Plionis (Athens) by S. Kitsionas. 7 • J.H. Seiradakis (Thessaloniki) X-ray summer school, September 18-20, 2006, • N.K. Stergioulas (Thessaloniki) BRIEF SCIENCE NEWS • K. Tsinganos (Athens) by I. Georgantopoulos . 29 Decoding the Antikythera Recent Developments in Gravity, Printed by ZITI Publications • www.ziti.gr Mechanism, by John H. Seiradakis . 9 NEB XII Nafplion 29/6 - 2/7/2007, The Astronomy top stories by Theocharis Apostolatos. 30 of the year for 2006. 11 The Schutz Symposium Dark Energy on Gravitational Waves at Redshift z=11 . 13 and Relativistic Astrophysics . 30 Message from the President Dear Hel.A.S. fellows, ready established good tradition. As a matter of fact, in the 2006 elections the Formally the Governing Council of GC of the Hel.A.S. was considerably re- Hel.A.S. is elected every two years but juvenated with younger members rich the officers can serve a maximum of two Cover photo: with fresh ideas. consecutive 2-year terms, i.e., up to a The Antikythera Mechanism. total of 4 continuous years. Last sum- Among the first measures taken by See related article on page 9. mer (2006) the fourth 4-year period this new GC is the external appearance of the Governing Council (GC) of Hel. of the Society. The webpage has been A.S. started since the first council was conveniently named Editorial help is badly elected in 1994. The three previous 4- www.helas.gr needed! year terms (Presidents: G. Contopoulos, while its content is also drastically re- J. Seiradakis, P. Laskaridis) made an enor- formed: the layout has a profession- Please volunteer, feed us with mous contribution to solidify the Hel- al and very useful structure, its style is information related to your Insti- lenic Astronomical Society and inherit more pleasant and youthful, the new lo- tute or with exciting news from us a strong, well organized and peaceful go of the Society is artistic, etc, all con- your field of research Society. The obligation of the present 4th veying to the reader the appropriate as- term is to take Hel.A.S. a further step tronomical excitement which a Hel.A.S. forward adding new elements in this al- webpage should do. Our thanks go to HIPPARCHOS | Volume 2, Issue 2 3 Message from the President (continued) Vassilis Charmandaris for coordinating he previous seven Hel.A.S. Pan- of IYA2009 activities will take place on all this effort. Next, we are waiting for T hellenic Astronomical conferenc- several levels: locally, regionally and na- the second surprise, which has to do es have become already a tradition on tionally. Several countries have already with the new appearance and format of their own and the forthcoming 8th Hel- formed National Nodes to prepare ac- another popular contribution of the Hel. lenic Astronomical conference will be no tivities for 2009. Paul Laskaridis is coor- A.S. to our members –but at this point exception. They combine reporting the dinating the Hellenic node together with I should rather cut it short ... Finally, as latest in research in astronomy, meeting V. Charmandaris, I. Daglis, J.H. Seiradakis, you can also witness by yourselves, the other Greek and foreign colleagues and E. Theodossiou and myself as mem- present second issue of the second vol- also exploring other regions of Greece bers. In particular, the conference enti- ume of HIPPARCHOS is also the second and diffusing to them the astronomical tled “Communicating Astronomy with one with the new more professional and experience. This summer, the 8th Hellenic the Public 2007” will take place in Ath- better style, a result that has to be cred- Astronomical conference will take place ens, Greece, from 8 -11 October 2007: ited to Kostas Kokkotas. in the beautiful northern Aegean island http://www.communicatingastronomy.org/ of Thassos, between September 13th to cap2007. his summer, the aided Hellenic As- 15th, 2007. Fr George Anagnostopoulos T tronomical eye will be consider- is chairing the local organising commit- nother direction we can move in the ably upgraded too. Aristarchos, the 2.3 tee and promises a memorable local or- A years ahead is to expand the Direc- meters new telescope will be fully in ganisation. At the same time the conven- tory of Hel.A.S. by including in it every operation atop Mt Helmos, at 2350 m. ors of the scientific organizing commit- Greek astrophysicist working anywhere More than 90% of the tests have been tee are already preparing their sessions in the world, regardless of being a mem- performed and they are to the satisfac- and the Hel.A.S. GC has already invited ber of the Society. I would thus ask anyone tion of the NoA telescope committee. several distinguished plenary speakers. It who knows such scientists to notify them At the same time, at a common meeting will be a good opportunity for all of us to contact the Secretary, or vice versa, in of the National Astronomical Commit- to be there and exchange views about order that their name and affiliation de- tee and the GC of Hel.A.S. a strong sup- the latest astronomical news, etc. tails are included in the Society Directory. portive letter for ARISTARCHOS was Our aim is to make Hel.A.S. really the As- signed and handed to Christos Goudis, has been declared by UNESCO tronomical Society of everyone of Hellenic the IAA/NoA Director for facilitating his 2009 and the International Astro- origin, or, everyone who shares the Hel- meetings with the government and oth- nomical Union the International Year of lenic cultural and historical values. er involved officials in taking care of the Astronomy (IYA): last necessary actions for the operation http://www.astronomy2009.org/ hus, till 2009, there are many astro- of the telescope this summer.
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