PWaB^^^jU^^^kja^aaaaaiBBBWaBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBWBBBraBBBBB'eBBBBBW R. CURTIS ROBINSOll NOTARY Pyeue AND ... !• ., ,.-o v'*3 COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS VOL. XXXIIJ. OOEAN CITY, N. J^ tfHUB8l>AY, JANTJAKY1, 1914. Ocean City Sentinel ^JORGAN HAND, L N. GR1SCOM, M. D. Somirn. 744 and 746 A-ir.ty Avraoe ATTORNEY OOCAN OITV. M. U. COU NSE •1aaTa1jK.Ai10fvw.sv AVB. OTTJ» Orr - - S'cv jzsxrr J B. CURTIS ROBINSON OFFICES •IJ» Per Tear, Bxrictty ta Mnst*. Apsar Si, Boawell. 0te" Wish' YojTa^ WM. LAKE, C. Ooaan Gtty Haw Jarooy ^^ga^EaSg?! ******* EMt Gondy Shop .BVJBBC j#*aBOaV C ^awaWaBMaaWat. • e*a^*""BB»^BBwX. S^awCBaw aaaW ••»«. ' .^•BavwaeaweBwa 01* ASDUDV AVd. OFFICES DR. W. P. HAJNES Cootx.><ommrr la»ola>d- aa>a»'a c>»c«UI COR. NINTH AMD WCSLEV AVK. inman ran n Godfrey & Godfrey. <KIM OIT*. ATLAMTVO CITV. M. J. Bid LOT OP CHRISTMAS SANTA CLAOS AT REAL ESTATE OPERATORS ryj Otis M. Townsend . CQftSOH A PiaolkaU c* ArctOtact JAMES M. E. H1UDRETH Ltoeqasd by tbe BUI*. -> -> PETTIT, M. D. MAIL HANDLED PROMPTLY HOLY TRINITY BRIGHT OUTLOOK » ' '. *.!•=. 3Lr^, CIQHTH STRCCT, OPf>. P. O. CotinseUar-at-Law ^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB\ *^BBBBBBBBBBBT* ^BBBBBBB^aBBBB? daBBBaT 4 ^BT aBBBTBTeaBBBBB BBBBBBB) ^BBBBBBB*BBBBa. ^BBBBBBaBBBBB* eaBJVBBBBBBS eBBBBBBBBaBBBafa aBBBw eBBBBBBBBBBi ABBB^^aBT ^^B^aaBBh^at AB.^ •or at . ENtate ^ OCCAN CITY ft. i. >aa I\witiiiaitcT Tt e* lO «4 So. 721 Aafcon; Acenue. Ocean Citn, X. J. Office Force Cos Bojte CoQuncrdil Agency PREPARE FOR At Hose TO A88 04BMB61E Good Work. of Mr. aod Mrs. Dattchef. 624 BtUd* 8A. Ocau CMy. N. J fOWNSEND GOD.FREY [JR. CHARLES B. RIDER Tti* ai«i4 ta tbe paat t hf oestm of Holy Trtalty tfao B. C BOVLB. Attaroey-at-Law dif dartog lbe> Ch.imu.ee WEEK OP PBAVBR daj .-ctwol war* aownaited al toe FORAUBRARY « aa at keaat lbs** Uaae* ia bej k ol My La ray 00 Uooday erenlag. Wolaa 809 Central Avesoe omoa, owtog lo tbe gtaal qoantlly of Pint Service to be Held In aabjrcd aod dMrttxatad bta par*. ***** C»T*. »• *• pec&ac** *«ct by pareel poet," Mtd Methodist Cttarth on Koa- Tboofb be ap4atoed be bad.coto* of T>i»*^ty WtU etraJ«tl from Ibe Hoctn Pole, ao*M jJob Printing CoW Appeal to MtOitMtain. B. DAVIS •Oo Hooday tbrre w«ia SO a*c«a of Iboogtit bta voice bad a ««raof»lj received aod 3 avi< of Tbe flrat eervfcw of Ibe Week of Attorney at Law :m d*ipat£bed, beaid« tbe 11Prayer will be bald tn tbe rtret W. E. After aaoxa bad departed. Btxbcs* Ccotral Plurmacy puocbes 0/ flnKLaaa mall Toeactay Obarrw Uooday aalbt. wben ibe arr- to cotoe axala oext year. BaiBb, paytsc tatlar ta (ha 1 so* KtfUb Buaet aBBBBBBBBBBBal BBBBB BfaBBBBBB^BBBBBaBBf BBBBBBBW ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^a^BBBBBBB«BBBB«adaBBBBBB VaaVkBaaBTdalaBaBV * *-^V ^^C BOO wiU ba dallnnd by Ibe Brv. Ftrat Hallooal p*nk, eakl thai Otaaa B Ibere ware 37 aacka received aod «* j end cake were aerved. •aTawawawaae"* w«w7 aV*^*aa aw^r**^F eaB»»weF ^^^^"v fVW^V^^^^^^^V^F^^^^^^H « awB^aBBaS^By w^BBBBBa aBwHaf SMK,—^Veal ' ^T^ywaaBy* The Excursion House Uoeui <1tj Ma* Jenej iUpaicbeJ. la tAAftkm to Ibe 11CoArtr. a H Hohotr. paalor of Ibe tint will lone bartaMtaberedaaoaeof tba <Uy aboaat bar* a paaUe Hbewy, «a« 0/ am-daae mill rroriretf Preaoylertao (tiarcb. Hbm (opts will ptaaaaolcat erar apeot by tbe ehorrb JAMES OJkMX :: JOHN E. TOWNSEND ft to raur »«4o-. aiuldupaub«l. Oo Wedoeeday tberaj 1 Tbe Hoe>tHpeaA(T." to tf r. Otratepe, ' •, BW d^ ^* l 4* m £ I' M* 11 IT T V . Tba eafQeae{4Ofa .aaat w The tuft?* exaction person mil MAIN STREET a»d . rtcrtied aod 2i dta. TB* aarrio*TDe*day errolnjr will be Aiooog Iboee preeest were Mr. aad tU> Electrical Contractor 1 Ibe Piwtijittrtao Choreb, wbeo Or Mre. Joho Oattebtc. Mr. aod Ura.peaeal. attwa atTwlrtjMwarlk atMtt'WtJI NSW JESftEY AVENUE Ihu ««J received atoea wUI pmacb Hb aah>f«t wUI Orofse Oetacbty, Mr. aad Mn. Borqt be pleased and thorough! v ?>aii*- 1137 Anbury Awo. area ijpoUOaJ to r»mmtiplo»l»wft* In glim 1B1|IITBBB*>B1 X TBOBJOJEV BUQlteS. lo toe peat oAoe by Lro o'ckwk 00 Joboacm. Mr. aod Mra. Walter Joka- tb*. oky BBW w»a» llaWBl' Oa'taw SOMEBS' POINT :: N.J.Ocean City N«w CbrtaUBaa caoraiog waa dtlrrerad thai Mr. Baoaee will apeak 00 "Hettoo aoo. Mr. aod bin. WUIUJO ColHaaoa. Ql with the work done al the day, aod Iber* >u 00 mail bald In ibe rtpeakar" to rne Ptm M E Jr.. Mr aod Hit Tock*r. Mra. Fulfrr. offlca ihAl atwotd bare beeo d a- Mre Hocao. Mra. P. Hott. Mr*. Mo- oaatlb. Lawto E. Hortb aftd Xofen R. palcbed. toe lo Ibe Pint Prr*byirrtan Klm. Mn Thorn. Mre. Wtron, Mra. Orovaa, =DID YOU EVER- U brouaa u ace nee ry to pot 00 aa Jborcn. Dr. Halnea will talk oe Brq>amlo Yooac Mr. and Mra. Tboa. •Sentinel Printing: House stop to co«iidrr bow important it in to have sxitir home con- IIBDBH'S HUllt! aud we uaad t«o FOA»X° attaetooa " Tbe doting aar- Young. Mtee MUter. Mr. Broadly, structed by responsible btiildm.* % Have you seriously coo- a*oom,awl wUbibealdoflbeaptflaJ Ui be b«td to IamtiDri B4p- Mr. Bennett, Alice RJttxard. t'omalki The Bttoday aebooltrfHory Trtatty near rarara. Atfawtr a aklercd the part* tiiot are hldiU-n? •, Havx you ever cociklatd 8ft tid Isfecn dtirnry Baeaaengtr and Ibe addtitooal M Cborcb Friday rreolo»% OoJIUaoo. Mary Uotlk>oo. «>nl Ho- Cuarctit.b«ld at 5 o'clock rrtry 0«n. teraan liaiaiaiii liMiliaw Our Aim:—(July Hi«Fh Class carrter aod Ilia wUitxigoeee of Iba Him. OrmamTacktr. lamptt Bruadlry. 4aj aftaroooo al Iba Loraj. Dorta* how g^rat BAJ important the Imtning, foaixLitiotu and other hid' The girls all say, meet me at rrwto Hott. Arthur Holt. Bant iaha- tfae paet y*ar tba Baada* eebool k«a aewa, aaa* laaew>a%iaaa^#to« den parts play in tbe life and ufrty of your building.' *g I>rt as clttaa axtd rarrttn to work overtime, BISHOP BBBAV COIONO a'1.a ... .. , - .• ,.£, ,. Printing at Reasonable Rates. advise yoo boss- your hotae should tx- built. % Plans and apccl- MftddocV's Sunitary Fountain all Ibe esaU waa dctlrrrad axtd du- aoaand Lawta iahnaao. enolrtbeted |3 toward Ibe food tor reayhalT ticatloai free caubedoo Itm*." drnrjmro. $3 townd Iba •M ast oaJjr b* a A trial order will convince you. treat mr to a glaas of (Bod tor tbe wldoaa aad orpbaaa of delicious aoda or Tbe fltat ereak of Ao*tt*t oast a Prof. Moore aod wtfa. of CtactaaatU, daeaaead etercyeaeo. aod ••» toward UI Barber & Newberry MbaaLola fooiptao la vUUlag at Ibe CtutsUan toemtsU anil be btld ta (be bare beaoapeodlaglbe boUdeya erttb tba btaaop«* nrtaaaaoary rand. A Let us show you samples and They ku< v what's good. MU of be* a act. Mr*. WUUtm lrat al.E-fTMte*. U«Utbaao4«r Mn. MOOT*/* parents, tba Ba*. Dr. 'hymnala bava-beco par- BUILDERS saell. ta IbJa c«y. MtaaUooptoo dbaeiloo of Btabop Berry, arbo aad Mra. J. B. Uatoern. Paof. Moore for tba etiareb ebotr by tba tba quote prices. OFFICE: SIXTH AND WEST AVC, OCEAN CITY. N. J. baajoatgradaatadaa a Iraloed oarae enUbepneaal tfortor rM «nak w«s aa t—~rrrr- -ta. tba Untvarrty c4 wttbttee loa tbe WocWfa'a.rioapUal la (•**"*- ta ee««tal taatroeiH* aiSdnaeaa. Oxinwail Wbeo be aad Mra. Moore I. S, CHIIAW0I4 Uaa Irved hawa. tor aeveral TbeporpoeeofiaeXaMltaia will be rdoro boeaalbey will beatcoeapanted t*Mwxof^l at»aM#*crfV"«a or aod baa naoy frtroda lo tbte > gtre careful Biblataetraeuao eapeei- by Ula* nealrtf Haloes, woo wUI Mn. Bnh Bwtaf, wttow of tbabark of tba propoaat eutlow,'kli ly to Baoday aebooJ laaebata aod toapend Ibe wtaler tbera. SENTINEL PRINTING HOUSE *•'• - late WUttafp Ewlo(. whodtot at bee CSUM home, ta PttUadal obla. of caaoar of U>a PLUMBI1NO snienf pwtf M cat 744-46 Asbuty Arcane •sayua ••ft I ntf e&Ura coortaTr If •Ml) rt>naiai TTM ABJD BiCST AOK- etui w/- c X. C. alewtlaw;- * i*? » act. tt will pay ToBtoajf good Jodca Bndtoid baabaodeddowo U> n>* BMtDben of Iba W. U. T. V ofRrlday alreroooo tram bar bit net-wwdpof •«.<» tbe UoUed auto Circuit Coon of Ap- La city win caeat a«U Wado*»d«y OCEAN CITV. - NEW JERSEY t > 1 l deoea, 1815 Weclb Broad Kraat.. Hba tor aaje aurkai *-r TfT+-a '"T~ I" HTf " tliva toe, a trWL Followtse; hla oaoal exaHam, tbaafUroooo at tbe booae of Mra.B.B. peala ao op In loo to Ibe ea*e of tbe ^1^ baas a woaiaaar raBkAaoaoa* Ooeaaj tb»-arti Mr. Brtok-a t& Be». John J. Hweeoey leave boxsaof MUWr, ni C*o4r»l areoaa. To* topic ixxoft^o. C H. BA.COIM «*>* Bocb met HoUl l^xnp*nj vs. Bieb- candy to Iba ehlidraa of tb* ttuoday IMj tor eaaayy*%ra aod bad a Daaabcr Frank E. Oarta eayat " MM » —•» — WW a*** IW IT J*> iTumc tec anl R. Boor, afflrmlng ibe ctrcf<A-m of lor d laeaaetoa w ill be rUebfealh Otjcrrv •cbool 00 LIUMBW Day. TtM tree* of frtaoda bare. )«*/ lo Iha, •IM'| tbe Utwrr oocrt- wte appraetatad by Ibe ifule oora. aoca." led by Mra. U. C, Uodlrcy. tlo*a for tbaaaawaj t|t> I Ave. bar* awoy pntgaets-ika r^.aalaaf The Ideal Summer Resort TheNew Year Iq^.MdUMtrwttaqot eatbagaa, aM« .OCCAM, err* at j. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION UBMISFILBD h««a bteo eo adTteaa byrjtll||iM -'AT POWELL'l MINISTER MOST f dtt t lXfe We desire to thanlcour patrons for their very liberal patron- age daring tbe past year, and hope by fair dealing and right SUPPORT WIFE HAS PLEASANT REUNION AGAINST COOKTY prices to merit your patronage the coming year.
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