SATURDAY MORNING, OCT. 31 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 VER COM Good Morning America (N) (cc) KATU News This Morning - Sat (cc) 41035 Emperor New The Replace- That’s So Raven That’s So Raven Hannah Montana Zack & Cody 2/KATU 2 2 54847 68615 ments 99073 36615 64899 (TVG) 7219 8948 5:00 The Early Show (N) (cc) Busytown Mys- Noonbory-7 Fusion 96412 Garden Time Busytown Myster- Noonbory-7 Paid 54035 Paid 82219 Paid 31509 Paid 32238 6/KOIN 6 6 (Cont’d) 939054 teries (N) 67829 82306 95783 ies (N) 86035 17493 Newschannel 8 at Sunrise at 6:00 Newschannel 8 at 7:00 (N) (cc) 87851 Willa’s Wild Life Babar (cc) Shelldon (cc) Jane & the Paid 26677 Paid 27306 8/KGW 8 8 AM (N) (cc) 24493 (N) (cc) 70801 (TVY7) 34031 (TVY7) 72431 Dragon 70865 A Place of Our Donna’s Day Mama-Movies Angelina Balle- Animalia (TVY) WordGirl (TVY7) The Electric Com- Fetch! With Ruff Victory Garden P. Allen Smith’s Sewing With Martha’s Sewing 10/KOPB 10 10 Own 22798 14431 47257 rina: Next 26764 46054 45325 pany 36677 Ruffman 67035 (N) (TVG) 85293 Garden 25561 Nancy 82257 Room 83986 Good Day Oregon Saturday (N) 872580 Paid 30493 Paid 54073 Dog Tales (cc) Animal Rescue Into the Wild Gladiators 2000 Saved by the Bell 12/KPTV 12 12 (TVG) 85431 (TVG) 90851 50257 77325 78054 Portland Public Affairs 80615 Paid 46783 Paid 25290 Paid 46696 Paid 45967 Paid 36219 Paid 74967 Paid 54702 Paid 66851 Paid 67580 22/KPXG 5 5 Sing Along With Dooley & Pals Dr. Wonder 31851 Bugtime Adven- Auto B. Good Mary Rice Hop- God Rocks! Friends & Heroes Ishine Knect Davey and Goliath Gina D’s Kids Club McGee and Me 24/KNMT 20 20 Gina D 90580 15325 tures 50986 (TVG) 31764 kins 30035 (TVY) 54615 69035 (TVG) 32667 (TVY) 50899 68219 (TVY) 69948 Paid 856702 Paid 79561 GoGoRiki (N) Winx Club (cc) Rollbots (N) Dinosaur King (N) Yu-Gi-Oh! (cc) Sonic X (cc) Sonic X (cc) Mutant Turtles Chaotic (N) Kamen Rider 32/KRCW 3 3 (TVY) 33257 (TVY7) 12764 (TVY7) 35528 (cc) 34899 (TVY7) 18851 (TVY7) 56509 (TVY7) 93141 14035 (TVY7) 55783 56412 Paid 32948 Paid 57783 Made-Holly. Paid 76306 Paid 75580 Paid 74851 Whacked Out Sports Stars Weekend Market- Weekend Market- Weekend Market- Weekend Market- 49/KPDX 13 13 97899 Sports 98431 27431 place 48035 place 94615 place 26615 place 27344 Paid 159702 Paid 359615 Biography Best-selling author Ste- Sell This House! Sell This House! Sell This House! Sell This House! Sell This House! Sell This House! Flip This House The Rookie. (cc) A&E 52 181 phen King. (cc) (TVPG) 502870 (TVG) 284702 (TVG) 283073 (TVG) 274325 (TVG) 996035 (TVG) 340967 (TVG) 270509 (TVPG) 363716 5:00 Blood of the Vampire ★★ Movies Shook Young Frankenstein ★★★★ (‘74) Gene Wilder, Peter Boyle. Dr. Frankenstein’s grand- Buffy the Vampire Slayer ★ (‘92) Kristy Swanson. A high-school AMC 71 231 (‘58) ‘NR’ (cc) (Cont’d) 498290 440431 son returns to Transylvania. ‘PG’ (cc) (1:45) 730073 cheerleader wages war against the undead. ‘PG-13’ (cc) 341561 Barking Mad Breed All About It It’s Me or the Dog Bullheaded Wild Kingdom Predators in Peril. Stealth Hunters (cc) (TVPG) Animal Cops Phoenix Criminal Animal Cops Phoenix Left for AP 43 130 (TVG) 41290 (TVG) 67141 Bulldog. (cc) (TVG) 496344 (cc) (TVG) 497073 67238 Intent. (cc) (TVPG) 59306 Dead. (TVPG) 88122 BET Inspiration 454290 College Hill College Hill College Hill College Hill College Hill College Hill BET 56 270 508035 239493 984431 504219 454615 455344 CNN Saturday Your Bottom Line Newsroom 409870 Newsroom 417899 Newsroom 782054 Your Money 616412 Newsroom 603948 CNN 44 100 Morning 680344 982967 Paid 5038493 Paid 1921899 Shaun of the Dead ★★★ (‘04) Simon Pegg, Kate Ashfield. An aim- Com.-Presents Com.-Presents Com.-Presents Live at Gotham Andy Woodhull; Amazing Jona- COM 60 190 less TV salesman and his friend battle zombies. ‘R’ (cc) 8007967 1982325 6613899 1905851 Gina Yashere. (TV14) 2629344 than 2275832 Ducks Unlimited Outdoor GPS 580325 Angling Edge Outdoor GPS 846967 Angler West Paid 255431 Paid 977141 Paid 520257 Paid 447325 Paid 448054 CSN 37 77 TV 786986 605412 (TVPG) 524073 Paid 131306 Paid 331219 Paid 618883 Paid 468180 Paid 266306 Paid 265677 Dirty Jobs Dismantling parade Dirty Jobs Mushroom Farmer. Lobstermen Cat and Mouse DISC 7 120 floats. (cc) (TV14) 140054 Mushroom farming. (TV14) 513124 Game. (cc) (TV14) 668388 Little Einsteins Charlie & Lola Tigger & Pooh Little Einsteins Special Agent Handy Manny Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Imagination Mov- Handy Manny Phineas and Ferb Phineas and Ferb DISN 41 250 (TVY) 117832 (TVY) 3435986 1146122 (TVY) 6490509 Oso 268870 (TVY) 267141 4742509 7317702 ers 5685122 (TVY) 3299344 818899 819528 That Morning Show 882126 E! News Entertainment news. (N) The Soup (TV14) Daily 10 Wknd Leave It to Lamas Leave It to Lamas E! 70 196 (TVPG) 391832 205561 166073 481211 741 670 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 171899 College Gameday (Live) (cc) 419561 College Football. (Live) (TVG) 704431 ESPN 35 70 5:30 English Premier League Soccer Arsenal vs. Tottenham Hotspur. SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 8593783 College Football. (Live) (TVG) 7771257 ESPN2 36 74 (Live) (Cont’d) 6888073 Paid 304290 Paid 537431 Step by Step Step by Step Sabrina-Witch Sabrina-Witch Full House (TVG) Scooby-Doo ★★ (‘02) Freddie Prinze Jr., Sarah Michelle Gellar. The Scooby-Doo 2 FAM 39 199 (TVG) 260257 (TVG) 249764 446580 445851 469431 gang investigates a theme park. ‘PG’ (cc) (1:26) 707899 306219 4:00 Fox and Friends Saturday Bulls and Bears Cavuto on Busi- Forbes on FOX Cashin’ In (N) America’s News HQ 6404141 Journal Editorial Fox News Watch FNC 48 118 (Cont’d) 3351899 (N) 6751325 ness 6730832 (N) 1619764 (cc) 1618035 Report 1170073 1171702 Paid 5030851 Paid 1923257 Everyday Italian Nigella Feasts Cooking-Sandra Healthy-Ellie Tyler’s Ultimate Ask Aida 30-Minute Meals Secrets-Chef Down Home Paula’s Best FOOD 66 164 8003141 (cc) 8099948 Lee 1961832 Krieger 1993431 1984783 6615257 1914509 1980967 9616677 Dishes 9617306 North American Outdoor Secret Veteran Outdoors Birding Adven- The Final Score Paid 96677 Paid 10257 College Football Big 12. (Live) 527238 FSN 34 76 Hunter 56122 72073 (N) 52959 tures (N) 84306 97306 Paid 5121509 Paid 6418344 I Still Know What You Did Last Summer ★ (‘98) Jennifer Love Hewitt. Ghost Ship ★ (‘02) Julianna Margulies, Ron Eldard. Salvagers are Constantine ★★ (‘05) Keanu FX 53 53 A killer in a slicker once again terrorizes a young woman. 6755141 trapped aboard a haunted oceanliner. ‘R’ (1:31) 6419073 Reeves. ‘R’ (2:00) 4325122 European PGA Tour Golf: Barclays European PGA Tour Golf Volvo World Match Play Championship, Day 3. (Live) 456580 Top 10 56035 Top 10 92851 Golf Central Pre PGA Tour Golf GOLF 33 304 Singapore Open 201073 Game 17561 739561 Animal Adven- Animal Adven- Animal Adven- Animal Adven- Animal Adven- Halloween on Ice From Omaha, Neb. (cc) 2593986 Blackbeard’s Ghost ★★ (‘68) Peter Ustinov. Pirate HALL 18 240 tures 6142290 tures 4802412 tures 1323122 tures 1342257 tures 7312054 helps track coach spook casino gangsters. 9785696 Paid 3184509 Paid 8030986 Weekend War- Sweat Equity Big Amazing Big Amazing Holmes on Homes (cc) (TVG) Don’t Sweat It Hammer Heads Over Your Head Carter Can (TVG) HGTV 67 165 riors 1958702 (TVG) 1944509 8342219 8334290 3193257 (N) 8021238 (N) 8354054 (N) 3215126 2865685 Paid 6151948 Paid 4804870 Heavy Metal M1 Abrams Super- TBA 7842764 TBA 6160696 TBA 1340899 TBA 1320035 HIST 50 128 tank! (cc) (TVG) 7841035 Paid 317764 Paid 517677 Paid 266431 Paid 252238 Paid 459054 Paid 458325 Paid 449677 Paid 170035 Paid 531257 Paid 438561 Lost in the Dark (‘07) Mae Whit- LIFE 69 140 man. (cc) ‘TV14’ 309306 MSNBC News Live (N) 1476257 MSNBC News Live (N) 9922899 MSNBC News Live (N) 9923528 5 Animal Attacks Terrif. Rescues Al Roker Reporting Heroin, Inc. Al Roker Reporting Armed in MSNBC 128 103 1605561 8266967 Undercover operation. 6732290 America. Gun violence. 6752054 Pee-wee’s Big Adventure ★★ (‘85) Paul Reubens, Elizabeth Daily. Parental Control Parental Control Parental Control Parental Control Real World/Road Rules Challenge The Hills (cc) The City (cc) MTV 63 210 Childlike Pee-wee loses his vintage bicycle. ‘PG’ (1:30) 564306 (TV14) 444122 (TV14) 443493 (TV14) 467073 (TV14) 198431 (cc) (TVPG) 236290 (TVPG) 462031 (TVPG) 814890 All Grown Up Danny Phantom Jimmy Neutron: Jimmy Neutron: The Fairly Odd- The Fairly Odd- SpongeBob SpongeBob The Penguins Back, Barnyard The Mighty B! SpongeBob NICK 40 252 (TVY) 139948 (TVY) 322561 Gen. 418865 Gen. 268162 Parents 264948 Parents 263219 287899 909509 346141 276783 (TVY7) 117431 185832 Paid 582122 Paid 784493 Paid 431899 Paid 410306 Paid 617122 Paid 616493 Married. With Married. With Married. With Married. With Xtreme 4x4 Horsepower TV SPIKE 57 54 Children 630073 Children 361431 Children 708073 Children 636257 (TVG) 551967 (N) 552696 Paid 5686141 Paid 1182073 Paid 1558702 Paid 1544509 Paid 6398325 Paid 6397696 Ghost Hunters (cc) (TVPG) Ghost Hunters (cc) (TVPG) Ghost Hunters (cc) (TVPG) SYFY 59 180 5662561 1533493 1553257 Married. With Married. With Steve Harvey Steve Harvey Yes, Dear (cc) Yes, Dear (cc) Election ★★★ (‘99) Matthew Broderick. A teacher tries to take a Just Friends ★★ (‘05) Ryan Reyn- TBS 55 52 Children 760832 Children 979493 602219 614054 (TVPG) 811870 (TVPG) 810141 student overachiever down a peg. ‘R’ (cc) (1:43) 970122 olds. ‘PG-13’ (cc) 17856883 Paid 577290 Paid 779561 Paid 426967 Paid 438702 Paid 602290 Paid 601561 Property Ladder Newlyweds risk Property Ladder (cc) (TVG) Unhinged (N) Unhinged (N) TLC 38 139 their savings.
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