<p>Xavier University Exhibit </p><p>All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers </p><p>2021-01-28 </p><p>Xavier University Newswire </p><p>Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) </p><p>Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper </p><p>Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the History Commons </p><p>Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2021). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 3138. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/3138 </p><p>This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Volume CVII Issue 17 January 28, 2021 xaviernewswire.com</p><p>Published by the students of Xavier University since 1915 Fiat justitia, ruat caelum Three familiar faces depart Xavier &',&)-VWD௺VHL]HQHZSURIHVVLRQDORSSRUWXQLWLHVWKLVVSULQJVHPHVWHU BY JOSEPH COTTON Campus News Editor Three prominent Xavier administrators — Dr. Kyra Shahid, Rev. Nelson Pierce and Luke Hansen, SJ — have announced that they are leav- ing Xavier this semester to pursue new opportunities across the country. Shahid, the current direc- tor of the Center for Diversi- ty and Inclusion, will be leav- ing Xavier on March 1. She accepted a new posi- tion as an instructional con- sultant and assistant director for the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching at the University of Michigan (U of M). She will be working on instituting new diversity and inclusion practices for the faculty at U of M’s 19 schools Photos courtesy of xavier.edu and Twitter and colleges. Dr. Kyra Shahid (left) announced last week that she will be leaving Cincinnati and her role as director of the CDI in March. Accompanying her Shadid came to Xavier in GHSDUWXUHDUH5HY1HOVRQ3LHUFH FHQWHU DQG/XNH+DQVHQ ULJKW ZKROHIWWKHLUSRVLWLRQVLQWKH&)-GXULQJWKHÀUVWZHHNRIFODVVHVWKLVVHPHVWHU 2015 at a time when the CDI our communities in regards that explores women in the dinary experiences,” Han- gospel choir. — then named the Multicul- to race and racism,” Shahid diaconate. sen said. “Getting to spend a “I grew up with (gospel tural, Gender and Women’s said. “We were already asking “Right now there are so whole week with students and music). I went to church right Center — was working to questions about institutional many barriers for women be- engaging in important issues up the street at Southern Bap- rebrand and cater itself to responses (to issues about race ing in leadership and ministry was one of my best experienc- tist Church, and all the kids student groups. She was sub- and anti-Balck racism). I’m roles,” Hansen said. “(This es here.” who attended church were ei- sequently named director in very proud that Xavier was project) is just a small part of The CFJ also said goodbye ther in the choir or an usher. I 2018 and continued her work able to make space for those that.” to Rev. Nelson Pierce, who left chose choir.” with student groups under conversations before some of Hansen also noted that his Xavier last week. He went on to say that Dan her guidance. those incidents took place.” project will be educational. He accepted a new position Larkin Jr., Xavier alum and One of Shahid’s earliest In this bittersweet moment, “(In the Catholic Church) as a community organizer for current piano player for the memories at Xavier was giv- Shahid reminiscenced on the change happens from both the the progressive political ac- Xavier Gospel Choir, was one ing a TEDx talk when she personal connections she has top and the bottom,” Hansen tion committee, Democracy of the people who helped him first arrived. established with her students. said. “Some churches do invite for America. This new role develop an appreciation for “I look back on that and see “Honestly, what I’m most women to preach. Suddenly, it will allow him to work closely music and learn to play the how that work gave birth to proud of during my time at makes a huge impact because on issues of police reform and piano. so many of the other things Xavier is the relationships you can see something as pos- protecting voting rights. Pierce also had a hand in that we did,” Shahid said. that I’ve built with students,” sible.” “I’m a Christian in the organizing previous Spir- During her time at Xavi- Shahid said. “Students that Hansen admitted that be- Black liberation tradition. It is it Celebrations, which are er, Shahid created the course have been willing to be vul- ing at a university was some- important for us that we fol- among the standout moments Anti-Black Racism and Epis- nerable, students that have thing he never expected, but low God and join in the libera- of his Xavier experience. temic Violence as a response poured onto me, students that one that has been integral to tion of the oppressed,” Pierce “It’s a wonderful time for to a series of bias incidents have babysat my daughter. I his faith journey. said when asked how his faith the campus to remember what that happened in 2016 and the feel like I’ve had sacred rela- Hansen made the most of background will continue to drives the work that we do,” questions that students asked tionships that go beyond the his time in the CFJ. He cited guide his work. “Some people Pierce said. “Seeing various in the aftermath. job.” a Dorothy Day Immersion do that through direct service. groups from the university She also noted the impact Accompanying Shahid’s trip to New York City and My calling is in politics.” come together like that was of the Universities Studying departure is Luke Hansen, the Civil Rights Alternative Pierce, who served as the very powerful.” Slavery (USS) symposium in the former Catholic chaplain Breaks trip to Alabama as two Faith and Race Program di- There are currently no an- the fall of 2019. in the CFJ. Hansen moved to defining moments during his rector and the first Protestant nouncements concerning the “(The USS) happened California earlier this month tenure at Xavier. chaplain in the CFJ, initial- new hiring of any staff mem- right before a new rupture in to begin working on a project “They were both extraor- ly came to Xavier to lead the bers in the CDI or CFJ. In this issue... Campus, Page 2 Opinion, Page 4 Sports, Page 6 A&E, Page 7 7KHQHZO\VDQF- 6WDႇZULWHU*UDFH :RPHQ¶VEDVNHWEDOO Wonder Woman 1984 WLRQHGIDVKLRQFOXELV +DPLOWRQFRPSDVVLRQ- IDFHGDWRXJKORVVWR UHQGHUVYLHZHUVGLVDS- XSF\FOLQJFORWKHVIRU DWHO\FXOWLYDWHVDZDUH- 6HWRQ+DOODQGDQRWK- SRLQWHGDQGXQVDWLV- DFDXVH QHVVIRUPHQWDOKHDOWK HU&29,'VHWEDFN ¿HG 2 January 28, 2021 Campus News xaviernewswire.com Fashionistas reclaim fossilized ts The newly approved Xavier Fashion Club looks to give old pieces new life </p><p> tainability. said. She also noted that orative students together XUFC is accepting any tie-dying was popular last se- to nurture inclusivity and clothing, even if in poor con- mester. thoughtfulness on Xavier’s dition, during this drive. For those interested in join- campus.” “(The club) will donate it to ing, XUFC is on EngageXU However, if fashion is not Goodwill or recycle it depend- and their past projects can your thing, your donations ing on the condition,” Grimes be found on the groups insta- would still be greatly appreci- stated. gram @xufashionclub ated by XUFC. Donors can be assured that XUFC’s mission, according Drop off stations are in the their donations will be used to Grimes, is to use “self-ex- lobby of the Health United to benefit the community and pression, creativity and sus- Building and in the Fenwick the environment. tainability to bring collab- Atrium. Sustainability and environ- mental impacts of the fashion industry are both issues that are important to XUFC mem- bers. Presidential As such, XUFC collaborat- ed with Xavier Students for Sustainability for their cloth- transition update ing drive. “Fabric is something that we work with alot, and reus- ing and recycling old fabric Incoming Xavier president means reducing the fashion industries footprint,” Grimes Dr. Colleen Hanycz made said. This clothing drive and the her first in a series of vis- accompanying fashion show are some of XUFC’s first un- its to campus on Monday. dertakings this semester as an photo courtesy of XSSustaiability on Instagram official club. Newswire had two report- XU Fashion Club is collecting pieces of unwanted clothing to gather XUFC received its offi- materials for their fashion show that will take place late this semester. cial status last semester after ers at the press confrence BY EMMA STEVENS future event: the XUFC Fash- meeting as an unofficial club 6WDৼ:ULWHU ion Show. since the beginning of the where she addressed the This show, set to take place school year. Xavier’s Fashion Club later in the semester, will be During the fall semester, Xavier community for the (XUFC) kicked off their a charity event in which the XUFC held meetings and clothing drive last Monday fashion pieces crafted by club shaped their activities to ca- first time. The full story which will continue through members will be for sale. ter to the interests of their 36 this Friday Jan. 29. XUFC president Sophia new members. will air on Newswire Live, The drive’s purpose is to Grimes stated that the club “The Fashion Club is really amass material for the club’s will donate all the money that based on listening to what our Monday at 7 p.m. members to use in order to is raised to an organization members want to learn and sustainably create pieces for a that supports clothing sus- what interests them,” Grimes Start your semester with fun Find more info on EngageXU </p><p>Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday ursday Friday Saturday</p><p>28 29 30 Rec sports: OSI: Tenet STAGES Flight movie showing Cycling 7 & 9 p.m. 6:30 - 7:15 a.m.</p><p>31 Feb. 1 2 3 4 5 6 EmpowerXU: CFJ: Together Black Care club: XU Gaming club: SAC: Netix Viewing in Chirst General body Regular UBRR 9:40 - 10:40 p.m. meeting meeting 8:15 a.m. - 4 p.m. Party 7 - 9 p.m. 9:40 - 7:30 p.m. 6 - 7 p.m.</p><p>7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Rec Sports: CDI: Black APEX: XUSOTA: Women’s Empowerment Self Love Sweet as Candy Weightlighting Experience Celebration Valentine Letters 4:30 - 5:15 p.m. 1 - 4 p.m. 6 - 7:30 p.m. 4:30 pm @xaviernewswire U.S. & World News January 28, 2021 3 Biden rescinds Trump-era policies Busy Biden administration promises policies on COVID-19, race and climate passing background checks BY ERIN ALBRIGHT and paying taxes. 6WDৼ:ULWHU Biden claims the move President Joe Biden has would also act as an economic spent his first week in office stimulus, should all 11 million working to change Trump- individuals be granted citizen- era policies on racial inequity, ship and enter the workforce. COVID-19, immigration and The Department of Home- climate change. land Security has announced 5DFLDO,QHTXLW\ it would pause all deporta- Biden prioritized racial eq- tions for 100 days. The Jus- uity from the beginning of his tice Department has ended campaign. Striving for racial Trump’s “zero tolerance” pol- equity would “lift all boats,” icy for immigrants, ending the Biden said, referencing former legal separation of children President John F. Kennedy’s Photo courtesy of creativecommons.org from their parents during the famous statement, “Rising The Biden administration was quick to roll out legislation surrounding racial inequity, COVID-19, immigration and citizenship process. tides lift all boats.” climate change. New policies have been aimed at overturning Trump-era orders perceived to be discriminatory. &OLPDWH&KDQJH This week, the President nation of profit-based incen- of his presidency. As Biden’s ident to pass his $1.9 trillion The U.S. has rejoined the has acted on his campaign tives will help alleviate 16% “full-scale wartime effort” to rescue package, which he says Paris Agreement, a major ele- statements by ending Justice of federal prisoners currently tackle the pandemic is put is designed to help families ment of his campaign and one Department contracts with in private prisons. into place, the administration and the U.S. economy recov- of the first actions Biden took private prisons and combat- The Affirmatively Fur- set new mask requirements on er. The package would give as president. ting housing discrimination, thering Fair Housing Rule interstate transportation and $1400 stimulus checks to Biden plans on signing a as well as selecting a histori- was reintroduced, an Obama- federal property. each household, a $400 boost wave of federal orders that cally diverse cabinet. era revision to the 1968 Fair Two factors that have weekly through September to will move to elevate climate Biden signed a memoran- Housing Act, which had been greatly constrained the inoc- those facing unemployment change efforts on every gov- dum on Tuesday condemning rolled back by Trump. This ulation effort so far have been and the minimum wage would ernmental level. Federal xenophobia and racism against provision acts as a safeguard vaccine supply and an inabili- be raised to $15 per hour na- agencies will soon be ordered Asian Americans. During the against discriminatory hous- ty by state and municipal gov- tionwide. to eliminate fossil fuel subsi- Trump administration, the ing practices by requiring ernments to administer vac- ,PPLJUDWLRQ dies. A 60-day ban has been ethnic group was frequently jurisdictions that receive fed- cines quickly. Biden announced he would placed on new federal leases and falsely blamed for causing eral funding to look for and Biden plans to purchase be sending the U.S. Citizen- and permits for oil drilling, what the Trump administra- analyze patterns of housing 200 million more doses to be ship Act of 2021 to Congress, with a fracking ban thought tion called the “Chinese Vi- discrimination, then present a authorized for emergency use, the start of reformation to by some to be on the horizon. rus.” In a series of executive plan to address the practices increasing the total vaccine the country’s immigration Jennifer M. Granholm, for- orders related to COVID-19, if they exist. supply from 400 million to system. The act would give an mer governor of Michigan, Biden banned the use of the &29,' 600 million. This would al- estimated 11 million undoc- is soon to face a confirmation phrase “Chinese Virus” in any After criticism of the in- low enough vaccine supply to umented immigrants a path- hearing as Biden’s nominee to government policy. oculation process under the inoculate the American adult way to citizenship. head the Department of En- Biden signed contracts to Trump administration, Pres- population by the end of the Any immigrants who were ergy. Granholm said that she end private prisons in an effort ident Biden has set a plan to summer. in the U.S. before Jan. 1, 2021 will confront climate change to reduce incarceration levels. have 100 million doses admin- Congress is currently fac- would be allowed to apply for for the administration, hoping Some believe that the elimi- istered in the first 100 days ing pressure from the Pres- temporary legal status after to shift the nation to a green The Lighter Side “The Weirdest, Wackiest and Wildest News of the Week!” Adobe pirates, wine ights, Bigfoot licensure, n-ass-al swabs 5DLOZD\ V\VWHPV 8)2V SHU D VWLSX- Mirror PRPHQW 0L- LQ 1RUWKHUQ &KL- ODWLRQ LQ WKH ODWHVW FURVRIW SDWHQWHG D QD VKXW GRZQ IRU &29,'UHOLHI ELOO QHZ WHFKQRORJ\ WKDW VHYHUDO KRXUV DIWHU -DQ FRXOG XVH LQIRUPD- FRPSDQ\ RIILFLDOV WLRQDERXWDGHFHDVHG IRUJRW WR XSGDWH $Q 2QWDULR EDUEHU- SHUVRQ WR FUHDWH D $GREH)ODVKRQWKH VKRSRSHQHGLWVGRRUV PHPRULDO DUWLILFLDO Photo courtesy of pixabay.com V\VWHP·V FRPSXWHU GHVSLWH SDQGHPLF LQWHOOLJHQFH FKDWERW Oklahoma residents grow concerned about the safety of the sasquatch. 5DLOURDG RIILFLDOV UHVWULFWLRQV EDUULQJ -DQ D ELOO WR HVWDEOLVK D RSSRVLWLRQ OHDGHU ILQDOO\ IL[HG WKH HU- VDORQ RSHQLQJV DIWHU %LJIRRW KXQWLQJ VHD- $OH[HL 1DYDOQ\ ZHUH URU E\ GRZQORDGLQJ UHJLVWHULQJLWVHOI DVD $PHULFDQ $LUOLQHV VRQ 6RFLDO PHGLD DUUHVWHGHQPDVVHDI- DSLUDWHGYHUVLRQRI ILOP VWXGLR )RU ZKLFK KDV QRW EHHQ FRPPHQWHUVIURPWKH WHUSHOWLQJSROLFHRI- WKHQRZXQDYDLODEOH FXVWRPHUV FDQ JHW D DEOH WR VHOO DOFRKRO VWDWH KDYH FDOOHG WKH ILFHUVZLWKVQRZEDOOV VRIWZDUH -DQ KDLUFXW ZKLOH ´DXGL- RQ IOLJKWV GXH WR LGHD ´SOXPE GXPEµ -DQ WLRQLQJµIRUDQXQGH- &29,' SUHFDX- -DQ 7KH &HQWUDO ,QWHO- WHUPLQHGILOPSURMHFW WLRQV KDV VWDUWHG D 7HQQHVVHH SROLFH OLJHQFH $JHQF\ KDV -DQ ZLQH GHOLYHU\ VHUYLFH $ 1DVKYLOOH ODZ\HU DUH VHDUFKLQJ IRU EHJXQ GHFODVVLI\LQJ IRU WKH VXUSOXV &XV- KDG KLV OLFHQVH VXV- WKH WKLHI ZKR VWROH GRFXPHQWV DERXW ,Q D UHDO OLIH Black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hoto courtesy of pixabay.com HUQPHQW·V DUUHVW RI \HDUV -DQ A rider in the COVID-19 relief bill forces the CIA to declassify UFO info. PDNHULVILJKWLQJIRU 4 January 28, 2021 Opinions & Editorials xaviernewswire.com Sorry, I wasn’t listening It’s not like I meant to ig- forget. quirky characters on TV who dangerous and unhinged. Ac- ashamed of my own. nore you, I just zoned out. I get distracted easily, so have no struggles outside of cording to the National Alli- It’s not a fun story or trend. There are a lot of noises right environments with too much getting sidetracked by squir- ance on Mental Illness, almost It’s my life and the lives of now that are making it impos- noise make it impossible to rels. half of the people killed by millions of others. It’s our re- sible to pay attention to any work. I can’t even focus in It’s the same thing with de- police have some kind of men- ality. We don’t get to put our one thing. It’s not like I meant Zoom classes because my pression. Shows like 13 Rea- tal ill- It’s not a fun story or trend. mental to miss your calls and texts dorm has too much stuff in it sons Why make suicide look like ness. It’s my life and the lives of mil- illness- today, but I was so upset last — stuff that I can fiddle with a revenge plot, and they hard- A n d lions of others. It’s our reality. es on night that I didn’t fall asleep or touch or write on or tap ly even mention mental illness yet, there when it’s until 5 a.m. It’s not like I’m on. My in the are growing trends on Tik- trendy and take them off not excited for this, but I had disorga- Being mentally and physical- first Tok where if you can blink to when it’s not. a panic attack last night and I nization ly exhausted constantly, losing all season. the beat of a song, you’re a so- It’s important to have a thought I was dying. skills motivation for basic activities and Being ciopath. Depression and anx- conversation about mental It’s just that I have ADHD, don’t tasks, ignoring friendships and re- mental- iety are treated as desirable health, and it’s important to anxiety and depression. And help lationships and feeling nothing at ly and quirks. Trends like “what I bring these issues into the it’s not fun, despite what the with that all is not something to make light phys- eat in a day” encourage disor- spotlight so they are no lon- internet and media often want either. of. ically dered eating, as was promoted ger shunned and ignored. But you to think. Some- ex- in the days of Tumblr and on it’s also important to realize Mental illness is roman- times I talk way too much. My hausted constantly, losing all the show Skins. these are real things that af- ticized and misrepresented family complains about my motivation for basic activities Romanticizing mental ill- fect real people. across TV and film, social me- stories that go on forever with and tasks, ignoring friend- ness can have dangerous con- So I’m sorry I wasn’t lis- dia and news. Mental illnesses way too much detail that adds ships and relationships and sequences. I have never been tening, I’ve just got a lot on are made into B-plots, jokes nothing to them but is nec- feeling nothing at all is not proud of my depression or my my mind. and sometimes even villainous essary to me. I love listening something to make light of. anxiety. I was only recently traits. to others, but sometimes it is My anxiety doesn’t make diagnosed with ADHD, which ADHD was never cute and absolutely impossible, which me stutter adorably or blush validated the struggles I had quirky for me. It was begging often makes me come off as a or anything else portrayed by all my life. I don’t really like my sister to tie me to a chair bad sibling and a bad friend. those on screen. I have panic to tell people about my mental so I couldn’t keep walking I’m sensitive to smells, cer- attacks and anxiety attacks, illnesses, but I don’t hide them away from my homework. It tain noises and textures. I hate and sometimes going out and because I know that these con- Grace Hamilton is was forgetting about entire the feeling of tags, and when interacting in public is nearly versations are important. D ÀUVW\HDU SROLWLFDO homework assignments until my hands don’t have the right impossible. But when I see teens on so- science major. She it was time to turn them in. “texture,” I tend to freak out. In real life, people with cial media influenced by art- is a staff writer for I can’t remember anything I don’t want any of this. mental illnesses are demon- sy edits and trends that pro- Newswire from Akron, unless I write it down on my Yet, ADHD is often shown ized and mistreated. On the mote and romanticize mental Ohio. hands, and even then I still as slightly distractible and news, they are represented as illness, I get upset and more A memo to Black Lives Matter As a White American did not embrace nonvio- of this from the Civil Rights cial equality in Birmingham our leaders who claim to from White suburbia, I fash- lent strategies at all times, era are the Montgomery Bus made it safer for everyone support BLM accountable. ion myself as an ally to the showed us exactly how us- Boycotts beginning in 1955 involved. Let’s put pressure on Black community. ing the basic ideas behind and the March on Washing- The support of some of those in power to foster I partake in protesting, strategic nonviolence can ton for Jobs and Freedom in the local White communi- meaningful change like we petition signing and educat- put more pressure on the es- 1963. In both instances, there ty, the use of the media to have successfully done in the ing those around me in the tablishment. This pressure was much planning put into showcase the brutality of not-so-distant past. Final- White community about invokes legislative change effectively disrupting a sec- White supremacy and con- ly, continue to care, because how important it is we stand by exposing the flaws of the tor of public life to become tinued perseverance by al- the “good guys” can win this up to support our Black radical right wing, consumed a voice for change, not by be- lies despite intimidation and fight. brothers and sisters in this in their White privilege and ing violent, but through civil threats coming from the ene- country. ignorance to the reality of disobedience. my would prove to overcome With that said, I do not race in America. Communities of support- those initial challenges pre- find the current methods of Accompanying such acts ers rallied around popular sented by the push for racial revolt against an unjust sys- of civil resistance is the el- figures like Rosa Parks and equality. tem to be working. ement of intentional spon- Martin Luther King Jr., see- In short: BLM, please re- Will Pembroke is a Canceling people on social taneity, which continuously ing their plight in the face member the great history of VRSKRPRUH 3KLORVR media, lashing out against boosts the energy and sup- of discrimination and racial the Civil Rights Movement. SK\ 3ROLWLFV DQG WKH right-wing radicalism in a port around a prolonged dissension. Adhere to the strategies Public major. He is tribal way and encouraging movement such as the Civil Strategic nonviolence did of nonviolent action which WKH 0XOWLPHGLD (GL open acts of violence by not Rights Movement or BLM. not come without its risks, have been proven to work. tor for Newswire from denouncing and separating By planning for spon- however. Those involved We are alive at a time of *OHQ(OO\Q,OO them from the Black Lives taneous acts of strategic risked imprisonment and great opportunity. A Dem- Matter (BLM) movement is nonviolence, not only is the injury even though their ul- ocratic administration has stoking the fire of the right- attention and spotlight con- timate goal of equality was taken the Presidential office, Disagree? wing. It is not achieving tinuously kept on the issue at not a certain achievement. In and the Democratic Party Want to respond? meaningful enough prog- hand, but it also often leaves order to combat these fears, controls Congress. Now is ress. the opposition unorganized strength in numbers was the time to act. Now is the Email: The Civil Rights move- and exposed. required. The more people time to take this movement [email protected] ment in America, while it Key successful examples joining in on the push for ra- to the next level by holding </p><p>Arts & Entertainment Social Media and Online Adviser HGX RU DW ZZZ[DYLHUQHZV- THE STAFF Editor Editor John Stowell ZLUHFRP Editor-in-Chief Kate Ferrell Mya Priester Heather Gast Mission Statement For Your Information Back Page Editor Multimedia Manager The Xavier Newswire is Xavier Newswire is pub- Managing Editor Aidan Callahan Hunter Ellis committed to reporting the lished weekly throughout the Alex Budzynski news as well as explain its school year, except during Head Copy Editor Multimedia Editor VLJQLÀFDQFH WR UHDGHUV ,Q YDFDWLRQV DQG ÀQDO H[DPV Campus News Editor 0ROO\.+XOOLJDQ Will Pembroke addition, through publish- by the students of Xavier Joseph Cotton ing opposing viewpoints and University, 3800 Victory Copy Editors Photography Editor opinions, the Newswire hope Parkway, Cincinnati, OH World News Editor Nina Benich, Stella DeMar- Desmond Fischer to foster a dialogue on cam- Mo Juenger co, Chloe Salveson, Maggie pus, among students, faculty Schroeder, Tess Brewer Distribution Manager DQGVWDII Newswire also releases Joseph Cotton Opinions & Editorials online articles and a news- Staff Writers Editor Advertising letter on Monday mornings Sebastian Aguilar, Erin Cartoonist Charlie Gstalder All inquiries should be and works with XUFM to pro- Albright, Jake Geiger, Grace Evana Dias directed to the Business duce a weekly radio show, Hamilton, Jacob Smith, Sports Editor Manager, Melissa Navarra Xavier Newswire Live Joe Clark Andrew Zerman E\HPDLODWQHZVZLUH#[DYLHU @xaviernewswire Opinions & Editiorials January 28, 2021 5 The Left’s biggest issue is branding They say fascism would far cry from the police reform I have to give props to An- ist. vide things like free public come to America wrapped in leftists advocate for. While drew Yang for the branding Instead of trying to change transportation and socialized a flag and a Bible, so I don’t we would divert most of the of his campaign. He wanted the stigma around words such healthcare due to the fact that see why socialism couldn’t be police funding toward things to implement a universal ba- as “socialism” and “communal their industries just don’t the same. like education spending and sic income, which seems like ownership of the means of work in a free market. The The branding for leftist investments in the communi- it would be a socialist policy, production,” the left should supply and demand curves are ideas absolutely sucks, mostly ties directly, it wouldn’t mean but he didn’t get labeled a so- instead disguise it as the fu- inelastic, so they would actu- due to the fact that ideas like that the police system would cialist. ture of ally obstruct the free market. “socialism” and “welfare” have be abolished. This It’s much easier to explain to a capital- We’re actually promoting been demonized in this coun- The police system I advo- is be- steel mill worker “Hey, under a su- ism and capitalism in order to sneak in try. Socialism isn’t the Sovi- cate for would have higher cause, per-capitalism you would own a so much socialist policies. This way we et style communism that it’s requirements to join, such as in- part of the steel mill you work for private could minimize the amount of popularly equated to, nor does a minimum of one year of stead as opposed to getting them to read own- people pushed away by buzz- welfare just mean unemploy- police training and a focus on o f 30 books by dead Russian dudes. ership words with garbage branding. ment and food stamps. community engagement rath- calling that ev- Instead, I encourage leftists to Socialism is an economic er than militarization. How- himself a socialist, he called eryone privately owns part of advocate for the same policies school of thought, and so- ever, the branding surround- himself a “human centered their business. we’ve been trying to pass, but cial theory that advocates ing “defund the police” only capitalist” and advocated for It’s much easier to explain instead make them sound su- for heavy regulation of in- serves to push people away “human centered capitalism,” to a steel mill worker, “Hey, per patriotic and capitalistic. dustries along with a strong from a cause they’d otherwise which is just socialism that under super-capitalism you The future for the Demo- working class through unions agree with. sounds more American. would own a part of the steel cratic Party isn’t socialism its and other organizations. Oth- This is why I propose left- The only reasons his cam- mill you work for,” as op- Super Capitalism. er examples of bad branding ists ditch terms that have bad paign didn’t take off were his posed to having them unlearn are buzzwords and phrases branding like “socialism” and relative obscurity and the fact American Cold War propa- used such as “defund the po- “communism” and instead that he didn’t capitalize on his ganda by getting them to read lice.” create new ones so we can endorsements. How do you 30 books written by dead Rus- The phrase “defund the po- dupe people into voting for get Donald Glover to endorse sian dudes. lice’’ is extremely aggressive policies that would fall under you and I don’t hear about it? This way, you could advo- and pushes people away from these namesakes. Therefore, I think the fu- cate that you’re so into the Sebastian Aguilar is the movement. The phrase Instead of calling it “so- ture of branding for the Dem- free markets that you’d seek a junior political sci- makes it seem like leftists cialized healthcare,” call it Pa- ocratic Party is to use the the abolition of service-based ence major. He is a staff would remove the police from triotCare: providing health- Yang strategy. That is to say industries from market forc- writer for Newswire from existence and have the people care to all the patriots in the branding oneself not as a so- es such as transportation and Northbrook, Ill. fend for themselves. This is a country free of charge. cialist but as a super-capital- healthcare. You could pro- What is normal, anyway? Society is very much entered the eighth grade. is what should be strived for, ward “finding a cure.” There for normalcy and the disabil- shaped by what is deemed to I recall the underlying and that is the product of are many more organiza- ity hierarchy is to increase be “normal.” The gross lack rhetoric towards disabilities the socially constructed hi- tions like this, particularly disability representation in of disability representation those around me used. They erarchy of disabilities. This with non-physical disabil- the media. in the media and in promi- framed it as a disease and a is dangerous because it can ities. I am just using an or- The media has to stop nent positions in society are burden. They viewed it as lead to negative self-percep- ganization that people might showing the straight White reflective of what is “nor- a fracture in a person that tions in those with disabili- be familiar with. person without a disability mal” and “acceptable.” needed to be fixed. ties and mental health prob- I believe that I reside on as the only acceptable form The little disability rep- I have heard the phrase lems down the road. the top of what is deemed to of normalcy. That alienates a resentation in the media is “don’t let a disability define It really does not help that be the “disability hierarchy.” lot of people. Another thing usually made up of those you” so many times in dif- some disability-based or- I am studying to be a teacher. that could be done is the edu- who reside at the top of the ferent contexts that I have ganizations allocate a great I am in leadership positions. cation of students about dis- “disability hierarchy.” The lost count. That statement amount of their funds to- I have a good social life. I do abilities in the classroom at a disability hierarchy is the sounds innocent, but it ward finding a “cure” for a not have a noticeable disabil- young age. product of an ableist society. frames the disability as a bad particular disability rather ity. These are all great privi- Everyone should learn It is a social construct in thing. than focus on helping fos- leges, and they come in part about disabilities, not just which those who appear to Given those ideas, it is ter a positive environment because I can fit that societal those whose majors necessi- be less disabled are more not surprising that I would for those who have it. That definition of “normal” with a tate education about disabil- likely to be accepted by soci- feel the way that I did. My contributes to the disability bit of effort. ities. ety. This construct needs to parents certainly never put hierarchy and the strive for Many in the disability be abolished for the well-be- those ideas in my head. But normalcy. community do not have that ing of others. when everyone else around An example of a so-called privilege and their potential When I was in grade you talks poorly about it, you charity would be Autism may be wasted because soci- school, I had this heavy de- are more likely to believe the Speaks. According to a 2015 ety sees them for who they Andrew Zerman is a sire to “be normal.” Sure ideas of the majority of peo- CNN article, they allocate are not rather than for who junior English major. enough, I gained the skills ple. just 4% of their funds to they are. He is a staff writer for to greatly internalize my Many people with disabil- helping autistic individuals. Perhaps a good first step Newswire from Cleve- disability by the time I had ities believe that “normalcy” A whopping 44% goes to- to deconstructing the strive land, Ohio. 6 January 28, 2021 Sports @xaviernewswire Analysis: MLB o season trades Padres acquire Snell and Darvish while Mets pick up Lindor, Carrasco BY LUKE SERVELLO the Mets system in exchange. Guest Writer Similar to Mookie Betts, who got traded from the Red Sox Oftentimes the criticism of to the Dodgers last offseason, baseball is that it’s too slow Lindor is a legitimate face of developing. This year’s MLB the franchise type of player. offseason,like many others in At least the Red Sox got the past, resembles that same highly regarded prospects for concept off the field. him, such as Jeter Downs and Leagues like the NBA, Alex Verdugo who were at NHL and NFL typically have the time either current or for- their stars who are free agents mer top 100 prospects. The sign new deals within days of Indians failed to get a similar free agency beginning. return for their superstar. This is simply not the 3. San Diego Padres ac- case in the MLB. Free agen- quire Yu Darvish along cy opened on Nov. 1, and the with Victor Caratini in ex- first free agent to sign a deal change for five players, in- was Robbie Ray who signed a cluding right handed pitch- one-year, $8 million contract er Zach Davies. on Nov. 7. Davies is the only MLB No disrespect to Robbie player the Cubs got in return; Ray, but he has the highest the other four guys consist of walk rate of any qualified three who have never reached pitcher since 2018, and he Photo courtesy of Creative Commons a level higher than the Do- isn’t exactly the most sought Francisco Lindor is on the move this offseason, as the All-Star shortstop was traded from the Indians to the minican Summer League after free agent in the world. 0HWVIRUDSDFNDJHRISURVSHFWVDORQJZLWKPDMRUOHDJXHLQÀHOGHUV$PHG5RVDULRDQG$QGUHV*LPHQH] and 2020 second round pick This offseason has moved As we know, the Padres but with a star-studded ros- los Carrasco from the In- Owen Caissie. at a snail’s pace and then were one of the most excit- ter, the time to win in San dians in exchange for four This move signals a re- some. This offseason has so ing teams to watch in base- Diego is now. Adding 2018 players including the Mets build for the Cubs, consider- far been more about trades ball last year — so exciting American League Cy Young number nine and ten pros- ing Darvish finished second than free agency. that they were given the winner Blake Snell could be a pects. in the National League Cy Here are the three most nickname “Slam Diego” af- move that puts them over the This, to me, was a heist. Young voting in 2020. impactful trades that MLB ter the team seemed to hit a top. With one of the best players Between Snell and Dar- teams have made. grand slam just about every 2. Mets acquire short- in the league in Lindor, the vish the Padres acquired two 1. Padres acquire Blake night. The Padres gave up stop Francisco Lindor and Indians should’ve gotten at pitchers who have potential Snell for four prospects good prospects in this deal, right-handed pitcher Car- least one top five prospect in to be aces atop their rotation. Xavier women’s basketball loses at Seton Hall BY JAKE GEIGER Sports 6WDৼ:ULWHU Xavier women’s basketball has had a rollercoaster season Banter so far with a few key wins and a rash of postponements due Xavier Ticket Update to COVID-19. The Musketeers returned While Xavier is still limited to action last Saturday after to hosting 300 spectators being off 20 days because of inside Cintas Center, stu- COVID-19 postponements dents will have a chance to with other Big East schools. attend events. Tickets need On Saturday, Xavier fell to to be requested in advance the Seton Hall Pirates 85-59 of Cintas Center events, in South Orange, N.J. and the ticket window for The Musketeers got off the next three events will to a slow start as they were open up today at 3 p.m. down 45-16 heading into halftime. Xavier did manage TB12 does it again to win the second half by two points, but ultimately lost by Tom Brady and the Tampa by 26 in the end. Bay Buccaneers defeated Leading the way for Se- the Green Bay Packers on ton Hall was graduate stu- Sunday to advance to the dent Andrea Espinoza-Hunt- Super Bowl. If Brady wins, er with 28 points. Helping it’ll be his sevenh Super out Espinoza-Hunter were Bowl win — more than any guards Desiree Elmore and indiviual team in the NFL. Mya Jackson with 13 points For more on the NFL, read each. Will Pembroke’s article on With the win, Seton Hall xaviernewswire.com went to 8-3 overall and 6-2 in Big East Conference. He’s a mean one, Mr. K It was not the cleanest game in terms of managing It’s no secret that Duke men’s basketball head the ball, as Xavier committed Newswire photo by Desmond Fischer 28 turnovers compared to 24 Xavier women’s basketball fell on the road to Seton Hall last Saturday before going on pause due to COVID-19 coach Mike Krzyewski is an for the Pirates. LVVXHVZLWKLQWKHSURJUDP7KH0XVNHWHHUVKDYHKDGVHYHQJDPHVSRVWSRQHGGXHWR&29,'WKLVVHDVRQ incredibly sore loser, and he Seton Hall also outre- points each for Xavier. The due to COVID-19 related is- tal games postponed due to showed that again last Sat- bounded Xavier 44-33. For Musketeers fell to 4-5 overall sues. COVID-19. This is Xavier’s urday. Coach K belittled a the Musketeers, guard Nia and 1-4 in the Big East this With this pause, four first COVID-19 issue within student reporter who asked Clark had 14 points while season with this loss. games have already been the team. a fair question, likening making four three-pointers. This past Monday, the postponed within the week The team needs to play losing to unranked Louis- Junior guard Carrie Gross Xavier Athletics Department against DePaul, Villanova, 13 games to be eligible for ville to the “world’s hardest had seven points, while Kae announced that the wom- Marquette and Providence. the NCAA Tournament. econ test.” Satterfield, Aaliyah Dun- en’s basketball team would To date, the Musketeers The next scheduled game for ham and Deja Ross added six be on a temporary pause now have had seven to- Xavier is Feb. 6. @xaviernewswire Arts & Entertainment January 28, 2021 07 News Crew listens to blue tunes</p><p>BY TESS BREWER maturity may be stuck in the 6WDৼ:ULWHU latent period. </p><p>Left to our own devices The Chaotic Sardonic and neurosis, 2020 was a year Top 5 Songs: of in-home escapism. For the “Blinding Lights” tumultuous mental state, no “All of the Lights” better remedy exists than that “Empire State of Mind” of artistic consumption. “Spikes” Thanks to the rise of music “A Real Hero” streaming services, we have a Top 5 Artists: Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons way to delve into the individ- Death Grips ual psyche, a tool colloquially Eeyore the donkey, and you Kanye West known as “<a href="/tags/Spotify/" rel="tag">Spotify</a> Wrapped.” know now that if Eeyore had Beastie Boys Photo Courtesy of Cnet.com A few brave Newswirans opposable thumbs, he would Kendrick Lamar “January” The Melancholy Gamer opened up their playlists to be probably be a smoker. Tyler, The Creator Top 5 Artists: Top 5 Songs: psychoanalyzed by a non-cer- Your fantasies about run- A full blown case of the Id. <a href="/tags/Joji_(musician)/" rel="tag">Joji</a> “Every Little Thing” tified psychology major. I do ning away to start a bucket You were the type to bite kids Young the Giant “Italo Disco” not claim to know what I’m hat shop with Earl Sweatshirt on the playground. If Kanye, <a href="/tags/Twenty_One_Pilots/" rel="tag">Twenty One Pilots</a> “Horsey” talking about, which is an are dangerously far-fetched. Kendrick and Tyler weren’t Hozier “How To Build A Relation- understanding in the field of enough, Death Grips as your Cavetown ship” psychoanalysis. The Obsessive Sweetie top artist displays that you The fact that Joji’s under- “Freaks” The names herein have Top 5 Songs: were exposed to far too much eye bags haunt your dreams is Top 5 Artists: been changed to personality “Thunder Road” loud, grinding noise as an in- indicative of an unconscious Tyler, The Creator types to protect anonymity “I See the Light” fant. desire to return to the emo JPEGMAFIA (and enhance relatability). “Teardrops On My Guitar” Perhaps your mother ran state. This desire makes it- Denzel Curry “Ordinary Girl” the garbage disposal too self obvious in the addition Madlib The Sedate Sad Boy “We’re All in This Togeth- much? of Twenty One Pilots to your Joey Bada$$ Top 5 Songs: er” top artist list. You drift between sessions “Self Control” Top 5 Artists: The Repentant Emo However, you are growing. of introspective dejection and “Na Fr” Taylor Swift Top 5 Songs: Hozier makes an appearance, lo-fi flippancy. You still haven’t “Solo” Benny Martin “Kathy’s Song” as well as the quintessential gotten over when your mom “Reality Check” Bruce Springsteen “Saw You in a Dream” Simon and Garfunkel. I am sold your Pokemon cards, and “All I Need” The Cast of HSM “Slow Dancing in the Dark” fully confident that there is you long for the days when Top 5 Artists: Fred Mollin “Instant Crush” hope for you yet. you could just wear the same <a href="/tags/Frank_Ocean/" rel="tag">Frank Ocean</a> You try to go to your happy shirt to school everyday. MIKE place often, but this finds you With Tyler as your top Earl Sweatshirt trying to relive glory days artist, it’s obvious you har- Noname — this might bring on a full bor some discontent; Madlib Medhane blown quarter-life crisis if shows that you have a soft You’re very poetic, and you you aren’t careful. core in the end. cry a bit more than the av- The High School Musical My final consensus, after erage Frank Ocean listener. Soundtrack interspersed with exploring the select musical You weren’t exposed to sec- Folklore is very telling of this. tastes of the Newswire, is one ondhand smoke at a young You are very comfortable in universal truth: you could all age, but you were exposed to your current state, but your Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons use a hug. WW1984 has fans wondering why they watched </p><p> ates a wall to cut the Middle The third thing you need East in half out of nothing. to know about WW84 is that, So why not just have Won- despite me roasting it for this der Woman’s boyfriend appear entire article, it does have a out of thin air? I don’t know, I ton of potential. guess the stone just hated that Pedro Pascal and Kristen other man in particular. Wiig play the two villains, and Our heroes don’t really care they are both fantastic. Every about him either, as they don’t time they are on screen, the even once stop to ask, “What movie actually becomes enter- happened to the guy original- taining. ly in this body? Where is he? The action scenes in this Is it wrong for us to be using movie are also stellar. The his body like a meat puppet?” fight choreographers knock The second thing you need it out of the park and many to know about WW84 is that sequences make great use of it is a 90 minute movie with a practical effects, rather than two and a half hour run time. being a CGI mess like DC There’s this great scene in movies usually are. Captain America: The Winter The most tragic thing about Soldier where they address the this movie is that it seems like fact that Cap has woken up in it would have been so easy to a brand new time. It’s a quick fix. The biggest problem is scene where he shows his the script, which was written friend a list of the pop culture solely by the film’s director. Photo courtesy of Creative Commons he needs to catch up on. It’s a If she had solicited help The newest Wonder Woman movie has left many wondering why it was even created. With a poorly written good, quick gag. from another writer, or may- VFULSWDQRYHUDOOODFNRIVHQVLFDOSORWDQGXQHFFHVVDULO\ORQJVFHQHVWKLVÀOPLVQRWDWWKHWRSRIZDWFKOLVWV At least twenty minutes of be even written another draft BY AIDAN CALLAHAN the hell it wants. That’s all fine and dandy this movie is Wonder Wom- (or two…(or three…)) I think %DFN3DJH(GLWRU The entire plot of the mov- until the stone brings him an’s newly awoken boyfriend this could have been one of ie hinges on something called back and they discover that he walking around the ‘80s going the best DC movies yet. The first thing you need to the “Dreamstone,” which is has taken over the body of an- “oooh…” I cannot overstate But she didn’t, so we’re know about Wonder Woman literally a stone that makes other man. how fast this gets old. stuck with great actors and 1984 is that it doesn’t make a your dreams come true. Won- “Oh,” you may be asking, Oh, and don’t worry, if you great action in service of a goddamn lick of sense. Some- der Woman’s dream is to have “So does the stone just not thought there wasn’t going to terrible story. times, it likes to pretend it her boyfriend that she dated have the ability to conjure be a five-minute ‘80s clothing The final thing you need to makes sense. Other times, it for a week 60 years ago come things out of thin air?” No, at montage, then you can rest know about WW84 is that it is just decides to do whatever back to life. one point it pretty clearly cre- easy. a solid 2/5. 8 January 28, 2021 The Back Page xaviernewswire.com</p><p>I need some advice. Dearest WWJCD, Dear A friend of mine, let’s call When dealing with people with di er- him “Rufus,” holds di er- ent beliefs, it’s important to listen to one an- Almanzo, ent political beliefs than I other. It’s always easier to villainize the oppos- 6WDৼ:ULWHU do. We’ve been friends since freshman year, and we have a lot ing view and classify them as stupid or evil, of fun hanging out together, but I don’t know how I can allow but the world isn’t that simple. Instead myself to be around someone with such upsetting views. of holding a binary view of good and I, like most individuals of sane intellect, believe that bad, try to understand why they hold Julius Caesar was a great Roman leader. However, Rufus their beliefs. believes the only sin Brutus committed was not killing him Di erent people come from earlier. It’s infuriating! Julius Caesar defeated Vercingetorix di erent backgrounds and hold dif- and took control of Gaul. He dethroned Ptolemy and gave ferent values. Asking them to explain the Egyptian monarchy to Cleopatra — girl power! their beliefs is a good way to understand He was an amazing military commander, yet he where they’re coming from and to nd also showed mercy by pardoning Cicero and Brutus (that some common ground you both agree on. back-stabbing bastard) aer they were on the losing team of Don’t stop listening to them just because the Civil War. Once, Caesar was kidnapped by pirates and held for what they’re saying contradicts what you ransom, and what did Caesar do when he was freed? He went back hold in your head to be true. and arrested every single one of those damn pi- Allow your own beliefs to be rates. Yet, out of his merciful kindness, he cut all challenged. of their throats before crucifying them to shorten Sure, he gave citizenship their pain. I mean…talk about compassion. He to the people of Gaul, but that came, he saw, he kicked absolute ass and solidied was aer killing 20% of their Rome as the unrefuted powerhouse of antiquity. population. Some people Rufus is always saying stu like, “Julius Cae- would consider that a geno- sar destroyed the Roman Republic and started the cide. gradual decline of Roman power.” What an idiot! I Is your friendship had to unfollow Rufus on Twitter, but it’s harder to doomed? at depends on unfollow him as a roommate. Is our friendship whether you’re condent enough in doomed? your own beliefs to be around opposing views Help me out here, without feeling threatened. ere are better WWJCD ways of judging whether a person is worth being around other than their beliefs, such as how they treat you and how they treat others. But yes, that Caesar pirate story is badass. Hope this helps, Almanzo,M. D. </p><p>Aries: Enjoy work this week. Leo: Stop watching anime. There is Sagittarius: I’m gonna need you to Try not to focus on the fact a only one good anime and it is Attack shut up about all your unimportant Redditor made $25 million in a on Titan. Dragon Ball Z gets a pass problems. Halsey is pregnant and day by memeing the stock mar- too, but don’t push it. that is the only thing that matters ket. Just keep pretending money this week. is real. Virgo: Stop gendering alcohol. Capricorn: You really gotta work Mike’s Hard Lemonade can be for on your hairstyle. Dr. Hanycz saw Taurus: Do NOT listen to your boys too. It is MIKE’S after all. you on her campus visit and is now horoscope this week. considering stepping down from the presidency before she even begins. Libra: Remember you don’t need to Gemini: In his first week in be a genius to find success in your Aquarius: Know your place. How office, Joe Biden has signed 30 field. Sigmund Freud was a cocaine you gonna roast someone’s home executive orders. What have you addict who wanted to get with his state then be living in Ohio? done in the first two weeks of mom, but we still talk about him to school? Taken 30 naps? this day. Pisces: You have peaked. Cancer: Your purpose in life is to You will never be happier Scorpio: Need a break from dorm then when you were a kid make Christianity appeal to young- life? Simply tell the school you have er generations. Perhaps instead of COVID-19 for a free two-week stay watching the Suite Life/ holy water, the next generation can in the luxury Hilton Garden Inn Hannah Montana/That’s So be baptized using holy vape juice. down the road. Raven crossover episode.</p>
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