Automotive Electronics in North America Primary Report Volume I June 1990 "^^^^^ / Morris Kindig> Project Director Thomas Black Associate Editor/Senior Associate V ^J::^^_ "dJy-^^^^ Dennis D^r^ Database/Senior Associate Research/Senior Associate The content of this report represents our interpretation and analysis of information generally avail­ able to the public or released by knowledgeable individuals in'the subject industry, but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. It does not contain material provided to us in confidence by our clients. This information is not furnished in connection with a sale or offer to sell securities, or in connec­ tion with the solicitation of an offer to buy securities. This firm and its parent and/or their officers, stockholders, or members of their families may, from time to time, have a long or short position in the securities mentioned and may sell or buy such securities. Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted, in any form or by any means—mechanical, elec­ tronic, photocopying, duplicating, microfilming, videotape, or otherwise—without the prior written per­ mission of the publisher. © 1990 Dataquest Incorporated Dataquest - Automotive Electronics in North America (c) TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction. Objective erf ^ Study 1 Scope of the Study 1 Geographic Coverage 1 Assumpfcns 1 Definition of Terms 2 Definition of Cfeitegories 3 Vefiide Categories 3 Bectronic !\/lodule/System Categories 3 Model Year/Calendar Year Conversion 5 Methodology. Database Definition 7 Database Structure 7 Datatase Information 8 Primary Research 9 Secondary Research 10 Market Analysis. 11 Economic Forecast 11 Vehicle Forecast 12 General Motors Outlook 13 Ford Motor Company Outiook 13 Ohrysier McSors Outlook 14 Transplant Suf^ter Outlook 14 Becironic Systems/Modules 14 Powertrain 15 Entertainment 17 Vehicle Controls 18 Driver Informatton 18 Body Bectronics 19 Saf^, Comfort, Convenience 19 Components 20 Semiconductors 20 Other Components 21 Key Trends & Issues 87 ABS Overview and Trends 87 Packaging 89 Toward World Standards 92 Doors Off Manufacturing 97 Transplant Operations 99 United States Transii^nts 101 Canada Transplants 103 Mexico Transplants 104 The European Community 105 Page i Dataquest - Automotive Electronics in North America (c) Salient Environmental Problems In Eastern Europe 108 Auto Bectronics - The Second Wave 110 Navigational Aids 112 Government Regulation 117 Global Alliances 121 Chrysler. 122 Ford 123 General Motors. 123 Notable Alliances Involving Foreign-based Automakers 124 The Ascent of Japan 127 Alternative Fuels 132 Smart Highways: Landscaping the Future 137 UST OF TABLES, HGURES, PHOTOS Table 1 - Model Year vs. Calendar Year Production 6 Rgure 1 - Model Year vs. Calendar Year Production Graph 6 Rgure 2 - Overall Structure of Datatase 7 Table 2 - Semiconduclor Categories 9 Table 3 - Other Component Categories 9 Top Five Countries in Motor Vehicle F.'oduction 12 Photo - Engine Contra) Modules 16 Photo - Audio System breakdown 17 Estimated SemiconducJor Manufacturer Market Share MY90 21 Rgure 3 - N.A. Vehicle Productton Units by Manifec- turer 23 Rgure 4 - N.A Vehicle Production Market Share by Manufacturer 24 Rgure 5 - N.A. Vehicle Productfon Units by Country 25 Rgure 6 - N.A. Vehicle Productbn Market Share by Country 26 Rgure 7 - N.A. Vehicle Productton Units by Cars vs. Trucks 27 Rgure 8 - N.A. Vehicle Producttons Market Share by Cars vs. Trucks 28 Rgure 9 - N.A. Passenger Car Productton Units by Manufacturer 29 Rgure 10 - N.A. Passenger Car Productton Market Share by Manufacturer 30 Rgure 11 - N.A. Transplant Vehicle Production Units by Manufacturer 31 Rgure 12 - N.A. Transplant Vehicle Pnoduciion Market Share by Manufacturer 32 Figure 13 - N.A. Passenger Car Production Uruts by Vehide Category 33 Rgure 14 - N.A. Passenger Car ProducUon Mwket Share by Vehicle Category 34 Rgure 15 - NA Truck Productton Units by Vehide Category 35 Rgure 16 - N.A. Truck Production Market Share by Vehide Category 36 Rgure 17 - NA System^odiies Value by Manufac­ turer 37 Rgure 18 - N.A. Systems'Modules Market Share by Manufacturer 38 Rgure 19 - N.A. Systems/Modules Value Cars vs. Trucks 39 Rgure 20 - N.A. Systems/Modules Market Share Cars Page ii vs. Trucks 40 Rgure 21 - N.A. Systems/Modules Value by Country 41 Dataquest - Automotive Electronics in North America (c) Rgure 22 - N.A. Systems/Modules Market Share by Country 42 Rgure 23 - NA. Passenger Car Systems/ModiJes Value by Vetiide Category 43 Rgure 24 - N A Passenger Car SystwnaModules Markei Share by vdhide Category 44 Rgure 25 - N A Ught Truck Systerns/ModUes Value by Vehide Category 45 Rgure 26 - NA. Light Truck Sysi^ns/ModiJes Market Share by Vehide Category 46 Rgure 27 - GM Systems/Modules Value by Division. 47 Rgure 28 - GM Systems/Modiies Marke* Share by Division 48 Rgure 29 - Ford Motor Company SystenrKi/Modules Value by Car Line 49 Rgure X - Ford Motor Company SystemsWodUes Market Share by Car Line 50 Rgure 31 - Chryder SystemsWod Jes Value by Car Line 51 Rgue 32 - Chrysler Systerns/ModJes Market Share byCarLre 52 Rgure 33 - N A Transplant Systems/ModiJes VaJue by Manufacturer 53 Rgure 34 - NA. Transplant SystemaWoduies Market Share by Mani^cturer 54 Figure 35 - N A Truck Systems^odules Value by Manufacturer 55 Rgure 36 - N.A. Truck Systems/F^todJes Market Stiare by Manufacturer 56 Rgure 37 - NA Vehicle Systems/Modules Value by System Category 57 Rgure 38 - N.A. Vehicle Systems/Modules Market Sh&e by System Category 58 Rgure 39 - N.A. Vehicle Systerns/Modules Average Value per Vehide 59 Figure 40 - N.A. Passenger Cars (nstaliation Rates of Selected herns 60 Figure 41 - N.A. Passenger Cars Installation Rates of Selected Items 61 Rgure 42 - N.A. Semiconductor Value by Manufiac- turer 62 Figure 43 - N.A. IC Surface Mount Penetration by Manufacturer 63 Rgure 44 - N.A. Data Converter Value by Manufac­ turer 64 Figure 45 - N A Voltage Regulator Value by Manufac­ turer 65 Rgure 46 - N.A. Special Automotive IC Value by Manufacturer 66 Figure 47 - NA. Custom Linear IC Value by Manufac­ turer 67 Rgure 48 - N.A. 4-6it MCU Value by tyianufacturer 68 Rgure 49 - N.A. 8-Bit MCU Value by l^nufadurer 69 Figure 50-N.A. 16-BitMCU Value by Manufacturer 70 Rgure 51 - N.A. Cell-based Logic Value by Manufac­ turer 71 Rgure 52 - N.A. EEPROM Value by Manufacturer 72 Rgure 53 - N.A. EPROM Value by Manufacturer 73 Rgure 54 - N.A. SRAM Value by Manufacturer 74 Rgure 55 - N A Power TransisJor Value by Manuiac- turer 75 Rgure 56 - NA LED Lamp Value by Manufacturer 76 Page Hi Rgure 57 - NA Opto Coupler Value by Manufacturer. 77 Rgure 58 - N.A. Surface Mount Resistor Penetration 78 Rgure 59 - N.A. Surface Mount Capacitor Penetratton 79 Dataquest - Automotive Electronics in North America (c) Rgure 60 - NA Internal Connector Units 80 ABS Woridwlde Maik&t Shares 88 Photo - Cars rolling off assernbly line at NUMMI 94 World Manufacturers Market Slwes 100 Passenger Car Production by Couriry 105 East Europe Potential 106 Progress of Electronic Tech rctogy. 111 Photo - Bosch Travelpiot 112 Photo - GM Impact 132 Alternative Fuel Costs 133 Pros & Cons of Various Alternate Fuels 135 Page iv Dataquest - Automotive Electronics in North America (c) INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The objective of this study is to provide Data- manufacturing origin. The attempts to quest clients with comprehensive and qualita­ segregate modiSe content by coimtry of origin tive information, based on quantitative and prov&d to be more difficult than had been en­ statistically \^d data, on the use and trends visioned; this study therefore analyzes the con­ for electronic moduleysystems, semiconduc­ tent of oB modules tised in vehides produced tors, and components in the North American in North America. automotive market. It vras undertaken with the intent that the report of findings be regarded as the definitive research document for this market for model years 1988 through ASSUMPTIONS 1995. The following assumptions were made from the outset SCOPE OF THE STUDY 1. To the extent feasible, all information is reported on a model-year basis (see erolana- GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE tion below on "model year" versus "cdendar year"). The study fooLses on the use of Automotive Electronics in North America. It encompasses 2. Market-share information is based on all passenger cars and light trucks produced in production volumes, not registrations (sales the United States, Canada and Mexico, units by vehicle), as production numbers more whether for local consumption or for export reliably indicate the potential available market It identifies every electronic module/system for a given supply base. used in eveiy make and model of vehicle as­ sembled in these countries, regardless of 3. The term "Automotive Electronic System," where the individual component was manufac­ as it pertains to this study is confined to tured. spedfic modules and sensors with electronic content as identified in the data, hi general, a The component content of these electronic given Automotive Electronic System could moduleVsystems is included in the analysis of also comprehend such items as wiring har­ component usage, again, regardless of nesses, external switches, motors, actuators, 1 This study defines "li^-duty" (or "S^t") tntck as possessing a ffoss vehick wa^it (GVW) cf 10,000 lbs. or less. Sport-utility vehicles (SUVs) fall into this category, as do passenger and cargo vans. Page 1 Dataquest - Automotive Electronics in North America (c) relays, etc. For the purposes at hand, the term CD - Compact Disc "Automotive Electronic System" thus refers only to those items contamed within a par­ CHMSL - Center High-Mounted Stop Light ticular module's electronics package for each system identified.
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