of those in Mississippi were receiving In October of 1951-the first year amendments to the Social Security benefits of $33-$74. coverage for these workers was possi- Act is shown in table 1. ble-more than half a million em- The Social Security Act Amend- ployees were covered; they repre- ments of 1950 permitted coverage, sented approximately 13 percent of effective in 1951, of State and local Coverage of State and Local all persons employed by State or local government employees who were not governments at that time. The 55 protected by retirement systems. By Government Employees percent covered in January 1959 was October 1954 coverage under this Under OASDI* more than four times the proportion provision had been extended to ap- Old-age, survivors, and disability with coverage in October 1951, and proximately 1 out of every 5 of these insurance coverage of State and local the number of covered employees had government employees. The 1954 government employees has increased increased to six times the number amendments granted eligibility for in each of the 8 years that the pro- covered in 1951. coverage, effective in 1955, to most tection of the Federal program has One reason for the rise in number employees who were under a State or been available to this group. As of was the growth in State and local local retirement system. By October January 1959 about 31/4 million, or 55 government employment, which in- 1957, 2 out of every 5 State or local creased by more than 11/2 million government employees were covered, during the period October 1951- including almost a million who were Table l.-State and local government employment, total number and January 1959. The increase in the members of retirement systems. Un- number covered under OASDI number of persons employed by State der the 1956 amendments, specified through voluntary agreements, and local governments and in their States were permitted to divide posi- October 195048 and January 1959 coverage by old-age, survivors, and tions under their retirement systems [Numbers in thousands] disability insurance under successive into two groups in order to provide - state and local government employment 1 I- Table 2 .-State and local government employment covered under old-age, Continental United States survivors, and disability insurance through voluntary agreements, by State, Month January 1959 Total - Covered number under OASDI covered Approximate percent of Approximate percent of Total under all state and 1ocn1 gov- all State and local gov- number 2 3ASDI3 ernment employment 1 ernment employment 1 Sumber ~~;~~~ I I Num- state Type of ber 1 government October: 1950.....-- 4,230 .___ rota1 -- 1951.._.--- 4,230 540 13 540 state coun- Lo- 195x---.-- 4,470 695 16 735 tY Cal 3 1953.-...-- 4,610 810 18 850 -_ ____-- 1954------. 4,805 960 20 1,000 I I 1955.----.- 5,005 1,220 1,270 (9 1Mississippi.-_--- y; 1956.....-. 5,225 1,935 i:: 1,985 --. -1 Slissouri..-..-.. 8074 91 ii ii 1957..-.--- * 5,700 2,275 40 2,360 IMontana.- ._____ 23:3Oi 1958....-- 5,840 3,180 54 3,295 65 70, 4 8i Vebraska.... __.. 56,101 8495 ii:94 142110 E Jnnuary 1959. ’ 5,904 3,230 55 3,345 -1 Vevadu------..- 7M 6 7 0) 8 Alabama. _ _____ 83,200 51 New Hampshire. 19,901 85 99 133 80 Alaska.. ____ --___ 4,100 New.Jersey....v- 151,301 1 Excludes the District of Columbia, which is not Arizona.. _ ______ 36,100 106 3; New Mexico....- 17,501 included in the statutory definition of State for Arkansas----.-w- 30,700 71 81 Yew York __._ -._ 450,001 purposes of agreement. Celifornia- _ _ _ _ __ 51,200 17 0' 1Xorth Corolinn.. 111.401 * Excludes employment for transit systems com- Colorado-. ____ 18,100 100 14~North Dakota.-. 15,801 pulsorily covered; based on data from the Bureau Connecticut-..-- 24,200 86 5’ 43hio 7. _....._.._ . of the Census. Delaware........ 13,000 101 6: t3klahomn..--..e 62,801 3 Includes Alaska and Hawaii, and Puerto Rico Dist. of Co1.s ____ . __ _ ^ _ _. .--___ -I ' 3regon.. ._______ 64,20 and the Virgin Islands. Florida __.. -__-__ 72,600 86 21 Pennsylvania.... 241,2M 4 Estimated. oeorgia . .._____ -- 62,800 6 Hawaii-. ._.._.__ 13,300 Puerto Rico..... 98,90 Idaho- _ _ ________ 23,700 9: Rhode Island..-_ 15,701 south Carolina-- 62,501 percent of the almost 6 million per- Illinois-.. _..___. 47,400 2! south Dakota-w 24,6(H sons employed by State and local Indians- ________ 118,100 1 ’Pennessee--..ee. 63,5u IOWZ!. _ __________ 98.800 ‘4 ’ l?ex8s--.--...~~~ 141,00 governments, were covered through Kansas--.- _...__ 77,300 Utah . ..____._.__ 32,301 Kentucky _______ 48.000 Vermont.-.--... 9,201 voluntary agreements made by the Louisiana-.----- 3;,;: 4’ Virginia- ..-- _.__ log,90 States with the Federal Government. Maine .._________ 3’ Virgin Islands-.- 1,901 Maryland.--.-.- 73: 100 1 Washington--... 94.901 Massachusetts..w 700 West Virginia.-. 49,9m Michigan.. ..____ 217,700 3’ Wisconsin. _ _ _. _ 83,501 * Prepared in the Division of Program Minnesota.-..--. 27,200 1 ’ Wyoming.- ._.._ 14,301 Analysis, Bureau of Old-Age and Sur- vivors Insurance. Detailed data, by State and type of government unit, appear in a 1 Estimated employment for which coverage has periods, and the percentage should be taken as I& quarterly statistical report, State and been approved, regardless of effective dates. 3 Other than county governments. * Excludes employment for transit systems, * Not aveilnhle. Local Government Employment Covered compulsorily covered under old-we. survivors. 6 Less than 0.5 percent. by Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability In- and disability insurnnce. Based on~diita from the ‘Not included in the statutory definition of surance Under Section 218 of the Social Bureau of the Census for October 1958 (latest avail- State for purposes of agreement. able). Where the percentage exceeds 100, the ’ No agreement. Security Act. excess is due primarily to the difference in reference 16 Social Security coverage only for those employees A report on the Conservation of nual conference in Montreal in 1959. who desired it. The coverage of ap- Human Resources Project, estab- WOLFF, KURT. The Biological, Soci- proximately 700,000 additional retire- lished at Columbia University in ological and Psychological Aspects 1950; gives findings and recommen- of Aging. Springfield, Ill.: Charles ment system members was made pos- dations. sible by this provision. By January C. Thomas, Publishers, 1959. 95 pp. 1959, more than 2 million of the em- KOCHKUROV, A. Social Security in $3.75. the U.S.S.R. (Soviet Booklet No. Reviews current concepts and urges ployees covered by old-age, survivors, 50.) London : Soviet Booklets, an organized study in geriatric psy- and disability insurance were also 1959. 30 pp. 6d. chiatry. members of State and local retire- LARSON, ARTHUR. Know Your Social ment systems. Security. (Rev. ed.) New York: Public Welfare Table 2 shows the status of old-age, Harper & Brothers, 1959. 240 pp. COHEN, WILBUR J. “Trends and Is- survivors, and disability insurance $3.50. sues in Social Welfare Expendi- coverage in each State as of January MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY. BUREAU OF IN- tures and Programs.” American 1959. In 20 of the 48 States for which DUSTRIAL RELATIONS. Addresses on Journal of Public Health, Vol. 49, data are available, more than 80 per- Industrial Relations, 1959 Series. Oct. 1959, pp. 1299-1306. $1.25. (Bulletin No. 27.) Ann Arbor: cent of the State and local govern- COUNCIL ON SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION. ment employees are covered; total University of Michigan, 1959. $4.50. Various paging. The Social Work Curriculum coverage in these States is 88 percent. Includes papers on employee-bene- Study: I.-Objectives for the So- Only 25 percent of all State and local fit programs and management-union cial Work Curriculum of the Fu- government employees but 40 percent relations. ture, by Werner W. Boehm; II.- The Place of the Undergraduate of all the covered employees are in U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. BUREAU the 20 States. When the States are Curriculum in Social Work Educa- OF LABOR STATISTICS. How Ameri- tion, by Herbert Bisno; III.-The grouped in four broad regions, it is can Buying Habits Change. Wash- Administration Method in Social found that 15 of the 20 high-coverage ington : U. S. Govt. Print. Off., Work Education, by Sue Spencer; States are concentrated in the South 1959. 253 pp. $1. IV.-The Community Organization and West. Describes changes in living stand- Method in Social Work Education, ards since 1888. Includes a chapter by Harry L. Lurie; V.-Education on past gains and new goals in health for Social Workers in the Correc- care. tional Field, by Elliot Studt; VI.- WILLIAMS, A. E. T. “The New Zealand Orientation to Knowledge of HU- Recent Publications” Social Security Programme.” Bul- man Growth and Behavior in So- letin of the International Social cial Work Education, by Ruth M. Security Association, Aug. -Sept. Butler; VII.-Education for Social Social Security Administration 1959, pp. 351-400. $4 a year. Workers in the Public Social Serv- CHILDREN’S BUREAU. Administration ices, by Irving Weissman and Mary and Staff Training in Institutions Retirement and Old Age R. Baker; VIII.-Education for SO- for Juvenile Delinquency. (Chil- “Changes in Pension Insurance Rules &al Workers in the Rehabilitation dren’s Bureau Publication No. 377.1 in Czechoslovakia.” Industry and of the Handicapped, by John J. Washington : U. S. Govt. Print. Labour, Vol. 22, Oct. 1, 1959, pp. Horwitz; IX.-The Research Meth- Off., 1959.
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