S o ^ uttebaT V 7 I SCRIPTA I As I MANET I \JI REGISTER \ 1934 ¿ f i VOLUME 10 * Í/A//TED % NUMBER 217 Washington, Saturday, November 3, 1945 The President War Department. Appointments to ' CONTENTS clerical positions on the Isthmus of Pan­ ama paying $120 in United States cur­ THE PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE ORDER 9653 rency per month or less may be made without examination. Executive Order: Page Amending Schedules A and B of the Civil Service Rules, amendments Civil Service R ules Paragraph 3, Subdivision VII of Sched­ - of Schedules A and B____ 13619 ule A is amended to read: By virtue of the authority vested in REGULATIONS AND NOTICES me by Section 2 of the Civil Service Act 3. Clerks in fourth class post offices. (22 Stat. 403), Schedules A ahd B of the Paragraph 7, Subdivision VII of Sched­ Civil Service Commission: Civil Service Rules are hereby amended ule A is amended to read: Schedule A: Nonclassifled posi­ as follows: tions excepted from exami­ 7. Special delivery messengers in sec­ nation under § 2.3 (b), cross Paragraph 6, Subdivision I of Sched­ ond, third, and fourth class post offices. ule A is amended to read: reference_______________ 13621 Paragraph 8, Subdivision VII of Sched­ Schedule B: Nonclassifled posi­ 6. Any person receiving from one de­ule A is amended to read: tions which may be filled partment or establishment of the Gov­ upon noncompetitive exam­ ernment for his personal salary com­ 8. Unskilled laborers employed as jani­ inations under § 2.3 (c), pensation aggregating not more than tors and cleaners in small postal units cross reference__________ 13621 $648 per annum whose duties require in leased quarters at a compensation less Commerce Department: only a portion of his time, or whose than $1299 per annum. Petroleum products; order ex­ services are needed for very brief periods Paragraph 12, Subdivision VIII of tending validity of indi­ at intervals, provided that employment Schedule A is amended to read: vidual export licenses_____ 13621 under this provision shall not be for job F ederal T rade Commission: work such as contemplated in section 4 12. housekeepers in the Indian Serv­ Find, H. D., Co. et aL; hearing-_ 13646 of rule VIII. Appointments under this ice at a gross salary not in excess of F ish and Wildlife Service: paragraph for duty in Washington, D. C., $864 per annum. Southwestern region national may be made only with the express prior Paragraph 19, Subdivision VIII of wildlife refuges; Salt Plains approval of the Commission when in the Schedule A is amended to read : National Wildlife Refuge, opinion of the Commission the use of Okla., fishing regulations— 13645 existing registers or the establishment of 19. Temporary seasonal field assist­ Interior Department: new registers is impracticable. The ants in forestry and range management Central Valley Project, abolish­ name of the employee, designation, du­ at salaries not to exceed a rate of $1,704 ment of advisory commit­ ties, rate of pay, and place of employment a year and for not to exceed 4 months in tee------------------------------- 13645 shall be shown in the periodical report any 1 calendar year. Reclamation Commissioner, del­ of changes; and in addition, when pay­ Paragraph 4, Subdivision IX of Sched­ egation of authority (2 ment is not at a per annum rate, the ule A is amended to read : documents)____________ 13646 total service rendered and the distribu­ Interstate Commerce Commission : tion of such service during the year shall 4. Student assistants whose salaries Cork at Port Richmond, Pa., be shown in the report of changes at the shall not exceed a rate of $576 a year unloading______________ 13647 end of each year or when the employee while employed. Only bona fide stu- . Grain doors at East St. Louis, is separated from the service. The addi­ dents at high schools or colleges of rec­ 111., unloading__________ 13647 tional employment under similar condi­ ognized standing shall be eligible for Steam roads, uniform system of tions of such a person by another depart­ appointment under this paragraph. Ap­ accounts_______________ 13645 ment or establishment of the Govern­ pointments shall not exceed 6 months in Maritime Commission: ment will be subject to the approval of any 1 calendar year, except in excep­ Admission to practice before the Commission. tionally meritorious cases, and then only Commission; term and ex­ upon prior approval of the Commission. tension of service men’s Paragraph 8, Subdivision I of Schedule Appointments under this paragraph shall A is amended to read: right to practice________ 13645 be reported to the Commission in such Office of P rice Administration: 8. Officers and employees in the Federal form as the Commission may prescribe. Adjustments and pricing orders: service on the Isthmus of Panama, except Paragraph 26, Sùbdivision IX of Altoona Mattress Mfg. Co__ 13653 accountant, bookkeeper, clerk, drafts­ Schedule A is amended to read : Blue Bell, Inc____________ 13648 man, physician, play-ground director, Brodons, Harold E., et al. statistician, stenographer, surgeon, 26. Technical or professional consult­ (Corr.)_______________ 13654 trained nurse, typist, and harbor person­ ants or advisors, at salary rates of $5,180 Chrysler Corp____________ 13647 a l in the Quartermaster Corps of the (Continued on p. 13621) (Continued on p. 13620) 13619 13(120 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, November 3, 1945 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued Office of P rice Administration— Page Surplus P roperty Administration : Page Continued. Consumer goods, pricing and FEDEBAL®REGISTER Food and drink sold for imme­ distribution policy---------- 13677 \T«Mino’ >93« diate consumption (Rest. W ar Contract P rice Adjustment MPR 2, Am. 8)___________ 13640 Board : Garments, essential low priced Renegotiation regulations: Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, (2d Rev. MPR 578, Am. 1) — 13637 Agreements and statements— 13642 and days following legal holidays, by the Knitted garments (SO 137, Am. Forms___________________ 13642 Division of the Federal Register, the National 1) ________________ 13636- Impasse procedure-------------- 13642 Archives, pursuant to the authority contained Renegotiable business and in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Mine materials, eastern wooden, costs, determination___ 13640 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., and industrial blocking ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the (MPR 558, Am. 3 ) - - ------ 13638 Statutes, orders, joint regula­ Administrative Committee, approved by the Orders and approvals issued un­ tions and directives-,__ 13645 President. Distribution is made only by the der SO 94 and SO 122, War P roduction Board: Superintendent of Documents, Government amendment (Rev. SO 109) _ 13636 Apparel, feminine wear (L-85)_ 13622 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Blouses, women’s, misses, and The regulatory material appearing herein is Regional and district office or­ junior misses (L-85, Sch. keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, ders. See also Adjustments. II)__ ________________ 13624 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Fluid milk; Dresses, women’s, misses’ and to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Bryan, Tex., area------------- 13668 junior misses (L-85, Sch. amended June 19, 1937. South Carolina-------------- 13661 I) ___________________ 13622 The F ederal R e g iste r will be furnished by Helmets, U. S. Army; Cleve­ mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 land region----------------- 13655 Neckwear, feminine (L-85, per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Lumber, used; Dallas region— 13664 Sch. IV)______________ 13626 vance. The charge for individual copies Outerwear apparel, children’s (minimum 15<) varies in proportion to the Malt and cereal beverages: (L-85, Sch. V)_______ 13626 size of the issue. Remit check or money Atlanta, Ga., district-------- 13661 Sleeves, dolman, balloon or order, made payable to the Superintendent Rhode Island (2 docu­ leg-o-mutton (L-85, rev­ of Documents, directly to the Government ments) -------- 13664 ocation of Int. 2)_______ 13622 P rinting Office, W ashington 25, D. C. Plumbing and heating serv­ Toppers, suits, jackets, skirts, There are no restrictions on the republica­ ices, Washington and tion of material appearing in- the F ederal slacks, overalls, coveralls, Idaho_______________ 13670 R eg ist e r . playsuits and shorts ; Siding, installed; Cleveland, women’s, misses’ and jun­ Ohio, area----------- 13654 ior misses’ (L-85, Sch. Solid fuels: • NOTICE HI)________ ,_______ _ 13624 Cleveland, Ohio, area------- 13659 Hawaii, delegation of power 1944 Supplement Fargo-Moorehead, area----- 13663. (WPB Reg. 2, revocation) „ 13628 Hammond, Ind., area------ 13662 ■ Munitions Board, Army and Book 1 of the 1944 Supplement to Jackson, Wyo., area--------- 13668 Navy, preference rating au­ the Code of Federal Regulations, Kenosha, Wis., area--------- 13661 thority (Dir. 41, Am. 1)----- 13628 containing Titles 1-10, including Lexington, Ky., area------- 13657 Rubber, synthetic rubber and Marietta, Ohio, area-------- 13660 products (R-4, incl. App. I) _ 13628 Presidential documents in full text, Owosso, Mich., area______ 13658 is now'available from the Superin­ Toledo, Ohio, area____,— 13655 CODIFICATION GUIDE tendent of Documents, Government Warren, Ohio, area______ 13656 Printing Office, at $3.00 per copy. Wyoming_______________ 13669 A numerical list of the parts of the Code A limited sales stock of the Cu­ R ural Electrification Adminis- - of Federal Regulations amended or added tration: by documents published in this issue. mulative Supplement and the 1943 Allocation of funds for loans (5 Documents carried in the Cumulative Sup­ Supplement is still available as plement by uncodifled tabulation only are documents)-------------------- 13646 not included within the purview of this list. previously announced. / . Securities and Exchange Commis­ sion: T itle 3—T he P resident: Page Hearings, etc. : • Chapter II—Executive orders: CONTENTS—Continued Associated Electric Co., and 90041_______________ ----- 13619 Missouri Southern Public 9653 ____________________ 13619 Office of P rice Administration— Page Service Co------------------ 13675 T itle 5—Administrative P erson­ Continued.
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