
. 4 ' / . V avJB p o u r t b e w Ihe Weather Manchester Even in^ Tier a Id of tl. 8. Wi«tker Barmu Bala Uila afternoon, tonight Mr. and Mra. Jamea Sloan of 1 Sunaet Rebehah Lodce will-pre­ wml jt them tomorrow night. Chief and' Sunday nnomlng: aomewhat North Main atreet have received a cede its regular, meeting, Monday foremen PlaifT MancheBter, has been Invited Roy Oriawold wilt be the guest of wanner today aad toidght. About T o ^ evening, March 6, with a pot luck Death of K ii V-mail letter from their aon John, dinner w ill be aerved at 7 o’clock honor and Walter N. Leclerc vviyltend. aupper, Mra. Ruth Beckwith, the telltnf of bla aafe arrival In New aharp. hMortoal pniiptuB la preaent Nobla Grand announcM pidfimers Night Oulnea. Ho waa formerly atationed Tbe oombtUtee Ip. charge work­ ' V " Tffimehamter^/t C it r of F^OKo Chann fo r Fallowahlp Suii' today. Membera are urged to re- ed hard lookthg- back through the diQ% Ib r e h lb a t tba B a n io c I___ a t Keama, Utah and la a panMjiute ,.'<C eerve the data. Ho m Company N o. l, of the roaters of the tem companies and lea at flmanwal Lutharaa nurch. rlgcar. Before enterlnff tpe^aarvlcf RANGE tCND ^ ! n€OMEtax (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENV8<- he waa amployM b y'th e Ploheer Manchrater Fire department, will bellevea that theyNhive contau:ted (CHaaaWaA jhAVeetMat m itfANC^ESTER. SATU^DAT, PEBRUA$t 21, 1944 A t tMa ttaM tha earameay o t bum- Local ReiMent evety former mcmoar that could VOL.LT^^ai2$ la f IlM afeoTCli aorttafe win ba Parachute Oompahy. He writea in Fred E. Werner wlil preaent hie celebmte ite annual “ OtdUmera FUEL OIL ReluniA Pnpar^i pralae of tbeTR^ Croaa, aaya they Red Nephew be classed aa an olckmiw. Re- beginnera claaa ip the first o f a Night" tbmoirqw evening faeiad- meipbeiing that theae man were '|181 Center 6366 were.^vf6nderfiiil to the hoya on aeriee of mldtaeaaon recitals by bis ,. R r a s o i ^ l e aMpboard, pew ldlny motion picu .Wfib Kiilied in War. qiiartera. Main anil ' Hilliard thO pioneers of the ( pupils, Sunday afternoon a t 3:30 Btre«te. PracUcally every old time and under handicape th at ttiraa, namea clsiurettee 1^ dther o'clock In Center church pariah James A. Woads P «d N E 4050 CAMUtJfclMM member of the department that exlii^today. the mambOra plaiKto CQmfOi^ ' ' -hduae. Children six to twelve wRi • John P.'Blackwood of 16 Trot­ present the program. ter ste*et, ’ was notlAed yesterday B t N G « of the loss of hlis .nephew, Ueut. TOI^GHT Major and' Bdre. l^. 'J . ,Oartla, Alexander Stirling Blackwood of Range O lid Fuel former cofhmahdlng officere at the Worcester, Maaa., who was killed .OBiWCEOAIX local Salvation . ^ m y Corps, have in action with the Sth Army.ln'thc ;.v OIL bean vlaltlng^ff^ends and renewing Italian campaign oh Feb. 13. acquaintan^ In town this week. Mra. WilUam Perfett. of 30 Lil- PRINTJNG They now stationed at the ley street, is an aunt of the de­ Autas oontAM MEIETER8 Can^mdge, .daas. corps. Their eld- (ftaowB Aa <)aeaa Alice) ceased offioer and there are sever- ton, John, is with the U. S. a r cousins living In Manchester, 8FOUTDAL aUEUIUM Meter priats alBoant.of de­ forcea In Bngland, and their two Aaveatli OaagMer of a Setaatli Sod livery on your slip for yopr younger boys are serving with the Ueut. Blackwood, a native of Bora W ltli a VeU Navy. Worcester, attendsd schools there WaaAlaga Dally, laeladlni Saaday. protection. and graduated from Norlhwesteni CarPy Out Crushing At­ • A B L t e S P . M. O rB y Appoiat- University, Boston. He is the son Repnhliran Leader ONat. la the Bar rlbB of tba Peo­ A rehearsal of the ladies' degree of Mrs. Jennie Blackwood and was Task Force Alsd^"ScoresJ Reds Press tack on Burning Qty ple for M Peara. L. T, Woo^ Co. team of Manchester Grange win 37 yssrS old. Besides his mother, Icke8> Plans Nazi Losses Is Taken by Death IS9 Cboroli Straet, Hartford, Doaa. 51 BiaseU ^ Tei. 4496 take place at 7:30 o ’clock tonight he Is survived by his wife end one Against Shipping and To Pile Up Total of S>«K4 at the Masonic Tample. brother, Gaven Blackwood. West: Fresh Inflicts Heavy De­ To Combat Five Millions; More Than 17,000 struction Without Troops Met Tons of Bomhs to FaU Xioss of Single ‘War­ Coal Lack Age Jumping On Germany iu'^^ix- (lay Drive ' Against ship Despite Last Ap­ Russians Push To^vard Extensive System to About 2,000,000 Dead Aircraft Industry. / proach Detected and Latvia and Poland De­ nsAse, rcimset^ , Be Set Up Among Since Beginning of Planes Attack Ships. spite Increased Re London, Feb. 26.-rHA‘)— A Dealers in Spring; War, According to Con­ sistance by . Germans. massive fleet of British bomb- , U. S. Pacific Fleet Head­ State ISot Included. servative Estimates. ers carried out a crushing at­ quarters, Pearl Harbor, Feb, tack on the burning city of 26.— (iiP)— Tlie battleship-es­ London, Feb. 26—UPj— Russian Washington, Feb. 26—(A*)— In­ (Editor’s. Note: Taylor Armies maaacd along the 400- Augsburg last night, and corted American Task Force Henry, chief of The Associat­ ^ O U terior Secretary Ickes today an­ mlle-long front between Pskov and piled up a total of more than which ranged 3,800 miles ed Press bureau hi Vichy sd nounced an extensive system for Rogachev are pressing westward 17,000 tons of bombs dropped west of Pearl Harbor Tues- the time o f the Oerman oocn- fighting domestic coal shortages pation who now Is In Portu­ In White Russia toward I.eitvia on Germany in an unparal­ dl^ to strike at the Marianas, next winter. gal awaiting repatriation, and the northern part of Poland leled six-day offensive against despite Increased CJerman resist less than 1,500 miles from This spring the Solid Fuels ad­ wrote this dlapetch before the Reich’s aircraft industry. The leaving the German Intern­ once, a Moscow communique German radio aald large-scale at­ Tokyd, wiped out 135 Japan- ministration, which Ickes heads, ported today. •M planM, scored against ship­ wiU set up regional and focal or­ ment camp at Baden-Baden, tacks on the chemical center of A t H ale's Self Serve G rocery Germany, and carried It along German commanders tlirew Frankfurt were made at the same ping, cauted heavy destruction— ganisations, composed of men with him.) fresh reinforcements Into the R' time, and the Swiss radio said and didn’t lose a warship. serving without pay, coal dealers gachev area yesterday In a futile Radio BUenoe Lifted for the most part; They will help Senator CHiarles L. McNary, night flights crossed Swrltzerland By Taylor Henry attempt to seal the gap tom In from Italy—raising the distinct Saddle ititchiog aad leather Disclosures o f these results by the S F A build up stocks of coal their lines by Gen. Constantine minority leader, who died yester­ and Health M arket ai\d coke In spring and summer, Baden-Baden, Germany — (D e­ Woodrow Wilson York (right). 18. son of Sergt Alvin York of Rus possibility that Italtan-baaed W el­ Rokossovsky’s First White day In Fort Lauderdale, Fla., applique m ow i add to fine Admiral Cheater W. Nimlt* were lingtons of the R.A.F. again car­ and when cold weather returns layed)—(VP)—The number of Ger­ World W ar I fame, and hla coi.sin, John Marlon York, also 18 and a where he went to recuperate from tailoring ol this Air Line permitted by lifting of the radio Sian Arm y on Thursday. ried out a two-way British assault HiDe’q IpM llty Large No. S Oaa alienee protecting movements, of will “ rooblUse” dlstribxition fa- mans put out o f action—killed, son of York’s brother, Albert!, examine ’’Arm y guns" at Fort Ogle­ 14 Fleroe Counter Attacks a brain tuipor operation. rayoa Gabardine ia Jr* rilities when necessary in-order to aa they did the night before. the battleships, aircraft carvlera,' badly wounded or captured—since-j thorpe in Georgia after their acceptance for armed service. The No lelils than 14 fierce counter­ Bltclc, Boliviao Brown, cruisers and destroyers. The war­ insure that distressing shortages two, residents of near Pall Mall, Tern., expressed desire to get In attacks north of captured Roga­ City Attacked Twtoe BREAD Loaf 6 c Aquacooe, White. ships were not even damaged de­ the beginning of the war reaches "some shooting” as a^^^on as possible. Alvin York, Jr.,. 23, expects chev were thrown back by the So­ The A ir Ministry communique V C" 29 c a minimum o f 4,500,000 to 5.000,- spite the fact their approach was <Gonttnued on 'Page Seven) an aarly call. (A P W lwphoto). viets, the Russian communique McNary Death announcing the operation againat 20-Oonee Can Bart Obtey detected the day before the at­ 000 of whom about 2,000,000 arc said, and the Germans lost 2,500 Of Augaburg aald It waa carried out tack and enemy torpedo planes re­ dead, according to conservative men killed. Then Rokossovsky’s In “very great atrength” and that estimates bas^ on information men surged forward and captured peatedly tried to sink them. Shaves Thread the city, a center of aerial engine Coffee Rings or Tomato Juice Can 1 0 c Only six out of hundreds of at- Laiidon Urs;es coordinated from aeveral sources several unidentified localities and production, was attacked twice .
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