Southern Adventist University KnowledgeExchange@Southern The oodF ies' Guide to Vegetarian Cookery in 19th 1890-1909 Century America 1897 Practical Vegetarian Cookery Constance Wachtmeister Kate Buffington Davis Follow this and additional works at: https://knowledge.e.southern.edu/foodiesguide-1890 Part of the Food Science Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Wachtmeister, Constance and Davis, Kate Buffington, "Practical Vegetarian Cookery" (1897). 1890-1909. 1. https://knowledge.e.southern.edu/foodiesguide-1890/1 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The oodF ies' Guide to Vegetarian Cookery in 19th Century America at KnowledgeExchange@Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1890-1909 by an authorized administrator of KnowledgeExchange@Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. EDITORS. THE -COUNTESS COH&mMt wachwbster. JKATE BUFFI/fGTC MtRCDRYpilBUSIfiNG (i ,; v r-~ .- LIBRARY OF CONG RESS. t Cha|0..„.. Copyright jS o. sheif..,Yy.L4 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. PRACTICAL VEGETARIAN COOKERY EDITORS The Countess Constance Wachtmeister Kate Buffington'T)avis "Thus the King's will is: There hath been slaughter for the sacrifice And slaying for the meat, but henceforth none Shall spill the blood of life nor taste of flesh. Seeing that knowledge grows, and life is one, And mercy cometh to the merciful." —Li.Kht of Asia FOR SALE BY Mercury Pub. Co., 414 Mason St.. San Francis Theosophkal Book Concern, 26 Van Buren St.. Chicago, III. Theosophlcal Pub. Co.. 65 Fifth Ave., New York. K. Bufflngton Davis. Minneapolis, Minn. (".<>., Theosophlcal Pub. Jo Charing ('.n> S s. I "i ^ k Copyright, 1897 BY Kate Buffingtox Davis All rights reserved Electrotyped by The Printers Electrotypingf Co. Minneapolis, Minn. i>vT^>rc;>c;. PREFACE Celery on Toast INTRODUCTORY Turnip Souffle SOUPS. Farina Croustades Rice Crociuettes Soup Stock Italian Macaroni Stock for Clear Soup Macaroni Pie Tomato Bouillon Macaroni Cheese Julienne Vegetable Hot Pot Macaroni Winter Vegetable Pie Toronto Bisque Vegetable Hash Tomato Nut Crociuettes Cream of Tomato Biscuit Pates Dutch Yorkshire Pudding Cream of Potato Fried Apples Potato with Dumplings... Vegetable Sausages Rice Potato Chinese Rice Clear Soup with Nouilles. Curried Rice with Eggs... Bean Puree with Nouilles. Banana Fritters Bean Puree with Tomato. Curried Rice Red Kidney Bean Irish Stew Black Bean 10- Chestnut Croquettes Split Pea Cream of Celery MUSHROOMS. White Soup Grilled Cream of Corn Escaloped Corn Chowder Mushroom Pie. .• Cream of Green Peas Aunt Susan's Mushroom Cabbage Pie Cauliflower Stewed Cream of Asparagus Baked Summer Vegetable Mushrooms in White Carrot Sauce Mock Turtle Mushrooms with Lemon . Scots Broth EGGS. White Turnip ( "ream of Lima Beans. Curried . I Jean Puree with Tomato. io- Baked SAVORTF.S AND REL- Scrambled .. 36 Shirred 36 ISHES. Hard Boiled. 36 Savory Hash Lyonaised 37 Nut Loaf With Mushro 37 Vegetable Sweet Breads . Savory 3? Stuffed Squash Fricassed . 37 Stuffed Cucumbers Forced 38 Vegetable Cutlets Egg Cutlets.. 38 Roasted 38 French Dressing 56 In Cream 38 Cooked Salad Dressing. 56 Escaloped 39 Aunt Susan's Salad Dress- Poached, Spanish Style... 39 ing 56 Swiss Eggs 40 Salad Cream 57 OMELETS. SALADS. 4° French Spring Salad French with Tomato 40 57 Stuffed Tomato 57 French with French Peas. 40 Plain Tomato 58 French with Mushrooms.. 41 Tomato Aspic 58 Foamy Omelet 41 Summer Salad 58 Sweet 4 1 Italian Salad 58 Savory 4 1 String Bean Salad 59 Bread Omelet 41 Lima Bean Salad Vegetable Omelet 42 59 Nut and Celery Salad 59 Cheese Omelet 42 Plain Celery Salad 60 Eggs and Asparagus 43 Potato Celery Salad 60 Devilled Eggs 43 Potato Salads 60 Eggs on Toast 43 Beet Salad 61 SAVORY SAUCES AND Cabbage Salad 61 GRAVIES. Salad of Grape Fruit and Walnuts 61 Brown Sauce 45 Sweet Salad 62 Tomato Sauce A 45 Orange Salad 62 White Sauce 46 Salmagundi 62 Cheese Sauce 46 Salad of Lettuce and Dutch Sauce 46 Grape Fruit 63 Drawn Butter 46 Butter Sauce 47 VEGETABLES Brown Butter Gravy 47 Creamed Vegetables 65 CHEESE DISHES. Escaloped Onions, Cauli- An English Monkey 49 flower, or Asparagus... 65 Rice and Cheese 49 ASPARAGUS. Welsh Rarebit 49 Cheese Pudding 50 Baked 65 Cheese Straws 50 Asparagus on Toast 66 Potato with Cheese 50 Asparagus with White Cheese Pat"s 51 Sauce 66 Cheese Relish 52 Asparagus Pie 66 Cheese Puff 52 Asparagus Pudding 66 Cheese Wafers 52 BEANS. Cheese Custards 53 SALADS AND SALAD Creamed String Beans. ... 67 Wax Beans 67 DRESSINGS. Boston Baked Beans 67 Cream Dressing 55 Dried Lima Beans 68 Plain Dressing 55 Fresh Lima Beans 6,8 Mayonaise Dressing 56 Succotash '. 68 . CORN. SWEET POTATOES. Roasted 69 Baked 80 Cut Corn 69 Escaloped 80 Green Corn. Steamed 69 Sweet Potato Curry ...... 81 Corn Fritters 69 Sweet Potato Croquettes. 81 Baked Corn 70 Glaced Sweet Potatoes.... 8i Corn Pudding 70 Fried 81 Corn on Toast 70 Browned Sweet Potatoes. 81 Corn Pates 71 Warmed Up Sweet Pota- 82 CABBAGE. toes ONIONS. Boiled 71 Steamed 82 Cabbage in White Sauce. 71 Stewed 82 Cabbage in Milk 72 Young Onions in White Hot Slaw 72 Sauce 82 Baked Cabbage 72 Baked 83 EGG PLANT. Fried 83 Onions in Milk 83 Escaloped. 72 Baked Egg Plant 73 SPINACH. Fried Egg Plant 73 Boiled 84 Egg Plant with Egg and Chopped with Eggs 84 Cracker 73 Spinach Souffle 84 Egg Plant Balls 74 TOMATOES. PEAS. Tomatoes on Toast 85 Stuffed Baked Tomatoes.. 85 Boiled 74 Fried Tomatoes 86 Peas in White Sauce 74 Fricasseed Tomatoes 86 Pates with Peas 75 Escaloped Tomatoes 86 Pastry with Peas 75 Tomato and Rice Fritters. 86 POTATOES. Devilled Tomatoes 87 Boiled 75 BREAD STUFFS. New Potatoes 75 Home Made Yeast 89 Mashed Potatoes 76 Three Hour Bread 89 Potato Croquettes 76 Whole Wheat Bread 90 Potato Pates 76 English Unfermented Saratoga Chips 77 Griddle Bread 91 Princess Potatoes 77 Tea Rolls 92 Wachtmeister Potatoes... 77 Whole Wheat Muffins 92 Potatoes in White Sauce . 78 Corn Muffins 93 Lyonaised Potatoes 78 Graham or Rye Gems. .... 93 Escaloped Potatoes 78 Baking Powder Biscuit... 93 French Fried Potatoes ... 79 Puffs 94 Fried Potatoes 79 Pop-Overs "*• 94 Potato Scones 79 Waffles 94 Potato Pears 79 Boston Brown Bread 95 Potato Pancakes 80 Bannocks 95 1 17 GRIDDLE CAKES. Fruit Jumbles 1 1 Chocolate Strips 112 Hominy 96 Miss Farmer's Raised Graham 96 Sponge Cake 112 Indian Meal 96 Velvet Cake 112 Bread 96 Rice 97 ICINGS— Sour Milk 97 Soft Frosting 113 BREAKFAST FOODS. Cream Icing 113 Orange Icing 113 Whole Wheat - 97 Opera Caramel Frosting.. 11 SANDWICHES. DESSERTS. Cheese and Egg 99 Pastry 115 Egg 99 Puff Paste 115 Nut 99-100 Mince Pies 116 Plain Cheese 100 Fruit Pie 116 Cottage Cheese 100 Cream Pie 117 Olive and Caper 100 Custard Pie 117 Cheese and Mustard 101 Lemon Pie 117 Boiled Egg 101 Squash Pie 118 Tomato 101 Ripe Currant Pie 118 Tomato and Egg 101 Neufchatel Cheese Pies... 118 Chocolate 101 Pine-apple Tart 119 Mushroom 102 Almond Peach Pie 119 Pine-apple 102 PUDDINGS. Italian 102 Fruit 103 Irish Moss Jelly 120 Graham 103 Sago Milk 120 Russian 103 Sago Jelly 120 Orange Foam . 121 CAKES AND ICINGS Neapolitan Pudding 121 CAKES— Fruit Mange 122 Lemon Snow 122 One Egg Cake 105 Orange Souffle 122 Orange Cake 106 Orange Custards 123 Ida's Cake 106 Chestnut Cream 123 Angel Food 106 Peach Cake 123 Water Sponge Cake 107 Steamed Cabinet Pudding. 123 Tea Cakes 107 Cold Cabinet Pudding.... 124 Poor Man's Cake 107 Prune Whip 124 Coffee Cake 108 Washington Pie — Choco- Cream Cake 108 late Filling 124 Fried Cakes 108 Strawberry Cream Cake.. 125 Sugar Cookies 108 Charlotte Rnsse Pie 125 Jumbles 109 Steamed Fruit Pudding.. 126 Ginger Snaps 109 Charlotte Russe 126 Macaroons 109 Connecticut Indian Pud- Lady Fingers no ding 126 Eclairs no Chinese Pudding T27 Cream Puffs 1 1 Banana Pudding T27 3 Cream Rice Pudding 127 Chocolate Annas 140 Sweet Potato Pudding... 128 Molasses Candy 141 Oat Meal Pudding 128 Brown Betties 1 <i Snow Balls 128 Lemon Mints 141 Cream Pudding 129 Soft Caramels 141 French Bread Pudding... 129 Butter Scotch 142-143 SAUCES FOR PUDDINGS. Marshmallows 142 Choc-o-pop 142 Apricot Sauce 129 Cracker-Jack 142 Hard Sauce 130 Frosted Fruits 143 Ginger Sauce 130 Stuffed Dates 143 Currant Jelly Sauce 130 Salted Almonds 143 Egg Sauce 131 Caramels 143 APPLE DESSERTS. Coffee Cream Caramels... 144 Chocolate Caramels 144 Steamed Apples 131 Baked Apples Lemon Candy 144 131 Cocoanut Drops Apple Fritters 132 145 Kisses Baked Apple Dumplings.. 132 145 Apple Slump 133 BEVERAGES. Apple Rice 133 Tea 147 Apple Cream 133 Cocoa 147 Apple Flummery 133 French Coffee 147 SHORT CAKES. American Coffee 148 Rachel's Short Cake 134 Caramel Coffee 148 Strawberry 135 Chocolate 148 Orange 135 Apricot Water 149 Cranberry 135 Gingerade 149 Pine-apple 1 t Grape Juice 149 Banana 136 Fruit Juices 149 Pine-apple Frapp e 150 ICES. Orange Frappe 150 Water Ices 136 ENGLISH MARMALADES Uncooked Cream 136 Rhubarb 151 French Cream 137 Orange 151 Chocolate Cream 137 Lemon 151 Wachtmeister Frozen Apricot 152 Pudding 137 INVALID COOKERY. Frozen Fruits 137 Strawberry Sherbet 138 Pea Soup 153 Pine-apple Sherbet 138 Milk Toast 153 CONFECTIONS. Cup Custard 153 Rice Foam 154 Candy Dough 139 Creamed Gruel 154 Chocolate Creams 139 Egg Gruel 154 Cream Walnuts 139 Barley Gruel 155 Cream Almonds 139 Arrow Root 155 Cream Nut Cakes 140 Graham Gruel 155 Cream Dates 140 Egg Nogg 155 Orange Creams 140 Egg and Lime Water..., 156 — Apple Water 156 Herbs and Soup Powder. 161 Egg Lemonade 156 To Prepare Onions for Arrow Root Water 156 Salads 161 Barley Water 156-157 The Way to Dry Corn 161 Egg Tea 157 Weights and Measures Toast Water 157 for Cooks 162 Baked Milk 157 Coloring for Soups and Flax-seed Lemonade 158 Gravies 162 IMPORTANT NOTES Boiling Vegetables 162 Stewing Fruits 163 The Way to Test Hot Fat 159 Use of Salt 164 Celery Flavoring 159 Beverages 164 Nut Butter 159 MENUS.
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