MBS WinICM Plugin Documentation Christian Schmitz July 16, 2017 2 0.1 Introduction This is the PDF version of the documentation for the Xojo (Real Studio) Plug-in from Monkeybread Software Germany. Plugin part: MBS WinICM Plugin 0.2 Content • 1 List of all topics 3 • 2 List of all classes 13 • 3 List of all modules 15 • 4 All items in this plugin 17 • 5 List of Questions in the FAQ 103 • 6 The FAQ 113 Chapter 1 List of Topics • 4 Windows ICM 17 { 4.1.1 class WindowsICMColorMBS 17 ∗ 4.1.3 a as Integer 17 ∗ 4.1.4 b as Integer 17 ∗ 4.1.5 black as Integer 18 ∗ 4.1.6 blue as Integer 18 ∗ 4.1.7 ch1 as Integer 18 ∗ 4.1.8 ch2 as Integer 18 ∗ 4.1.9 ch3 as Integer 18 ∗ 4.1.10 cyan as Integer 19 ∗ 4.1.11 gray as Integer 19 ∗ 4.1.12 green as Integer 19 ∗ 4.1.13 Index as Integer 19 ∗ 4.1.14 L as Integer 19 ∗ 4.1.15 magenta as Integer 20 ∗ 4.1.16 red as Integer 20 ∗ 4.1.17 XYZ X as Integer 20 ∗ 4.1.18 XYZ Y as Integer 20 ∗ 4.1.19 XYZ Z as Integer 20 ∗ 4.1.20 yellow as Integer 20 ∗ 4.1.21 Yxy x as Integer 21 ∗ 4.1.22 Yxy y as Integer 21 ∗ 4.1.23 Yxy YY as Integer 21 ∗ 4.1.24 Channel(index as Integer) as Integer 21 ∗ 4.1.26 COLOR 3 CHANNEL = 6 21 ∗ 4.1.27 COLOR 5 CHANNEL = 8 22 ∗ 4.1.28 COLOR 6 CHANNEL = 9 22 3 4 CHAPTER 1. LIST OF TOPICS ∗ 4.1.29 COLOR 7 CHANNEL = 10 22 ∗ 4.1.30 COLOR 8 CHANNEL = 11 22 ∗ 4.1.31 COLOR CMYK = 7 22 ∗ 4.1.32 COLOR GRAY = 1 22 ∗ 4.1.33 COLOR Lab = 5 22 ∗ 4.1.34 COLOR NAMED = 12 23 ∗ 4.1.35 COLOR RGB = 2 23 ∗ 4.1.36 COLOR XYZ = 3 23 ∗ 4.1.37 COLOR Yxy = 4 23 ∗ 4.1.38 MAX COLOR CHANNELS = 8 23 { 4.2.1 class WindowsICMEnumMBS 24 ∗ 4.2.3 Attributes0 as Integer 24 ∗ 4.2.4 Attributes1 as Integer 24 ∗ 4.2.5 Classs as Integer 25 ∗ 4.2.6 CMMType as Integer 25 ∗ 4.2.7 ConnectionSpace as Integer 26 ∗ 4.2.8 Creator as Integer 26 ∗ 4.2.9 DataColorSpace as Integer 26 ∗ 4.2.10 DeviceClass as Integer 26 ∗ 4.2.11 DeviceName as String 27 ∗ 4.2.12 DitheringMode as Integer 27 ∗ 4.2.13 Fields as Integer 27 ∗ 4.2.14 Manufacturer as Integer 28 ∗ 4.2.15 MediaType as Integer 28 ∗ 4.2.16 Model as Integer 28 ∗ 4.2.17 Platform as Integer 28 ∗ 4.2.18 ProfileFlags as Integer 29 ∗ 4.2.19 RenderingIntent as Integer 29 ∗ 4.2.20 ResolutionX as Integer 29 ∗ 4.2.21 ResolutionY as Integer 30 ∗ 4.2.22 Signature as Integer 30 ∗ 4.2.24 ATTRIB MATTE = 2 30 ∗ 4.2.25 ATTRIB TRANSPARENCY = 1 30 ∗ 4.2.26 CLASS ABSTRACT = & h61627374 30 ∗ 4.2.27 CLASS CAMP = & h6C616D70 30 ∗ 4.2.28 CLASS COLORSPACE = & h73706163 31 ∗ 4.2.29 CLASS GMMP = & h676D6D70 31 ∗ 4.2.30 CLASS LINK = & h6C696E6B 31 ∗ 4.2.31 CLASS MONITOR = & h6D6E7472 31 ∗ 4.2.32 CLASS NAMED = & h6E6D636C 31 ∗ 4.2.33 CLASS PRINTER = & h70727472 31 5 ∗ 4.2.34 CLASS SCANNER = & h73636E72 31 ∗ 4.2.35 ET ATTRIBUTES = & h02000 31 ∗ 4.2.36 ET CLASS = & h00020 32 ∗ 4.2.37 ET CMMTYPE = & h00010 32 ∗ 4.2.38 ET CONNECTIONSPACE = & h00080 32 ∗ 4.2.39 ET CREATOR = & h08000 32 ∗ 4.2.40 ET DATACOLORSPACE = & h00040 32 ∗ 4.2.41 ET DEVICECLASS = & h10000 32 ∗ 4.2.42 ET DEVICENAME = & h00001 32 ∗ 4.2.43 ET DITHERMODE = & h00004 32 ∗ 4.2.44 ET MANUFACTURER = & h00800 33 ∗ 4.2.45 ET MEDIATYPE = & h00002 33 ∗ 4.2.46 ET MODEL = & h01000 33 ∗ 4.2.47 ET PLATFORM = & h00200 33 ∗ 4.2.48 ET PROFILEFLAGS = & h00400 33 ∗ 4.2.49 ET RENDERINGINTENT = & h04000 33 ∗ 4.2.50 ET RESOLUTION = & h00008 33 ∗ 4.2.51 ET SIGNATURE = & h00100 33 ∗ 4.2.52 FLAG DEPENDENTONDATA = 2 34 ∗ 4.2.53 FLAG EMBEDDEDPROFILE = 1 34 ∗ 4.2.54 FLAG ENABLE CHROMATIC ADAPTATION = & h02000000 34 ∗ 4.2.55 SigMacintosh = & h4150504C 34 ∗ 4.2.56 SigMicrosoft = & h4D534654 34 ∗ 4.2.57 SigSGI = & h53474920 34 ∗ 4.2.58 SigSolaris = & h53554E57 34 ∗ 4.2.59 SigTaligent = & h54474E54 35 ∗ 4.2.60 SPACE Lab = & h4C616220 35 ∗ 4.2.61 SPACE XYZ = & h58595A20 35 { 4.3.1 class WindowsICMLogColorSpaceMBS 36 ∗ 4.3.3 CSType as Integer 36 ∗ 4.3.4 EndpointsBX as Integer 37 ∗ 4.3.5 EndpointsBY as Integer 37 ∗ 4.3.6 EndpointsBZ as Integer 37 ∗ 4.3.7 EndpointsGX as Integer 37 ∗ 4.3.8 EndpointsGY as Integer 37 ∗ 4.3.9 EndpointsGZ as Integer 38 ∗ 4.3.10 EndpointsRX as Integer 38 ∗ 4.3.11 EndpointsRY as Integer 38 ∗ 4.3.12 EndpointsRZ as Integer 38 ∗ 4.3.13 Filename as String 38 ∗ 4.3.14 GammaBlue as Double 39 6 CHAPTER 1. LIST OF TOPICS ∗ 4.3.15 GammaGreen as Double 39 ∗ 4.3.16 GammaRed as Double 39 ∗ 4.3.17 Intent as Integer 39 ∗ 4.3.19 INTENT ABSOLUTE COLORIMETRIC = 3 40 ∗ 4.3.20 INTENT PERCEPTUAL = 0 40 ∗ 4.3.21 INTENT RELATIVE COLORIMETRIC = 1 40 ∗ 4.3.22 INTENT SATURATION = 2 40 ∗ 4.3.23 LCS CALIBRATED RGB = 0 40 ∗ 4.3.24 LCS sRGB = & h73524742 40 ∗ 4.3.25 LCS WINDOWS COLOR SPACE = & h57696E20 41 { 4.4.1 module WindowsICMModuleMBS 42 ∗ 4.4.3 AssociateColorProfileWithDevice(ProfileName as string, DeviceName as string) as boolean 42 ∗ 4.4.4 DisassociateColorProfileFromDevice(ProfileName as string, DeviceName as string) as boolean 43 ∗ 4.4.5 EnumColorProfiles(criterias as WindowsICMEnumMBS) as string() 43 ∗ 4.4.6 GetColorDirectory as folderitem 45 ∗ 4.4.7 GetStandardColorSpaceProfile(ProfileID as Integer) as string 45 ∗ 4.4.8 InstallColorProfile(file as folderitem) as boolean 46 ∗ 4.4.9 RegisterCMM(cmmID as Integer, file as folderitem) as boolean 46 ∗ 4.4.10 SelectCMM(cmmID as Integer) as boolean 46 ∗ 4.4.11 SetStandardColorSpaceProfile(ProfileID as Integer, ProfileName as folderitem) as boolean 47 ∗ 4.4.12 UninstallColorProfile(ProfileName as string, DeleteFile as boolean = true) as boolean 48 ∗ 4.4.13 UnregisterCMM(cmmID as Integer) as boolean 48 ∗ 4.4.15 CMM DESCRIPTION = 5 48 ∗ 4.4.16 CMM DLL VERSION = 3 48 ∗ 4.4.17 CMM DRIVER VERSION = 2 49 ∗ 4.4.18 CMM IDENT = 1 49 ∗ 4.4.19 CMM LOGOICON = 6 49 ∗ 4.4.20 CMM VERSION = 4 49 ∗ 4.4.21 CMM WIN VERSION = 0 49 ∗ 4.4.22 LCS sRGB = & h73524742 49 ∗ 4.4.23 LCS WINDOWS COLOR SPACE = & h57696E20 49 { 4.5.1 class WindowsICMNamedProfileInfoMBS 51 ∗ 4.5.3 Count as Integer 51 ∗ 4.5.4 CountDevCoordinates as Integer 51 ∗ 4.5.5 Flags as Integer 51 ∗ 4.5.6 Prefix as String 51 ∗ 4.5.7 Suffix as String 52 { 4.6.1 class WindowsICMProfileHeaderMBS 53 7 ∗ 4.6.3 Attributes0 as Integer 53 ∗ 4.6.4 Attributes1 as Integer 53 ∗ 4.6.5 Classs as Integer 53 ∗ 4.6.6 CMMType as Integer 54 ∗ 4.6.7 ConnectionSpace as Integer 54 ∗ 4.6.8 Creator as Integer 55 ∗ 4.6.9 DataColorSpace as Integer 55 ∗ 4.6.10 DateTime0 as Integer 56 ∗ 4.6.11 DateTime1 as Integer 57 ∗ 4.6.12 DateTime2 as Integer 57 ∗ 4.6.13 IlluminantX as Integer 57 ∗ 4.6.14 IlluminantY as Integer 57 ∗ 4.6.15 IlluminantZ as Integer 57 ∗ 4.6.16 Manufacturer as Integer 57 ∗ 4.6.17 Model as Integer 58 ∗ 4.6.18 Platform as Integer 58 ∗ 4.6.19 ProfileFlags as Integer 58 ∗ 4.6.20 RenderingIntent as Integer 59 ∗ 4.6.21 Signature as Integer 59 ∗ 4.6.22 Version as Integer 59 ∗ 4.6.24 ATTRIB MATTE = 2 60 ∗ 4.6.25 ATTRIB TRANSPARENCY = 1 60 ∗ 4.6.26 CLASS ABSTRACT = & h61627374 60 ∗ 4.6.27 CLASS CAMP = & h6C616D70 60 ∗ 4.6.28 CLASS COLORSPACE = & h73706163 61 ∗ 4.6.29 CLASS GMMP = & h676D6D70 61 ∗ 4.6.30 CLASS LINK = & h6C696E6B 61 ∗ 4.6.31 CLASS MONITOR = & h6D6E7472 61 ∗ 4.6.32 CLASS NAMED = & h6E6D636C 61 ∗ 4.6.33 CLASS PRINTER = & h70727472 61 ∗ 4.6.34 CLASS SCANNER = & h73636E72 61 ∗ 4.6.35 FLAG DEPENDENTONDATA = 2 62 ∗ 4.6.36 FLAG EMBEDDEDPROFILE = 1 62 ∗ 4.6.37 FLAG ENABLE CHROMATIC ADAPTATION = & h02000000 62 ∗ 4.6.38 SPACE 2 CHANNEL = & h32434C52 62 ∗ 4.6.39 SPACE 3 CHANNEL = & h33434C52 62 ∗ 4.6.40 SPACE 4 CHANNEL = & h34434C52 62 ∗ 4.6.41 SPACE 5 CHANNEL = & h35434C52 62 ∗ 4.6.42 SPACE 6 CHANNEL = & h36434C52 63 ∗ 4.6.43 SPACE 7 CHANNEL = & h37434C52 63 ∗ 4.6.44 SPACE 8 CHANNEL = & h38434C52 63 ∗ 4.6.45 SPACE CMY = & h434D5920 63 8 CHAPTER 1. LIST OF TOPICS ∗ 4.6.46 SPACE CMYK = & h434D594B 63 ∗ 4.6.47 SPACE GRAY = & h47524159 63 ∗ 4.6.48 SPACE HLS = & h484C5320 63 ∗ 4.6.49 SPACE HSV = & h48535620 64 ∗ 4.6.50 SPACE Lab = & h4C616220 64 ∗ 4.6.51 SPACE Luv = & h4C757620 64 ∗ 4.6.52 SPACE RGB = & h52474220 64 ∗ 4.6.53 SPACE XYZ = & h58595A20 64 ∗ 4.6.54 SPACE YCbCr = & h59436272 64 ∗ 4.6.55 SPACE Yxy = & h59787920 64 { 4.7.1 class WindowsICMProfileMBS 65 ∗ 4.7.3 ConvertColorNameToIndex(name as string) as Integer 65 ∗ 4.7.4 ConvertIndexToColorName(index as Integer) as string 65 ∗ 4.7.5 CountColorProfileElements as Integer 65 ∗ 4.7.6 CreateIccProfile(options as Integer = 0) as WindowsICMProfileMBS 66 ∗ 4.7.7 GetColorProfileElement(tag as Integer) as string 66 ∗ 4.7.8 GetColorProfileElementTag(index as Integer) as Integer 67 ∗ 4.7.9 GetNamedProfileInfo as WindowsICMNamedProfileInfoMBS 68 ∗ 4.7.10 GetProfileData as string 68 ∗ 4.7.11 IsColorProfileTagPresent(tag as Integer) as boolean 68 ∗ 4.7.12 IsValid as boolean 69 ∗ 4.7.13 OpenProfileData(data as string, DesiredAccess as Integer) as WindowsICMProfileMBS 69 ∗ 4.7.14 OpenProfileFile(file as folderitem, DesiredAccess as Integer, ShareMode as Integer, CreationMode as Integer) as WindowsICMProfileMBS 70 ∗ 4.7.15 OpenProfilePath(path as string, DesiredAccess as Integer, ShareMode as Integer, Cre- ationMode as Integer) as WindowsICMProfileMBS 71 ∗ 4.7.16 SetColorProfileHeader(header as WindowsICMProfileHeaderMBS) as boolean 73 ∗ 4.7.18 ColorProfileHeader as WindowsICMProfileHeaderMBS 74 ∗ 4.7.19 Handle as Integer 74 ∗ 4.7.21 CREATE ALWAYS = 2 74 ∗ 4.7.22 CREATE NEW = 1 75 ∗ 4.7.23 FILE SHARE READ = 1 75 ∗ 4.7.24 FILE SHARE WRITE = 2 75 ∗ 4.7.25 OPEN ALWAYS = 4 75 ∗ 4.7.26 OPEN EXISTING = 3 75 ∗ 4.7.27 PROFILE READ = 1 75 ∗ 4.7.28 PROFILE READWRITE = 2 75 ∗ 4.7.29 TRUNCATE EXISTING = 5 76 ∗ 4.7.30 WCS DEFAULT = 0 76 ∗ 4.7.31 WCS ICCONLY = & h00010000 76 { 4.8.1 class WindowsICMSetupMBS 77 9 ∗ 4.8.3 Setup as boolean 77 ∗ 4.8.5 DisplayName as String 77 ∗ 4.8.6 Flags as Integer 77 ∗ 4.8.7 MonitorProfile as String 78 ∗ 4.8.8 Parent as Window 78 ∗ 4.8.9 PrinterName as String 78 ∗ 4.8.10 PrinterProfile as String
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