Page B-8 THE PRESS Sunday, July 9, 196F Apartments for Rent utomobilet for 200 Automobiles fer Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 An. obiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles (Furnished) 120 for Sale 200 Get in on the Giant "Gift Time Jubilee" $69.50 Month » Bedroom REIMAN Large Clean Rooms HUNT RAMBLER '"'DEAL'" 2 Chilcfren Welcome WIN A NEW Near School ana Bus RIGHT WE RE ROLLING RAMBLERS DA 4-2553 Used Cars OUR LOW OVERHEAD if DELUXE <* $74.50 $89.50 * * * * * SAVES YOU MONEY CAVE $3O(I00 1 AND 2 BEDROOMS FURNISHED - UNFURNISHED '57 PONTIAC DRIVE 3 MILES *^A% * B %*WW SPACIOUS LUXURY PRESTIGE Station Wagon Near College, Schools 1961 DODGE Shopping arM Golf Course 9 passenger model. Radio, ROYAL YUKON APIS. heater, hydramatic. Real AND STILL GET THE HIGHEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE IA820 YUKON AVE. at (Between Crenshaw and Prarle) nice. BEST AFTER-SALES SERVICE Room and Boa.d 125 $1195 And No High Pressure Selling at GENTLEMAN, home cooked meals, lunches packed. 1104 W. 209th. '57 CHEVROLET Rentals. Miscellaneous 131 Bel-Air Convertible IB? a GARAGES. M A MONTH FOR CAR Radio, heater, automatic. OR STORAGE. Big Dodge Center" Special this week. 1930 ARLINGTON AVE. Hunt "RAMBLER" Sales WARE'HOUSE space tor~ rent"iioo sq. ft. downtown area. FA 1-0930. If you own a '57, '58 or' 59 car, any make or model, you're eli­ $1295 402-500 WEST Open Sundays Wanted to Rent 133 gible to enter the Gift Time Jubilee! All you have to do is come WILMINGTON tE 5-6646 PERMANENT, RELIABLE TENANTS '60 PONTIAC ANAHEIM ST. TE 5-6648 SEEKING HOMES AND APART­ MENTS IMMEDIATELY. PLEASE in and register and you may win yourself a brand new 1961 Bonneville Vista Hardtop CALL KEELF.Y REALTY, OS 5- ex­ 3907. FREE SERVICE TO LAND­ Sedan. Full power, a LORDS. tras. SAVfc SAVE SAVE DODGE $3195 1961 EXECUTIVE CAR* NOW AVAILABLE All colors and i>»dels to «hc% * '60 CORVAIR Low financing on low bank tt^v After-sal* service tops Tom Roady - Dodge 4 Door Sedan Standard trans. Hurry! Big Dodge Center $1695 CLEARANCE '61 Ford Reduction Serving Gardena, Torrance, Lomita, Lawndale FULL PRICE ALL '61 MODELS MUST GO TO MAKE DA 1-5511 16611 S. Vermont, '59 PONTIAC Gardena DA 3-9911 '53 Buick 2 Door Hardtop ................. $299 Catalina 4 Door READY FOR THE '62 MODELS Radio, heater, hydramatic '55 De Soto ................. ....$399 ALL NAUGAHYDE '55 Ford Country Squirt ........................ $399 Living room group. Couch, chair, '61 FALCON 1 plaitle top xtep table*, cocktail STATION WAGON CLEARANCE $1995 '55 Buick ......................:...... $399 table, 1 decorator lamps & shades, S choice of colors. '54 Buiclt . ........................................... $299 FULL PRICE '57 CHEVROLET f57 FORD Special '59 Ford, Auto, p.$. ................................$1.399 $1775 2 Door "6" stick. Blue finish. A real 2 Door. Power steering and brakes. '58 Chev. Sta. Wgn. Start. ....................$1099 FRIENDLY FURNITURE, 3M7 fine wagon. '58 Chev. '60 Opel Coupe, New '61 Ford Goloxie TORRANCE BLVD., TORRANCE. Beautiful green and white finish. 30 mi. gal. ..................$ 1199 Hardtop Stviinq Open week day* 9-9 p.m., Tuesday A Bel-Air 4 Door Hard­ '58 Chev. Panel ...:............... $799 and Saturday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Sun­ $899 days 12 a.m.-5 p.m. $125 Dn., $54 Mo. top. Radio, heater, au­ '60 Buick Le Sabre 4 Dr. H.T. .............$2699 tomatic, power steer­ '2295 FA 8-0930 '60 Impala Coupe. Stick ............ .... Fully Factory Equipped ing. $2399 Hub Torrance '54 CHEVROLET '56 PLYMOUTH '60 Corvair Deluxe .... ...... ..,.............$1899 New '61 Thunderbird I '59 No Down Payment Station Wagon. Auto trans. Just like 2 Door Wagon. Brand new engine. Bel Air Coupe. Auto. ....................$1499 51295 '58 Buick Used, Repossessed, Large Selection new. Beautiful green finish. Leather interior, an excellent family car. 2 Dr. Riv. P.S............. ........$ 1299 Four rooms tacludes large guar­ '56 Olds '3995 anteed refrigerator and gas range, 2 Dr. Coupe. P.S.........................$899 Fully Factory Equipped living room with tables and lamps, $50 Dn., $32 Mo. '57 PONTIAC bedoom with mattress and box $44 Dn.. $44 Mo. '59 Buick Electra 2 Dr. Riv. ..................$1999 springs. 5-pc. Super Chief 4-Dr. Hdfp. dinette, many extras. E '59 El Camino 8. Stick ..........................$1699 New '61 Ford Pickup Second bedroom evellable. Priced Radio, heater, hydramatic for quick sale. $299.95, (3.75 wk. '59 FORD STICK SHIFT 6-CYL. HUB, 23855 Hawthorne Blvd. (Near '57 Buick Super Riviera ......^..................$ 1199 Pacific Coast Hwy., Torrance. $99 DOWN, $41 MONTH '60 Buick 2 Dr. Riviera ..........................$2699 Open Eves, 'tit 9 '899 $1195 '1695 '58 Ford 2Dr. H.T. P.S. ..................... $1199 Fully + HUB TORRANCE * '56 CHEVROLET 2-DOQR STICK Factory Equipped MANAGERS SPECIAL CLOSE OUT '56 BUICK Only 3 groups available. 4 rooms $99 DOWN, $37 MONTH ................ ......... model home furniture, like new. 5799 2-Door Hardtop BUTLER BUICK Includes family size refrigerator, 400 SOUTH SEPULVEDA BLVD. FRontier 4 8964 USED CAR CLOSE-OUT full size gas range, B PC. bronze '56 STUDEBAKER 2-DOOR HARDTOP, STICK Full power. As is special. tone dinefe, 10 PC. living room, MANHATTAN BEACH, CALIF. SPring 2-1431 R PC. bedroom, Including mattress V-8, Overdrive $99 DOWN, $32 MONTH ..... '699 All Prices Slashed to Save You $ $ $ «nd box springs. Tables, lamps, $595 Easy to Reach Open 7 Days Til 9 P. M. pictures, dishes, and many extra*. taOO value, your price »<«$. NO Authorized International Scout Dealer CHECK THESE DOWN PAYMENT, J4.50 wk. Your credit Is good here. HUB-TOR- See the New RANCE, 23855 Hawthorne Blvd. at '59 FORDS, low as ......................;...«. ..? ;; ^ I$995 Pacific Cst. Hwy. SAV-ON '61 TEMPEST Open eves 'til 9. CARS NO. 1 S to choo»t from SP 2-2823 2605 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY FR 4-8917 SPORT COUPE Appliances 142 All leather interior, buck­ JULY HERMOSA BEACH et seats, all wool pile This Week's Special: tffrtl North of Redondo Beach Blvd. on Pacific Coaif Highway carpeting. '58 THUNDERBIRD '2295 As Low as $2113 Blue and White. Spotless throughout full power. RCA Whirlpool ?et«, Poultry ft Supply 1S7 SALES "ROUND-UP S-A-L-E ON 1/2 TO $64 Month* Refrigerators POODLES TINY TOYS, tllver fe­ 2-TON male*, wholesome. Alto white male. Low GMAC Termi '60 VALIANT ......_...............$! 599 FREE Ice Maker AKC. DA 3-7991. '53 CHEVROLET AND FORD TRUCKS! OERAAAN Shepherd puppies (6 wkT STAKES, FLAT BEDS, DUMPS '57 CHEVROLET Va PANEL....'...__. $395 old) AKC rtg. $50 each. (4 avail­ '58 CHEVROLET FRANK Rard to find model our n goes Torrance Plumbing able.) IMPALA COUPS C3QK Down SAVE 7420 W. 237th PI., Torrance. 1418 Marcel'ma A vs. Red and white top.................... 0O«Jv BILLS HARD TO PAY Sell things '57 CADLILLAC '59 FORDS, low as .......................L___.'..$999 FA 8-4444 FA 8-2654 you're ttiroweti with through Tor- FLEETWOOD SEDAN COOC Down ON ranee Pre«» WANT ADS for cash Air conditioning ................. REIMAN '58 EDSEL CITATION HARDTOP '59 FORD family size, frost free refrigerator. Full MOOD WAGON ..., ,... $1449 Miscellaneous Wanted 175 Pontiac Center Deluxe model has large Bottfem Air conditioning, full power. ...... $1195 Price freezer. Just like new, you can '60 METROPOLITAN HARDTOP FURNITURE, $1095 Fu" 412 W. Anaheim and '57 FORD VICTORIA _.;__..__... $699 have for balance I owe bank $211.64 TOOLS, MISC. Radio and heater, or take over payment jni a month. ANY AMOUNT whitfwalls ... Price Wilmington Nolhlna for my equity. No cash DA 4-ISM '59 CHEVROLET V-8 PARKWOOD Full ON '55 MERCURY HARDTOP ...__.........$499 needed. Still hat guarantee. De­ WAGON, power steering, 2-tone .. TE 5-9933 livered free. 141K i. Vermont. Automobile* Wanted 191 $1995 Price '600 '58 FIAT CONVERTIBLE Open Eve* and Sundays DA 4-IW4. $495 Fu" With Comets Low mileage ..... Normal Down Many, Many MANY to Choose From CENERAL BLECTKfC AUTOMATIC Immediate ...... Price WASHER. Deluxe with filter flow. '60 FALCON 2 DOOR DELUXE Down Water saver, and all extras. Mov­ Radio, Heater .................... $295 Demonstrators and Executive Cars ing, must sacrifice. Can have for '51 WE BANK TERMS balance I owe bank SI26.I4 or $195 Fu" Available, to Qualified Buyers take over payments M.30 a month CHEVROLET .................... Price Nothing for my eflulfy, no cash '55 T-BIRD. p.i., auto, R&H, 4-way needed. Delivered free. Still hat CASH seat. Black FINANCE guarantee. 141U S Vermont. '59 FORD STATION WAGON. Auto., C MQK Fu " DA 4-M94 heater, all white. Lpw mileage. Sacrifice V ' IWU Prie- ANYONE BACON FORD "WELLBMl?7' gas ringr Perfect! wlth w.w. tires, new engine. MERCURY COMET - LINCOLN CONTINENTAL White and chrome. Has rotisserit NOTHING DOWN ON APPROVED CREDIT Get a reliable car. We don't care 11 Acres of Cars at and grill. Glass oven doors. Cost If you can't have credit elsewhere, t?30, for quick sale S4S. Purchaser POft YOUR CLIAN CAM our credit terms are available to 1100 Pacific Coast Highway to Pick UP. DA 60M5. anyone who has a steady lob and 1850 S. Pacific Ave. 7l C UB 1C "FOOT Se7ve'l~IRuns~«iood", good character. San Pedro TE 3-3577 Hermosa Beach FR 4-8997 looks good. After 5 30 p.m. call Walnut Motors KAZAN MOTORS FA B-7104 2084 TORRANCE BLVD. 15019 S. Western, Go rd en a DA 4-9913 Try Us California's "Easiest Trading Dealer" Arny Kazan, Owner and Oo^ralor Same location Sewing Machines " FA 8-<5212 for 15 Years We do everything we say we will. " Open Sundays ISO In addition, we have the finest, and Evenings > _ . _ cleanest, cars In Southern Call* REPOSSESSED fornla .
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