VUE8DAY, AUGUST 11, IM S IWSLW ggrotog ggraU> Average 6aily Circulation For the Meath of July, 1942 The Weather Forecast of U. S. Weather Bureau Emergency Doetow Need Persons [ Questionnaires Mailed Today Blood Quota LET AN 7,494 About Town Member of the Aodlt Dr. George Lundberg and 856— Gordon E. Thrall, 28 Spring Shghtly 'cooler tonight. , Dr. Alfred Sundqulat are the 823— :John Calve, Jr., 095 E.< OUTDOOR FIRBPLACB Barean of Ctrcnlatkms As Observers Middle Tpke. atreet Is Now Filled phyalclan* of the Manchester 857— Robert .W. Smith, M Jen­ SOLVE YOUR STAT-AT-HOME PROBLEM Medical aissoclatldn who will. 824— John Gaudino, IM Sprue* Mancheater— 'A City of Village Charm l - Lbrne Uxl** No. 73, Knight* I sen atreet 1 Specialize In Building All-Purpose Fireplae** AmA CtethU * wUl hold lU respond to emergency calls street. 825— Wllltam T. McBride, 395 868—Paul E. Flnkbeln, 113 Wal­ 'ifty Local. Residents iM»m tomoitow night *t 8 o clock In : tomorrow afternoon. Chief Weden Make* A* Barbecue G rills — AH To Meet VOL. LXI„ NO. 267 ^ (Claaalfied Advertising on Pnge 12) H*ll. Officer* for the en*u- Woodland street. nut etiee't. Almost Any Demand MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12,1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Urgent Plea for Volun­ 826— Stanley D. Bartnett, '29 859— John F. Seavey, 97 Ox­ Are Ready to Donate ford atreet Also Fine Stonewalls — Inside Flrtplae** vSrc. John Schwart* and « Herbert E. Winter, Jr., of the Haynes atreet Fluid Tomorrow, ftpckvill*. Refreshment* wiU be teers at Once. 827— Clayton J. Shook, 843 Sum-, 860— Joseph J. G. Strlmaltis, Naval Reserve*. 1* home on a short 180 Eldridge street ^'^pgipf’cd after the meeting. leave from the U. S. Naval Train­ mlt atreet. The RM Crose Mobile Uhit will Jogi0p l| C im y ** Hoaeotead Street Marines' Dress Rehearsal For Solomon Islands Attacic ing station at Great Lakes. 111. He Chief Observer Elmer Weden of 828— Valer* J.. Malnvllla, 8S7 861— Edwin A. Johnson, 145 W. Center street. me to Manchester tomorrow, British Call More Xtauld ntagarald, *on of Mr. enlisted two months ago and la \is- the Air Raid Warning service needs E. Middle Tpke. X In Care of Pasquale PonticelH — Phone 5147 itlng hi* mother, Mrs. Mary Win­ pbservers for two shifts, and in a 820—Clarence G. Maroii, 48 Clin- 862— Maurice T. Jones. 116 Can­and. fifty local residents wilt report Russians Withdraw. Bad Mr*. William L. Fltagerald. i* ter. and aunts, Mrs. Lynda- Peter­ hurry, according to his statement ton street. ter street to donate a pint of blood each for heme on a abort furlough. He 1* to 863— James B. McVeigh, ISO Um United State* Marine*. It Is son of Hamlin street and Mrs. this morning. The twelve to three 830— Daniel J, O’Oonnell, 28, Pearl street use by the armed forces. The quo­ Troops and Police the flrat Um* that he haa G eo^e McLaughlin of East Mid- and the three to'six shifU are open Griswold street. , ' *inee W* enllatment. HI* oth­ die Turn]npike. at th# present time. Alternates 831— Alfred L. Bunee, 886 Hart- 864— ^Edward K. Skrabacs, 59ta for this Blood Bank haa been er two brother*, on* In the Navy are also needed for all of the shifts ford Road. North street filled, and no more donors are But Fight end the other In the A m v . have Mr. and Mr*. G. W. Putnam, Jr. at the observation station. 832— Joseph John Sllkewskl, 885—Albert W. Hemingway, 41 needed. It waa stated thla morn­ WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY both been home on furlough*. of Piermont, N. H.. with their son Polka Cooperating Box 94, N. Mancheater P. O. Cone street ing by Mrs. Marjori* Eldredge, To Duty in India Jasper and daughters, Jean and Mr. Weden ha* made arrange­ 833— Anthony DakUo, 77 Horan 866— Burton W. Loomia, 10 executive-secretary, of the Man­ Lois, are spending a few days ments with Chief of Police Sam­ street. Deepwood Drive. chester Oiapter. COMBINATION SPECIAL AT H waa announoed today by the with Mr. and Mr*. tYallace Jones uel G. Gordon for carrying the ob- 867— Frederick A. Ristau, 35 I; Hartford RecrulUng StaU on^ the 834— John Alvin Schrenkeiaen, The four Boy Scouts who have of Phelps Road, brother-in-law .serveis to and from the station- 189 So. Main street. " Charter Oak atreet volunteered their services to the vtM ted State* Navy that the en- and sister of Mrs. Putnam. There was. however, a bit of con­ Claim Army Beatenl 835— John M. Hyde, 99 Pitkin 868— Robert E. Arnold, 300Mobile Unit .are requested to re­ Silver Mgtjuent of John A. Zlku* of M fusion as to the pickup. Those Spruce street Bbch atreet, ha* been accepted. street .. port to the American Legion Home Captain and Mrs. Hudson Lyons who are going out to thr station 836— Frank A. ScepanaW, 20 869— Enrico T. Rufinl, 1ST Birchoi\ Leonard street at noon tomor­ comes Question; Newj Price HitS '• of Passaic, N^ J-. are visiting the should call the police station time s tn e t parents of Captain Lyons,, Ser­ Golway street. row to help Mt up the.' equip­ FOSTER'S Nazis Report D estm e-: ihom a* Dannaher, former c'sfh enough in advance to allow the po­ ^ 9 —Walter Saverick, 96 Char­ Delhi Is Worst New! ^ . Reds Fall Back Ink 837— Raymond J. Dwyer, 132 ment. The blood w ill.be taken nw Plants M ay of the town court *on of Mr. Md geant Major and ^Irs: John Lyons lice to get ready. Four places ter Oak atreet tion of Bulk of Soviet of Foster street. ‘ where the pickup can be made Summit street. from 1:00 to 5:00 p. m. by a regis­ FOR FINE FOODS Trouble Spot; Calmer^ Wild Lands of Can«| fHr*. Thoma* Dannaher 871— RiibecU S. Pratt, 185 Cen­tered physician abated by regis­ PlCinS etieet who 1* now with the United were, listed by Mr. Weden. They 838— Ernest D. Sinim. Jw^ Box 84 OAKLAND STREET DIAL 7386 ter etreet. tered nurses smd nurse's aides. 62nd Army; Capture cassian Foothills ‘ Btatea Marine*, 1* home for a The regular meeting of St. are; , 88. In Bombay Now- B e Slowed 839— Norman M. Chapman. 82 872— Nietaolaa ;Lanzane, - 170 Those la duug« furlough. 0 Bridget’a First Aid club will be Magnell Drug Company on Mam Boom Forcea Treaaury of 57,000 Prisoners Germans Lnuge on held tomorrow evening at 7:30 at atreet, the police station, Plnehurst Scarborough Road. BiaMll atreet \ Fruit Juics will be given the Bombay, Aug, 12.— (/P)— 840— Gordon F. BelL 17 Roee- 873— William B. Oalvert. 58donbra before they contribute and Destroying Of Sergeant Jerry Lovett, located at the home of Mrs. Alfred Vennard. at Middle Turnpike arid the rail­ 1 Lb. The British called increasing To Diacard Program Down Now tween Black and get Shelby, 1* m Manchester on a 184 Hollister atreet. In case of road station on the square. Mr. mary Place. Chestnut atreet their pint of blood, and refrash- ib c t 874— Gerhard H. Bartel.* 10 No. 1,000 Tanks and 750 foriough. rain it will be held at the parish Weden did say, however, that per­ 843—Harry O- Warrea, 11 menta will be served them before Baby Spring Lamb Chops (49c) numbers of troops and police For 50-50 Combina­ pian Seas; New R« halL sons living, along ’ Eart Center Ridgewood street Fairfield atreet they leave^the room. Hia commit­ into action today to cope with Guns; Assert Battle War Production Board serves Rolled Ink lAwrance C. Neff, who hM bwn street could ’phone the polk* sta­ 843— Albert J. Bolevert, '81 Llnn- 875— Michael J. Orfitelll. Jr., 21tee In charge of these refresh­ 1 Lb. Lean Ground Beef (39e) spreading violence and it be­ tion for New Nickela, the past two weeks vls- Mr. and Mr*. William B. Os- tion and be picked up on the way mor* Drive. Warren atreet. ments includes Mrs. Ruth Britton, of Don Bend Ended Conaidcra Action to Battle b y Invaderi trlnsky of Bissell street have re­ came a question how long S g with hi* wife and son In out, 844— Gordon E, Pratt, 180 Tol­ 876— Russell K. Small, R. F. D.Mrs. Grace McDermott, Mrs. Wil­ Washington, Aug. 12— (/P) — ceived word from their son. Priv­ . According to Mr. Weden the 1, Glaatonbury. liam Dillon, Miss Margaret Dona­ 3 Lbf. \ martial law could be fore­ Eaae Drain on Ma- IfandhesUr, haa returned to hU land Tpke. Treaaury officials revealed today Berlin (From German ate. A. L. Ostrinsky. to the effect shifts which bother the most are 845— Frederick H. PeOg, 241 877— Jamea A. Ferrla, 290 Oakhue and Mist Mary Nevan. stalled in turbulent India. Moscow, Aug. 12.- in Chicago. that he ha* been transferred from — {IP)— teriala Now Scarce. those mentioned above and the six Summit atreet. street Donors are urged to report at Fancy Freestone Peaches (29e) that a boom in the value of ailver Broadcasts), Aug. 12. Russian troops withdrewl Augusta, Ga. to the Greenville The worst new trouble spot — '— ' ’■ lUlbert Chae* of the C h e l^ to nine in the morning, c Anyone 848—Carlton A. Frye, 90 HU- 878— John T. Spaulding, Jr., 91the Legion Home at the time I waa Hew Delhi where an official had forced them to discard a plan The destruction of the tiulk grudgingly, and still fightingl Air Baac, South Carolina. interested in signing up for the ob- (25e) WMnr Tard la visiting hi* parent*.
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